Monday, November 12, 2018

V .... directory

V8 engines ..... internal combustion

Vladimir & Estragon  ....  Waiting for Godot &
Vladimir Lenin (length nine (9))... Vladimir  Putin

Valence electrons and Valentine's Day

Vang Trial at  .. Tom Sawyer  .... Sawyer County
Vang  Trial ....... Van Gogh  code 

Vanilla flavor ice cream ....  Valentine NIL scream


VermonT  OptiC ..(VTOC)
Volume Table of Contents AND the
Quality of CONTENT
VS bullshit TV velocity  flashes
(VT geography state postal code)
(VT eye .. optical STATES of MIND )t 

Verne (Jules Verne)

Vicious circle principle .....
Catch 22 book and the
Watertown Run-around by the
community and its song & dance citizens

Rotaries / traffic circles  in Massachusetts religion
Rosaries ....
Rotaries ..... giving the run-around song and dance

Vienna Hot Dog molecules are DATA/ THOUGHT molecule carriers for 
Vienna Austria sau.SAGE / wisdom of Signal Freud ....
...............................USA . .GE = Ground Earth project of
Ge = Geology EARTH Government and its ownership of
Ge = General Electric corporation and others business entities 

and Hog Dogs
(HD --> mirror --> DH ..... Double-Helix social engineering)
with a flexible hot dog .... Frankfurter molecular  extension agent 

of the shopping mall food court .....
FOOD COURT hybrid with Austria .... Signal Freud &
Austrian- American Supreme Court Felix Frankfurter  ...
Nature's systems ..... 

the judicial  alliance of  Hot dogs with a
Sherlock Holmes BAKER STREET hot dog bun molecules,

Polish sausages with cole slaw or  boiled cabbage
Italian sausages

and Frankfurters with some s
auerkraut ....
| The Only Recipe You'll Need  --> 
southeastern  Wisconsin ..sin wave functions of

Frank's Kraut / cabbage farms
Frank's Sauer.Kraut
...rank .... Base 16 Hex'F' 15

Northeastern  Illinois  ......
atomic communication continuum,
FermiLAB   professor  HEADs .... alias .. AKA

Fermented cabbage HEAD atoms
and University of Chicago Paul Sereno and his Kraut friends

Dinosaur earth  .....
Dinosau   er -->  his DinosauerKraut  journey to North AFrica

and the nearby math city of F(ez)

Viking ..... Longboat key

Vin Circuits and their illusions  ...>
Vine of grapes electron circuits   and
Wine  people illusions of atomic, electron 
intellectual supremacy VIA nonsense

Vincent Reagan

Virginia   Constitution  of Thomas Jefferson 
Vir --> Ohm's Law of resistance to family and community  religion and bullshit and the Boston TEA party  ... school teacher PART /role in the system and their sc= sub-conscious FETUS bias  BS

VIR ..Ohm's Law of Virginia TECHPolice Officer I .....  Deriek  Crouse (DC     VIR equation) , Virginia Tech Police ...
Officer Down Memorial Page, Inc.
Dec 8, 2011 - Officer Deriek Crouse was shot and killed while making a traffic stop in the parking lot of the university's Cassell..

Virginia Tech

Virginia Tech ...
Darth Vader attack region
Da + arth...... Va + der--->
Dark earth soil Va (postal code)
Black earth soil --> Blacksburg, VA dermatology/earth geography skin

Virginia Tech ... Blacksburg

SUV ..SUper-symmetry Variables
A man inside a black   SUV  --> Black SUV ...Black Soil universal & values  and Black soil Universities  in Virginia... Blacksburg soil contaminated by human Bull-shit   and dribble thoughts  
A man inside a black   SU  
A man inside a black FSU  Valuable player ...Dirac codesa banquet hall located in the 11900 block of South Loomis Street

 hall located in the 11900 block ....

West Pullman parking lot

 hall located in the 11900 block hall located in the 11900 block
 hall located in the 11900 block
 hall located in the 11900 block  .. Pullman area   ....11 .......................11.........................11............

Virginia Tech ......
 theater performances and movies --> with

 Lucinda Roy plays Roy Rodgers with Trigger
..... the english department cover-up ....
 schemes and lies of the murder of Mr. CHO

Voltaire ...Voltage

Volusia County  ...Daytona Beach woman
Vol --> Volume Count wars with
.......  Silver Beach Avenue (genetics avenue)

VSAM attacks 

VTOC battles ..... Optical war in Vermont (VT  =  state post code used by the Emily POST ,,,,, EM field  POST office between brain st.EM radio heads and RKO picture heads in year 1935 to 2019 )
Vulcan  ...Dr.Spock ears (sulfur atom ears of
molecule)  and rubber tires
Vulva ...... vagina

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