Monday, November 12, 2018

G --> delta G o --> energy Government of the
Solar system government   at  EARTH  LAB
thermodynamics information display site  with
HOT female LAB specimens

 G. Gordon Liddy 
George Gordon Battle Liddy  ..
Geography battle ..... military agent ...

PT-symmetry, ghosts, supersymmetry and Klein-

Gordon equation

GM equations attacked in Janesville

Gabby Giffords and NASA (South America)   and 
Mark Kelly cover-up  of  the Standard Model death of detective Kelly and the destruction of Principle Quantum KLMN building Kellum Hall at FSU in Tallahassee

Gainsville florida Alligator clips

Galapagos Islands ..... Gala and Dali 

Galileo -->  leo ..... nucleotide astronomy

Galt .... Who is John Galt?

Galvanization wars 

Zinc.... galvanization
.........................z nation of
metal  war with  gavin Long
..... 6 cop, 3 killed--> copper 63 

FARMGARD 1/4 Mile 14-Gauge Galvanized Electric Fence Wire ...

Gametes and sport games... breeding grounds for human  insect/ mosquito brains 

Garden of Eden ....  Garden Fresh Foods 
Gastronomy warefare

Gates ..Robert Gates

Gauge theory ... atomic bio-physics
X-rated Puerto Rican pussy 

Gavin Long and Galvanization  ..Eugene Oregon
....... Longitudinal  Poynting vector battle with 
KH ....  Khmer Rouge CAMBODIA  bio-radio  of Baton Rouge 

Gavin Long brain ....
Longitudinal fissure and
longing and desire LINK to earth will/effort ideas of
longitude, Latitude, and altitude
Playboy center-fold picture implants
into the the male skull and its
longitudinal fissure / 2 hemispheres of thought with pussy THOUGHT CONTROL for
Gavin Long's brain  in Baton Rouge ...with
Baton twirling is a blood arteries software .... art ....
involving the manipulation of a metal rod
(or a metabolism penis rod  OR
a meta-language eye rod/cone optical language) 
and the performer's body to a ..... Individual sports · Circus skills · Twirling · Cheerleading.

Gay people explain Gay-Lassac LAW

Gaynor ...... Alfred Gaynor

Gene (brother in law) ...... --> Spectrum of Speck
Gene Cowan (Watertown agent)  and

 (NMU) hiring hall at 2335 E. 100th St
in the Jeffery Manor neighborhood...............................................or neighborhood

Richard Speck  2335 E 100 Street in Jeffery Manor
.....................................B100D ... number 100
........................................100K ...100  K data stream
Zinser at............2338 N. Second Street Milwaukee 
and  Margaret Mead uranium 235 &  238
Is = Information system
Is = isotopes and their software DATABASES 

Gene Autry

Gene Kelly
Gene Hackman

Gene Wilder 

Stephen Hawking's wives Jane Wilde  ......

astrophysics/astronomy messenger code  Wild ....

Wild type (WT) refers to the phenotype
of the typical form of a species 
as it occurs in nature. Originally, the 
wild type was conceptualized as a product of the standard "normal" allele at a locus, in contrast to that produced by a non-standard, "mutant" allele.

General Electric 

General Motors ..GM 

Generation data sets G V Loganathan

Goebbels --> Goe ---> Gravity grammar order entry

Goethe .....

Geology and geological layers

Geography War and
Geography of women

Soil    .... Dirt  ..
the geography land s-orbital surface

Geography ... black soil    battle (farm) field ....
war  casualty

George Johnstone Stoney 
George Seurat
Georgia USA and
Georgia Russia

Georgia Gibbs and Sports orbitals

Georgia O'Keeffe

Germanwings air plane
....... Cave of Altamira ..northern Spain PAIN .... Barcelona and cell biology nonsense and Germanwings Alt = Altitude

German  Wings .... chicken wings & French fries

Germination  .... pistil --> tol --> tolstoy as a sunlight
EM life form on  a humanoid  platform

Gettysburg  Address ...
Base 16 address  space .....16th President

Four score (4 DNA nucleotides) and seven years (Nitrogen bases with 7 electrons) ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty,
and dedicated to the proposition that all men
(menstruation, menopause, and mental abstract thoughts) are created equal.

Gettysburg Address .. IBM Get buffer address

Gina Lollobrigida ...Subiaco Italy
Milko Skofic  husband
Milk  oS --> IBM Os/jcl system 370 .......Italian milk proteins

    Girl equation ... Gastro-intestinal restuarant language

    Gloria Totzke

    Godel  -->  Go + del--> delusion interceptor 

    Godzilla & Monsters --> Zi (illinois) and
    George Monaster


    Goodrich tires battle ......Vulcan Building military site for vulcanization of rubber process  Watertown and the Watertown rubber tire fire


    Gold atoms created by Earth centrifugal force
    Golda Meir

    Grain mills

    Grand Unified Theory ... Grand Casa
    Grand 16 theater shooting  ..FBI cover-up
    ..... Rwigara  ... Region wig area ,,... Motel 6  

    Grape vine  and Vin electron circuit ...Concord grape battle of Tim Hack & Kelly Drew ...Concord House

    Gravestones  .... living granite rock ROC gravestones

    Gravity .......  gravity field life

    Gravity field codes at Grocery store prices
    ....  Price 99 cents .. gravity number 66 

    Green Bay Packers ..... green chlorophyll pigment

    Green's Function
    Greyhound  (data) Bus Station
    Chicago (Fortran) DO LOOP processor 

    Grocery ... grocery store clerk / James Clerk Maxwell

    Groovy word .... SLA words of Patty Hearst

    Ground  ...soil 

    Groucho Marx -->
    Grou + cho --> Ground + sugar (cho)  and the chose one of Meta Metabolism DMZ code with

    Kor -->
    Korzybski &
    Korea & David Koresh  &
    Nitrogen 7 .... 7th Day Adventist with
    William Krause family ..
    ...............K + ra--> K-channel radio users
     of  Boston Irish neuroscienc schemes 

     of Attorney General  RFK ..... alias
    RFK --> (Bio) Radio  Frequency (freaks) K of
    Microbe life
    .......robert F Kennedy and Boston insect brain people

    Gyatso ...--> see Tenzin Gyatso and TSO thermodynamics violations by
    Buddhist arrogance and violations
    of Botany tree laws...

    Gyros sandwich ........

    Supramarginal gyrus ..gestalt closure -->  us  --> os 

    Supramarginal gyros --> gryos   sandwich 

    Gulag Archipelago -

    The Gulag Archipelago -

    The Gulag     chip    ............ electron THOUGHT chips

     the vast system of prisons and  (pregnancy)  labor camps
    Sing Sing Correctional Facility is a maximum security prison
    operated by the New York State  
    Department of  Music / audio nerve .....
    brain  wave Corrections for Bull-shit song & dance brains

    Gulf of Tonkin
    Gullible Liver  ....  Gulliver  Travels

    GUT theory and Grand Unified Theory battles

    Gutenberg  and year 1435 --> 53 DNA  and
    movable type between Double-Helix 

    GV Loganathan 

    Genetics ...  bottom of list

    Lac Gene expression
    -------> Lac La Belle( Village),  Wisconsin

    -------> Lac La Belle( Lake) .................sin waves-------> Lac La Belle( Village)  ato.Mic ... Mic.higan
    Genetics City of Fond Du Lac ...
    Jane Fonda explains the
    Fond Du Lac ... Lac repressor attack on 

    Kathryn Stalbaum (genetics Town of Genesee)  &
    Tammi LaFave, 21, of Delafield -->
    De + La + field --->
    code ...  Land acres (Lac connection)

  • Gene 34 - gene wilder and jane wilde hawking worship the ground Janesville and stalbaum
  • Gene 33 - Cozy D, McNeal ... The deputy made a U......... stop ...... signal Bethesda LU Home
  • Gene 32 - gene audry musics and silve canyon ...genetics book games
  • Gene 30 - genes leo beurnette and Watertown silver 2006 evolution iron language automobile surface face
  • Gene 29 - milk lactose and lac gene battles over Pabst fams/ Delafield and Bethesda dairy frams
  • Gene 24 - gene Wilder ..Silver Streak movie and Silver lake
  • Genes 20 - Stalbaum chromosome 15 , school train educate derailment. Amino acids at Amish School
  • Genes 19 - Gene Hackman and Stalbaum visit ... arteries of Art Institute of Chicago
  • Genes 16 - Delafield and Genese news
  • Genes 13 - Robert F Kennedy Umpqua college logic and pq chromosome arms
  • Genes 12 - earth base Paie battles BP BhoPal main frame shfts
  • Genes 11 - Gavin Eugene Long explains Alton Sterling and WEST VALLEY CITY, Utah lonboards
  • Genes 10 _ Gavin Eugene Long and latitude, longitude, altitude and other related events
  • Genes 09 - Tammi LaFave and Silver Lake genetics
  • Genes 07 - p implies q arms umpqua college chromosomes
  • Genes 06 Stalbaum and Gene Wilder and James Holmes / Sherlock Holmes Baker Street
  • Genes 05- Stalbaum, Lac La Belle travis Zoellick
  • Genes 04 - Gene Autry and Gene Hackman ..genesee
  • Genes 03 - Gene Hackman movie, Tim Hack, and the genetics Town of Genesee
  • Genes 02 - genes - Town of Genesee books/movies and Bethesda Lutheran Home / Mullins Dairy

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