Lac Gene expression
-------> Lac La Belle( Village), Wisconsin
-------> Lac La Belle( Lake) .................sin waves-------> Lac La Belle( Village) ato.Mic ... Mic.higan
-------> Genetics City of Fond Du Lac ...
Jane Fonda explains the
Fond Du Lac ... Lac repressor attack on
Kathryn Stalbaum (genetics Town of Genesee) &
Tammi LaFave, 21, of Delafield -->
De + La + field --->
code ... Land acres (Lac connection)
Lac Gene expression ..... in the cityLa (Los Angeles) genetics battle zone
LAX airport biochemistry
LAC gene battles .....
Jul 5, 2018 - Dzhokhar Tsarnaev Sentenced to Death. A jury sentenced Dzhokhar Tsarnaev to deathFriday for the Boston Marathon bombing, sweeping aside pleas that he was just a "kid" who fell under the influence of his fanatical older brother. ... Boston Marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was ...
Tsarnaev Sentenced to Death
Tsarnaev Sentenced to Death
Tsa,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Death --> TSA officer receives
the FEDERAL DEATH sentence
the FEDERAL DEATH sentence
Sep 6, 2016 - LAX shooter pleads guilty, avoid death penalty. ... He first opened fire on TSA OfficerGerardo Hernandez at a document screening podium, ...
Lady Chatterly Lover and big mouth/EAR people
Lake Como ....... Printed circuits
- Lake Como Circuit 06 (Size 343) - Z51 - Paul Dirac walking and Dirac Interrupt request (IRQ)
- Lake Come Circuit 06 (size 185 ) Z51 -. green hedges as circuits patterns basic simple model
- WORK Data 579 - dirac earth electron language routes taliesin wisconsin Wright Anasazi Cliffs clifford lane Zin circuit to Africa..David Livingstone Wisconsin Dells
Lake Erie
Lake Miles and the
Pied Piper of Hamelin using music instrument reed
LINK to Hamlin electronics ......
LINK to Hamlin electronics ......
Hamlin Custom Sensors (stom ..... stomach of congress Sensenbrenner),
Reed switches & music reed witches for audio nerve brains,
Reed relays with blood RH music pulses of Syngman Rhee,
Reed switches & music reed witches for audio nerve brains,
Reed relays with blood RH music pulses of Syngman Rhee,
Sensor products
Lake Okeechobee
- WORK BOOK ... Book of the Dead ..... the modern version of the coffin DATABASE cycle ... Sinai Yassar Arafat Lake Okeechobee James Rollins is a pen name of James Paul Czajkowski Jeremy Wand Time buffer Timbuktu IMS field name zz Schrodinger dirac dead alive buckingham Fountain fountainhead georgia o'keeffe
- Farm 60 - Rice lake, black farm soil, dirac matrices, Nature's version of DATCP TC (Tele-Communications Portocol)
- Farm 39 - Botany green Pigment with kathy Perry ..Lake Okeechobee
- Food 67 - hcl and hillary and wronskian equations
- Data 670 - gibbs dirac foumnstian head and lake okeechobee and fountain of youth
- Data 610 - lake okeechobee pulse
Frequently Asked Questions about the
Rosicrucian information PUMP ... PUMP machine
above that rises up ... underground data rose up Orderto a visible level of consciousness
- Data 444 - monica sky and ionsphere and worrmghole dotrac ..bethesda earth federal governemnt
Lake Superior
Land of Oz (oz -- Ounce of cheese)
Lance Armstrong
LAND --> DNA L --> Language with Z DNA
... DNA letter mirrors
... DNA letter mirrors
LAND casualties.....
Geography ... black soil battle (farm) field ....
war casualty
Geography ... black soil battle (farm) field ....
war casualty
- He was in Tae Kwon Do at Five Star Martial Artsand was a red belt where he had the goal of
becoming a black belt.
Sam (Uncle Sam agent) also loved hunting,fishing and anything that included his family and the outdoors. - The Cotton Belt region in dark red, .
The Cotton Belt is a region of the Southern United States where cotton was the predominant ... The demand by European Americans for land to develop for upland cotton drove ... became known as the Black Belt
for the fertility of the soil and later the high ...
Land .... atomic
....................mic michael
...............atomic Land/soil .... s-orbital at
berry road /west Road, watertown
Slain Nevada teacher Michael Landsberry
hailed in year 2013 -
Mike Wierhert(z) electric pole on LAND
and the
and the
by M Göckeler - 1998 - Cited by 80 - Related articles
May 11, 1998 - A detailed study of the relation between bare and renormalized quantities reveals that the Landau pole lies in a region of parameter space ...
Land Lev --> Land Levels with Lev Landau ....
above ground ..... and below ground coffins codes
Landau and Feynmanabove ground ..... and below ground coffins codes
- Data 355 - Feynaman, dirac, cassius clay schrodinger
- Dirac dirt acres (size 404) - Z70 - Dirac 69 - Dirac acres .. dirt diecrtory ..village of I PING
- Data 632 - lev landau daughetrs
Land level formation .... EARTH atomic geological layers
- WORK Landau feynman 137 number .... Landau Pole Problem ..... The Kabbalah Method: from Diamond Reynolds Z79 03 Diamond Reynolds 03
- WORK Data 452 - levi coffin & lev landau .... dirac BlogEngine.NET/Container ... Rosicrucian ... rene margritte .coffee ee 238 FermiLAB Hirohito | emperor Hideki Yukawa
- Science 285 - Lucinda Roy poetry underground ,Landau levels Cincinnati and Mexico escape tunnel
- ZZZ59 Data 602 - hublleton e l hubbard lev landau daughter of revolution county Darth vader
- Farm 86 - corn field Ixonia ..atomic Michael Land Landberry
- XXXXX Farm 21 - Lev landau phase transition of Rod Nilsesteun
- XXXXXX DONE Science 78 - FermiLAB and Lev Landau layers of atomic land s-orbital soil
Landmark and Jim Dell
- Science Z70 - Jim Dell, Conde SD , Wisconsin Dells earth language Polish codes BMO -Harris Bank
- Farm 93 - corn and jim dell
- Farm 86 - corn field Ixonia ..atomic Michael Land Landberry ..berry road
- Farm 05 - corn kernel Linux system ..Computer earth and Jim Dell
- XXXXXX Farm 69 - Kurds battle at Cottage Grove Wisconsin ..Landmark Farm Coop and Jung Seeds / Carl Jung see data set
Locations | Landmark Services Cooperative LINK
to BEC platform
Lando, Orlando, Philando, Rolando
- Science 815 Z37 N47B part 3 the Philando casket DATABASE
- Diamond Reynolds Z79 - Diamond Reyonlds 05 - Star Wars Lando
- Science 814 Z37 N47B lando philando
- Lando and Orlando Pulse nightclub
- Event 23 - Lando and Philando
- Event 13 - Star Wars Lando .... Philando, Orlando Pulse nightclub shooting, Rolando Las Vegas
- Science 168 - Star wars lando .. battles ..Philando an Rolando
- Farm 67 - farm alnd wars ...Lando Calrissian and the soil caste system
- Event 27 - Lando and Orlando Pulse nightclub
- Event 13 - Star Wars Lando .... Philando, Orlando Pulse nightclub shooting, Rolando Las Vegas
- WORK Data 204 - organic chemistry, Hans Solo, and pulse nightclub omar mateen 29 copper military electrons on June 12 (120 volts code) atoms Hans Solo and Lando Calrissan .... Orlando shooting age 29 electron Omar Mir Seddique Mateen ... Omar Mirror que ..guebec BEC
- Science 271 - league of nations and words
- Data 414 - brain words
- Data 406 - gonads of gonzales zale diamonds
- WORK Beer Summit (size ) Z74 - Science 804 z44 group 122 beer summit .... Henry Logic Gates ..... inverness crow ...Benjamin Netanyahu -...... Carmen Ortiz ..... Michael Brown . Canfield Drive -.... Canfield Drive in Massey - Ferguson accidents, farmer heart attacks,...... Travis Zoellick, Haroon Khan .... Bush Differential Analyzer...... Umpqua college Iraqi forces enter Mosul University ....
Born in Inverness (inverse thoughts & views)
Doctor James C. "Jim" Crow
explains the human .....crowd and thought manipulation of football game crowds, etc. - ...thus human brain bio-computer SOFTWARE BUGS ..... thus the software program CARTOON implants Program = Bugs Bunny....
Sch = Sub-conscious school of Nature &
Sch = Schlesinger .....
.....................sin wave function implants into brain neuroscience ..... thus
brain software BUGS .. Doctor J.C. Crow(d) &
the question ...What's up DOC? ..... the - cartoon quest /search
- ...............question to the sub-conscious MIND to
- send UP DOC -->documents/ data explanations
to the
Wisconsin geography state people with a - Wisconsin STATE of MIND .....
.......cons --> conscious / aware/ visible explanation ... analysis process of some people - ........ thus
Chicago ....Plato & the Republic -->
Old Republic Insurance 1981 and the 20th floor data processing department manager ....
DOC and Multi-peril-crop insurance and Wayne King of - Hinsdale/ HinDU duplicate page of DuPage County .
- ...... and now year 2019 ....
the answer/ explanation surfaces VIA Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung.
- Data 413 - celestial railroad 1843 43 codeons 64 acteylcholine
- Science 224 - nation hahn explains words and Princeton universty
- Weapons: AK-47 variant; 12-gauge Winchester ...
12-gauge Winchester ...
12-gauge Winchester ...
12-gauge Win ....chester ...
carbon 12 languages
darWin carbon hydrogen esters - Data 428 - topology of mind seventh seal movie and seven bridges and seven warrfs
- Data 428 - topology of mind seventh seal movie and seven bridges and seven warrfs
- Reno 02 - hydroelectric power ... Hayakawa and Tom Sawyer Language TRIAL at Hayward
- Z50 - probate papers .... Brain waves, TV influence, Wisconsin Supreme Court
- Science 105 - Asimov Transtor, Patty Hearst SLA and Tesla SLA and translator
- Farm 85 - sun yat sen chinese language vertical ..vertical tillage frarms
- ZZZ-60 Data 463 - Light 6000, monkey theorem , iron 26 alphabet, Symboinese liberaton army
- Z57 Data 549 - corn linux and ixonia corn data field time hack kelly drew and bernie cornfield tropic capricorn
- ZZZ-65 Data 208 - language i/o port errors
- Data 462- airplane cock errors
- ZZZ-65 Data 294 - tamir rice song ... look into mirror in the city
- Food 45 - Food wars, digestive systems ... Van Gogh ..potatoes and rice wars
- XXXXXX Food 21 - Ruth Graves Wakefield and math logic explain Edgewater technology shooting
- Data 419 - ring cycle vin Handshake language
- Food 15 - chocolate chip cookies Ruth Graves Wakefield
- Food 02 - digestive system mcdonald arches (Chinese vertical)
- XXXX DONE Event 96 - eye cone battles, Burlington Vermont, East Albany 200 cone street, 32-year-old Ronnie Holmes arrested ..Language & TV eye cone wars
- Event 56 - Citgo ... Waukesha eight year sentence Agent Orange / Jerica Cotton and textile cotton langaugh
- Science 66 - Pentagon Parameters magazine approved attack at Cole Hall
- XXXXXX Science 39 - Stephen Hawking . the Hawk explains FBI Birds and Bats at Batavia ..and flying bull-shit news lexicon
- XXXXXX DONE Science 04 - Water molecule continuum Generation Data Sets, G.V. Loganathan hydrology, Whitewater, Hydroelctric
- Data 210 - ag farm organic molecule codes nitrogen neews
- Science 02 - Gay LussacLAW, Charles law, Boston CP SNOW storm, infrared, thermodynamics
- GOOD Next 356 - webster new york ..brain burnout . daninel parameter parameters.. gene autry movies sam hegel
- WORK Data 342 - news sinbad .... sin waves underground .. dirac cincinnati ..Lecho Walesa Lecho Kaczynski ..... Derailment AMTRAK 238 atomic passenger and underground railroad
- Brain neuron languages
.... neuroscience railroad maps - Next 333 - k-channel korean war Mayor Barrett age 55 Augst (8thmonth) iron 55.8 signal. Police chief jung young bloods , 38th parallel Korea Korzybski and Chicago
- Book 228B - Frankenstein book ... secret codes translated ......Leopold Bloom creates the Leopold & Loeb data generating ..... tragic signaling event of the University of Chicago sub-conscious mind .. integrity failure
- synonyms: cut, chop, hew, lop, saw;
"Stuart hacked the padlock off"hacked the padlockhacked the padlock - KHaki cotton shirt radiates
data and social science thought instructions when
a Mr. Z-axis vertical standing GIVES
the equation complete code .....
KHaki + Z standing on 2-legs ....
KHZ radio emissions or equivalent
code --> Khaki shirt --> Kh
.... neurotransmitter / bio-radio
- Linguists ......... Linguine for Ling ..Linguistics and
......guanine military molecule - Gauge theory ... atomic bio-physics
X-rated Puerto Rican pussy languageAK-47Weapons: AK-47 variant; 12-gauge Winchester ...Weapons: AK-47 variant;Weapons: AK-47 variant;Weapons: AK-47 variant;Weapons: AK-47 variant; --->Sigmund Freud Museum (Vienna) - Wikipedia
- Book 228B - Frankenstein book ... secret codes translated ......Leopold Bloom creates the Leopold & Loeb data generating ..... tragic signaling event of the University of Chicago sub-conscious mind .. integrity failure
- Invisible ...language
- Data 685 - malcolm mcgregor and rx karl marx
- Data 673 - semantics
- Etymology of the word ... · Purpose · Types · Processpost-mortem examination,post-mortem examination,post.........em ..........nation --->Post office of em-field (electromagnetic)as outlined by agent .....
- WORK Data 648 - sex life of an iron automobile
- Data 644 - sam hengel time war casualty ...Susanne K. Langer ..
Wood veneer, World War 1,
and the surface veneer of REALITY printed in newspapers
and the incomplete explanations- Data 631 - wood veneer
- So Quintessential, a 30-year firefighter (thermodynamics life),
bec (became) ...
Dump /system abend ....
(subroutine diving)
... sub-routine driver (code --> de) detective.
bec (became) ... - Data 447 - infrared and obama
Lanza ... Adam Lanza ...Z-axis wars and Z-DNA
Adam and
Bdam & Beaver dam (direct access method)
Adam and
Bdam & Beaver dam (direct access method)
Lap dancing
- ZZZ-60 Data 473 - raid storage .... lap dancing .,, laplace function with impedance
- Data 606 - oralndo florida inverted penis and lapace transform
- ZZZ-60 Data 473 - raid storage .... lap dancing .,, laplace function with impedance
Las Vegas - oxygen & gases
To see my world below
Janet Reno's reason for approving the final gas attack las vegas
Janet Reno's reason for approving the final gas attack
Janet Reno's reason for approving the final gas attack in Nairobi
Nairobi ..... Westgate shopping mall attack - Wikipedia
N air --> Nitrogen air .....
war region with human LUNG bs talk
- WORK Data 687 - las vegas gas ... flatulence .. oxygen mo;lecule 32 of Floor 32 and Max Planck 43 story Mandalay Bay .... Bayesian
- WORK Data 291 - Music..step to thhe edge floor 32 mandalay hotel event horizon
- Event 15 - Las Vegas oxygen battle 32e
- Science 263 - mouth gas ... las vegas pafddorck floor 32 oxygen nose
- ZZZ-65 Data 277 - music death lyrics Jamie's cryin , las Vegas, norberg face mirror,, Tamir rice mirror
- XXXXX Farm 57 - honey bee codes and Water100 blood honey bee software ..Disk of Gas ..Paddock Las(t) VeGas
- Food 78 - las vegas gastronomy ..... The Culinary Institute of America
- Food 70 - las vegas digewestin gas wars and umpqua digestive wars and hillary hot dogs Supreme Cout frankfurter
- XXXXX Food 51 - beoano gas FOOD wars in lass Vegas and peaches
- Food 22 - Mayo sandwich clinc and Bush's baked Beans
- Event 71 - Song lyrics and CAUSE and EFFECT ...The boy's are back in town again Been hangin' down at Dino's..... San Bernardino
- Event 15 - Las Vegas oxygen battle 32e
- WORK Data 347 - casino las vegas sino node wars ... Wisconsin ,,, Northern DeKalb (Node) Plano
- WORK Data 687 - las vegas gas ... flatulence .. oxygen mo;lecule 32 of Floor 32 and Max Planck 43 story Mandalay Bay .... Bayesian
- Data 683 - oxygen football (AMU = ammunition)
- ZZZ59 Data 643 - sba commands in newspaper boston bombing ..set buffer address in sin function continuum of Business, em waves, and toillet paper oscillations / sin waves ..Gettysburg address dynamite festival valence commands ..... ,molecule racemization race issues
Stephen Paddock .... Padd ...... Paddington train/education station
2017 Las Vegas gas/moleucle wars .... shooting - Wikipedia
Las Vegas music audience ......
,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,die /death wish
,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,die /death wish
....So I walk up on high .... floor 32 Stephan Paddock
And I step to the edgeTo see my world below
Collective Soul of
Brain memory
Harvest 91
H91 mirror H19 ...Highway 19 death
- The World I Know Lyrics
Latitude, Longitude, Altitude BIOLOGY wars
- Next 370 - l g wade.... Cincinnati .land brain waves. Ray tensing , DuBose sample space,Virginia Tech 37 Celsius thermodynamic WAR ... EARTH battle site at 37 degrees latitude coordinates 2011 Tucson GRAVITY FIELD ...war .
- Farm new post 100 - plow and earth rotation Zvi and gavin Long ..Nikola Telsa Longitudal wave genertaed by the eath daily rotation as the Rocky Mountains move sideways and push the atmosophere
- XXXXX Farm 18 - AB blood types and fonts ...... Pabst farms Holstein and Horse reality VS bedroom schemes
- WORK Data 342 - news sinbad .... sin waves underground .. dirac cincinnati ..Lecho Walesa Lecho Kaczynski ..... Derailment AMTRAK 238 atomic passenger and underground railroad
- ZZZ 59 677 - atomic number battles .... Sam Hengel latitude longitude .... blood jungbulth .... first day spring ED witten ... Mullins Troy Mil --> Trou ounce of gold ... Milwaukee golda meir
- Data 644 - sam hengel time war casualty
Laura Fermi ...Laura Bush
Lava Lamp
Cascade electronics
Law school
In the law of the United States, a deposition is the out-of-court oral testimony
Deposition (molecule social laws) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- Science 25 - bench press proteins ... laws bench law .... Trinity nuclear logical units Sothby's blood arteries
- Science 25 - bench press proteins ... laws bench law .... Trinity nuclear logical units Sothby's blood arteries
- Data 695 - harvard and maslow
Will Riker explain Law school (sc) and PBS money raising schemes
from estates and trust foundations / television
..... school (sc) ....- Data 676 - last will and testament and schopenhauer will of karl and herb
Lax airport shooting .. Los Angeles
- Science 17 - Watrertown mass boat to loongboat key and watertown wisconsin
- Data 224 - cia colletcive group mind software problems carbon moleuclar children joe stack
- Science 02 - Gay LussacLAW, Charles law, Boston CP SNOW storm, infrared, thermodynamics
- Data 688 - osama computer ......
2013 LAX shooting --> Load Address X
Leakey family .... fluids and liquids & Watergate
- XXXXX Farm 40 - Bin wars ......corn and soybean grain BINS and the binary....... with Linux corn kernel hosting system
- Data 609 - wilson meats and willson hall penis meas
- Data 514 - manila bayes theorem
Leaves ...Botany leaf CO2 Cycle
- Farm 52 - Karen Simek, iron-54 Kindergarten, Bethesda and basic DOWN to EARTH education
- Farm 39 - Botany green Pigment with kathy Perry
- Farm 25 - green leaf BOTANY messages
- Farm 15 - tree bud
- Data 201 - Penning trap ... Green's math function green bay lone start state (sun nitrogen cuycle battle nairolis
- Farm 10 - Black forest trees, lumber, Giant Sequoia tree trunk,,, data storage cylinders, Our Lady of Flowers data flow
- Farm 04 - Green Bay packers football messages
- XXXX Farm 95 - light and botany
- XXXX Farm 56 - green pigment and Green Bay Packers pigs
Lebanon Wisconsin
- WORK Data 694 - lebabnon wisconsin
- Science 214 - lebanon Wisconisn Kahil Gibran book and harry Bellows and Milwaukee iron junk yard
- DNA 18 - Tyrosine, Tamir Rice and Tyre Lebaonnon and Tire/Tyre fire by Lebannon / Watertown Wisconsin
- WORK Data 694 - lebabnon wisconsin ..sin wave link to Lebanon/ Israel and the truck bombing a temporary hotel ... 200 Marines dead under atmic 26 proton .....highway 26 President iron/Eisen .... Eisenhower equation -->
Eisen + H20 + water of the Watertown/Lebanon area town
Lech Walesa and solids
- WORK Data 342 - news sinbad .... sin waves underground .. dirac cincinnati ..Lecho Walesa Lecho Kaczynski ..... Derailment AMTRAK 238 atomic passenger and underground railroad
- Data 77 - Lech Walesa and solids ..... Bush differential amplifier
- ZZZ59 - Data 663 - echo catch the echo lech walesa solids dirac ultra cold atoms ... Wojciech Braszczok, poles shoes ..greek atomic stone columns Doric I/o ionic parthenon integration by parts living-stone mexico escape
- Z50 - Probate paper BMO Harris, Tribecca banker, Watertown, Quebec , Georgia O'Keeffe, Jim Dell , Zin and Vin earth circuits
Lee M. Silver .....Silver Lake...Silver Beach
Legal /Laws .... potassium laws on potty training
- Food 43 - chocolate chip cookie ruth graves speaks from the grave ...atomic agent ....AoTC ..Michael AoTC McDer.MOTT and MOTTS apple juice trial in Jefferson and the Welch's CONCORD grape juice murders by Ixonia Concord Hall reception & Tim Hack
- Data 693 - nipple cones and Twin peaks
- proto-elamite writing on the stone
(atomic stone proton-eliminate commands to kill/murder per
Kill + wall + skull
(11 = eleven = ll --> parallel stone wall DATABASE --> 11 expression dimensions of M-theory of
M = Murder theory of
M = Murdock publishers of ...
Mur + dock = Murder docket schedule of
Protein docking systems and platform ) - ---> geology stone/ rock atoms and electrons ...... proton data mirrors
- WORK Data 409 - secret language proto-elamite writing on the stone ---> geology stone/ rock atom / electron DATABASE ...gravity pull gravestones ..Route 29 gonzales
- Data 511 - janet reno and waco oketx b
- ZZZ-65 Data 281 - Solomon wrote ..... ..... hans solo and solomon orangic chemsitry su praire ena berg Sunni Islam Origins,
- Data 253 - Travis Air forxce approval of the murder of Travis Zoellick
Limited Free Trial
- Science 51 - news of D-line...Dinosaur battle at San Bernadino ..
- Science 45 - news codes Pink Floyd x-files Mueller
Bobby Riggs explains
- Maxwell explains brain radio wars Z51 Em20 - EM 20 - radio wars bio-radio
- WORK Data 417 - battery park ordered attack .... Manhattan Project air plane pilot plant stage Collective unconscious of a football stadium
- Science 41 - Army myoglobin protein military molecule
- The Cummins Unit,The Cummins Unit,The Cum ....... Unit ..... lethal injectiondesired by the Carl Jung GROUP MIND
penis ...... penis injection of
supreme white sperm
into pussy juice .... equation ju + ice --> system justice - Science 25 - bench press proteins ... laws bench law .... Trinity nuclear logical units Sothby's blood arteries
- Next 354 - ear people audio, alzheimer's memory DEATH Sentence, RNA molecule death sentence, sugar archo-platformist agent Mark Zuckerburg EAR people laws ....... leg/hip legal HEARING
- Next 339 - Egypt airplane disappears, - sinai sin waves wars,6 day war in 1967 nose air wars algebra set theory union , featherles bipeds, murder dockeets & Bench law,
- Data 329 - spnais language fbi janet reno carmen ortbit zibg
- Next 328 - PBS show CREATE red-headed woman creates / TV programs James Holmes , Sam Hengel atomic projection,
- Data 604 - angtsromsn ontercetor KHZ and other
- May 1, 2017 - The shooter, identified as 49-year-old Peter Selis, looked "relaxed" ... of the La Jolla Crossroads apartment complex located on Judicial Drive, ..
Timothy Hack's father, Dave Hack, explained the
Timothy hay BOTANY wars and the
Rice/ potato (Central Wisconsin) vegetable wars .....
the Vang rigged trial in Hay/ Botany conflict region
... S I Hayakawa EARTH Language and Tom Sawyer language...
Hayward Wisconsin ..... Sawyer County trial ................ S I Hayakawa EARTH Language ...
....SI --> Karen SIMEK / Garden Fresh foods death
over BOTANY vegetable gardens attacked
at Bethesda LU Homes and St, Coletta's for
feeble minded farm workers ....
..........the rigged information TRIAL and murder of
Timothy McVeigh(t) in the OOC ...OOCYTE and
Blastocyte human SOFTWARE defects /
problems of OOC ---> Oklahoma Oklahoma CityTimothy - Penn State Extension message for agent code ....
Legend of Sleepy Hollow
Leg end (data entry VIA shoes)
Leg send people --> leg legal system
Leg end (data entry VIA shoes)
Leg send people --> leg legal system
Short Stories for Alzheimer's patients:
The Legend of Sleepy Hollow by Washington Irving
Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry ..... Land .... Landmark
Lernaean Hydra & JIM Dell 500-head
The hydra possessed many heads,
Leibig Condenser --> see BMO /BEC
Lemonade ..... Zermelo ..melo --> mole --->
...................molecule axiom of choice
...................molecule axiom of choice
Leo Burt &
Leo Burnet year 1935
.... and Nero Wolfe W. 35th street ....
Leo Burnet year 1935
.... and Nero Wolfe W. 35th street ....
- XXXXXX Farm 69 - Kurds battle at Cottage Grove Wisconsin ..Landmark Farm Coop and Jung Seeds / Carl Jung see data set
- Z50 probate court ..existential states, Sterling Hall and Leo Burnett, city of electricity
- Data 622 - huey long lngitudinal fissye ....
- 1935 that their toilet paper was “Splinter-Free!” with Brand Name .....
.................dna of living words and proper nouns - Data 565 - first lady instinct to beaver dam and watertown nchovie oddone
- ZZZ-60 Data 454 - nuclotide leo burnett year 1935
Leopold and Loeb
- WORK Data 335 - Leopols loeb Jekyll and Hyde Park
- Science 81 - james Joyce and Leopold and Loeb
- Science 277 - Art Institute of Chicgao / Cecil the Lion and leopold bloom . 1040EZ Math transcental functions
- Science 206 - Leopold and Loeb 56th Street and Emmet Till 63rd Street station
- XXXXXX Farm 76 - fram iron-56 equipment links to year 1924 Leopold and Loeb VIA Archie Loeb metals
- XXXXX Food 63 - Stomach G I Joe digestive system food wars
- Food 49 - sock-eyed- salmon ..SOC system on a chip
- Science 81 - james Joyce and Leopold and Loeb
- Science 17 - Watrertown mass boat to loongboat key and watertown wisconsin
- WORK Data 335 - Leopols loeb Jekyll and Hyde Park
- Book 228B - Frankenstein book ... secret codes translated ......Leopold Bloom creates the Leopold & Loeb data generating ..... tragic signaling event of the University of Chicago sub-conscious mind .. integrity failure
Leptons ...... Lept into the sky on
Septon day of Sept 11, 2001 in the
Fermion attack on the diseased Ferrous/iron of the World Trade Center .....
contaminated by TV/radio EM nonsense waves and
contaminated by human blood iron IDIOT software
contaminated by TV/radio EM nonsense waves and
contaminated by human blood iron IDIOT software
Lethal injection ...symbolism message .....
penis injections of arrogant sperm & software into
pussy meat cause female brain death
penis injections of arrogant sperm & software into
pussy meat cause female brain death
Levi Coffin ..... Levitation of the DEAD databases
............ VIA Samuel DuBose and his Dracula software
in Cin.Cinnnati using equation Du + Bose
--> Hindu reincarnation technology of
Satyen.dra dracula Nath Bose & the BOOK of DEAD
in Cin.Cinnnati using equation Du + Bose
--> Hindu reincarnation technology of
Satyen.dra dracula Nath Bose & the BOOK of DEAD
- Food 09 - coffee ..double EE route to coffins Ixonia ..ciofee tree roots to coffin layer data Devon aveniue
- Data 615 - ray tensingg cincinnatin injection of data
- WORK Data 572 - levi coffin and cincinnati underground CIN waves , grave soil black holes, Dirac BASE 16 complement space and the Africa base 16 afterlife dr.liviingstone, gold atoms created by EARTH centrifugal force in South Africa.
- WORK Data 571 - slaves ocde--> system layers, Cinema Cin earth map and Finnegans Wake instructions start war 1939 coffin wake funeral process
- WORK Data 452 - levi coffin & lev landau .... dirac BlogEngine.NET/Container ... Rosicrucian ... rene margritte .coffee ee 238 FermiLAB Hirohito | emperor Hideki Yukawa
Levitation VIA Levi Coffin ,..... gives
..........................................fin- WORK Data 427 - crypt and coffin secrets.... cryptology .. Levi Coffin Finnegans wake edgewater
Lev Landau
- XXXXXX DONE Science 78 - FermiLAB and Lev Landau layers of atomic land s-orbital soil
- ZZZ59 Data 602 - hublleton e l hubbard lev landau daughter of revolution county Darth vader
- WORK Data 435 - columbus year 1492 uranium 92 assassination of ARCH DUKE Ferrous iron atomic metal representative Ferdinand in 1914 ....18-year-old student named Gavrilo Princip Mother Road route 66 Gravity/ Gabby
- WORK Landau feynman 137 number .... Landau Pole Problem ..... The Kabbalah Method: from Diamond Reynolds Z79 03 Diamond Reynolds 03
Lewin genetics mirror to
Lewis Dot structure
- ZZZ-60 Data 429 - Jerry lewis dot structures TV dot screens hindu dot
- Science 20 - Jerry Lewis and Lewis DOT s6tructures
- Data 304 - Lutz Lu longboat key water mol;eucle navy anchor
- He sets out with ... Detective Sergeant Lewis/ Detective Morse
He sets out with ... Detective Sergeant
Lewis Dot structures - Book 228B - Frankenstein book ... secret codes translated ......Leopold Bloom creates the Leopold & Loeb data generating ..... tragic signaling event of the University of Chicago sub-conscious mind .. integrity failure
- ZZZ-60 Data 429 - Jerry lewis dot structures TV dot screens hindu dot
- WORK Data 264 - Rudolf Carnap .. iron car data set with aldo Aldo Moro Kidnapping of Aldo Moro .....dna ping blog ping Daniel Defoe - David Balfour of Shaws in Kidnapped ..... Robert Louis Stevenson 1990s Bal Balkan Wars - Fourfold Root
Lexicon/dictionary ...Lexington crash
- Science 67 - Bethesda LU Home attacked by the PLAGUE people and math derivatives /slope
- WORK Data 255 - Pole-Americans and Comair crash Jeffery Clay and James Polehinke --> information pointers --> Polish airplane crash , Biot-Savart law . Sam Hengel troop 1054 Clayton family ...Norberg Milwaukee police ...... Jeffrey Fowle -...Zbigniew Brzezinski,...... First U. S. kindergarten ....... I-35W Bridge Collapse ..... Luther defiant at Diet of Worms .... Black Forest ..... Geopolitical Child Watching
- WORK Data 665 - dirac and bit coin coffin money
which blends standard English lexical items
and (I/O port) portmanteau words ........experimental style ....... in other wordswhich blends standard English lexical items in Lexington Kentucky brain language
and portmanteau words giving postmortemfor 49 people ...and their
- pleading guilty to two counts of murder in Lexington, Miss.,
pleading guilty to two counts of murder in Lexi --> Lexicon trial
- Data 649 - holmes and word pronunciation
- Linguists ......... Linguine for Ling ..Linguistics and
......guanine military molecule
Library .... subroutine invaders (Libyan invaders)
Liege Belgium
- Farm 85 - sun yat sen chinese language vertical ..vertical tillage frarms Liege ATTACK on Tood Callies
Light & c= 180,000 + 6,000 velocity
Light bulb ... electric Lamp & BOOK wars with
library and school FAILURES
Light bulb ... electric Lamp & BOOK wars with
library and school FAILURES
- ZZZ-60 Data 463 - Light 6000, monkey theorem , iron 26 alphabet, Symboinese liberaton army
- XXXX Farm 95 - light and botany
- ZZZ-60 Data 463 - Light 6000, monkey theorem , iron 26 alphabet, Symboinese liberaton army
- XXXXXX Farm 35 - soil of Paul Dirac
- Food 73 - milk hershey milk chocolate and the milk dump
- Food 22 - Mayo sandwich clinc and Bush's baked Beans
- Science 41 - Army myoglobin protein military molecule Laws of light
- Science 19 - Tower of Babble and sub-continent INDIA shape Light 6000 years
- Data 428 - topology of mind seventh seal movie and seven bridges and seven warrfs
- Data 337 - Cox biochemsitry ears people ...Lamp / light agent and Books .. the optical human eye wars VS
music, sports. political talks, and school supremacy dribble - Data 605 - jewsih radio hat
- Data 468 - Paige Raque and the Queen
- Z57 Data 574 - webster dictionary shooting ... Region of Convergence copper 0 to 62 address ... 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue ,,shinning path of Darwin with Feynman path integrals
Linda Tripp ---> Lin + da + tri + pp
... Line data .... traveling ....
parallel processing/ parallelpiped to Pipersvilles
Linear algebra
Linux Kernel system ...Ixonia kernel DEATH in corn data field
Lincoln ..math land of Lin.Col.n
- Science 275 - gettyburg address
- ZZZ59 Data 643 - sba commands in newspaper boston bombing ..set buffer address in sin function continuum of Business, em waves, and toillet paper oscillations / sin waves ..Gettysburg address dynamite festival valence commands ..... ,molecule racemization race issues
- ZZZ-65 Data 269 - Lincoln Emancipation proclamation .... House un ....un-consiocus activitiees violation of cons --- conscious constiution chess paul morphy Karl Marx KLM quantum
- Food 85 - Potato chip circuits and karen Simek food war casualty
- ZZZ-65 Data 269 - Lincoln Emancipation proclamation .... House un ....un-consiocus activitiees violation of cons --- conscious constiution chess paul morphy Karl Marx KLM quantum
- Data 453 - IBM bal and Poletti spin doctor code of cycles of motorcycles
Linda Tripp ---> Lin + da + tri + pp
... Line data .... traveling ....
parallel processing/ parallelpiped to Pipersvilles
- Science 20 - Jerry Lewis and Lewis DOT s6tructures
- Next 369 - hawking grand design, garvity Gabby gifffors faraday copper at San Bernadino and Faraday West (Cole Hall) , lethal injection , Nixon algebra, Standard model. Boyles Law
Linear algebra
- Event 57 - coffee equation ... Dan Brown and atomic Michael Brown ..John's Brown body
- XXXXXX Science 84 - a division of News Corpse ...Wall Street Journal
- Mullins explains Z 90 ,,,, Science 44 - new codes ..brain and new eye cone software WAR
- Next 369 - hawking grand design, garvity Gabby gifffors faraday copper at San Bernadino and Faraday West (Cole Hall) , lethal injection , Nixon algebra, Standard model. Boyles Law
- Data 363 - Boston Justice department brain waves comair ky jelly
- Data 345 - Unconscious Nelso battle of Traflgar biochemsoitry
- Eigenvalues
Lingerie /skin of Nietzche
- Science 88 - Polish square root minus one i zrow ....... Madison coma and Sun Prairie
October 10, 1964 - PABST FARM TO AUCTION HOLSTEIN HERD ... world famous herd of.
Pabst Holstein cow (Phc education level) cattle
..abstract processors for Schopenhauer WORLD/ EARTH is WILLl/ effort/ determination ....
will/dertermination/effort of Intellectual molecules be auctioned Monday at so human pussy heads and PhD social economic professors move up in the world of cowards with MOO MOO Moot court per George Orwell Animal Farm book on milk PROTEIN MACHINESOctober 10, 1964 - PABST FARM / Nature's systems
October 10, 1964 - P ABST FARM ..base 16 by highway 16
October 10, 1964 - Processor ...... ABSTRACT algbera FARM
- WORK Data 332 - Blood 38th parallel fermilab defect software Holstein
- Data 638 - news -skin walkers
Linguists ......... Linguine for Ling ..Linguistics and
......guanine military molecule
......guanine military molecule
Linus Pauling & the Linus blanket
Linux Kernel system ...Ixonia kernel DEATH in corn data field
- Farm 93 - corn and jim dell
- Farm 05 - corn kernel Linux system ..Computer earth and Jim Dell
- Science 40 - printing press problems and pregnancy codes ..Dance ... her character known as a LINUX kernel saves MOTHER EARTH host system from annililation ,,,Tim Haack & Kelly Drew
- Z57 Data 549 - corn linux and ixonia corn data field time hack kelly drew and bernie cornfield tropic capricorn
Linux ...
Cornell and Computer EARTH CMS
Corn Kernel ...Linux corn kernel HOSTING systems of
Cornell University and the Tropic of Corn / Capricorn
Cornell and Computer EARTH CMS
Corn Kernel ...Linux corn kernel HOSTING systems of
Cornell University and the Tropic of Corn / Capricorn
Lion ..Cecil the impedance dance in AFrica
- WORK Data 646 - rene margritte I-35W Bridge ... bridge/lion ....Walter Palmer cecil lion .... Palmer House art institute chicago lions
- Science 17 - Watrertown mass boat to loongboat key and watertown wisconsin
- WORK Data 646 - rene margritte I-35W Bridge ... bridge/lion ....Walter Palmer cecil lion .... Palmer House art institute chicago lions
Litmus test .... ph wars ..... Phillipine wars
- WORK Data 331 - Litmus test and Ph ..phillipine wars and Inceon korea
- ZZ70 - Sandy ho Litmua test ..age 6 amd 7 ...20 amino children
- Farm 89 - Amish school moleucle education
- Food 33 - The Origin of Graham Crackers...... The Origin of Katharine Graham ORFICE EditOR ,
- XXXXXX Science 53 - Nikola Tesla echo
- Nikola Tesla (size 275) Sister Carrier ... Z90 science 76 Diana Shore..Shore ham
- XXXX DONE Science 44 - new codes ..brain and new eye cone software WAR
- XXXXX DONE Science 03 - Water molecule continuum, Edgewater , Tsarnaev boat and Longboat Key , Zachery Zaborek
- WORK Data 375 (long insert) - Gravity - Suez six day war, Gabby giffords, jake gerard , Route 66 Richard Speck, Columbine , June 11 Execution of McVeight(t) causes execution of Sept 11 Z29 Group 25
- WORK Data 331 - Litmus test and Ph ..phillipine wars and Inceon korea ...PhiLippine equation .......
PhiL --> rotate L 180 degrees of number 7 ...
Ph 7 ...Percentage of hydrogen ....equation
PhiLi ...-->Litmus test neutral 7
PhiLippine ... neutral point PH 7 - Next 326 - Gravity war suez netw gingrigh ,Mark kelly NASA gravity Safeway store, Charles Whitman and Whitman chocollate sampler , Julius Burton and atomic Jacob collins,. c-130 Hercules plane , Feynman fermat theorem , Richard speck, columbine High school eric harris and BMO-Harris Bank school problems
- Book 228B - Frankenstein book ... secret codes translated ......Leopold Bloom creates the Leopold & Loeb data generating ..... tragic signaling event of the University of Chicago sub-conscious mind .. integrity failure
Little Egypt
Little Rock
- Science 173 - Little Rock nightclub shooting..candy rapper music codes
- Food 45 - Food wars, digestive systems ... Van Gogh ..potatoes and rice wars
- Science 14 - Boyle's law in Boston -with Susan Boyle
Liver and Hepatolgy
- DNA 50 - Liver hepatology taxi cab iron metal LINK to human iron live ..Cal Caloway
- Data 437 - Beattle music boy scout 1054 iron 54 and boyer liver software
- ZZZ-65 Data 203 - Federal government liver SOFTWARE problems Fermilab liver and livermnore
- Data 479 - geography language messages about biology
- ZZZ-65 Data 203 - Federal government liver SOFTWARE problems Fermilab liver and livermnore linear algebra Holstein & einstein
- XXXXX DONE Science 03 - Water molecule continuum, Edgewater , Tsarnaev boat and Longboat Key , Zachery Zaborek
- Liver ...Heaviside ....
Oliver Heaviside's Cover-up Method
Oliver North and Pentagon Livers- WORK Data 617 - James Clerk Maxwell .... Clerk james joyce finnegan wake cycle structure .... .coffin cycle ww2 and motorcycle cycle coffins ... Boston finish finish wakes
- Automobile iron atoms 26 alphabetHepatalogy and (iron taxi cab collects
human passenger iron
.........liver data and
....delivers data stream--> EARTH magnetic field
code ..analysis of the
co --> Country and its social fetus errors....... CAB Calloway Rh factors of
Rhythm/blood pulse- Data 512 - hep language and eye cones
Zakim and Boyer's Hepatology: A Textbook of .....Liver Disease and blood information flow -
deLiver Experts --> Za (Zachery S Zaborek) and the knife murder of Haroon Khan
and the murder of Boy Scout Sam Hengel
,,cover-up by the Federal Liver Labs in Livermore, CaliforniaZakim and Boyer's Hepatology―the defining work in hepatology―
presents comprehensive
.............................hens coverage of both basic science and cli = clitoris clinically relevant developments ...
- WORK Data 647 - dr.livingstone IP address in Africa .... and george Johnstone stoney ..stone electron eye
- WORK Data 481 - Kurt Dodel explains delusion and DR. Livingstone IP address
- WORK Data 579 - dirac earth electron language routes taliesin wisconsin Wright Anasazi Cliffs clifford lane Zin circuit to Africa..David Livingstone
- WORK Data 481 - Kurt Dodel explains delusion and DR. Livingstone IP address
- Dirac dirt acres (size 404) - Z70 - Dirac 69 - Dirac acres .. dirt diecrtory ..village of I PING
- Data 27 - devon avenue period extinction Dr.Livingstone
- ZZZ59 - Data 663 - echo catch the echo lech walesa solids dirac ultra cold atoms ... Wojciech Braszczok, poles shoes ..greek atomic stone columns Doric I/o ionic parthenon integration by parts living-stone mexico escape
- Food 09 - coffee ..double EE route to coffins Ixonia ..ciofee tree roots to coffin layer data Devon aveniue
- Evemt 79 - Tamir Rice ...... Lake Malawi. Mary Moffat Livingston .... Malarctic Quebec Canada .... Mary Anne K ...Sputnik & Spunky Moffat .. Living stone arrived along with the boat ......
.........................long...............boat ....... Longboat Key system area -----> S area --> sarasota 1960 1964 .... sarajevo year 1914.... Thus Spoke Zarathustra - ZZZ59 - Data 663 - echo catch the echo lech walesa solids dirac ultra cold atoms ... Wojciech Braszczok, poles shoes ..greek atomic stone columns Doric I/o ionic parthenon integration by parts living-stone mexico escape
- WORK Data 647 - dr.livingstone IP address in Africa .... and george Johnstone stoney ..stone electron eye Wisconsin Dells layers
- Data 615 - ray tensingg cincinnatin injection of data
- WORK Data 579 - dirac earth electron language routes taliesin wisconsin Wright Anasazi Cliffs clifford lane Zin circuit to Africa..David Livingstone
- Au ... gold created by
centrifugal force & rotation
Load library
- Food 82 - Paul Serno explains that dino suares ate rotten vegation / cabbage ..Saurerktraut The trip to Morocco unpack equipent ..load trucks load library
Locke ....John Locke
- ZZZ-65 Data 278 - Vincent van Gogh centrifugal force and John Locke blood computer 8100 DPCX logan X-men thorne poetry and information fountains
- Data 686 - news base 2 wars
- Data 645 - john lock states of nature
Locus ..root locus
- Z70 - root locus street milwaukee
- WORK Data 404 - hannah graham uv wars and Kathryn Stalbaum feedback control Ks
- Event 14 - Karen Simek / Stalbaum ... Garden of Eden with Edens expressway EARTH expression VIA Garden Fresh foods
- Data 287 ... blood pam dirac anderson n integration
near 38th and Locust | ...fermiLAB 38th parallel
Shooting on N 16TH ST / W LOCUST ST ...Base 16 hexadecimal
20-Year-Old Shot and Killed Near 57th and Locust - CBS 58
20 amino acids / 20 20 optics failure at BS social and baby overflow policy
from University of Chicago at 57th Street ...... Milk protein molecule police with copper atomic mass 63 city of electricity in Chicago south side social and law school nonsense errors
London Bridge attack .... math sequence line
L = Location 0 to n
D = Data at position 0 to n
the DAMEN Avenue .... Chicago
Fun,DAMEN.tal theorem algebra ....
straight line/avenue and the
Busy Bee restaurant on Damen by
North Avenue (90 degrees perpendicular to the
longitude North/South Pole magnetic field line)
Pole-America people + Zinser of Wisconsin
Singularities, Zeros, and Poles.
Recall that the point is called a singular point, or singularity of
the complex function f(z)
at the Earth geography surface ...
as a mathematical-physics display surface
with human action figure / human representatives
... at the CTA elevated iron railroad tracks
near the data record buffer system -->
Busy Bee (ee implies a basic, simple
Wronskian Differential equation and its 2-sided flowchart method of solution) .
Logan, Utah & Boston and the X-men
- Next 326 - Gravity war suez netw gingrigh ,Mark kelly NASA gravity Safeway store, Charles Whitman and Whitman chocollate sampler , Julius Burton and atomic Jacob collins,. c-130 Hercules plane , Feynman fermat theorem , Richard speck, columbine High school eric harris and BMO-Harris Bank school problems
- ZZZ-65 Data 278 - Vincent van Gogh centrifugal force and John Locke blood computer 8100 DPCX logan X-men thorne poetry and information fountains
- WORK Data 575 - hdyro electric and Professor loganathan hyderbad india
- Reno 02 - hydroelectric power ... Hayakawa and Tom Sawyer Language TRIAL at Hayward
- Science 90 - Mental WORD codes
- WORK Water bottle ... Watergate,.Hinckley Springs bottle , Whitewater Loganathan Water molecule continuum Generation Data Sets, G.V. Loganathan hydrology, Whitewater, Hydroelctric
- XXXXXX DONE Science 04 - Water molecule continuum Generation Data Sets, G.V. Loganathan hydrology, Whitewater, Hydroelctric
- WORK Data 375 (long insert) - Gravity - Suez six day war, Gabby giffords, jake gerard , Route 66 Richard Speck, Columbine , June 11 Execution of McVeight(t) causes execution of Sept 11 Z29 Group 25
- Next 326 - Gravity war suez netw gingrigh ,Mark kelly NASA gravity Safeway store, Charles Whitman and Whitman chocollate sampler , Julius Burton and atomic Jacob collins,. c-130 Hercules plane , Feynman fermat theorem , Richard speck, columbine High school eric harris and BMO-Harris Bank school problems
- WORK Data 575 - hdyro electric and Professor loganathan hyderbad india
Logarithms life
- Next 368 - boston botyles law Standard model , pier oddone, brain EURO dollar exchnage rates, logarithm life, university oc CHI compare halfword)
- Food 34 - Oedipus Coloneus biology language
- Next 368 - boston botyles law Standard model , pier oddone, brain EURO dollar exchnage rates, logarithm life, university oc CHI compare halfword)
- Data 592 - zz .... year 1992 thru 1995--> book 19 19 and oklahmoma city battle of fetus fet circuits
- Specialists OB/GYN and logy .... penis log + GynecologySpecialists OB/GYN bio-math sex life of logarithms and
the birth-control rhythm methodSpecialists OB --> Obi-Wan Kenobi
Logical Units and Luby's, Lutz , and Lubitz
- Event 88 - Luby's Cafteia shooting, Lutz, and the Lutheran attack on Bethesda daity farm feebele workers
- Data 74 - Waukesha coma and Police Captain LU , Nilsestuen attack on agriculture
- WORK Data 481 - Kurt Dodel explains delusion and DR. Livingstone IP address code LU --> delusions of Logical units ..either humans or LU.xury resorts, etc
- Science 244 - Lucy and Frank Zappa .. ZAP ... Zero and add Pakistan Marie database ..logan x-men
- Science 243 - Lucy skelton VS Luby cafteria, Lutz, and lutherna church codes radcal algebra
- ZZZ-60 Data 416 - lumber 2 by 4 and 24 hour clock
- Data 74 - Waukesha coma and Police Captain LU , Nilsestuen attack on agriculture
- Farm 10 - Black forest trees, lumber, Giant Sequoia tree trunk,,, data storage cylinders, Our Lady of Flowers data flow
- Food 84 - Miller Auto parts ..integration and haus dorf space Marble quarry quantum array martin luther king LU
- Farm 11 - Ground code ,, ouch / pain ...Groucho Marx and the Earth BLACK soil pain at Blacksburg Virginia ...... Ground ouch ,,,, Grouch Marx ...... You bet your Life .... gamble/ Bet at Bethesda .... Bethesda administraion and Missouri Lu ... Lutheran Synod LOST
- Food 07 - .... bethesda LU 20 cows amino frame of refernce Lutheran
- Event 68 - deeper Life shooting nigeria LUTZ.... LU Anambra bra police at O = pussy hole of Ozubulu ..Oz = Ozaukee County and Waukesha County Lu = James Lutz of the horizontal sin wave communications continuum PLATFORM that then gets vertical expressing via the Z-axis and the Z-DNA agents of Zin ..ZinJan skull upgrade and the ancient Leakey Africa language
- Event 12 - Star Wars ..Obi-wan-kenobi --. attack nairobi Kenya and wan -- Rwanada and Jermemy wand
- Event 01 - Chicago balcony collapse
- Next 350 - Maxwell Judge Maxwell motor cycle wojiech Tribeca BEC algorithms Nikola Tesla roots ... polynomila plymerase chain reaction LUBEC
- Data 343 - mole avodarodr News - Lumber LU
Brain Damage Lyrics - The Lunatic - Pink Floyd - Dark Side of the ...
Logic ... Deductions /logic and duct tape murders
and the empirical PROOF of Mr.Roof
- Science 69 - Love Canal trial .... biology wars ..Fallopian tubes ..
- Science 13 - Cicero Ill crypt / coffin of Cataline Garcia opens the Salvador Dali data set of Catalina Spain...
- Science 28- Commiuncable disease of cable TV .......
Operation ...... i F ...... math freedom .. degrees of a function
Loomis Street / string theory
London Bridge attack
LONG .... Huey Long & Gavin Long
Longitudinal Fissure of the state of Louisiania
Longboat Key & Viking Long Boat
Long, Huey
Long, Gavin
Longitudinal Wave
Looping ... Chicago LOOP calculator
Lorenzo Lamas as Reno Raines .. brain cycles..sine wave node --> z --> z node --> zode
L or ..node --> Principle quantum
Lucinda Roy plays Roy Rodgers with Trigger
..... the english department cover-up ....
schemes and lies
Lutz ..... James Lutz ..... secrets of the PD (Police Department) revealed by PD ( Paul Dirac quantum social science languages) ....
Deeper Life of Waukesha pussy.... sy
Garba Umar,
Garba Um --> Universal Mind ... war zone .....
Anambra state,
An am bra state,
An am brain states
Emeka Umeagbalasi
, Em --> EM field subroutine life on a
human bio-electronic body/brain platform
London Fog
Scotland Yard
LONG .... Huey Long & Gavin Long
Longitudinal Fissure of the state of Louisiania
- Data 622 - huey long lngitudinal fissye
- Data 517- harmonic wvaes
- WORK Data 458 - acadia quebec and acadiana Louisiana carl jung canjun cusine sin earth waves jungle warfare vatican metal cans
Longboat Key & Viking Long Boat
- Science 17 - Watrertown mass boat to loongboat key and watertown wisconsin
- Watergate .. Edgewater Z90 Science 03 - Water molecule continuum, Edgewater , Tsarnaev boat and Longboat Key , Zachery Zaborek
- XXXXX DONE Science 03 - Water molecule continuum, Edgewater , Tsarnaev boat and Longboat Key , Zachery Zaborek
- WORK Data 342 - news sinbad .... sin waves underground .. dirac cincinnati ..Lecho Walesa Lecho Kaczynski ..... Derailment AMTRAK 238 atomic passenger and underground railroad
Boston Bombing Trial... :
Boat Owner Recalls Finding Dzhokhar ...- Next 305 - michael brown age 18 fermilab longboat key omha Nairobi Obi wan Ken obi .......... Boston marathon race
and boston harbor iron boats with 26 letters alphabet attacked by the human runner 26 miles atomic number 26 - Data 690 - watertown mass boat and watertown wisconsin tsarnaev
- Data 621 - far horisons sand circuits and herb field layer --> herrbert & data fields ,,Faraday sand electrons of the Far Horizons and BIG FOOT ( Longboat Key as a
shoe / foot-print of Nature &
Thor NORSE software walks the social sciences of EARTH ..... and Longboat Key as a long Viking Boat) .............. ( a THOR thorough analysis) of Far Horizons owners, guests, and workers on the Faraday silicon dioxide electron platform ....
of White Sand beach / island sand 2-legs walking inject THEIR social & economic data heritage ..... into the COMPUTER EARTH sand circuits for Sara (System area) ....
Sarasota analysis with LINK to Carl Sagan book CONTACT and White Sands New Mexico government facilities and radio telescopes working on MESSAGE processing using the General Carter Ham hamming code LINK to
,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Carter H --> Hotel Carter on 43rd Street of the Manhattan Project) - Data 270 - Boston boat longboat key ........ SW Houston apartment complex, .... Killing of 8 Ohio family
- Next 305 - michael brown age 18 fermilab longboat key omha Nairobi Obi wan Ken obi .......... Boston marathon race
Long, Huey
Long, Gavin
- Science 91 - Poles ....code words --> they hang between poles .... pole people
- WORK Data 675 - webster dictionary...brain burnout
- Data 622 - huey long lngitudinal fissye
- Data 552 - human brain bio-comuter f software bugs
- WORK Data 458 - acadia quebec and acadiana Louisiana carl jung canjun cusine sin earth waves jungle warfare vatican metal cans
Longitudinal Wave
The Nikola Tesla Longitudinal Wave
Looping ... Chicago LOOP calculator
- Event 14 - Karen Simek / Stalbaum ... Garden of Eden with Edens expressway EARTH expression VIA Garden Fresh foods
- Data 227 - CO2 codes Farm CO country at H2O ... pabst farms fortan chicgao lop quad equation
Lorenzo Lamas as Reno Raines .. brain cycles..sine wave node --> z --> z node --> zode
L or ..node --> Principle quantum
K L orbital node -->sin wave node to
Wisconsin --> sin --> zin data interceptor and translator UPGRADE ..... de Medici
................--> code medici
............... --> code medicine with System Z family of human bio-computers and
System Z order entry parallel --> Z oe ll --> Zoellick
Lorenzo de' Medici (Italian pronunciation: [loˈrɛntso de ˈmɛːditʃi], 1 January ... Lorenzo's father, Piero di Cosimo de' Medici, was equally at the centre of ...
Reign: 2 December 1469 – 8 April 1492
Love Canal trial
Louis de Broglie
Louis H Kaufman ..Knots
LuBec Maine and Portand I/O Port
Lubitz and Lutz ..... Brain Lu ... Lubrication
LuBec Maine and Portand I/O Port
Lubitz and Lutz ..... Brain Lu ... Lubrication
- Event 28 - Germanwings DESCENT of Man
- XXXXX Event 05 - Bataclan battle for control of Bstavia Illinios region
- Data 363 - Boston Justice department brain waves comair ky jelly
- Data 601 - cockpit display and kotex with wings
Lucinda Roy plays Roy Rodgers with Trigger
..... the english department cover-up ....
schemes and lies
Lucky Strike Means Fine Tobacco (LS.MFT)
Deeper Life of Waukesha pussy.... sy
Garba Umar,
Garba Um --> Universal Mind ... war zone .....
Anambra state,
An am bra state,
An am brain states
Emeka Umeagbalasi
, Em --> EM field subroutine life on a
human bio-electronic body/brain platform
- Science 13 - Cicero Ill crypt / coffin of Cataline Garcia opens the Salvador Dali data set of Catalina Spain
- WORK Data 375 (long insert) - Gravity - Suez six day war, Gabby giffords, jake gerard , Route 66 Richard Speck, Columbine , June 11 Execution of McVeight(t) causes execution of Sept 11 Z29 Group 25
Logic Gates
- ZZZ59 Data 613- train derailment philadelphia .train tracks..atomic tracks of AMTRAK chamber robert gates ... logic gates Defense Secretary Rene Magritte .... police officer Sgt. James Crowley, inverness scotland .... China Dinnerware rene Magritte train chimmney
- Farm 06 - Pier protein docking, Bethesda dairy farm, Mullins cones
Longboat Key
Longfellow ... Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.
Louis De Broglie
LU signals -
Brain Damage Lyrics - The Lunatic - Pink Floyd - Dark Side of the ...
Lubitz ..... James Lutz
Lutz ............... LU = Logical Units
Luxury resorts
Lutz ............... LU = Logical Units
Luxury resorts
- Next 316 - Nose and co2 asnd nitrogen cycle ...... Nostradamus .... Captain James Lutz, ... Night Watch
- Data 74 - Waukesha coma and Police Captain LU , Nilsestuen attack on agriculture
- Farm 27 - Sub-continent India protein machines ..India Sub-consioucsc
- XXXXXX Farm 77 - joe stack and hay stack ...haykawa language stacks and atomic hatahway shirts
- Food 02 - digestive system mcdonald arches
- XXXXXX Science 39 - Stephen Hawking . the Hawk explains FBI Birds and Bats at Batavia ..and flying bull-shit news
- Data 629 - james lutz zullu time
- WORK Data 481 - Kurt Dodel explains delusion and DR. Livingstone IP address LU
Luby's cafeteria base 16 October 16, 1991
- XXXXX Food 58 - peaches and skins and bf skin
- Food 40 - Walgreens Lu = logiical unit counter ...Lunch counter EARTH systems of green chlorophyll pigment
- Event 88 - Luby's Cafteia shooting, Lutz, and the Lutheran attack on Bethesda daity farm feebele workers
- Data 343 - mole avodarodr News - Luby's Cafeteria ....
...............................Lubrication Fetus O = hole October 16 1991 mirror 19 --> 91 ...Highway 16 Octagon house message and the DEATH Harvest at the Harvest 91 music festival
Lucinda Roy ... Lucinda Avenue
- WORK Data 372 - steven chu enrgy and adam lanza Lucinda roy ..roy rodges emily hilscher
- Food 84 - Miller Auto parts ..integration and haus dorf space Marble quarry quantum array sort sugar molecule Hausfrau ....cincinatio lucind
- Data 322 - Evans book evan boston etc
Lucy ...I Love Lucy TV show
Lugo & Lutz & Lubitz -->
Jake Gerard and Gabriel Lugo explain |
Lutheran Theology
concept and arrogant disease and the
Bethesda LU Home da dairy farm systems
fe = ferrous oxide/iron ....
fe = feeble minded Farm Boy Intercepter (FBI)
agents for Nature's social engineering systems
Jake Gerard and Gabriel Lugo explain |
Lutheran Theology
concept and arrogant disease and the
Bethesda LU Home da dairy farm systems
fe = ferrous oxide/iron ....
fe = feeble minded Farm Boy Intercepter (FBI)
agents for Nature's social engineering systems
Lumber & evergreens
- Farm 10 - Black forest trees, lumber, Giant Sequoia tree trunk,,, data storage cylinders, Our Lady of Flowers data flow
- Farm 38 - lumber and the food wars cabinet wars
- Farm 29- earth evergreen tree wars
- ZZZ-60 Data 416 - lumber 2 by 4 and 24 hour clock
- ZZZ-60 Data 416 - lumber 2 by 4 and 24 hour clock
- ZZZ-65 Data 261 - Jamie Kirk missing LU brains and Sta Trek and lumber wars Logival unis
- Data 343 - mole avodarodr News - lumber LU
- Broyhill fiurniture
Lunch Counter .... counter intelligence
LUNG ..... NG and HMO ..... HMONG
- Dalai Lama - the Gelug school, .... Lung school
- Data 227 - CO2 codes Farm CO country at H2O ... pabst farms fortan chicgao lop quad equation
- XXXXXX Farm 87 - Matt Anderson and animal fram
- XXXXXX Farm 77 - joe stack and hay stack ...haykawa language stacks and atomic hatahway shirts
- XXXXXx Food 50 - Digestive system and lungs
- Food 02 - digestive system mcdonald arches (Chinese LUNG code)
- Next 316 - Nose and co2 asnd nitrogen cycle ...... Nostradamus .... Captain James Lutz, ... Night Watch
- Data 683 - oxygen football (AMU = ammunition)
- Data 577 - waco texas lone pair elctrons and desire of elctron
Lutheran Church Missouri Synod
- Food 07 - .... bethesda LU 20 cows amino frame of refernce
- Food 02 - digestive system mcdonald arches
- Event 88 - Luby's Cafteia shooting, Lutz, and the Lutheran attack on Bethesda daity farm feebele workers
- WORK Data 331 - Litmus test and Ph ..phillipine wars and Inceon korea
Brain Damage Lyrics - The Lunatic - Pink Floyd - Dark Side of the ...
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