Monday, November 12, 2018

Ear people

Earnings per share .... sperm mirror

Earth centrifugal force.... daily rotation
Dave Nelson explains earth rotation influence
upon his mental decision to study the HISTORY of centrifugal force upon molecules VIA the ancient Babcock centrifuge

Earth rotation 
French-speaking Acadian people
French-speaking Ac  ........ people .... 
interactions with the 
alternating-cycles of the EARTH daily rotation every 24 hours 

Cajun     Cusine

Cajun  ....... sin e -> sin earth waves generated every 25 hour cycle....

Earth electric motor
EARTH language .....conflict / war codes
Date July 16, 2009[1]  Earth atmosphere Oxygen 16
Location Gates residence on EARTH land surface,

Ware Street (War earth systems ..trees & ethics)
 Cambridge (Carbon/ Cellulose access methods)
 (atomic mass/weight and set theory laws of the
Solar System 360 processor and the
SUN SET laws of algebra set theory ..set/pair/two/dos 

Participants Resident
Henry Louis Gates, Jr. (Lo gates .Logic Gates)

Earth electrons

Earth iron core

Earth magnetic field and iron core codes 

EARTH  mirror ... LAND  --> DNA  Language .....
Adam Lanza  ..Sand and Land Z-axis  ...Z-DNA  

Earth systems and atmosphere

Echo signature ......  Nikola Tesla 
Cheech --> echo  .... chong VIA  C  Hong Kong 

Echo and  Woolworth / Wardenclyffe Tower
and  Judge Maxwell Wiley .....  State Supreme Court in Manhattan ..
Manhattan Project
............tangent expression dimensions &
formats  --> 
Wojciech   Braszczok
Wojciech   Braszczok explains 
Wo.....ech   Woolworth skyscraper building ..... echo 
...Nikola Tesla echo signature
s and earth vibrations  

The Woolworth retail store system Architecture
........ a nationwide data collection system of
human thoughts, family activities, religion .......

that becomes a large  Collective Unconscious
 (millions of people) 

Woolworth Building explains levels and layers of society 


Edison  ..... Thomas Edison 
Edward Snowden 

Edward Teller
Ed Witten 

EE .... double E  .... female region  EE ..  
..... size ee bra (electrical engineering of biology) 

Egypt and Liitle Egypt

Egypt airplane crash

Egyptian BOOK of the DEAD ....

Egyptian Book of the Dead and

The Egyptian Book of the Dead
is a collection of spells approved by
Cardinal Spelling  for railroad passanger

Cars and railroad drivers ...... thus
Amtrak 188 engineer lost 'situational awareness,'

Cascade electronics 


Eleanor  equation ..
Eleanor Row Z velt (Roosevelt) &
Eleanor  McGregor

Electric Chair
Electric motors 

Electro-magnetic PLANE wars
Electro-magnetic twisted sister codes

Electron and electron chips ....
molecule electron  chips in  cookie format

Electron Chip and
bio-optical-electron chip IMPLANTS via words from
Sol --> Solar System language Solution VIA
Sol -->
Solzhenitsyn --> Sol + Z + H + en +..
Solar  z atomic number 1 of H en (hydrogen energy) 

VIA  Solar system (farmer)  Z (Karl Henry Z) with
Emma Trefz of Tolstoy South Dakota
LINK to 
Leo Tolstoy. etc

The Gulag Archipelago -

Electron chips ... fish and chips ....battle reports 
Potato ..French Fry  and Potato chips  ...
Potato  molecule electron chip battles  

Feed/ food wars .... Feedback of 2 events

Marysville Pilchuck High School organic chemistry

 ..... molecule wars 


Solo ...Solomon & FRYHLE  shooting

Fryberg and Fry Street 

Andrew Fryberg, a cousin of Jaylen Fryberg,
An  drew  Fry --> atomic number
drew (the data generating  event)

Fryberg, a cousin
Fryberg, a cousin
Fryberg, a cousin EVENT of
Larpenteur Avenue and Fry Street  

Philando Castile death: Fate of police officer now in jury's hands - CNN
Jun 12, 2017 - Philando Castile was calm and polite when an officer pulled him over for a broken taillight, 
Electron chips  .... French police code

Electron flow models  Emmet 
numeric b100d + 20 acres = 120

Electron junctions
code --> Cold Flat Junction

-->  Co + 1d  Flat junction ---> 

Copper  metal base 16 Hex'1d' = 29 electrons  flat electron circuit junctions 

Electrons ...Lone pair of electrons at Twin Peaks

Electron shells, electron volts 
Electron states

Electron Probability  and 
Aaron Alexis ....
Al + e + xis --> alphabets/algebra / algorithms  
electron/ english / e=2.718 ..... axis (is = Information
systems of  even integer orbitals of 2, 4 6, 8 with
Odd integers of Pier Oddone give the
Zinser ...
Z +in + ser -->Z integer continuum with human servants
 (representative/spokes-persons) with
Thus Spoke   Zarathustra .... Nietzsche)  

Electron volts and Evita Peron beef software

Elements of Style .... William Struck

Elliptical functions and females /fermat

Every elliptic curve over Q is modular. This was proved for semi-stable elliptic curves in 1994 by Wiles, with help from Taylor

Elton John
Sir Elton Hercules John, CBE is an English singer, pianist, and composer.

Elton John  and his atomic message system

EM field Zoellick   ..
Earth county road E of Alice Ehrke  equation LINKING

E(z,t)  --> application E( zoellick, travis) 

Eo cos (cosine wave Cossacks cycle /motor cycle
.... wisconsin sin wave ... 90 degrees phase difference) 

kz (karl zinser & King HintZ(KHZ)
+ sikh temple and the Statz farms 

wt --> waco texas 
LINK west (Road) & County T --> wt

i = ixonia Wisconsin and
I = amperage.......sin function &
Dirac --> Dir + ac --> dirt +  acres of corn (data ) field

with Time Hack, Kelly Drew and  communication Recption site of Concord RD Hall (research development Quantum Hall effects) 
Waco (water town continuum MIRROR name)
 (Cowan --> an -->  atomic number / alpha-numeric family)

Em field  

Em field   .... Solar system --> EARTH
EM field LOCAL geography regions with their
EM field human representatives ...
EM --> Emperor human interface LINKS
.............EM + periodic table orbits + earth orbit 

Hirohito | emperor of Japan |

EM  --> Embryo babies .....

Embryo - Wikipedia

EM  field broil 
EM  field broil ..  energy focal point .....
starts the rubber tire fire 
EM  field broil 
burn/broil the human brain st.EM 
 ........... emmet township (wis and michigan), garlin Case, Webster NY, Emily Hilscher , etc

EM battle   ..Gavin Long 
....... Longitudinal  Poynting vector battle with 

KH ....  Khmer Rouge CAMBODIA  bio-radio  of Baton Rouge

EmBALment of  the Dirac, Paul (DP) ....  BODY in year 1984 with IBM BAL computer language  and the base 16 complement number  to reference year 2000  ...
gives access to the Hex'AF' = 175 afterlife region of Sartre existential ..... opening perception doors to Rene Magritte surrealism  of 
surface area ... a format of atomic/molecular life .

EManuel SWedenborg

Emma Trefz

EMMET ... Judge Emmet Sullivan
.............. Sullivan and Emmet Wiscon.sin sin govt

Emmet Till 

Empirical proof

Feb 15, 2009 - The human motive starter that
uses a movable pole shoe is;

A positive engagement starter motor
(wedding social mechanics),
this starter is used by the Ford Motor Company
to activate the life and happiness of  Polish-American  employees and others, ...

enable f(x) ,,,, Xena .... 

Xena: Warrior Princess - Wikipedia
    Xena: Warrior Princess is an American fantasy television series
    filmed on location in New Zealand.

    Endocrine gland of the  (Living collectives ) society in
    New England geography states and Chicago
    New England Street ..... medical Journal

    Endorphins  space .....  Hausdorf space


    Engineering and social engineering
    .... gin ...............................   gin ....
    words intoxicate and
    cotton GIN (alcoholic clothes for bragging)

    e accredited by the Engineering Accreditation  system of proof
    are accredited by the  ...gin ....................edit          system of proof

    English department and
    Mr. CHO born in BOOK 1984 


    Entire math functions 

    Epicurus --> E  pic cur us  --> 
    Earth picture cure USA of crap data injected into the 

    earth atomic geog.rap.hy  VIA rap music and dance


    Watertown Massachusetts ..... set  theory laws of atomic mass
    ................... Mass  .....set ... 2 or more relationships

    Watertown Wisconsin ..sin wave function region 

    Error-correction  ..... 9 people events

    ESDA ..... Tuesday & Bethesda (2 men at H2O)


    Eugene Oregon and
    Gavin Eugene Long lines  ATT telephone

    Euro Pass ..... brain THOUGHT
    neuron Bypass using  a football pass . .pass the shit signal
    using a brown turd football geometry shape

    Evans & Dr. Robley D. Evans
    Evans field house

    Evangelist Graham & Hannah Graham &
    Deeper LIfe CHurch
    Event Control Block (ECB) for BEC
    Event Horizon

    Evergreen trees ..and Medgar Evers
    Evita Peron

    Existentialism... Sartre
    ..................................tree / existence of
    TREE of Knowledge atoms/ THOUGHT molecule and sunlight photons LU Lumens

    Exponents. math powers
    Eye rods & cones  ...... Eye optics

    Ezra Pound   ....  British Pound

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