S-1 Executive Committee ....
What is a space time continuum with
4 (mathematical-physics) planes represented
by 4 air-planes on September 11,2001? -
Gravity Probe B - Special ... 
Gravity Probe BBecause space consists of 3 dimensions, and time is 1-dimensional, space-time must, therefore, be a 4-dimensional object. It is believed to be a 'continuum' ...
7-Eleven (11) stores and
string theory 11 dimensions of existence
and / or expression
- Next 371 - Darwin ... Hematolguy blood, Powatomic Casino Potassium route to Bethesda BET casino at highway 19 K , McDonal's ARCHES binomial probability ,parallel Perdenicular, data pipelines, Hamlin sensors, Iron Mountain i/o port, 7-11 stores, magentic field, sept 11 manifolds battle Tanzania embassy
- ZZZ59 Data 613- train derailment philadelphia .train tracks..atomic tracks of AMTRAK ...cloud chamber robert gates ... logic gates Defense Secretary Rene Magritte .... police officer Sgt. James Crowley, inverness scotland .... China Dinnerware rene Magritte train chimmney
Safeway Grocery store & Route 66 Arizona ,,
........way .... Milk Protein battle site with
G = Gabby Giffords and NASA ..... down-to earth reality languages problems of Galileo ... 2 Chief World system not acknowledged by the Federal government myopic perception problems
- WORK Data 375 (long insert) - Gravity - Suez six day war, Gabby giffords, jake gerard , Route 66 Richard Speck, Columbine , June 11 Execution of McVeight(t) causes execution of Sept 11 Z29 Group 25
- Next 370 - l g wade.... Cincinnati .land brain waves. Ray tensing , DuBose sample space,Virginia Tech 37 Celsius thermodynamic WAR ... EARTH battle site at 37 degrees latitude coordinates 2011 Tucson GRAVITY FIELD ...war .
- Next 326 - Gravity war suez netw gingrigh ,Mark kelly NASA gravity Safeway store, Charles Whitman and Whitman chocollate sampler , Julius Burton and atomic Jacob collins,. c-130 Hercules plane , Feynman fermat theorem , Richard speck, columbine High school eric harris and BMO-Harris Bank school problems
Safeway Grocery Price 99 cents ..gravity procces 66
Sales and marketing create crime- Data 348- clifford lane anasasi and france blood knife French army ,,,,,,,city of Marseille --> city of Marketing & sales LANGUAGE and optical picture TV and Print errors CREATE Nature's brain response VIA construction of crime as signaling databases
Salt Molecule treaty
Assassination of Robert F. Kennedy in the sodium chloride SALT molecule
Salt bridge
Sam Berkowitz ... I son of Sam
Sam Hengel
- Science 154 - I/O Port murder of Boy Scout of Sam Hengel
- Science 148 - Whistler's Mother Iron-54 blood software and murder of Sam Hengel
- WORK Data 691 - geograph8u tropic of cancer war sam hengel ..green bay packers chlorophyll IBM Bal packers, septum brain battle sept 11 brain burnout Watertown massachusetts and Wisconsin ought put out brain fires
- WORK Data 268 - Union of sets .... Chanukah menorah. ..DATCP ... CP violation Home .... Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, ........... ...noDe norther death northern death -- Sam Hengel
- Event 95 - Sam hengl and Eric Harris math and atomic projectors
- WORK Data 255 - Pole-Americans and Comair crash Jeffery Clay and James Polehinke --> information pointers --> Polish airplane crash , Biot-Savart law . Sam Hengel troop 1054 Clayton family ...Norberg Milwaukee police ...... Jeffrey Fowle -...Zbigniew Brzezinski,...... First U. S. kindergarten ....... I-35W Bridge Collapse ..... Luther defiant at Diet of Worms .... Black Forest ..... Geopolitical Child Watching
- Event 67 - Boy Scout signals from Estonia ..the murder of Sam Hengel
- Event 07 - Paige Raque falls 39 feet and Sam Hengel projector
- Science 212 - movie projector wars with Sam hengel
- Science 120 - Uniform Resource Locato .. Boy Scout uniform
- Z57 Data 502- sam hengel tropu 1054 ..iron-54 and 28 neutron menstruation
- ZZZ 59 677 - atomic number battles .... Sam Hengel latitude longitude .... blood jungbulth .... first day spring ED witten ... Mullins Troy Mil --> Trou ounce of gold ... Milwaukee golda meir
- Farm 52 - Karen Simek, iron-54 Kindergarten, Bethesda and basic DOWN to EARTH education
- Farm 06 - Pier protein docking, Bethesda dairy farm, Mullins cones
- XXXXXX Farm 77 - joe stack and hay stack ...haykawa language stacks and atomic hatahway shirts
- Food 16 - Myanmar proteins message and HCl Hillary Clinton
- XXXXXX Food 10 - Sam hengel piece of metal ..Porter house steak /stake at Poterfield MEAT
- Event 95 - Sam hengl and Eric Harris math and atomic projectors
- Event 94 - Marshal fields military store .. data fields store and Sam hengel
- Event 67 - Boy Scout signals from Estonia ..the murder of Sam Hengel
- Science 09 - DeBose, BEC, Beckett, potassium Kettle Moraine, Moraine Ohio
- Next 371 - Darwin ... Hematolguy blood, Powatomic Casino Potassium route to Bethesda BET casino at highway 19 K , McDonal's ARCHES binomial probability ,parallel Perdenicular, data pipelines, Hamlin sensors, Iron Mountain i/o port, 7-11 stores, magentic field, sept 11 manifolds battle Tanzania embassy
- GOOD Next 356 - webster new york ..brain burnout . daninel parameter parameters.. gene autry movies sam hegel
- WORK Data 331 - Litmus test and Ph ..phillipine wars and Inceon korea
- Data 318 - sam hengel atomic projection
- Uncle Sam ..... Sam Hengel murder
Unclear Sample Space experiments and analysis - Book 228B - Frankenstein book ... secret codes translated ......Leopold Bloom creates the Leopold & Loeb data generating ..... tragic signaling event of the University of Chicago sub-conscious mind .. integrity failure
- WORK Data 691 - geograph8u tropic of cancer war sam hengel ..green bay packers chlorophyll IBM Bal packers, septum brain battle sept 11 brain burnout Watertown massachusetts and Wisconsin ought put out brain fires
- WORK Data 665 - dirac and bit coin coffin money
which blends standard English lexical items
and (I/O port) portmanteau words ........experimental style ....... in other wordswhich blends standard English lexical items in Lexington Kentucky brain language
and portmanteau words giving postmortemfor 49 people ...and their
- Nov 30, 2010 - A Wisconsin teen who
held 23 David Hilbert students hostage
at Marinette puppet High School - WORK Data 654 - AMtrak train derailment ... IBM count key data (CKD) track .. Hilberts 23 problems math book written by Alfred North Whitehead written by .... red & White blood cells
- Z57 Data 502- sam hengel tropu 1054 ..iron-54 and 28 neutron menstruation
Sammy SOSA
Sample Space
Uncle Sam .....
Unclear Sample Space experiments and analysis
Samuel Beckett
- Farm 88 - Watertown 20 block area LINK tp 20 amino and B100D ...120 acres cares
- Farm 44 - Emma Trefz Toplogy with Georgia O'Keeffe ...Sun Yat-sen
- XXX DONE Food 56 - rice and pears and Diane Borchardt
- XXXXX Food -05 - mark zucker sugar
- Data 329 - spnais language fbi janet reno carmen ortbit zibg
- Data 510 - beckett
Samuel DuBose
- Science 09 - DeBose, BEC, Beckett, potassium Kettle Moraine, Moraine Ohio
- Next 370 - l g wade.... Cincinnati .land brain waves. Ray tensing , DuBose sample space,Virginia Tech 37 Celsius thermodynamic WAR ... EARTH battle site at 37 degrees latitude coordinates 2011 Tucson GRAVITY FIELD ...war .
- Next 302 - samuel dubose, BEC, Ray Tensing ,,,big ten university wisconSIN, Dali Lama and Tenzin and Zinjan Boiise Cascade , William Clinton & Jefferson Airplane
- Food 84 - Miller Auto parts ..integration and haus dorf space Marble quarry quantum array Dubose
- Food 04 - Ciiannanom and sugar ...CinCinnati and Samuel duBose and Tamir Rice Daytona Beach woman drives into Ocean
- Event 81 - Windows Ten screen shot with Tensing in Cincinnati
- XXXXXX Science 97 - Samuel DuBose killed in rap music raptor wars
- Science 09 - DeBose, BEC, Beckett, potassium Kettle Moraine, Moraine Ohio
- Next 302 - samuel dubose, BEC, Ray Tensing ,,,big ten university wisconSIN, Dali Lama and Tenzin and Zinjan Boiise Cascade , William Clinton & Jefferson Airplane
- Data 615 - ray tensingg cincinnatin injection of data
- ZZZ-65 Data 226 - carbonation Warren Buffet coke deep space nine pier oddone nose co2 omaha and boston pops co2 babtle CO2 battles
Samuel Shepard
Carnivourous atmosphere (SS433) of the TRIAL
and the EM life of EM.Bassy and FCC approved Television/radio waves of the FED ionsphere
attack on brain St.EM
natural sunlight/ Socrates eye/ book optical nerve software
Carnivourous atmosphere (SS433) of the TRIAL
and the EM life of EM.Bassy and FCC approved Television/radio waves of the FED ionsphere
attack on brain St.EM
natural sunlight/ Socrates eye/ book optical nerve software
- Event 11 - Dr. Sam Sheppard and Bayes theorm
- Event 12 - Star Wars ..Obi-wan-kenobi --. attack nairobi Kenya and wan -- Rwanada and Jermemy wand ,,bay village
Sam Hengel and Sam Shepard ..
www.shmoop.com › Poetry › Psalm 23 ("The Lord is My Shepherd") › Themes
.Herbert Spence sequences
Psalm 23 ("The Lord is My Shepherd") Theme of Religion - Shmoop
How you read Psalm 23 depends in part on what religious perspective you approach it with. Christians are likely to emphasize the connections between the Lord- Book 228B - Frankenstein book ... secret codes translated ......Leopold Bloom creates the Leopold & Loeb data generating ..... tragic signaling event of the University of Chicago sub-conscious mind .. integrity failure
- Data 266 - Rosemary's Baby ..quantum language and Bay Village
Samuel Taylor Coleridge ..Rime of Ancient Mariner
Sand --> see Circuits or Electrons
- circuit 05 - Sandinista and sand / atmoshere MOS
- Circuit 08 - sand mos circuit mosque and P-N President Nixon
- Farm 11 - Ground code ,, ouch / pain ...Groucho Marx and the Earth BLACK soil pain at Blacksburg Virginia
- Event 03 - Sandy Hook shooting John T Scopes
- WORK Data 372 - steven chu enrgy and adam lanza Lucinda roy ..roy rodges emily hilscher
- Data 640 - news and war circuits iraq kuwait sand highway
Sand ..... Sandinita Revolution (earth revolution)
- Farm 14 - Earth atmosphere and Nitrogen Cycle
- Farm 11 - Ground code ,, ouch / pain ...Groucho Marx and the Earth BLACK soil pain at Blacksburg
- Science 10 _ Nikola Tesla and Mt. Everst India sikh i
- Next 326 - Gravity war suez netw gingrigh ,Mark kelly NASA gravity Safeway store, Charles Whitman and Whitman chocollate sampler , Julius Burton and atomic Jacob collins,. c-130 Hercules plane , Feynman fermat theorem , Richard speck, columbine High school eric harris and BMO-Harris Bank school problems sand
Sandro (Bottle of cells) Botticelli
San Bernardino and Syed Farook .... warfarin
- Event 58 - code Boris ..... and Borneo battle at Orange Show Road in San bernadino
- Event 02 - Obi-Wan Kenobi attack in Nairobi and Dinosuar software attak San bernadino
- Event 16 - Sysed farook explains Venice Beach and the SC = SubConscious of SC =Southern California
- Science 51 - news of D-line...Dinosaur battle at San Bernadino
- Data 71 - molecule social chemistry ... Tashfeen Malik and Syed Rizwan Farook were radicalized
- Data 67 - Time Wars..Clock Work Orange movie battle at Orange Show Road
- Data 03 - San Bernadino SUV force carriers and Janet Reno Renormalization
- Science 160 - Paul Sereno Dirac Morocco and San Bernardino dinosaur
- Food 84 - Miller Auto parts ..integration and haus dorf space Marble quarry quantum array .supreme court and its vermont marble quarry and Conrad Hilton chicago Rocky Balboa ..
warfarin molecule WAR .. San Bernardino and Farook - Food 82 - Paul Serno explains that dino suares ate rotten vegation / cabbage ..Saurerktraut ...Dinosaur sauerkraut
- Food 64- rice wars and weddng rice
- Event 71 - Song lyrics and CAUSE and EFFECT ...The boy's are back in town again Been hangin' down at Dino's..... San Bernardino ..song lyric ...the Boys are back in town ...at Dino's Bar and Grill
- Event 03 - Sandy Hook shooting John T Scopes
- Science 51 - news of D-line...Dinosaur battle at San Bernadino
San Francisco
Sandy Hook
- WORK Data 626 - edawrd albee and Albemarle County..... hannah Graham Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?,' ..... The Zoo Story plays including 'The Kalama.ZOO actualization .......The Sandbox ----> Sand + coffin box at Sandy Hook and San Diego
- Event 03 - Sandy Hook shooting John T Scopes
- Science 47 - First day of Spring and Hooks Law and George Stoney
- Data 17 - Salvador Dali, Sleeeping Woman and Sandy Hook and FBI SAND at Quantico
- ZZ70 - Sandy ho Litmua test ..age 6 amd 7 ...20 amino children
- Farm 11 - Ground code ,, ouch / pain ...Groucho Marx and the Earth BLACK soil pain at Blacksburg Virginia
- Science 69 - Love Canal trial .... biology wars ..Fallopian tubes molecule REVENGE for the rigged attack on Hooker Chemical
- XXXXX DONE Science 03 - Water molecule continuum, Edgewater , Tsarnaev boat and Longboat Key , Zachery Zaborek Adam Landza Z DNA
- WORK Data 375 (long insert) - Gravity - Suez six day war, Gabby giffords, jake gerard , Route 66 Richard Speck, Columbine , June 11 Execution of McVeight(t) causes execution of Sept 11 Z29 Group 25
- Data 334 - Eisenhower endoctrine gland new england
Santa Claus
Salt treaty & NaCl President Clinton
- Science 264 - USS Cole organic chemistry battle on Oct 12 .. Salt treaty ..electrons... blood buffy and warren buffet
- Farm 88 - Watertown 20 block area LINK tp 20 amino and B100D ...120 acres cares
- XXXX Food 59 = Clinton salt and pepper treaty Salt & Pepper tr..EAT..y of EAT
- XXXX Food 55 - salt and pepper shaker ..dinner table .. arms and elbows treaty
- XXXXX Food -05 - mark zucker sugar
- Next 368 - boston botyles law Standard model , pier oddone, brain EURO dollar exchnage rates, logarithm life, university oc CHI compare halfword)
San Diego
Gunman in San Diego pool
- Data 636 - peter selis explains starget sga
- WORK Data 626 - edawrd albee and Albemarle County..... hannah Graham Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?,' ..... The Zoo Story plays including 'The Kalama.ZOO actualization .......The Sandbox ----> Sand + coffin box at Sandy Hook and San Diego
- Science 47 - First day of Spring and Hooks Law and George Stoney
- WORK Data 626 - edawrd albee and Albemarle County..... hannah Graham Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?,' ..... The Zoo Story plays including 'The Kalama.ZOO actualization .......The Sandbox ----> Sand + coffin box at Sandy Hook and San Diego
Santa Claus and Sleigh rides /slay rides
and drive-by shootings
and drive-by shootings
- Science 07 - Music ..Irving Berlin attacks Berlin ... string theory music
- Next 371 - Darwin ... Hematolguy blood, Powatomic Casino Potassium route to Bethesda BET casino at highway 19 K , McDonal's ARCHES binomial probability ,parallel Perdenicular, data pipelines, Hamlin sensors, Iron Mountain i/o port, 7-11 stores, magentic field, sept 11 manifolds battle Tanzania embassy
- North Pole entrance SIGN
at General Motors
assembly line in
Dick& Jane alphabet book in JanesvilleCode words--->North Pole magnetic field ......
computer program ENTRANCE (Entry) .....ENTRY instruction.....Assembler instruction statements
ENTRY,ENTRY instruction for Highway 26 region per
Jane Wilde Hawking code
Jane Wi --->
Janesville Wisconsin
GM workers and their blood iron interaction
with the EARTH North Pole
magnetic field FLOW lines
Santa Fe shooting ... Ferrous oxide /iron education
...... battle of iron Highway 26 Bethesda LU Homes
- Food 81 - Kelloggs con Flakes corn fields and grain mills henry mill capricorn wars and corn field ixonia
- Science 07 - Music ..Irving Berlin attacks Berlin ... string theory music
Saragasso Sea ..... Earth atmosphere
..........asso SEAL .. code of silence ..
ether and other secret language dimensions of life
..........asso SEAL .. code of silence ..
ether and other secret language dimensions of life
Sarasota and Sarajevo ... Sarah Ferguson
Sarawak forest /Sawiris
Sarawak forest /Sawiris
- Event 86 - Sarasota and Sarajevo
- Science 50 - news optic signal code Sawiris
- WORK Data 340 - Nature's systems Parliament tobacco ... molecule government ...nicotine neurons, acetylcholine, Max Born and Borneo
- Data 250 - Sara jevo ..Saragasso sea SOS ...Nairobi and Las Vegas Gas battles
- Next 305 - michael brown age 18 fermilab longboat key omha Nairobi Obi wan Ken obi ..........
Images for sarasota high school sailors and USS Cole 39 dead sailors
arrested at A.C. Flora High School
arrested at A.C. Flora High School
arrested at DirA.C. .......Florida States University and
Sarasota High School
arrested at A.C. Flora High School
arrested at DirA.C. .......Florida States University and
Sarasota High School
Sarasota Florida (SF) orders VIA
Science & Fiction (SF) books ....
Start Field (SF), 1D, Attribute character ....
Farm field of Zinser family with
Marshall (data) fields departments store
and Pabst Data fields from the
Holstein and Horse dairy farms at base 16 highway 16
Science & Fiction (SF) books ....
Start Field (SF), 1D, Attribute character ....
Farm field of Zinser family with
Marshall (data) fields departments store
and Pabst Data fields from the
Holstein and Horse dairy farms at base 16 highway 16
Sartre ...no exit
No Exit is a 1944 existentialist play about the CO2 data cycle
and the June 1944 DEATHS at Normany ....
.....................................................No exit for the soldiers deliberately placed in a TRAP to be killed
.....................................................No exit for the soldiers deliberately placed in a TRAP to be killed
in World War 2 .... . per Mother community ....
Fetus brain instructions
Fetus brain instructions
Satyendra Nath Bose &
Saturday Evening Post magazine role in the
BES and BEC Ccondensate process
Saturday Evening Post magazine role in the
BES and BEC Ccondensate process
- Dirac dirt acres (size 404) - Z70 - Dirac 69 - Dirac acres .. dirt diecrtory ..village of I PING Griffin shoe Polish & Polish-american language and data entry ,,,,
Saudi Arabia
Sand..... inverse letter of n --> u ... Saudi atom/molecule alphabet / language uprising evolution
of earth electron THOUGHT circuits
Saul Bellow .............. Machine
...Load Address (LA) Lachine and his Los Vegas /LA book
on Humboldt's GI(Gastro-intestinal feet 1/2 life forms) GIFT
- Science 98 - henry Bello bronx hospital .. setting himself on fire and shooting himself in the head,
Savings & Loan
Scandinavia and Swedish --> sw e dish -->equation
--> ..... PSW ... earth/big ear .... radio dish
--> ..... PSW ... earth/big ear .... radio dish
Schmitt-Trigger inverter
- Science 42 - new events .... numeric Schmidt inverter DIP-14 Diplomat
- Data 345 - Unconscious Nelso battle of Traflgar biochemsoitry
- Data 344 - schniit triggers wisconsin dairy
- WORK Data 236 - CO2 cycle lungs .... barometric pressure.... tree trunk william strunk atmosphere pressure and digestive system ...chocolate chips ... Virginia Tech Shootings ... trigger inverters .... Consumption of memory (disease) ..... The Declaration of Independence, 1776 -
School schooting .... SOFTWARE errors
..curse.sch --> school gun triggers
..curse.sch --> school gun triggers
- Data 345 - Unconscious Nelso battle of Traflgar biochemsoitry
- Data 344 - schniit triggers wisconsin dairy
- WORK Data 236 - CO2 cycle lungs .... barometric pressure.... tree trunk william strunk atmosphere pressure and digestive system ...chocolate chips ... Virginia Tech Shootings ... trigger inverters .... Consumption of memory (disease) ..... The Declaration of Independence, 1776 -
School locked doors
SC ... SCH --> SCHO --> SCHOOL
codes and brain education language laws /outlines
SC= Social Contract of the Sub-Conscious with
an agreement outlined by
John Locke (lock and key enzyme model) and others
codes and brain education language laws /outlines
SC= Social Contract of the Sub-Conscious with
an agreement outlined by
John Locke (lock and key enzyme model) and others
School wars ... Schofield & Weston --> West & Hubbleton
Manifold attack of mathematical-physics and Schopenhauer ......
S + cho + open + hau+ er ..... equation
Sugar ... C6 H12 O6 open
hausdorf space Earth .....
...... error analysis of family and
community school BS
manhattan two 1 1 skyscraper folds
on Sept 11,2001
" Four Fold Roots" .... four airplanes attack
- Next 371 - Darwin ... Hematolguy blood, Powatomic Casino Potassium route to Bethesda BET casino at highway 19 K , McDonal's ARCHES binomial probability ,parallel Perdenicular, data pipelines, Hamlin sensors, Iron Mountain i/o port, 7-11 stores, magentic field, sept 11 manifolds battle Tanzania embassy
- Data 419 - ring cycle vin
- ZZZ-60 ... Data 456 - sand circuits and integrated potato chips address schopenhauer space Oxygen obama
- Farm 29- earth evergreen tree wars Wausau Hmong ... SchoField School wars
- ZZZ-65 Data 256 - Fourfo;e roots of Reason ...K L M N quantun ...Karl Marx ..Karl Z. triple s store integral quadarcci math
- XXXXX Farm 18 - AB blood types and fonts ...... Pabst farms Holstein and Horse reality VS bedroom schemes
- Event 15 - Las Vegas oxygen battle 32e ..William Gates parents Book Will/ effort
- ZZZ-60 ... Data 456 - sand circuits and integrated potato chips address schopenhauer space Oxygen obama
- WORK Data 264 - Rudolf Carnap .. iron car data set with aldo Aldo Moro Kidnapping of Aldo Moro .....dna ping blog ping Daniel Defoe - David Balfour of Shaws in Kidnapped ..... Robert Louis Stevenson 1990s Bal Balkan Wars - Fourfold Root
- Next 353 - schrodinger explains catfish code...Cat Stevens music ---> Stevens Building ..Chicago LOOP Charles A. Stevens Building Waco wave continuum
- Next 305 - michael brown age 18 fermilab longboat key omha Nairobi Obi wan Ken obi .....
manuscript Four Fold Roots of Reason
Un ................ ..unFolded Graphic arts of bllod arteries of the Humanoid ..who drew (Kelly Drew of the N..ixon region of FIX--> Ixonia the diagram/map of the
Westgate Mall shopping center --...
.......................BLOG ping battle site .... diagram/picture words --> How the attack unfolded - Alliance of Sherlock homes/Baker street ,then the Second stage of rocket science
Arthur Schopenhauer (Four fold roots &
roots of wheat/oats plant) and
Henry Miller (grain mills and grain flow ...... creates momentum in grain molecules .... thus flour atoms/molecules input into Henry Miller creates BRAIN activity and flour information ... flo --> flow ...literature ..geography book on the Tropic of Cancer of
geological social life in Paris) &
literature with yellow Sunshine,
blonde wheat & straw at harvest time
in August & Arthur Flour expression agents Arthur (grain Mill) Miller and Hollywood blonde Marilyn Monroe ....... giving the SYMBOL & CONCEPT Machine recipe ......
Dec 5, 2013 - Rather than kneading homemade dough at the mixing stage, it is more beneficial ... The Four-Fold Technique: The Key to Great Homemade Dough ... Reprinted with permission from Baking By Hand: Make the Best Artisanal .
- Next 305 - michael brown age 18 fermilab longboat key omha Nairobi Obi wan Ken obi .....
manuscript Four Fold Roots of Reason
Un ................ ..unFolded Graphic arts of blood arteries of the Humanoid ..who drew (Kelly Drew of the N..ixon region of FIX--> Ixonia the diagram/map of the
Westgate Mall shopping center --...
.......................BLOG ping battle site .... diagram/picture words --> How the attack unfolded ... food/baker street .. sherlock holmes battle in Nairobi .....
......rob ....city of crime .... robs africa natural resources ... - Data 676 - last will and testament and schopenhauer will of karl and herb
- ZZZ59 Data 613- train derailment philadelphia .train tracks..atomic tracks of AMTRAK ...cloud chamber robert gates ... logic gates Defense Secretary Rene Magritte .... police officer Sgt. James Crowley, inverness scotland .... China Dinnerware rene Magritte train chimmney
- Data 611 - syracuse syria and town of genesee
- WORK Data 539 - carnegie ...car.iron railroiad car as a containmner human data sets dunferline .mmagnetic line scotland
- ZZZ-65 Data 286 - Sherlock Holmes movies Secret Weapons ,,Paige Raque .. ,4 iron hemoglobin library of .Columbine BIND failure Webster dictionary Oceania Junior Seau ..Moriarty accidentally deciphers the code.
He sends agents to abduct Hoffner,
who has the brilliance to put
the four parts together - ZZZ-65 Data 281 - Solomon wrote ..... ..... hans solo and solomon orangic chemsitry su praire ena berg Sunni Islam Origins,
- Next 305 - michael brown age 18 fermilab longboat key omha Nairobi Obi wan Ken obi .....
Schrodinger ... Dead Alive MODEL
- WORK Data 279 - The quantum Boxer Protocol of 7 September 1901 explained by Erwin Schrodinger and Paul Dirac coffin box proton protocol
- Data 257 - the radio murders of Mr.CHO and Emily Hilscher, , Radfors student, SUV Hannah Graham
- Fee-fi-fo-fum ...fumble GRIND IRONat Highway 26 fumble/ destruction
Feeble Minded Dairy Farm,
I smell the blood of an Englishman (language),
Be he alive, or be he dead (schrodinger atomic coffin)
I'll grind his bones to make my bread.[1]Though the
RH blood factor pulse beat
RHyme is tetrametric,
it follows no consistent metrical foot (football feet & data entry)
- WORK BOOK ... Book of the Dead ..... the modern version of the coffin DATABASE cycle ... Sinai Yassar Arafat Lake Okeechobee James Rollins is a pen name of James Paul Czajkowski Jeremy Wand Time buffer Timbuktu IMS field name zz Schrodinger dirac dead alive buckingham Fountain fountainhead georgia o'keeffe
- WORK Data 279 - The quantum Boxer Protocol of 7 September 1901 explained by Erwin Schrodinger and Paul Dirac coffin box proton protocol
- Next 353 - schrodinger explains catfish code...Cat Stevens music ---> Stevens Building ..Chicago LOOP Charles A. Stevens Building Waco wave continuum
- Food 30 -Sugar THOUGHT molecule code CHOFIN ..CHO+ FIN --> OCH coffin Oak Hill Cemetery
- XXXX DONE Food 17 - Warren Buffet explains the BIG MAC macro molecule PROTEIN platform upon which exist human protein machines
- XXXXXX DONE Event 19 - Matt Anderson accuicdental murder and his reincarnation ...Carnation Milk and Bethesda LU dairy farm
- Sciience 92 - Catholic church carbon atoms
- Science 51 - news of D-line...Dinosaur battle at San Bernadino ... Catalonia ..... Schrodinger atomic social science Catalog LINK to the Margaret Mead (MM) 760 mm HG barometric pressure system
- Science 43 - new events and furniture atoms TIME
- Data 355 - Feynaman, dirac, cassius clay schrodinger
- WORK Data 342 - news sinbad .... sin waves underground .. dirac cincinnati ..Lecho Walesa Lecho Kaczynski ..... Derailment AMTRAK 238 atomic passenger and underground railroad
- Data 625 - never ending cycle ..dirac waco
- Data 536 - language and paul dirac coffin database
and equation SCH + UL + LZ
--> Underwiter Labs
(copper electricity above ground with..................................bove --> Holstein bovine dairy
cows at site ... abo --> Pabst Farms Oconomowoc
UL = Underground Languages of the
geological atomic soil/ orbitals ...
Clay ... the coffin communications layer per
geological atomic soil/ orbitals ...
Clay ... the coffin communications layer per
IBM SNA and SNA extensions
farmer code SNAKE KEY A-strike with
farmer code SNAKE KEY A-strike with
Evel Knievel's Snake River ,
Twin Falls,
Idaho .Idahoe Potatoes ..
............. Toes .... Theory of everything society
Scopes Trial .... telescope trial & monkey trial
- Event 69 - John Galt, Zinjan, Jawaharial Nehru, wedding ring plus tail of retail store equals ring-tailed monkey
- Event 58 - code Boris ..... and Borneo battle at Orange Show Road in San bernadino
- Event 18 - John T Scopes ....Who is John Galt
- Science 45 - news codes Pink Floyd x-files Mueller Amino telescope
Scotland Yard
- Z57 Data 569 - scotland yard ....London fog trench coat .... world war 1 trenches and gas fogs
- WORK Chemistry Wade - Z51 EM 05 - chemistry ordered attack Wade Michael Page Signal Recognition Particle: ...Jamie Kirk (Hahn) ..... cosine agents Cossacks ... Roelli cheese Roe vs. Wade ...... Hausdorff space .... IBM z Enterprise System ..... janesville Jakubowski Bethesda Lutheran ... Wells Fargo ... DNA start codons AUG ..... MINDDRO Wisconsin acquaculture Lahey – Floating point numbers ...... Mother-In-Law Behaviors …….heroIn Law Behaviors ..emily dickerson casino fight ho-chunck emily post octagon house
Scott Walker ...........
............. Bethesda LU Homes demo of the Flushing
.............. 1964 World's Fair dump analysis with Governor Scott toilet Paper TREE of Knowledg
Sears & Roebuck ...
Carl Jung collective of retail stores that
collects human data/ ideas to become a
Darwin GROUP MIND thought species ...
the retail store chains and restaurant chains ..such as Woolworth's stores in year 1912 .... human BRAIN data routed to the Woolworth atomic stone/ iron/ glass skyscraper .....
an atomic electron mountain (electron volts ..ev) to become a Nikola Tesla ....Wardenclyffe Towers
wireless site ...... ) LINK to
ev (Mt.Everest and copper atomic number 29 elevation of (29,029 ft), was established by a
1955 Iron-55 Indian survey of the EARTH electric motor and its daily rotation ) and
Sarajevo .... e vo --> electron volt -->
evo --> evolution as explained by 919 Charles (Darwin ) street and the EM-field murder site of Harron Kahn
at Emmet Township ......
the Pakistan-American who drove a silver 2006 Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution ......
signaling device....
- WORK Data 275 - India sub-continent battle site in the city of Indianapolis ... Indianoplis shooting / stabbing guanine DNA battle .Kennedy assassination .Chicago 2900 block of West Roosevelt Road age 33 .and IBM 3330 .. . a 28-year-old man ---> nitrogen molecule mass 28 in the 8800 block of South Throop Street in the 88 .... oxygen block .............
- The final incident happened
near (Sears & Roebuck Kenmore database of Roe VS Wade)
Kenmore Road and Kenyon Avenue Sun.day (sun light data LU = Lumens)happened near Ken...... and Ken Avenuehappened near Ken...... and Ken Avenuehappened near Kennedy...... and Kennedy ... K-channel DEATH Avenue
Seattle...Mark D. Totzke
Second Law of Thermodynamics
...... Black-body radiation
Securities Exchange Act of 1934
Serfdom ... rf ..... rfk ... radio head
Selection map
Selma and Basel ...... Darwin selection map- XXXXXx Farm 33 - farmer codes with Emma Trefz and Rolli Groth
- WORK Data 384 - Janet Reno Brains .... WACO Reno Raines TV motorcycle and Twin Peaks motorcycles
- Data 242 - no exit play at Utoya No .... Norrway with Dr. No James molecular bond
Selma to Montgomery
......Montgomery Wards --> War D S --->
War department store
......Montgomery Wards --> War D S --->
War department store
and mail/ male order catalog with World War 2
General Montgomery .....
Bernard Montgomery (Represented by St.Bernard's church and Montgomery Wards store in Watertown with Karl Henry Zinser)
- Wikipedia
Field Marshal Bernard Law Montgomery, 1st Viscount Montgomery of Alamein, KG, GCB, DSO, ... General Sir Bernard Montgomery in England, 1943 TR1037 ( cropped).jpg ...
During the Second World War he commanded the British Eighth Army from August 1942 in the Western Desert until the final Allied victory in Tunisia in ...
- Book 228B - Frankenstein book ... secret codes translated ......Leopold Bloom creates the Leopold & Loeb data generating ..... tragic signaling event of the University of Chicago sub-conscious mind .. integrity failure
- Route 29 - Alicia Reynolds ... Z74 - Nikola Tesla 22 - Route 29
Senator Proxmire
- Next 371 - Darwin ... Hematolguy blood, Powatomic Casino Potassium route to Bethesda BET casino at highway 19 K , McDonal's ARCHES binomial probability ,parallel Perdenicular, data pipelines, Hamlin sensors, Iron Mountain i/o port, 7-11 stores, magentic field, sept 11 manifolds battle Tanzania embassy
- Science 98 - henry Bello bronx hospital .. setting himself on fire and shooting himself in the head,
- WORK Data 459 - Earth picture epicurus piezoelectric zzolellick and American Zoetrope zoey and zoellick
Separate Reality book .....
........ Supreme court .... Separate but equal
- Food 04 - Ciiannanom and sugar ...CinCinnati and Samuel duBose and Tamir Rice Daytona Beach woman drives into Ocean
- WORK Chemistry Wade - Z51 EM 05 - chemistry ordered attack Wade Michael Page Signal Recognition Particle: ...Jamie Kirk (Hahn) ..... cosine agents Cossacks ... Roelli cheese Roe vs. Wade ...... Hausdorff space .... IBM z Enterprise System ..... janesville Jakubowski Bethesda Lutheran ... Wells Fargo ... DNA start codons AUG ..... MINDDRO Wisconsin acquaculture Lahey – Floating point numbers ...... Mother-In-Law Behaviors …….heroIn Law Behaviors ..emily dickerson casino fight ho-chunck emily post octagon house
Sepik River ...... EARTH SYSTEM
attack on Septemebr 11
attack on Septemebr 11
The Sepik River (/ˈseɪpɪk/) is the longest river on the
island of New Guinea (VS the island of New York Guinea Pig family ERRORS)
island of New Guinea (VS the island of New York Guinea Pig family ERRORS)
and after the
Fly (airplanes ) and the
Mamberamo (ma = Manhttan) the third largest by volume.[2] The majority of the river flows through the Papua New Guinea (PNG) provinces of Sandaun (formerly West Sepik) and East Sepik, with a small section flowing through the Indonesian province of Papua.
Fly (airplanes ) and the
Mamberamo (ma = Manhttan) the third largest by volume.[2] The majority of the river flows through the Papua New Guinea (PNG) provinces of Sandaun (formerly West Sepik) and East Sepik, with a small section flowing through the Indonesian province of Papua.
September 11..... Sep attack -->
A Separate Reality:
Carlos Castaneda
Spanish language PENIS HEAD intellectual attack
- WORK Data 375 (long insert) - Gravity - Suez six day war, Gabby giffords, jake gerard , Route 66 Richard Speck, Columbine , June 11 Execution of McVeight(t) causes execution of Sept 11 Z29 Group 25
- Data 358 - featherless bipeds attack sept 11
- Data 618 - heavy flow wings battle at 2-leggs ,,,2-towers
Septum pellucidum attack on Sept 11, 2001[
the two cerebral hemispheres, or halves of the brain.
VS the two towers of Bullshit families ad communities
- Food 81 - Kelloggs con Flakes corn fields and grain mills henry mill capricorn wars and corn field ixonia sets of Massachusetts union
- Farm 91 - CO2 farm cycle
- Farm 44 - Emma Trefz Toplogy with Georgia O'Keeffe ...Sun Yat-sen
- XXXXXX Farm 87 - Matt Anderson and animal fram
- Event 13 - Star Wars Lando .... Philando, Orlando Pulse nightclub shooting, Rolando Las Vegas
- WORK Data 268 - Union of sets .... Chanukah menorah. ..DATCP ... CP violation Home .... Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, ........... ...noDe norther death northern death -- Sam Hengel
- Watergate .. Edgewater Z90 Science 03 - Water molecule continuum, Edgewater , Tsarnaev boat and Longboat Key , Zachery Zaborek
Seven Bridges
Seven Dwarfs of Snow White
7th Day adventist of
....... David Korish ... Kor.zybski reality
...................VS ish --> Irish iris optical news reporters and their bragging schemes and fetus production business
....... David Korish ... Kor.zybski reality
...................VS ish --> Irish iris optical news reporters and their bragging schemes and fetus production business
- Event 20 - Lance Armstrong and the Armstrong Baby Kidnapping with Agatha Christie
- Data 310 - Chat shooting taolk chattanooga
- WORK Data 660 - signal freud 47 years .... the house Berggasse 19, Vienna,
- the house Berggasse 19 --> K (potassium)
Sig Freud spent 47 years of his life
Signal Freud spent 7 ... (nitrogen)
giving number 7 (seven) and K ..........................Seven Bridges of Königsberg - Wikipedia
Seventh Seal .... Movie
Sex life and sex education of automobile
iron atoms of life -->
fe = ferrous/iron atom 26 proton alphabet needs
fe= female human specimen DATABASE
- WORK Data 648 - sex life of an iron automobile
- Bio-math ......
Eclipse Lyrics:
... lips Lyrics:Sex navigation tools ---> sextant - Wikipedia
Food gonAD ..... semen / sperm marketing
- WORK Data 535 - marble building data collection and gravity ...metamorphic rock ...metabolism (living atom rock)....Eclipse Lyrics: of pussy bio-math and advertisments for semen
- The Cummins Unit,The Cummins Unit,The Cum ....... Unit ..... lethal injectiondesired by the Carl Jung GROUP MIND
penis ...... penis injection of
supreme white sperm
into pussy juice .... equation
..............sy ju + ice --> system justice
Sharon Tate & Sharon Wand .. Argyle rigged trial
- SCience 157 - Sharon Tate electron states and E2 Nightclub and Motel 6 and Jeremy Wand atomic sub-shells
- Event 90 - Verpine attack at Pine lake .... ..Verpine and Versace ..Vector space design errors Obama oxygen
- WORK Data 271 - Jerry March insurance .....he E1 and E2 elimination Reactions Friedel–Crafts reaction .... Carbocation Rearrangements -
Shell ..... electron messages
- Data 355 - Feynaman, dirac, cassius clay schrodinger
- WORK Data 342 - news sinbad .... sin waves underground .. dirac cincinnati ..Lecho Walesa Lecho Kaczynski ..... Derailment AMTRAK 238 atomic passenger and underground railroad
giving the Feynman electromagnetic coupling constant 137 COUPLED/ LINKED with elements of the periodic atomic table)
Shelly ..... & Mary Shelly
Sherlock Holmes and
Mrs.Hudson and the proper noun
Carl Jung collective THINK TANK with
Roc = Region of Convergence agents
... ROCK Hudson movies
... Happy ROCK.erfeller
... Nelson ROCK.erfeller with Dave Nelson & Nelson Mandela bio-chemistry of the Wisconsin Dell
geological layers of atomic limestone electrons
... that comprise a printed circuit layers
Manhattan Project sub-routine driver Held in
Deadly Manhattan
data byTe error
............. Terror Attack Pleads Not Guilty - The ...https://www.Tenytimes.com/2017/11/28/nyregion/terror-attack-bike-path-new-york.htmlNov 28, 2017 - The man accused of driving a pickup truck down a crowded Manhattan bike path (Manhattan Project battle)2017 New York City attack on bicycle riders - Wikipedia
cyclists and runners for about one mile (1.6 kilometers) of the Hudson River Park's bike path alongside West Street from- Bethesda, Matt Anderson reincarnation and carnation milk --- Z89 Event 19 - Matt Anderson reincarnation .
- WORK Data 566 - Homs, Syria and sherlock holmes super= sysmmetry wars with real eatate bedroom homes
- Event 70 - Grand 16 theater ... Richard Speck ... Born to Raise Hell max Born ...Motel 6 ..james holmes
- Data 85 - Sherlock Holmes SOS via Sammy (myoglobin proteins ) SOSA
- Data 50 - Sherlock Holmes Baker street and BB King music
- Science 278 - Carriage control tapes of Herxxule Porot and Sherlock holmes + Hershey moleucles
- Z57 Data 567 - poker actyclholine and Dali and syria ..shelock homs
- ZZZ-65 Data 286 - Sherlock Holmes movies Secret Weapons ,,Paige Raque .. ,4 iron hemoglobin library of .Columbine BIND failure Webster dictionary Oceania Junior Seau
- Food 83 - Mylan Labs and Sherlock homes offensive in Homs Syria
- Farm 72 - Proteins and botany Germination Sherlock Holmes --> Stockholm and Hons Syria wars
- Farm 44 - Emma Trefz Toplogy with Georgia O'Keeffe ...Sun Yat-sen
- Food 31 - Flour King Arthur floor and Baker Sterre sherlock holmes
- XXXX DONE Event 96 - eye cone battles, Burlington Vermont, East Albany 200 cone street, 32-year-old Ronnie Holmes arrested (Holmes)
- Event 75 - Internal bio-math .... .blood arteries math TOPOLOGY .. sun Yat sen dirt
- Science 86 - Ruth Page center ... Dance Loop signal ..Paige Raque
- Data 664 - baker stree synapse
- Data 649 - holmes and word pronunciation
- Z57 Data 567 - poker actyclholine and Dali and syria ..shelock homs
- Z57 Data 513 - carriage control tape
- deadlockeddead lock
--> Sher.lock Holmes system problemsShooter identified as Wade Michael Page, 40-year-old Army vet - Home
- Data 500 - samuel duBose
- ZZZ-65 Data 286 - Sherlock Holmes movies Secret Weapons ,,Paige Raque .. ,4 iron hemoglobin library of .Columbine BIND failure Webster dictionary Oceania Junior Seau
- eye cone battles,
- Ronnie Holmes
Burlington Vermont,
East Albany 200 cone street, 32-year-old
Ronnie Holmes arrestedTraffic cone dispute: Construction worker's punch kills man, D.C. ......
bio-optical-computer Hollerith PUNCHED card battles VS family bull-shit
- Mullins eye cone wars Event 96 - eye cone battles, Burlington Vermont, East Albany 200 cone street, 32-year-old Ronnie Holmes arrested
Shields Township
Shining Path .... path integrals
- Z57 Data 574 - webster dictionary shooting ... Region of Convergence copper 0 to 62 address ... 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue ,,shinning path of Darwin with Feynman path integrals
- Z57 Data 574 - webster dictionary shooting ... Region of Convergence copper 0 to 62 address ... 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue ,,shinning path of Darwin with Feynman path integrals
Shirley Temple
- Farm 02 - botany plant shoot system & black soil ... Shirley Temple Zeroes and Poles
- Science 87 - Graphic arts messages Headless Horseman and banana code monkey John Galt
- XXXXXX DONE Science 78 - FermiLAB and Lev Landau layers of atomic land s-orbital soil..... words of bottom article --> ruins of Fort Shirley atop --> Shirley top ..Shirley Temple Black .... movie Curly Top
- WORK Data 378 - janet reno brain cycles with motorcycles Lorenzo Lamas as Reno Raines ....Bobby Sixkiller .......Bobby Kennedy
- Data 674 - shirly temple 56 curls and antenna
- Route 29 Soil Z90 -- Science 78 - FermiLAB and Lev Landau layers of atomic land s-orbital soil ..... Fort Shirley ...Shirley Temple Black
(Centerpiece hair 56 curls) ..atop .. headland /skull
Shoes .... data entry, Goethe. Keats shoe phone
Pole Shoes .... movable Pole shoes
- ZZZ59 - Data 663 - echo catch the echo lech walesa solids dirac ultra cold atoms ... Wojciech Braszczok, poles shoes ..greek atomic stone columns Doric I/o ionic parthenon integration by parts living-stone mexico escape
- Dirac dirt acres (size 404) - Z70 - Dirac 69 - Dirac acres .. dirt diecrtory ..village of I PING Griffin shoe Polish & Polish-american language and data entry ,,,,
Shooting Events
- WORK Data 272 - GUT battles at Grand 16 theater and FSU London attack Bertrand Russell GUT problems and SurGUT Russia ...Arizona Casa Grande shooting leaves 4 people dead ...at a duplex ..... the EARTH atmosphere and its duplex molecules ....... nitrogen and oxygen ..... Farmers Avenue and Ash Avenue Farmers Avenue ... FA --> FFA DEATH subroutines and the murder/cover-up of farmer Matt Anderson , Herb Johnson, Karl zinser ..Officers found four bodies in the residence --> message to 4-H club analysis team
- WORK Data 273 - Chicago 5 lkilled in fetmiLAB symbol machine battles ..... bout 4:55 p.m., About 4 ...... 55 About 4 iron atoms ...... 55 atomic mass average hemoglobin, ..... the 4400 block of West Washington Boulevard, the 44 .... data block of carbon dioxide molecule CO2 output data ...... 26 March 1944 ..... 2:55 a.m., a 19-year-old man
- WORK Data 275 - India sub-continent battle site in the city of Indianapolis ... Indianoplis shooting / stabbing guanine DNA battle .Kennedy assassination .Chicago 2900 block of West Roosevelt Road age 33 .and IBM 3330 .. . a 28-year-old man ---> nitrogen molecule mass 28 in the 8800 block of South Throop Street in the 88 .... oxygen block
- Data 98 - Earth ferris wheel and Brookfield bio-radio shooting Radcliffe Haughton entered the salon .
- Food 81 - Kelloggs con Flakes corn fields and grain mills henry mill capricorn wars and corn field ixonia ..santa fe high school shootng texas
Shore / Shoreham
- XXXXXX DONE Science 76 - Diana Shore and Shoreham / Nikola Tesla
- Nikola Tesla (size 275) Sister Carrier ... Z90 science 76 Diana Shore..Shore ham
Sickle ...hammer & sickle SYMBOL ...grain harvest
Sigmund Freud
Gauge theory ... atomic bio-physics
X-rated Puerto Rican pussy
X-rated Puerto Rican pussy
Weapons: AK-47 variant; 12-gauge Winchester ...
Weapons: AK-47 variant;
Weapons: AK-47 variant;
Weapons: AK-47 variant;
Weapons: AK-47 variant; --->
Sigmund Freud Museum (Vienna) - Wikipedia
Signal Recognition Particle (SRP)
Sikh Temple
- WORK Data 284 - July 29 death of Quadracci. Cudahy / SiKH Temple brain waves r
- Science 74 - Science 28 - Sikh Temple turbans and turbulence
- Data 61 - inverted Page table wars at SiKh brain Temple
- Food 66 - water VS hunman BS ... water john hinckley explains watergate ....
- Food 07 - .... bethesda LU 20 cows amino frame of refernce
- Science 74 - Science 28 - Sikh Temple turbans and turbulence
- Science 10 _ Nikola Tesla and Mt. Everst India sikh i
- XXXXX DONE Science 03 - Water molecule continuum, Edgewater , Tsarnaev boat and Longboat Key , Zachery Zaborek p75 regulates Purkinje cell firing by modulating SK channel ........ regulates PURGE of cells (firing bullets) modulating SK...SiKH channel ...channel in t Nature's systems and its data streams of existential consciousness ,,,, with humans and their sub-set consciousness within the UNIVERSAL MIND getsalt
- WORK Data 364 - Ice-skate Frued brain radio Orson well 1938 neurotransmitter
- Data 334 - Eisenhower endoctrine gland new england
- Brain transfers via neurotransmitters,
infra-red skin emission languages,
atomic biology human touch, and
nose CO2 data & instruction output molecules
Sikh .... Molecular cell biology battles
......... Amrish Puri as Mola Ram (molecular rampage):
p75 regulates Purkinje cell firing by modulating SK channel ... - NCBI
Sikh temple shooting
Sikh temple shooting ..Temple of DOOM
......... Amrish Puri as Mola Ram (molecular rampage):
........ A Thuggee priest who performs rituals of human sacrifices
......... Amrish Puri
......... Amrish Puri
......... Amrish Puri..... Purkinje cell firing by modulating SK channe
Sikh temple shooting
Sikh temple shooting
Sikh temple shooting .... purge cell firing
p75 regulates Purkinje cell firing by modulating SK channel ... - NCBI 
by J Tian - 2014 - Cited by 4 - Related articles
Sep 24, 2014 - p75 regulates Purkinje cell firing by modulating SK channel activity Silver ..... Ag ...... Lee M. Silver
- XXXXX Farm 45 - ag wars with agatha Christie
- Food 04 - Ciiannanom and sugar ...CinCinnati and Samuel duBose and Tamir Rice Daytona Beach woman drives into Ocean
- Science 73 - Who is John galt? Lone ranger silver prices
- Data 424 - codons 3 dry gin
SIN function ---> atomic mass relationship
Wisconsin <-----> Massachusetts
SinBad the Sailor man
Sing Sing prison and San Quentin
... music prison and 3/4 time for the
Security Exchange act of 1934
... music prison and 3/4 time for the
Security Exchange act of 1934
- Science 91 - Poles ....code words --> they hang between poles .... pole people
- Science 89 - frequent travelers .. frequency freaks
- Science 83 - Audio nerve legal system COMA
- Next 382 - Cin cin waves of Cincinati , Ray Tensing Satyendra Nath Bose ....... India North America (IndiaNA) and OhiO
- Data 525 - music HUM managnement hum resources department MUSIC
Sinn Fein leader of Sin Waves
Fin --> coffin
Fin -->........financial
Fin & sin --> Finnegan's Wake &
UL book July
..................ulysses ....
..........................session .. communications
Sino-French wars
Sino-Japanese wars
- WORK Data 347 - casino las vegas sino node wars ... Wisconsin ,,, Northern DeKalb (Node) Plano
- Next 339 - Egypt airplane disappears, - sinai sin waves wars,6 day war in 1967 nose air wars algebra set theory union , featherles bipeds, murder dockeets & Bench law,
- WORK Data 279 - The quantum Boxer Protocol of 7 September 1901 explained by Erwin Schrodinger and Paul Dirac coffin box proton protocol
Sino-Korean Craton ....... parallel EARTH language
Casino sin function region
Wisconson + Highway 19 & K
Kor = Korzybski and ZBIGniew Brzezenski reality preceptions and language ...cranium/brain of agent K = Karl Henry Zinser near Hubble(TON) and the
Hubble wars BOOK ... about book & optical wars
Kor = Korzybski and ZBIGniew Brzezenski reality preceptions and language ...cranium/brain of agent K = Karl Henry Zinser near Hubble(TON) and the
Hubble wars BOOK ... about book & optical wars
Sin wave .. 180 degrees of a 360 degree cycle
Chapter 180.
................. Bu...sin...ess cor(tex) corporations. ::
2011 Wiscon... sin ... neuroscience Code ......
with language DEMO application ..
Potawatomi Casino in Milwaukee WisconsinPota --> Potassium & the
Wisconsin Russett Potatoes .....
...........................set theory algebra TOOLS
........water molecule casino
Potawatomi Casino
...........atomic sin node LINK to
atomic mass of
............Massachusetts and its math
.............................set theory LAWS ... explained by the rigged INFORMATION VOID and
DATABASE cover-up at the Franz Kafka
.... Boston Marathon
.... Alan Sokal ....
Science & Neuroscience Trial
.............................set theory LAWS ... explained by the rigged INFORMATION VOID and
DATABASE cover-up at the Franz Kafka
.... Boston Marathon
.... Alan Sokal ....
Science & Neuroscience Trial
Sister Carrie book .... see Sistine Chapel
- WORK Data 425 - sister carrie book iron atom valence Valentine's day address the American dream, that address the Am --> atomic mass
- ZZZ-60 Data 426 - wood chips and integrated circuits using words for jeffer wooods to jefferson
- Nikola Tesla (size 275) Sister Carrier ... Z90 science 76 Diana Shore..Shore ham
- Science 247 - Magellan, Da Vinci Sistine Chapel .. Columbus sets sail - Aug 03, 1492 start codon
- Science 219 - Star wars and Fishe Scientific expression agent Carrie Fisher (sister Carrier Fisher Scientific Lab supplies)
- BT-corn and ric Bes.sin ...
Bose-einstein statistics of Wiscon.SIN sin data carrier waves of Sister Carrie(r) of
Wisconsin Theodore Dreiser ..... Dissatisfied with life in her rural Wisconsin home,
18-year-old Caroline "Sister Carrie" Meeber takes the train to Chicago,
where her older sister Minnie,
and Minnie's husband, Sven Hanson, have agreed to take her in.
On the train, Carrie meets Charles Drouet ( Double roulette traveling with
Potassim + water molecule ....
Potawatomi Casino in Milwaukee
..........atomic....sin wave function)a traveling sales.man (manuscript subroutine),
Sigmund Freud
- WORK Data 660 - signal freud 47 years .... the house Berggasse 19, Vienna,
- Event 06 - Mayor Barret explains Icebergs, North Pole policeman Norberg and the Titanic and the Tsarnaev Boat / Columbus
- Science 288 - code words AK-47 Sigmund Freud military tool
Signal systems
Sin waves, Sinbad, Sino-japanese, casino
- Science 233 - Skinner walker and Legacy equation of leg ac cycles ..sino-japanese wars
- WORK Data 458 - acadia quebec and acadiana Louisiana carl jung canjun cusine sin earth waves jungle warfare vatican metal cans
- Science 161 - Wjochiech ... Simple Question About Residues/Poles/Zeros/Singularities
- Farm 84 - Wisconsin SIN wave ac acres of siol germination wars
- ZZZ59 Data 643 - sba commands in newspaper boston bombing ..set buffer address in sin function continuum of Business, em waves, and toillet paper oscillations / sin waves ..Gettysburg address dynamite festival valence commands ..... ,molecule racemization race issues
- WORK Data 342 - news sinbad .... sin waves underground .. dirac cincinnati ..Lecho Walesa Lecho Kaczynski ..... Derailment AMTRAK 238 atomic passenger and underground railroad
- WORK Data 347 - casino las vegas sino node wars ... Wisconsin ,,, Northern DeKalb (Node) Plano
- WORK Data 471 - Limousine sine wave cursor ..COMPUTER EARTH magnetic field LINK to EARTH geography surface keyboard and iron vehicles as cursors
- WORK Data 247 - Poynette High School basketball court ... Poynting vector MODEL Radford death .... Wisconsin Supreme Court David Prosser Jr. .... MR. Cho murdered by radio Choke technology ..... Garlin case in Portage Wisconsin Michael Sisk, 27, of Portage.... 2015 Lafayette shooting ..... Town of Emmett .... Mullen's Dairy Bar .... Stanley Van Wagner .... Feb --> implies Fe iron atom and month number 2 number 2 and number 9 --> 29 copper electrons used in electric motor
- Next 376 - clifford lane air plane crash anasazi ..shot dead by French army after killing two people at Marseille ...2017 Las Vegas sin node shooting
- Next 374 - Boston Evans atomic nucleaus TRIAL, Evansville Wyoming Taylor Polynomials battle, Iowa Evangelist, and Boston ruuner sin wav vibrations of MASS of Masdsachusetts sent to Wisconsin sin ECHO analysis
- Next 339 - Egypt airplane disappears, - sinai sin waves wars,6 day war in 1967 nose air wars algebra set theory union , featherles bipeds, murder dockeets & Bench law,
- Farm new post 100 - plow and earth rotation Zvi and gavin Long pow sin waves
- XXXXXXX Event 34 - Brigade General Ron K of the Light Brigade of optic military
- Event 15 - Las Vegas oxygen battle 32e DNA vertical sin wave
- Science 10 _ Nikola Tesla and Mt. Everst India sikh i
- WORK Data 375 (long insert) - Gravity - Suez six day war, Gabby giffords, jake gerard , Route 66 Richard Speck, Columbine , June 11 Execution of McVeight(t) causes execution of Sept 11 Z29 Group 25
- WORK Data 342 - news sinbad .... sin waves underground .. dirac cincinnati ..Lecho Walesa Lecho Kaczynski ..... Derailment AMTRAK 238 atomic passenger and underground railroad
- Next 339 - Egypt airplane disappears, - sinai sin waves wars,6 day war in 1967 nose air wars algebra set theory union , featherles bipeds, murder dockeets & Bench law,
- Data 327 - Battle of Water100 wisconsin
- Data 300- Jefferson airplane music and crash site SIN SIN WAVEs
- Book 228B - Frankenstein book ... secret codes translated ......Leopold Bloom creates the Leopold & Loeb data generating ..... tragic signaling event of the University of Chicago sub-conscious mind .. integrity failure SIN SIN
Town of Lebanon, Dodge County,
Wisconsin: Home
............ sin function ---> ancient Home --> Sinai / Lebanon region
- WORK Data 694 - lebabnon wisconsin
- ZZZ59 Data 658 - muilwaukee ace badger guns acetylcholine neurons ..Ray Tensing ...emily post phosphate hate crimes
18 Symptoms of Sinus Infection caused by
............ sin wave ERRORS (Sinusitis),
Contagious radio waves &- WORK Data 648 - sex life of an iron automobile
- Wisconsin Supreme Court of sin waves
sin .... original sin .....
sin waves / oscillation languages and their extensions into more understandable / readable
FORMATs such as vertical English alphabet letters
and the algebra quadratic equation
and the algebra quadratic equation
- Data 334 - Eisenhower endoctrine gland new england
- ZZZ59 Data 658 - muilwaukee ace badger guns acetylcholine neurons ..Ray Tensing ...emily post phosphate hate crimes
- Frank Sinatra - Science 801 - Frank sinatra from z38 sikh temple emily hilsher zero poles singularities
- Science 801 - Frank sinatra fand Emily Hilscher
- science 800 - Frank sinatria and mia geography poolynomial math sin waves
- Event 20 - Lance Armstrong and the Armstrong Baby Kidnapping with Agatha Christie
- Next 350 - Maxwell Judge Maxwell motor cycle wojiech Tribeca BEC algorithms Nikola Tesla ..book roots ... polynomila plymerase chain reaction
Sinai region waves
- Science 10 _ Nikola Tesla and Mt. Everst India sikh i
- WORK Data 375 (long insert) - Gravity - Suez six day war, Gabby giffords, jake gerard , Route 66 Richard Speck, Columbine , June 11 Execution of McVeight(t) causes execution of Sept 11 Z29 Group 25
- Next 339 - Egypt airplane disappears, - sinai sin waves wars,6 day war in 1967 nose air wars algebra set theory union , featherles bipeds, murder dockeets & Bench law,
- WORK Data 620 - Golda Meir & PLO ... plow sin wave ... DirAC --> dir + AC --> Dirt acres .. farm dirt + acres of plowed sin wave land
- Data 580 - zz ... the acellerated death of brain walsh in the stem cell radio wars
- 2900 block of West Roosevelt Road...29 = copper
- serious condition to Mount Sinai Hospital
serious condition to .......... Sin... Hospital - WORK Data 275 - India sub-continent battle site in the city of Indianapolis ... Indianoplis shooting / stabbing guanine DNA battle .Kennedy assassination .Chicago 2900 block of West Roosevelt Road age 33 .and IBM 3330 .. . a 28-year-old man ---> nitrogen molecule mass 28 in the 8800 block of South Throop Street in the 88 .... oxygen block
Sinclair Lewis ... Main Street America
sin .............Wiscon.SIN sine wave functions
sin clarify BEDROOM oscillation errors
sin .............Wiscon.SIN sine wave functions
sin clarify BEDROOM oscillation errors
- Food 36 - Reese candy bar and Clasen cholocate facory ... Bank Robbery
- WORK Mullins (size 446 ) Adam Raney .... BDAM and Bethesda .... BESSIE the COW …. human BES protein agentsESDA optical interceptor agents Travis Zoellick, Adam Raney, and ..... traveling vision (optical cities) and Z poynting vector of the EM field at Emmet Township).... impedance(= ZT) terminating its circuit –> the termination/ murder of ZT –> Zoellick, Travis.... Mullen’s military milk protein THOUGHT molecules...... Bethesda Lutheran .... have transitioned to their new homes.
to single males .... to into Z-axis verticle .. and ideas rise up to Zin ..... ZinJan area by Hubbleton ...the Karl G Jansky social astronomy project
- ZZZ-65 Data 267 - Resolution of singularities in Wis.con.sin ... sin zin ..suez function of Zeus Maurice Wilkens Rice Lake Mau Mau
- Farm 78 - Black soil and shoot system
- XXXXX Farm 37 - Busy Bee restaurant
Sinn Fein
- XXXXXXX Event 34 - Brigade General Ron K of the Light Brigade of optic military
- XXXXX DONE Event 33 - Ulster and the Route 29 murders and Sinn Fein leader of Sin Waves with Golda Meir Wisconsin
- Route 29 - Z89 Event 33 - Ulster and the Route 29 murders and Sinn Fein leader of Sin Waves with Golda Meir Wisconsin
Sir Francis Bacon
Sistine Chapel Sister Carrie
........... data carrier LINKS Wisconsin / Chicago
Six Day war
- Science 85 - Emily Post EM-Field system of year 1922
- Next 326 - Gravity war suez netw gingrigh ,Mark kelly NASA gravity Safeway store, Charles Whitman and Whitman chocollate sampler , Julius Burton and atomic Jacob collins,. c-130 Hercules plane , Feynman fermat theorem , Richard speck, columbine High school eric harris and BMO-Harris Bank school problems
Skin .... dermatology &
B.F. Skinner
B.F. Skinner
- Farm 10 - Black forest trees, lumber, Giant Sequoia tree trunk,,, data storage cylinders, Our Lady of Flowers data flow
- Farm 06 - Pier protein docking, Bethesda dairy farm, Mullins cones
- XXXXX Food 58 - peaches and skins and bf skin
- Event 72 - song lyrics ...Travis Zoellick and others
- XXXXXX Event 04 - Jay Sorce explains B F Skinner (Jay Sorce)
- XXXXXXXX Science 62 - Skin Walkers subroutines and sodium Na-channel .... Concentraton camps
- XXXXXX Science 32 - Skinwalkers and Governor Walker
- XXXXX DONE Science 11 Neurons and the euro dollar BRAIN currency -
- WORK Data 332 - Blood 38th parallel fermilab defect software battle of SKIN --> S Korea INchon Caused by the Bedroom infra-red rigged trial of the Red Light Bandit ...... bandwidth subroutine crimes
- WORK Data 332 - Blood 38th parallel fermilab defect software
- Data 638 - news -skin walkers
- WORK Data 286 - record locking .... Taxidermist - definition of taxidermist
Skull & Bones society of
Yale, Cambodia --> Cam Bod dia -->
Cambridge Student body (diameter) region of
BRAIN death filled with BRAIN BS and trivia
Sky & Telescope magazine
- Event 97 - Van Gogh Stary Night and Monica sky
- Data 444 - monica sky and ionsphere and worrmghole dotrac ..bethesda earth federal governemnt
SLA ...... bedroom slaughter system of trees, etc to
feed the family violations of
population LIMIT laws of Nature's
Slater Rule .. Savings Loan Associations, BS, and
atomic credit card charges and Patty Hearst
- Science 55 - Ed Witten explains DAD equation ... EARTH LAB Super-symmetry(SY)
- WORK Data 682 - Newspaper editorial news on electron orbitals ..Z-axis nation Bt-Corn Thought control GMO Corn The Joe Rosen ....... Einstein Rosen bridge .. Iwo Jima - Feb 19, 1945 Surrealism, beyond Dalí code words --> 100 pound pole rose
- WORK Data 522 - patty hearst sla explains .savings loan association conflicts
Sleepy Hollow
SNA & Snake River
- Food 84 - Miller Auto parts ..integration and haus dorf space Marble quarry quantum array .supreme court and its vermont marble quarry and Conrad Hilton chicago Rocky Balboa and Balboa ..boa snake .. IBM SNAKE
- XXXXX Food -05 - mark zucker sugar
- Event 56 - Citgo ... Waukesha eight year sentence Agent Orange / Jerica Cotton and textile cotton langaugh
- Science 80 - Austin Powers ..human action figures Joe Stack Austin
- Data 680 - wo jima soil earth diet of worms fiar soli
Snell's Law
- Data 349 - Snell law richard snell
- Event 98 - Flying Carpets and Besharzzar feat r
- Z57 Data 555 - star wars Virginia tobacco plants Constitution project .chewbacca nicotine molecule actylcholine ace hardware Governor wallace Solomon & Berg
- Data 428 - topology of mind seventh seal movie and seven bridges and seven warrfs
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
Snow Jobs & John W. Stone
Snow Jobs & John W. Stone
- Food 77 - Mylan......a protein machine organization ..song lyric
- Event 20 - Lance Armstrong and the Armstrong Baby Kidnapping with Agatha Christie
- XXXXXX Science 61 - Cambridge student body ..Cambodia skulls
- Science 02 - Gay LussacLAW, Charles law, Boston CP SNOW storm, infrared, thermodynamics
- Data 308 -c p snow codes
Parallel and batteries in Parallel
NAACP History
AA copper plated History
SNOW ... c p snow(CPS)
and senator charles percy (SCP)
and senator charles percy (SCP)
- Science 30 - Two Cultures and Dali i surface area pictures and Dirac Carmen Ortiz reality
- Two CulturesThe city of Königsberg in Prussia (now Kaliningrad, Russia) was set on both sides of the Pregel River,
included two large islands
which were connected to each other,
or to the two mainland portions of the city, by seven bridges
Snow’s position can be summed up by an often-repeated part of the essay:
Snow’s position can be summed up by an often-repeated part —>
Edward Snow Snowden with
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
newspaper & TV Snow jobs and the White House and
Janet Reno (Justice department intellectual dwarf DEMO
with the Seven day adventist and
data Alfred Korzybski reality --> da Kor --> david Koresh
and the Korea language problems)
Science .... variety .... miscellaneous
SOC --> System on Chip
- Food 49 - sock-eyed- salmon ..SOC system on a chip
- WORK Watergate .... Z90 ----- Science 04 - Water molecule continuum Generation Data Sets, G.V. Loganathan OC7 Oklahoma bombing .. Hannah Graham .an 18-year-old second-year Whitewater scandal Hydroelctric Protocol droid Layers of Earth's Atmosphere mos
- XXXXXX DONE Science 04 - Water molecule continuum Generation Data Sets, G.V. Loganathan hydrology, Whitewater, Hydroelctric
- She met Enrico Fermi at a soccer game in 1924She met Enrico Fermi at a soccer game in 1924She met Enrico Fermi at a soc game in 92 ..... uranium coupling code for humans at 37 degrees ..
soc = socrates and Earth soil atomic pictures ...Epic of Epicurus walling ..the 2-leg alternating cycle ...... legacy
- ZZZ59 Data 651 - Karl Marx and uranium address space and rx priciple KLM ..... Laura Fermi | Atomic social science Laura Bush Plains, Georgia and Jimmy Carter
- Z57 Data 534 - system of chip (SOC) south carolina Dylann roof ..sikh temple brain KHZ
- ZZZ-65 Data 289 - Dylan roof EM field and SOC = system on chip
SOCRates battles on Sunday OCtobeR
Sunday, OCtobeR 1, 2017 when a gunman opened fire on a crowd of concertgoers at the Route 91 Harvest music festival on the Las Vegas Strip in Nevada
Sunday, OCtobeR
S........... OC ...... R
--> SOCRATES wars
--> SOCRATES wars
.........OCR ..optical character readers
- Data 683 - oxygen football (AMU = ammunition)
Sodium ...... Na-channel
Soil .... Dirt .. the geography s-orbital surface
- Route 29 Soil Z90 -- Science 78 - FermiLAB and Lev Landau layers of atomic land s-orbital soil
The Gulag Archipelago of university
social science and families BS - Wikipediahttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Gulag_ArchipelagoThe Gulag Archipelago is a book by
Yale university and its beer/ale pub public policy ..... Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn about the Soviet (So -- Soil view ethics)
forced (pregnancy ) labor camp system (of overflow babies for the bedroom real estate construction mentality)The three-volume book is a narrative relying on ...
- Dirac dirt acres (size 404) - Z70 - Dirac 69 - Dirac acres .. dirt diecrtory ..village of I PING
- WORK Data 620 - Golda Meir & PLO ... plow sin wave ... DirAC --> dir + AC --> Dirt acres .. farm dirt + acres of plowed sin wave land
- WORK Data 572 - levi coffin and cincinnati underground CIN waves , grave soil black holes, Dirac BASE 16 complement space and the Africa base 16 afterlife dr.liviingstone, gold atoms created by EARTH centrifugal force in South Africa.
- Event 75 - Internal bio-math .... .blood arteries math TOPOLOGY .. sun Yat sen dirt
- Science 215 - Burkina Faso (fa + so --> Farm Soil under attack from BS) attack Turkish restaurant known as Aziz Istanbul.
- Farm 01- Dirac s-orbital soil, farm iron plow, Fountain of youth Okeechobee
- Farm 07 - Sun Yat Sen ..Chin digestive language SYMBOLS , vertical tillage Time Todd
- Farm 13 - black soil wormholes Dirac matrices, Rice Lake cellulose tree LU stand, Green Bay photosynthesis
- Farm 11 - Ground code ,, ouch / pain ...Groucho Marx and the Earth BLACK soil pain at Blacksburg Virginia
- Farm 78 - Black soil and shoot system ..BOTANY SHOOT military
- Farm 84 - Wisconsin SIN wave ac acres of siol germination wars ..CLAY link
- Farm 94 - rex stout and TREE of KNowledge output agent botany ..BROWNSTONE soil
- Farm 82 - farm soil and underground clay ... cassius clay
- Farm 58 - Farm land LIES of the Township of Shields
- Farm 11 - Ground code ,, ouch / pain ...Groucho Marx and the Earth BLACK soil pain at Blacksburg Virginia ....Groucho Marx --> earth ground ouch .... Rx earth medical systems
- Farm 08 - Conde, SD and President Carter & Hotel carter , Black Dirt , Edward Edwards ..... Soil and soil Oil refining code name mrS. oilings ..... soil linguistics/ language
- Farm 01- Dirac s-orbital soil, farm iron plow, Fountain of youth Okeechobee
- XXXXX Farm 51 - Solar System bank ..embankment and Alan Greenspan and so ..Soil Karl ,,Alan Soil Sokal ....Alan Sokal --> A lan So kal --> America land soil karl
- XXXXXX Farm 35 - soil of Paul Dirac
- XXXXXX Farm 20 - Rod Nilsestuen and soil data sets ,,,, black Black soil HEAD of State ..Nelson Mandel ... Wisconsin manuscript with the Dells and David Nelson
- XXXXXX Farm 17 - black dirt dirac soli hydrocarbon hotel carter
- Event 91 - Watertown rubber tire fire .... Shield of Lies book Wily Loma loam farm soil
- SUV ..SUper-symmetry VariablesA man inside a black SUV --> Black SUV ...Black Soil universal & values and Black soil Universities in Virginia... Blacksburg soil contaminated by human Bull-shit and dribble thoughts
A man inside a black SU
A man inside a black FSU Valuable player ...Dirac codesa banquet hall located in the 11900 block of South Loomis Street
hall located in the 11900 block ....West Pullman parking lot
hall located in the 11900 block hall located in the 11900 blockhall located in the 11900 blockhall located in the 11900 block .. Pullman area ....11 .......................11.........................11............- WORK Data 620 - Golda Meir & PLO ... plow sin wave ... DirAC --> dir + AC --> Dirt acres .. farm dirt + acres of plowed sin wave land
- WORK Data 268 - Union of sets .... Chanukah menorah. ..DATCP ... CP violation Home .... Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, ........... ...noDe norther death northern death -- Sam Hengel
Land level formation .... EARTH atomic geological layers
and atomic soil ... s-orbital with algebra subset letter code
................................s o i l
Sokal .... algebra start set S0 (Alan Sokal)
- WORK Data 375 (long insert) - Gravity - Suez six day war, Gabby giffords, jake gerard , Route 66 Richard Speck, Columbine , June 11 Execution of McVeight(t) causes execution of Sept 11 Z29 Group 25 .......
Sokal affair .... SYMBOL WORLD and its transformation/actualization -
Sokal aff air - SYMBOL MACHINE ..... EARTH air force activated
Sokal affair .... SYMBOL WORLD and its transformation/actualization -
Sokal aff air - SYMBOL MACHINE ..... EARTH air force activated
Sokal a ff fa air -
Sokal a ff faa air planes -->
attack Hex'FF" high-values
Federal Aviation Administration airplaneson September 11,2001-
Solo .... Princess Leia Organa of Alderaan
- ZZZ59 - Data 663 - echo catch the echo lech walesa solids dirac ultra cold atoms ... Wojciech Braszczok, poles shoes ..greek atomic stone columns Doric I/o ionic parthenon integration by parts living-stone mexico escape
- Science 07 - Music ..Irving Berlin attacks Berlin ... string theory music
- ZZZ59 - Data 663 - echo catch the echo lech walesa solids dirac ultra cold atoms ... Wojciech Braszczok, poles shoes ..greek atomic stone columns Doric I/o ionic parthenon integration by parts living-stone mexico escape
- Data 214 - atomic family obama and
Solo .... Princess Leia Organa of Alderaan
Solomon, Hans Solo and Sun Prairie
- WORK Data 209 - x-wing algebra solo madison sun prairie brian Solomon Elena Berg Z sin j ........ Solo Z .....wisconSIN j = janesville
- WORK Data 204 - organic chemistry, Hans Solo, and pulse nightclub omar mateen 29 copper military electrons on June 12 (120 volts code) atoms Hans Solo and Lando Calrissan .... Orlando shooting age 29 electron Omar Mir Seddique Mateen ... Omar Mirror que ..guebec BEC
- Dirac 23 - Rosicrucians, Solomon Fryhle textbook battle Jaylen Fryberg
- Z57 Data 568 - mos circuit Brian Solomon explains detailed requirements in Sunni jurisprudence in Sun Prairie Wisconsin
- Z57 Data 555 - star wars Virginia tobacco plants Constitution project .chewbacca nicotine molecule actylcholine ace hardware Governor wallace Solomon & Berg
- ZZZ-65 Data 281 - Solomon wrote ..... ..... hans solo and solomon orangic chemsitry su praire ena berg Sunni Islam Origins,
- Event 82 - Hannah Graham and T.W . Graham Solomon and the Shell station
- XXXXXXX Event 22 - Alderman Solomon and Princess Leia Organa of Alderaan of Madison
- XXXXX Event 05 - Bataclan battle for control of Bstavia Illinios region Brian Solomon
- Science 88 - Polish square root minus one i zrow ....... Madison coma and Sun Prairie
- Z57 Data 555 - star wars Virginia tobacco plants Constitution project .chewbacca nicotine molecule actylcholine ace hardware Governor wallace Solomon & Berg
- Farm 09 - Germination and Solar light, Solzhenitsyn, Hamer and Sickele, oats , yellow straw
- ZZZ-65 Data 240 - Solar system governemtn, of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn .... Russia , evans , carmen ortis, Dmitri Mendeleev , san bernadino, carl saga earth orbits peru columbia atomic columns, sp orbitals,
- WORK Data 297 - A B C murders and crime commands broadcast via Television Khan and Zoellick ... bio-radio code KHZ Sticky Fingers robbery Rolli Groth and Tolstoy
Songs ..top 100 Blood songs
- XXXXXX Event 08 - Sam Hengel movie projector
- Data 295 - song lyric horizon and Born in Borneo
- ZZZ-65 Data 294 - tamir rice song ... look into mirror ..song..survival in the city
- Data 293 - song kill 2 birds with 1 stone
- ZZZ-65 Data 292 - stone tempel epilot music ...death
- WORK Data 291 - Music..step to thhe edge floor 32 mandalay hotel event horizon
- Data 290 - music lyric sing sing prision
- ZZZ-65 Data 277 - music death lyrics Jamie's cryin , las Vegas, norberg face mirror,, Tamir rice mirror
Sorority House .. s-orbitals and
George Soros mutual funds explains
Gorgeous Sorority pussy mutual fun /pleasure
Sorce ..Jay Sorce ..S orbital italian code
Sort merge .. collate LU (Luther) & sugar molecules
- Food 84 - Miller Auto parts ..integration and haus dorf space Marble quarry quantum array sort sugar molecule
- Event 20 - Lance Armstrong and the Armstrong Baby Kidnapping with Agatha Christie
Sotheby's equation of south Hex byte
South Carolina
- WORK Data 430 - soc south carilna Okene in Nigeria's central Kogi State. ..oscillscope of oshkosh six day war .... author homas Gifford homas ---> Homs ...... 1967 Arab–Israeli War, ...... six Syrian MiG carbon 6 plane fighters. ..
- Science 06 - Sistine Chapel battle in SC = South Carolina SC = Sub-Conscious
- WORK Data 430 - soc south carilna Okene in Nigeria's central Kogi State. ..oscillscope of oshkosh six day war .... author homas Gifford homas ---> Homs ...... 1967 Arab–Israeli War, ...... six Syrian MiG carbon 6 plane fighters. ..
- Food 49 - sock-eyed- salmon ..SOC system on a chip
- WORK Data 286 - record locking .... Taxidermist - definition of taxidermist
The Evolving Universe of Caltech language schemes
SC = Sub-conscious GROUP MIND of
SC = Southern California millions of people
SC = Sub-conscious GROUP MIND of
SC = Southern California millions of people
Orbital ....
s,p orbitals and Taylor Polynomial interface sites ........... injection of math life into atoms
s,p orbitals and Taylor Polynomial interface sites ........... injection of math life into atoms
- WORK Gibbs (size 249 ) Z59 Data 670 and farm 97 - gibbs dirac Georgia Giibs toplogy Sports Illustrated Swimsuit 2018 | SI.com Sp orts --> S, P electron orbits Illustrated ... Paige Raque sits with her Topology byte dog Toby ....... the Peach / impeachment onion President Nixon .... Georgia Peaches elect Jimmy Carter
- Science 117 - Demo of Democrat Shelley ... electron shell eyes
- ZZZ-65 Data 240 - Solar system governemtn, of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn .... Russia , evans , carmen ortis, Dmitri Mendeleev , san bernadino, carl saga earth orbits peru columbia atomic columns, sp orbitals,
- Farm 01- Dirac s-orbital soil, far
- Science 41 - Army myoglobin protein military molecule
Spandau prison
Spanish Language ..... inverted
Spanish Language ..... inverted
- Data 230 - unufied theory spnadau bosnia Jefferson's First Inauguration, March 4, 1801 4-H club jefferson spandau ...span + dau ...
spanish and Landau daughters of ugh ..ugly husband Mr.Shit brains / nasty
- ZZZ-65 Data 244- Argentina software crap infects Spanish language beef proteins ... salvador dali central nervous system and El salvador oliver north pregnancy comics
- ZZZ-65 Data 240 - Solar system governemtn, of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn .... Russia , evans , carmen ortis, Dmitri Mendeleev , san bernadino, carl saga earth orbits peru columbia atomic columns, sp orbitals,
- Farm 67 - farm alnd wars ...Lando Calrissian and the soil caste system ..inverted question
- Event 20 - Lance Armstrong and the Armstrong Baby Kidnapping with Agatha Christie
- Science 41 - Army myoglobin protein military molecule
- Science 30 - Two Cultures and Dali i surface area pictures and Dirac Carmen Ortiz reality
- Data 343 - mole avodarodr News -
- Next 330 - Phillipine year 1900 (Spanish-American war) Richard Speck gravity 66 / 67 year later , Badger guns janet reno & reno raines Carment ortiz sp orbitals ..Zbigniew complex numbers Eisenhower
- WORK Data 545 - head turing process and Alzheimer's memory channels switching channel 58 schemes
Born in Inverness,
Born in Inverness,Born in the inverse universe .......
the inverse question MARK ...
and the rigged trial of MARK my Words .......
of Mark D. Totzke- WORK Beer Summit (size ) Z74 - Science 804 z44 group 122 beer summit .... Henry Logic Gates ..... inverness crow ...Benjamin Netanyahu -...... Carmen Ortiz ..... Michael Brown . Canfield Drive -.... Canfield Drive in Massey - Ferguson ...farm accidents, farmer heart attacks,...... Travis Zoellick, Haroon Khan .... Bush Differential Analyzer...... Umpqua college Iraqi forces enter Mosul University
Spanish-American War
- WORK Data 332 - Blood 38th parallel fermilab defect software
- WORK Data 331 - Litmus test and Ph ..phillipine wars and Inceon korea
Spanned Data records
Spectral lines ...... Richard Speck
Spencer ..Herbert Spencer
- WORK Data 335 - Leopols loeb Jekyll and Hyde Park
- Pier Oddone Z89 Event 29 - Pier Oddone Evita Peron and CO2 cycle
Split-brain (2 hemispheres)
and split bra ,..female breasts (2 hemispheres)
of thought implanted into male brain language
Gavin Long brain ....
Longitudinal fissure and
longing and desire LINK to earth will/effort ideas of
longitude, Latitude, and altitude
Playboy center-fold picture implants
into the the male skull and its
longitudinal fissure / 2 hemispheres of thought with pussy THOUGHT CONTROL for
Gavin Long's brain in Baton Rouge ...with
Longitudinal fissure and
longing and desire LINK to earth will/effort ideas of
longitude, Latitude, and altitude
Playboy center-fold picture implants
into the the male skull and its
longitudinal fissure / 2 hemispheres of thought with pussy THOUGHT CONTROL for
Gavin Long's brain in Baton Rouge ...with
Baton twirling is a blood arteries software .... art ....
involving the manipulation of a metal rod
(or a metabolism penis rod OR
a meta-language eye rod/cone optical language)
involving the manipulation of a metal rod
(or a metabolism penis rod OR
a meta-language eye rod/cone optical language)
and the performer's body to a ..... Individual sports · Circus skills · Twirling · Cheerleading.
Spiro Agnew
Spokane High School ... Thus Spoke
Spring & Springfield
Square root of minus 1
- ZZZ 59 677 - atomic number battles .... Sam Hengel latitude longitude .... blood jungbulth .... first day spring ED witten ... Mullins Troy Mil --> Trou ounce of gold ... Milwaukee golda meir
- by Edward Wittenby E .............. tenbytE .............. ten ---> bio-computerSouthern California (SC) and theSub-conscious (SC) collective GROUP MIND meeting
in the spring ....
sub-conscious THOUGHTS may
spring UP to a level of conscious
University of Southern California in the spring of 1995.
Square root of minus 1
SS433 ..astronomy
St. Bernards
Stack ... Joe Stack & Stack computer
- Joe Stack - Z72 Science 145 - Joe Stack and the stack computer wars
- Event 65 - murder of Joe Stack ..erase 20 (amino acids ) ..Aish School and Sandy Hook
- Farm 08 - Conde, SD and President Carter & Hotel carter , Black Dirt , Edward Edwards
- XXXXXX Farm 77 - joe stack and hay stack ...haykawa language stacks and atomic hatahway shirts
- Food 02 - digestive system mcdonald arches
- Event 65 - murder of Joe Stack ..erase 20 (amino acids ) ..Aish School and Sandy Hook
- Event 24 - Watertown Tire Fire
- Science 80 - Austin Powers ..human action figures Joe Stack Austin
- WORK Data 317 - John Dalton and DR. martin Luther King maxwell
- Data 225 - joe stack computer and ifra-red freddie gray ray ...ray tensing
- WORK Data 579 - dirac earth electron language routes taliesin wisconsin Wright Anasazi Cliffs clifford lane Zin circuit to Africa..David Livingstone
- code words --> Stackpole --> Stack and Pole
2010 Austin .... the STACK computer attack
Stamps .... amps and Voltaire voltage
- ZZZ59 Data 635 - Voltaire..Virginia earth electron wars ..... voltaire burial in ground gives thought powers to earth energy and elctron volts
- Data 610 - lake okeechobee pulse
Stamboul | district of Chicago ......,
2003 E2 nightclub stamboul district
...... postage stamp ...... data generating EVENT
..... Stam boul
..... Stam pede ...... bp = base pair column 5 letters
Standard Model
- Next 369 - hawking grand design, garvity Gabby gifffors faraday copper at San Bernadino and Faraday West (Cole Hall) , lethal injection , Nixon algebra, Standard model. Boyles Law
- Farm 72 - Proteins and botany Germination Standard Model ... Uz --> Uzbekistan ... Universe Z bec + Beckett + is = info systems ..Standard model
- Science 07 - Music ..Irving Berlin attacks Berlin ... string theory music
- BORG .... Emanuel Sweden.BORG
.... electromagnetic field TV wars Star TreK
Star Buck
Stargate SG-1
Star Trek, Deep Space Nine, Star Wars
- Science 36 - Star Trek Science prison ..Riker -
- Data 82 - Will Riker and Star Trek .... brain prison tricks
- Data 73 - Star Trek Vulcan ...... Vulcanizatiom process and carbon black
- Data 30 - Star Wars .... Mara Jade in Boston bombing and Grand Admiral Thrawn at Grand 16 Theater
- Science 219 - Star wars and Fishe Scientific expression agent Carrie Fisher ..Sister Carrie Fisher Scientific Lab supplies)
- Next 351 - Cossacks, Dirac earthworm segments MS SSA , Coyote art fair Flat iron building ...busy bee on Damen ......McCoy star trek
- Z57 Data 555 - star wars Virginia tobacco plants Constitution project .chewbacca nicotine molecule actylcholine ace hardware Governor wallace Solomon & Berg
- ZZZ-65 Data 261 - Jamie Kirk missing LU brains and Sta Trek and lumber wars Logival unis
- XXXXX Food 23 - sugar THOUGHT molecule explains Star Trek impulse engine battle at Pulse nightclub PULSE ENGINES
- Event 69 - John Galt, Zinjan, Jawaharial Nehru, wedding ring plus tail of retail store equals ring-tailed monkey ..Jawa star wars
- Event 13 - Star Wars Lando .... Philando, Orlando Pulse nightclub shooting, Rolando Las Vegas
- Data 304 - Lutz Lu longboat key water mol;eucle navy anchor
Stars wars at Nairobi - Specialists OB/GYNSpecialists OB/GYN and moisture farms /pussy moistureSpecialists OB --> Obi-Wan Kenobi
Starry Night .... Ken Starr brain software & Van Gogh laws of the F,E,D ionosphere layers
Starr ..... Ken Starr and Bart Starr football code Bart (blood arteries software programming of the human body PROTEIN MACHINE by sports methods)
Start codon .... Start wars in AUG
- Food 13 - Dessert storm
- WORK Chemistry Wade - Z51 EM 05 - chemistry ordered attack Wade Michael Page Signal Recognition Particle: ...Jamie Kirk (Hahn) ..... cosine agents Cossacks ... Roelli cheese Roe vs. Wade ...... Hausdorff space .... IBM z Enterprise System ..... janesville Jakubowski Bethesda Lutheran ... Wells Fargo ... DNA start codons AUG ..... MINDDRO Wisconsin acquaculture Lahey – Floating point numbers ...... Mother-In-Law Behaviors …….heroIn Law Behaviors ..emily dickerson casino fight ho-chunck emily post octagon house
States of Mind
- WORK Data 384 - Janet Reno Brains .... WACO Reno Raines TV motorcycle and Twin Peaks motorcycles
- WORK Data 379 - Janet Reno Kotex codes... George Orwell Junior Seau ...Georgia Russia and Georgia President Carter
- WORK Data 325 - Anwar sadat , Vsam California,... maurice wilkens ... Vietnam rice fiekls ... vang rice lake .... dirac matrices
- WORK Data 324 - Janet reno sparks nevda shape wave
- Orson Welles 1938 VS STEM em brain wave educationNearly 38 million Kidde brain fire signal
STEM .... EM TV and radio wave implants
into human LAB children bio-electron body
Orson Welles 1938 VS STEM education
into human LAB children bio-electron body
Orson Welles 1938 VS STEM education
Nearly 38 million Kidde brain fire signal
Sterling Hall bombing & silverware
- Data 70 - Sterling Hall ...sterling silverware and cook wars ... People's Gas of Cook County
- GOOD Farm 50 - Matt Anderson and Sterling Hall
- Z50 probate court ..existential states, Sterling Hall and Leo Burnett, city of electricity
- Nikola Tesla (size 275) Sister Carrier ... Z90 science 76 Diana Shore..Shore ham
- Z57 Data 527 - sterling hall dna war
- XXXXXX Farm 69 - Kurds battle at Cottage Grove Wisconsin ..Landmark Farm Coop and Jung Seeds / Carl Jung see data set
- XXXXX Farm 45 - ag wars with agatha Christie
- XXXXXX Science 53 - Nikola Tesla echo
- Z57 Data 527 - sterling hall dna war
Stevens Building ...Chicago
Steven CHU .. energy and CHU CHU Trains
.... Choo Choo trains .... equation
SchooL ..... S + choo train/educate ..L
Stevens Building ..... CBSI school in 1970 and
SYS1. Catalog for Department of Energy and
its Sartre existential specialist Steven CHU
Steven Weinberg
Stock market & Nylons
Stomach .. Customer Control (CICS)
Stone Temple Pilot ..150 dead
Strunk, William Strunk
.... Choo Choo trains .... equation
SchooL ..... S + choo train/educate ..L
- Science 72 - Steven Chu explains CHU CHU rail road train derailments
- WORK Data 372 - steven chu enrgy and adam lanza Lucinda roy ..roy rodges emily hilscher
- Next 333 - k-channel korean war Mayor Barrett age 55 Augst (8thmonth) iron 55.8 signal. Police chief jung young bloods , 38th parallel Korea Korzybski and Chicago
SYS1. Catalog for Department of Energy and
its Sartre existential specialist Steven CHU
Stock market & Nylons
Stomach .. Customer Control (CICS)
- Food 71 - leomanade sugar axiom of choice
- Food 36 - Reese candy bar and Clasen cholocate facory ... Bank Robbery
- Data 639 - news cell nucleus CICS
- Data 518 - c p snow and edward snow
Stomach ate ----> equation --> State of Mind
Stone ..... Doric atomic columns, Partheon
Stone Temple Pilot ..150 dead
Stoney ....... George Johnstone Stoney
- DNA 58 - joe stack kill 2 brirds with 1 stone ...george johnstone stoney electrons he stonet
- WORK Data 647 - dr.livingstone IP address in Africa .... and george Johnstone stoney ..stone electron eye
- WORK Data 409 - secret language proto-elamite writing on the stone ---> geology stone/ rock atom / electron DATABASE ...gravity pull gravestones ..Route 29 gonzales
- Science 47 - First day of Spring and Hooks Law and George Stoney
- Science 47 - First day of Spring and Hooks Law and George Stoney
Storage ...... data storage
Tropic of Capricorn .... cap + corn -->
metal storage bin with a roof & center cap filled with dry grain
... atomic/ molecular corn kernels ,,,,
metal storage bin with a roof & center cap filled with dry grain
... atomic/ molecular corn kernels ,,,,
Streams of Consciousness / Joan Rivers
Bernoulli equation for data stream flow ....
nouns, verbs, ideas, concepts as fluids ...
language fluid flows to run society .....
......nou ll i -->
proper noun/noun ... parallel existences .....
interfaces & human interceptors
Bernoulli equation for data stream flow ....
nouns, verbs, ideas, concepts as fluids ...
language fluid flows to run society .....
......nou ll i -->
proper noun/noun ... parallel existences .....
interfaces & human interceptors
- XXXXX Farm 98 - cradle of civilzation ... agriculture
- XXXXXX Farm 77 - joe stack and hay stack ...haykawa language stacks and atomic hatahway shirts
- Data 621 - far horisons sand circuits and herb field layer --> herrbert & data fields
- Data 479 - geography language messages about biology
- WORK Data 297 - A B C murders and crime commands broadcast via Television Khan and Zoellick ... bio-radio code KHZ Sticky Fingers robbery Rolli Groth and Tolstoy
Berlin ... Bernoulli equation with P--> Qbattle at umP-->Qua college
String theory ... single threading
- ZZZ-65 Data 223 - Protein machine wars,,,, beef protein machine electron volt arguments symbolized by evita peron argetina ..... Salvador Dalí - Dmitry Mendeleev – string theory Multi-Threaded Application vs. Single Threaded Application
- Science 98 - henry Bello bronx hospital .. setting himself on fire and shooting himself in the head,
- Science 07 - Music ..Irving Berlin attacks Berlin ... string theory music
- ZZZ-65 Data 223 - Protein machine wars,,,, beef protein machine electron volt arguments symbolized by evita peron argetina ..... Salvador Dalí - Dmitry Mendeleev – string theory Multi-Threaded Application vs. Single Threaded Application
- WORK Data 475 - coffee tree roots, coffee tables and coffin tables ... tree trunk William Strunk .... Deeper Life Coffee Bible
String theory ..... Loomis Street
7-Eleven (11) stores and
string theory 11 dimensions of existence
and / or expression
7-Eleven (11) stores and
string theory 11 dimensions of existence
and / or expression
- String 03 - I35W Bridge Paul dirac Loomis Street ... gravity field pull, W particle, and Diane Borchardt
- WORK Data 448 - string theory data looms Loomis street battle Carnegie and Daley SR year 1955 iron 55 and -Maggie Daley
- String 02 - Loomis street SU particle battle site and Knife in Finland
- String 01 - Loomis Street .. Pullman district Gravity field Pull
- Science 168 - loomis stret string theory and SU(V)
- WORK Data 544- andrew carnegie weaver cottage and Maggie Daley pittsburg/chicago chicago Loomis street string theory fabric battle
- WORK Data 448 - string theory data looms Loomis street battle Carnegie and Daley SR year 1955 iron 55 and -Maggie Daley
- Food 27 - sugar/ chocolate ... EARTH LAB for humanoids | MILKY WAY galaxy systems engineering
- Science 81 - james Joyce and Leopold and Loeb Base 16 loom /weaving words and concepts ... B Loom ... Bloomsday and then IBM base 16 blooms
- Science 07 - Music ..Irving Berlin attacks Berlin ... string theory music
- WORK Data 347 - casino las vegas sino node wars ... Wisconsin ,,, Northern DeKalb (Node) Plano
- Andrew Carnegie (AC = Alternating cycle) with
.....................negie --> negative half of wave
Strunk, William Strunk
- Z57 Data 574 - webster dictionary shooting ... Region of Convergence copper 0 to 62 address ... 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue ,,shinning path of Darwin with Feynman path integrals
- WORK Data 475 - coffee tree roots, coffee tables and coffin tables ... tree trunk William Strunk .... Deeper Life Coffee Bible
- Data 428 - topology of mind seventh seal movie and seven bridges and seven warrfs
Sub-conscious, Sistine Chapel, sub-continent
....... Venice Beach ..sub-conscious
....... Venice Beach ..sub-conscious
- Science 06 - Sistine Chapel battle in SC = South Carolina SC = Sub-Conscious
- Data 93 - Patty Hearst symbols and SSCH ...Start SubChaannel . --> S SCH -->. Head Start program SCHOOL ..sub-conscious
- Science 260 - Mother earth intellectual structure ..signs VIA sub-continent of india freud ..sub-conscious EARTH
- Science 119 - Bethesda and Sub-conscious MIND geography shape of sub-continent of Indiai
- Farm 27 - Sub-continent India protein machines ..India Sub-consioucsc
- NEXT 365 - chicago Greyhound bus station .... fortran loop marshal field....marshall wisconsin ... Chicago ice skate rink / sub-conscious . Orson Welles 1938 neurons
- ZZZ-65 Data 269 - Lincoln Emancipation proclamation .... House un ....un-consiocus activitiees violation of cons --- conscious constiution chess paul morphy Karl Marx KLM quantum
- XXXXXX Farm 69 - Kurds battle at Cottage Grove Wisconsin ..Landmark Farm Coop and Jung Seeds / Carl Jung see data set
- XXXXX Farm 16 = Rod nilsestuen superior life Superiority complex
- Food 37 - Deepak Chopra agent codes ..... pak Cho ...... .... package CHO sugar molecules
- XXXXX Food -05 - mark zucker sugar
- Science 68 -Iindiana Jones explains the Dow Jones
- Science 41 - Army myoglobin protein military molecule
- Science 13 - Cicero Ill crypt / coffin of Cataline Garcia opens the Salvador Dali data set of Catalina Spain
- Science 06 - Sistine Chapel battle in SC = South Carolina SC = Sub-Conscious
- Science 02 - Gay LussacLAW, Charles law, Boston CP SNOW storm, infrared, thermodynamics
- WORK Data 386 - janet reno - sparks , Waco siege April 19, 1993 + 20 amino years Watertown April 19, 2013
- WORK Data 384 - Janet Reno Brains .... WACO Reno Raines TV motorcycle and Twin Peaks motorcycles
- Next 374 - Boston Evans atomic nucleaus TRIAL, Evansville Wyoming Taylor Polynomials battle, Iowa Evangelist, and Boston ruuner sin wav vibrations of MASS of Masdsachusetts sent to Wisconsin sin ECHO analysis
- WORK Data 364 - Ice-skate Frued brain radio Orson well 1938 neurotransmitter
- SC = Sub-conscious GROUP MIND of
SC = Southern California millions of people
Sub-continent of India
- XXXXX Food -05 - mark zucker sugar
- Science 68 -Iindiana Jones explains the Dow Jones
- Science 10 _ Nikola Tesla and Mt. Everst India sikh i
- WORK Data 375 (long insert) - Gravity - Suez six day war, Gabby giffords, jake gerard , Route 66 Richard Speck, Columbine , June 11 Execution of McVeight(t) causes execution of Sept 11 Z29 Group 25
Sub-routine driver & Return Codes July 16
Suez Canal wars
- WORK Data 375 (long insert) - Gravity - Suez six day war, Gabby giffords, jake gerard , Route 66 Richard Speck, Columbine , June 11 Execution of McVeight(t) causes execution of Sept 11 Z29 Group 25
- Next 326 - Gravity war suez netw gingrigh ,Mark kelly NASA gravity Safeway store, Charles Whitman and Whitman chocollate sampler , Julius Burton and atomic Jacob collins,. c-130 Hercules plane , Feynman fermat theorem , Richard speck, columbine High school eric harris and BMO-Harris Bank school problems On October 29, 1956,On October 29 --> atomic number 29 copper and city of electri.CITY --and Iron 56 ...electric motor wars (iron 56 and copper 29)
to the Europe (rope/ cotton textile strings) Hungary 1956
Iron-56 Cu = copper/ Iron Curtain (window curtains in a house)
to the Chicago area ...... iron/steel industry of of Gary Indiana IRON and the Iron Curtain .... that is American women IRON cotton bed sheets and IRON oxford button down Men's dress shirts (a curtain fabric ) - LINK of Gary India (North America) ..... India sub-continent region od
Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi ...... . As part of Gandhi's policies of civil disobedience and non-cooperation, he encouraged people to boycott British goods, specifically cotton textiles
(code Gary = G + ary --> color/pattern text / Grammar on
a linear algebra Array) , and encouraged Indians to use homespun and woven khadi.Jul 29, 2010
- Sugar (size 203) - Z85 Food 69 - sugar mark zucker , Dirac dexrose bridge
- WORK Data 258 - Ombudsman ... Buddhist AGENTS - .. Farm .sunlight Wachovia Bank ..... water wells of HG Wells bank with Farday .... Wells Fargo green bay packers .... Clasen Quality Chocolate ...... Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) ..... Emmett Till is murdered - Aug 28, 1955 ..... 63rd Street ...... electricity
- Next 354 - ear people audio, alzheimer's memory DEATH Sentence, RNA molecule death sentence, sugar archo-platformist agent Mark Zuckerburg
- Next 326 - Gravity war suez netw gingrigh ,Mark kelly NASA gravity Safeway store, Charles Whitman and Whitman chocollate sampler , Julius Burton and atomic Jacob collins,. c-130 Hercules plane , Feynman fermat theorem , Richard speck, columbine High school eric harris and BMO-Harris Bank school problems
- ZZZ-65 Data 240 - Solar system governemtn, of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn .... Russia , evans , carmen ortis, Dmitri Mendeleev , san bernadino, carl saga earth orbits peru columbia atomic columns, sp orbitals,
- Food 84 - Miller Auto parts ..integration and haus dorf space Marble quarry quantum array sort sugar molecule
- XXXXXX Farm 30 - Botany code Nicholas and photosynthesis and Sugar/ zucker
- Food 71 - leomanade sugar axiom of choice
- WORK Data 258 - Ombudsman ... Buddhist AGENTS - .. Farm .sunlight Wachovia Bank ..... water wells of HG Wells bank with Farday .... Wells Fargo green bay packers .... Clasen Quality Chocolate ...... Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) ..... Emmett Till is murdered - Aug 28, 1955 ..... 63rd Street ...... electricity
- XXXXXX Food 62 - sugar codes ,,,,,, CarBohydrates .... Car/ automobile .....Boy/young man (Ross TRUE Ashley) hy = highway at Virgin Tech and the car shooting ..... sugar cane LAWS
- Food 37 - Deepak Chopra agent codes ..... pak Cho ...... .... package CHO sugar molecules
- Food 30 -Sugar THOUGHT molecule code CHOFIN ..CHO+ FIN --> OCH coffin Oak Hill Cemetery
- XXXXX Food 29 - Beer summit codes ...Dextrose .
- Food 28 - sugar, TWIN = Zucker .. the Twinkies Base 2 = Two = Twin function
- Food 04 - Ciiannanom and sugar ...CinCinnati and Samuel duBose and Tamir Rice Daytona Beach woman drives into Ocean ..sugar molecule of the children of DuBose ,,,, deoxyrib.Bose error of estate of 4.85 million (Sugar Daddy system)
- Food 03- Sugar molecule government and human social administration
- Food 01 - sugar molecule, Lemonade,and lemonade axiom of Choice
- Science 46 - Ringling triial and cards game Bridge , rigged I-35W bridge eplanations and Brookfield shootings Albert Chow code
- Science 10 _ Nikola Tesla and Mt. Everst India sikh i Chomolungma
- Next 354 - ear people audio, alzheimer's memory DEATH Sentence, RNA molecule death sentence, sugar archo-platformist agent Mark Zuckerburg .... archo-platformist of sugar THOUGHT molecule CHO and its expression VIA human social science & behavior architecture
Sugar Ray Robinson boxing ....... grocery store fights
VIA a box of sugar and its reflected light rays
Sun Wars ...SUN versus earth human people BS
(a) By writing the argument of the cosine function
(a) By writing the argument of the cosine function
Solution …..
Sol –> Solar system /
SUN battle on EARTH surface on
SUN.day in Waco Texas …..
Sol –> Solar system /
SUN battle on EARTH surface on
SUN.day in Waco Texas …..
the argument/fight/ conflict played out with
Cos –> cosine agents …… the Cossacks
Sun-light, photon mapping , solar system
Sun YAT Sen ...
Sun Prairie
Sun YAT Sen ...
Sun Prairie
- Science 269 - sun tropi boston photons .. Sun Light Trip path of
- Farm 03- Emma Trefz and Sun Yat Sen explain
- Farm 31 - Solar System photon mapping and Totzke and Quadracci and Edward Edwards
- Farm 32 - Wachovia bank ...Solar System em.BANK.ment codes
- Farm 44 - Emma Trefz Toplogy with Georgia O'Keeffe ...Sun Yat-sen
- Farm 55 - Queen Victoria and Sun YAT Sen
- Next 323 - atmosphere nitroegn battles, Nairobi nitrogen and Omaha oxygem, Iran probabilty, Sun-Yat sen astronomy message
- Z57 Data 568 - mos circuit Brian Solomon explains detailed requirements in Sunni jurisprudence in Sun Prairie Wisconsin
- ZZZ59 Data 656 - goethe faust ...solar system germination
- ZZZ-65 Data 281 - Solomon wrote ..... ..... hans solo and solomon orangic chemsitry su praire ena berg Sunni Islam Origins,
- Farm 85 - sun yat sen chinese language vertical ..vertical tillage frarms
- Farm 79 - Sunlight and diamonds
- Farm 46 - Botany, Photon mapping, and soil black hole for seeds Emma Trefz and Tolstoy
- Farm 44 - Emma Trefz Toplogy with Georgia O'Keeffe ...Sun Yat-sen
- Farm 25 - green leaf BOTANY messages
- Farm 09 - Germination and Solar light, Solzhenitsyn, Hamer and Sickele, oats , yellow straw
- XXXXXX Farm 69 - Kurds battle at Cottage Grove Wisconsin ..Landmark Farm Coop and Jung Seeds / Carl Jung see data set
- XXXXX Farm 48 - Sun YAT-Sen
- XXXXXx Farm 33 - farmer codes with Emma Trefz and Rolli Groth
- XXXXX Food 58 - peaches and skins and bf skin ....... region of light
- XXXX DONE Food 54 - ray kroc and hamburger
- Food 01 - sugar molecule, Lemonade,and lemonade axiom of Choice
- Event 75 - Internal bio-math .... .blood arteries math TOPOLOGY .. sun Yat sen dirt
- Science 10 _ Nikola Tesla and Mt. Everst India sikh i
- Next 323 - atmosphere nitroegn battles, Nairobi nitrogen and Omaha oxygem, Iran probabilty, Sun-Yat sen astronomy message
- ZZZ59 Data 656 - goethe faust ...solar system germination
Sunni and Sun Prairie
- ZZZ-65 Data 281 - Solomon wrote ..... ..... hans solo and solomon orangic chemsitry su praire ena berg Sunni Islam Origins,
- Food 87 - Z44 Group 122 TACO Bell and chocollate nitroen sunni
- Z57 Data 568 - mos circuit Brian Solomon explains detailed requirements in Sunni jurisprudence in Sun Prairie Wisconsin
- ZZZ-65 Data 281 - Solomon wrote ..... ..... hans solo and solomon orangic chemsitry su praire ena berg Sunni Islam Origins,
Superposition zombie state ..... Dirac super position in the horizontal plane LAYER ... his atomic BODY layer as an interceptor ..... in the underground geological layer ..... the Clay ...C layer .... Coffin communications layer
Supersymmetry BOWLS and Toilet bowls
- XXXXXX Food 19 - Bethesda LU Homes demo of the Flushing ... 1964 World's Fair dump analysis with Governor Scott toilet Paper TREE of Knowledge
- Event 87 - Mark Totzke explains mirror axis
- WORK Data 646 - rene margritte I-35W Bridge ... bridge/lion ....Walter Palmer cecil lion .... Palmer House art institute chicago lions
- WORK Data 566 - Homs, Syria and sherlock holmes super= sysmmetry wars with real eatate bedroom homes
Supreme Courts and Bobby Riggs tennis court
- Science 109 - Supreme Court messages ..rene magritte
- Farm new post 100 - plow and earth rotation Zvi and gavin Long ..Felix Frankfurter
- Food 84 - Miller Auto parts ..integration and haus dorf space Marble quarry quantum array .supreme court vermont marble quarry
- Farm 93 - corn and jim dell ..landmark Supreme Court
- XXXXX Farm 73 - Roelli cheese and Landmark farm coop...supreme court milk proteins
- Food 78 - las vegas gastronomy ..... The Culinary Institute of America
- Data 604 - angtsromsn ontercetor KHZ and other Carbon black
- May 1, 2017 - The shooter, identified as 49-year-old Peter Selis, looked "relaxed" ... of the La Jolla Crossroads apartment complex located on Judicial Drive, ..
Surface Area ..surrealism
- WORK Data 433 - Big sur and California surface area ....surface FACE data radiation and sur surearislm .... The Copenhagen Interpretation of Dane County UW and Surf Milwaukee ....rf --- > data radiation formats
- Science 30 - Two Cultures and Dali i surface area pictures and Dirac Carmen Ortiz reality
- Data 55 - Emile Borel and Lumber furniture surface area FACE life Maxwell street equation
- Food 70 - las vegas digewestin gas wars and umpqua digestive wars and hillary hot dogs Supreme Cout frankfurter
- WORK Data 646 - rene margritte I-35W Bridge ... bridge/lion ....Walter Palmer cecil lion .... Palmer House art institute chicago lions
Surveillance equation
SUV ..SUper-symmetry Variables
A man inside a black SUV
A man inside a black SU
A man inside a black FSU Valuable player ...Dirac codesa banquet hall located in the 11900 block of South Loomis Street
A man inside a black SU
A man inside a black FSU Valuable player ...Dirac codesa banquet hall located in the 11900 block of South Loomis Street
hall located in the 11900 block ....
West Pullman parking lot
hall located in the 11900 block hall located in the 11900 block
hall located in the 11900 block
hall located in the 11900 block .. Pullman area ....11 .......................11.........................11............
Swastika of Nazi .... North america farm equipment ... McCormick harvest equipment
Syed Rizwan Farook .... system education
Sylvester Stall/ delay/ block Stallone
Symbols & Symbols army
SLA .. Patty Hearst -->
PH litmus test for PHD dicks and penis HEAD of the departments
SLA .. Patty Hearst -->
PH litmus test for PHD dicks and penis HEAD of the departments
- ZZZ-60 Data 463 - Light 6000, monkey theorem , iron 26 alphabet, Symboinese liberaton army
- Food 61 - Maria callas ad portland digestive system umpqua college Webster war
- XXXXXX DONE Event 19 - Matt Anderson accuicdental murder and his reincarnation ...Carnation Milk and Bethesda LU dairy farm ... neurotransmitter at all the parasympathetic innervated organs.
- Science 31 - Pine Lake ..Ne ..Neurotransmitter war casualty Quadrraci
- XXXXXX Science 27 - Tom Cruis and atom movement ...Soldiatry movement of Solids, liquids, and gases
- WORK Beer Summit (size 281 ) Z74 Science 812 ,,,,, Z37 n47b beer summit .... Principia Mathematica to *56 ...... why are question marks upside down at the Boston Marathon trial? ... John D. Wiley and his comic strip parallel ..... John Duncan Wiley (born March 23, 1942 in Evansville, Indiana).... Ziggy by Tom Wilson .... Wilson Meats (Penis meat market in Batavia / Chicago) Foods/Fools ... Corp. Sells Corp Se CorpSe --> tells .. Paul Dirac atomic COFFIN database
- Science 13 - Cicero Ill crypt / coffin of Cataline Garcia opens the Salvador Dali data set of Catalina Spain
- WORK Data 378 - janet reno brain cycles with motorcycles Lorenzo Lamas as Reno Raines ....Bobby Sixkiller .......Bobby Kennedy
- Data 685 - malcolm mcgregor and rx karl marx
- WORK Data 522 - patty hearst sla explains .savings loan association conflicts
- neurotransmitter superfamily reveals
- Maxwell explains brain radio wars Z51 Em20 - EM 20 - radio wars bio-radio
Symmetry ..... Syracuse University
System Z ...
Zoey ..... Zoey Brooks
Zoethrope --> American Zoetrope -->
Zoey & Zoellick & Watertown Boy Scout Troop 43 earth land region
- ZZZ-65 Data 238 - Syracuse university ,,,, supersymmetry atomi langauge and single threading .Carbon ortiz, General Carter Ham pantagon DNA failure
- XXXXX Farm 73 - Roelli cheese and Landmark farm coop...supreme court milk proteins
- Event 87 - Mark Totzke explains mirror axis
- Evemt 79 - Tamir Rice
- Next 367 - myoglobin muscles blood . tau & restaurant particles, Harron Khan Water100 and Pakistan Standard MODEL, murder of Travis Z in World War Z , anwar Sadat, Peter Kassig and 18 Syria pilots, iron 26 Highway 26 Emmet ,20 acres + B00d = 120 , Pulse age 29 security guard, Route 29
- WORK Data 646 - rene margritte I-35W Bridge ... bridge/lion ....Walter Palmer cecil lion .... Palmer House art institute chicago lions
- WORK Data 430 - soc south carilna Okene in Nigeria's central Kogi State. ..oscillscope of oshkosh six day war .... author homas Gifford homas ---> Homs ...... 1967 Arab–Israeli War, ...... six Syrian MiG carbon 6 plane fighters. ..
System Z ...
Zoey ..... Zoey Brooks
Zoethrope --> American Zoetrope -->
Zoey & Zoellick & Watertown Boy Scout Troop 43 earth land region
Syria and Peter Kessig (Pk bio-chemistry)
Syracuse University symmetry failure
Syracuse University symmetry failure
- ZZZ-65 Data 238 - Syracuse university ,,,, supersymmetry atomi langauge and single threading .Carbon ortiz, General Carter Ham pantagon DNA failure
- WORK Data 430 - soc south carilna Okene in Nigeria's central Kogi State. ..oscillscope of oshkosh six day war .... author homas Gifford homas ---> Homs ...... 1967 Arab–Israeli War, ...... six Syrian MiG carbon 6 plane fighters. ..
- Next 367 - myoglobin muscles blood . tau & restaurant particles, Harron Khan Water100 and Pakistan Standard MODEL, murder of Travis Z in World War Z , anwar Sadat, Peter Kassig and 18 Syria pilots, iron 26 Highway 26 Emmet ,20 acres + B00d = 120 , Pulse age 29 security guard, Route 29
- ZZZ-65 Data 238 - Syracuse university ,,,, supersymmetry atomi langauge and single threading .Carbon ortiz, General Carter Ham pantagon DNA failure
- Food 83 - Mylan Labs and Sherlock homes offensive in Homs Syria
- ZZZ-65 Data 203 - Federal government liver SOFTWARE problems Fermilab liver and livermnore linear algebra Holstein & einstein
- Data 611 - syracuse syria and town of genesee
- Z57 Data 567 - poker actyclholine and Dali and syria ..shelock homs
System Layers..... Slaves code
System Dump
System Global Area ......
SG-1 ...... SG-A TV show
SG-1 ...... SG-A TV show
System on Chip (SOC)
- Z57 Data 534 - system of chip (SOC) south carolina Dylann roof ..sikh temple brain KHZ
- ZZZ-65 Data 289 - Dylan roof EM field and SOC = system on chip
- Food 49 - sock-eyed- salmon ..SOC system on a chip
System 370
- Food 36 - Reese candy bar and Clasen cholocate facory ... Bank Robbery
- Mullins explains Z 90 ,,,, Science 44 - new codes ..brain and new eye cone software WAR the area system 370 Zuzanna Smyk 37 old Pole ... 370 and system Z
System Z
- Z57 Data 533 - system z and the alphabet ab z ... z-dna frame of referncve Michels Materials Waterloo quarry; Portland Quarry .highway Q & T ..
- Event 59 - Kathryn Stalbaum, Michael Sylvester Gardenzio Stallone ., Garden Fresh Foods.. and wade Michael Page
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