Monday, November 12, 2018

S-1 Executive Committee ....

What is a space time continuum with
4  (mathematical-physics) planes  represented
by 4 air-planes on September 11,2001? - 

Gravity Probe B - Special ... 

Gravity Probe B
Because space consists of 3 dimensions, and time is 1-dimensional, space-time must, therefore, be a 4-dimensional object. It is believed to be a 'continuum' ...

7-Eleven (11) stores and
string theory 11 dimensions of existence
and / or expression 

Safeway Grocery store & Route 66 Arizona ,,
........way .... Milk Protein battle site with
G = Gabby  Giffords and NASA  ..... down-to earth reality languages problems of Galileo ... 2 Chief World  system not acknowledged by the  Federal government myopic perception problems

Sales and marketing create crime

Salt Molecule treaty 

Assassination of Robert F. Kennedy in the sodium chloride SALT molecule 

Salt bridge

Sam Berkowitz ... I son of Sam 

Sam Hengel

Samuel DuBose

Samuel Shepard
Carnivourous atmosphere (SS433) of the TRIAL
and the EM life of EM.Bassy and FCC approved Television/radio waves of the FED ionsphere
attack on brain St.EM
natural sunlight/ Socrates eye/ book optical nerve software

Samuel Taylor Coleridge ..Rime of Ancient Mariner

Sand --> see Circuits  or  Electrons

San Bernardino and Syed Farook .... warfarin

 Sandy Hook

Santa Claus

San Diego

Gunman in San Diego pool 

Sandy Hook 

Santa Claus and Sleigh rides /slay rides
and drive-by shootings

Santa Fe shooting ... Ferrous oxide /iron education
...... battle of iron Highway 26 Bethesda LU Homes

Saragasso  Sea  ..... Earth atmosphere
..........asso  SEAL ..  code of silence ..
ether and other  secret language dimensions of life

Sarasota and Sarajevo ... Sarah Ferguson 
Sarawak forest /Sawiris
arrested at A.C. Flora High School 
arrested at A.C. Flora High School 
arrested at  DirA.C.  .......Florida States University   and 
Sarasota High School 

Sarasota Florida (SF) orders  VIA 
Science & Fiction (SF) books ....
Start Field (SF), 1D, Attribute character ....
Farm field of Zinser family with
Marshall (data) fields departments store 

and Pabst Data fields from the
Holstein and Horse  dairy farms at base 16 highway 16

Sartre exit 

No Exit is a 1944 existentialist  play about the CO2 data cycle

and the June 1944 DEATHS at Normany ....
.....................................................No exit for the soldiers deliberately placed in a TRAP  to be killed  
in World War 2   .... . per Mother community ....
Fetus brain instructions

Satyendra Nath Bose &

Saturday Evening Post magazine role in the
BES and BEC Ccondensate process

Saudi Arabia 
Sand..... inverse letter of n --> u ... Saudi atom/molecule alphabet / language uprising evolution

of earth electron THOUGHT circuits  


Saul Bellow .............. Machine 
...Load Address (LA) Lachine and his Los Vegas /LA book
on Humboldt's GI(Gastro-intestinal feet 1/2 life forms) GIFT 
SBA ..Set Buffer Address

Savings & Loan 

Scandinavia and Swedish -->  sw e dish -->equation
--> .....  PSW   ...  earth/big ear  .... radio dish 

Schmitt-Trigger inverter
School locked doors
SC ... SCH --> SCHO --> SCHOOL 
codes and brain education language laws /outlines
SC= Social Contract of the Sub-Conscious with
NATURE .... 

an agreement  outlined by
John Locke (lock and key enzyme model) and others


.............. Heinrich Schliemann
Manifold attack  of mathematical-physics and Schopenhauer ......
S + cho + open + hau+ er ..... equation
Sugar ... C6 H12 O6 open
hausdorf space Earth  .....
...... error analysis of family and
community school BS 

manhattan two 1 1 skyscraper folds
on Sept 11,2001
 " Four Fold Roots" .... four airplanes attack

Schrodinger  ... Dead Alive MODEL

Schulz  --> Charles Schulz and the language roots of Peanuts with Gladys Schulz (teacher of farm child)
and equation SCH + UL + LZ
--> Underwiter Labs
(copper electricity above ground  with
..................................bove --> Holstein bovine dairy
cows at site ... abo --> Pabst Farms Oconomowoc
UL  = Underground Languages of the
geological atomic soil/ orbitals  ...
Clay ... the coffin communications layer per
IBM  SNA  and  SNA extensions
farmer code SNAKE KEY A-strike with

Evel Knievel's Snake River ,
Twin Falls,
  .Idahoe Potatoes ..
............. Toes .... Theory of everything society


Science wars ... battlemap 

Scopes Trial  .... telescope trial & monkey trial

Scott Walker ........... 

.............  Bethesda LU Homes demo of the Flushing
.............. 1964 World's Fair dump analysis with Governor Scott toilet Paper TREE of Knowledg

Sears & Roebuck ...
Carl Jung  collective of retail stores that
collects human  data/ ideas to become a
Darwin GROUP MIND  thought species ...
the retail store chains and restaurant chains ..such as Woolworth's stores in year 1912 .... human BRAIN data routed to the  Woolworth atomic stone/ iron/ glass skyscraper  .....
an atomic electron  mountain (electron volts ..ev) to become a Nikola Tesla ....Wardenclyffe Towers
wireless site ...... )  LINK to
ev (Mt.Everest and copper atomic number 29 
elevation of  (29,029 ft), was established by a
1955 Iron-55 Indian survey of the EARTH electric motor and its daily rotation 
) and
Sarajevo .... e  vo --> electron volt -->
evo --> evolution  as explained by 919 Charles (Darwin ) street and the EM-field murder site of Harron Kahn
at Emmet Township  ......
the Pakistan-American  who  
drove a silver 2006 Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution ......
signaling device

Seattle...Mark D. Totzke

Second Law of Thermodynamics
...... Black-body radiation

Securities Exchange Act  of 1934

Serfdom ...  rf .....  rfk ... radio head

Selection map
Selma and Basel ...... Darwin selection map

Selma to Montgomery 
 ......Montgomery Wards  --> War D  S  --->
 War  department store 
and mail/ male  order  catalog with World War 2
General Montgomery ..... 
Field Marshal Bernard Law Montgomery, 1st Viscount Montgomery of Alamein, KG, GCB, DSO, ... General Sir Bernard Montgomery in England, 1943 TR1037 (cropped).jpg ... 
During the Second World War he commanded the British Eighth Army from August 1942 in the Western Desert until the final Allied victory in Tunisia in ...


Senator Proxmire

Sensenbrenner  and Hamlin sense codes

Separate Reality book .....
 ........   Supreme court .... Separate but equal

Sepik River   ......  EARTH SYSTEM
attack on Septemebr 11 
The Sepik River (/ˈspɪk/) is the longest river on the
island of New Guinea   (VS the island of New York Guinea Pig family ERRORS)
 and after the
Fly (airplanes ) and the
Mamberamo (ma = Manhttan) the third largest by volume.[2] The majority of the river flows through the Papua New Guinea (PNG) provinces of Sandaun (formerly West Sepik) and East Sepik, with a small section flowing through the Indonesian province of Papua.

September 11..... Sep attack --> 

A Separate Reality:
Carlos Castaneda

Spanish language PENIS HEAD intellectual attack 

Septum pellucidum attack on Sept 11, 2001[

 the two cerebral hemispheres, or halves of the brain.
VS the two towers of Bullshit families ad communities

Set Theory 

Seven Bridges
Seven Dwarfs of Snow White
7th Day adventist of
....... David Korish ... Kor.zybski  reality
...................VS ish --> Irish iris optical news reporters and their bragging schemes and fetus production business 

Seventh Seal .... Movie

Sex life and sex education of automobile
iron atoms  of life -->
fe  = ferrous/iron atom 26 proton alphabet needs
fe= female human specimen DATABASE

Sharon Tate & Sharon Wand .. Argyle rigged trial

Shell .....  electron messages 
Finnegan's Wake code and their three children Shem the Penman (Shen --> sh + em--> solid  atomic shell +  electromagnetic filed  ....
giving the Feynman electromagnetic coupling constant 137  COUPLED/ LINKED with elements of the periodic atomic table) 

Shelly ..... & Mary Shelly

Sherlock Holmes and
Mrs.Hudson and the proper noun
Carl Jung collective THINK TANK with
Roc = Region of Convergence agents

... ROCK  Hudson movies
... Happy  ROCK.erfeller
... Nelson ROCK.erfeller with Dave Nelson & Nelson Mandela bio-chemistry of the Wisconsin Dell
geological layers of atomic limestone electrons
... that comprise a printed circuit layers 

Shirley Temple

Shooting Events 

Sigmund   Freud 
Gauge theory ... atomic bio-physics
X-rated Puerto Rican pussy 

Weapons‎: ‎AK-47 variant; ‎12-gauge‎ ‎Winchester ...

Weapons‎: ‎AK-47 variant;
Weapons‎: ‎AK-47 variant;
Weapons‎: ‎AK-47 variant;
Weapons‎: ‎AK-47 variant; --->

Sigmund Freud Museum (Vienna) - Wikipedia

Signal Recognition Particle (SRP)

Sikh Temple 
Sikh .... Molecular cell biology battles 

Sikh temple shooting

Sikh temple shooting ..Temple of DOOM

......... Amrish Puri as Mola Ram (molecular rampage):
........ A 
Thuggee priest who performs rituals of human sacrifices

......... Amrish Puri

......... Amrish Puri


Sikh temple shooting

Sikh temple shooting

Sikh temple shooting .... purge cell firing

p75 regulates Purkinje cell firing by modulating SK channel ... - NCBI
by J Tian - ‎2014 - ‎Cited by 4 - ‎Related articles
Sep 24, 2014 - p75 regulates Purkinje cell firing by modulating SK channel activity 

Silver ..... Ag ...... Lee M. Silver

Sing Sing prison  and San Quentin 
... music prison and 3/4 time for the
Security Exchange act of 1934
Sino-French wars
Sino-Japanese wars

Sino-Korean Craton ....... parallel EARTH language
Casino sin function region 
Wisconson + Highway 19 & K
Kor = Korzybski and ZBIGniew Brzezenski reality preceptions and language ...cranium/brain of agent K = Karl Henry Zinser near Hubble(TON)  and the
Hubble wars BOOK ... about book & optical wars

Sin wave .. 180 degrees of a 360 degree cycle 
Chapter 180.

................. Bu...sin...ess   cor(tex) corporations. ::
2011 Wiscon...  sin  ... neuroscience Code

with  language DEMO application ..

Potawatomi Casino in Milwaukee WisconsinPota --> Potassium & the
 Wisconsin Russett Potatoes .....
...........................set theory algebra TOOLS 

........water molecule casino 

Potawatomi Casino 
...........atomic  sin node LINK to
atomic mass of

............Massachusetts  and its math
.............................set theory LAWS ... explained by the rigged INFORMATION VOID and
DATABASE  cover-up at the Franz Kafka 
....  Boston  Marathon
.... Alan Sokal  ....
Science & Neuroscience Trial

Sir Francis Bacon

Sister Carrie book  .... see Sistine Chapel

Sigmund Freud
Signal Recognition particle (SRP)

Signal systems

sin .... original sin  .....
sin waves / oscillation languages and their extensions into more understandable / readable 
FORMATs such as vertical English alphabet letters
and the algebra quadratic equation 


Sinai region  waves

Singularities  ...Black holes (ergosphere ..... EVENTS of human life ... go into earth black soil /grave holes as one singularity in a cemetery ...... the Carl Jung  DATABASE collective of singularities gets routed by Sinai peninsula ... sin carrier waves to  Wisconsin sin function region
to single males .... to into Z-axis verticle .. and ideas rise up to Zin ..... ZinJan area by Hubbleton ...the Karl G Jansky social astronomy  project

Sinn Fein 

Sir Francis Bacon 
Sistine Chapel 
Sister Carrie 
........... data carrier LINKS Wisconsin / Chicago

Six Day war

Skin .... dermatology &
B.F. Skinner

Skull & Bones society of
Yale, Cambodia --> Cam  Bod dia  -->
Cambridge Student body (diameter) region of 

BRAIN death filled with BRAIN BS and trivia

Sky & Telescope magazine

SNA & Snake River
Snell's Law 

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs 
Snow Jobs  & John W. Stone
Parallel and batteries in Parallel

NAACP History

  AA   copper plated  History

SNOW ... c p snow(CPS)
 and senator charles percy (SCP) 

Snow’s position can be summed up by an often-repeated part of the essay:
Snow’s position can be summed up by an often-repeated part  —>

Edward Snow Snowden with
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs 

newspaper & TV Snow jobs and the White House and
Janet Reno (Justice department intellectual dwarf DEMO
with the Seven day adventist and
data Alfred Korzybski reality --> da Kor --> david Koresh
and the Korea language problems)

SOC --> System on Chip 

SOCRates battles on Sunday OCtobeR
Sunday, OCtobeR 1, 2017 when a gunman opened fire on a crowd of concertgoers at the Route 91 Harvest music festival on the Las Vegas Strip in Nevada
Sunday, OCtobeR
S........... OC ...... R

--> SOCRATES wars

 ..optical character readers

Sodium ...... Na-channel

Soil    .... Dirt  .. the geography s-orbital surface

Sokal .... algebra start  set S0 (Alan Sokal)

Songs 100 Blood songs 

Sorority House .. s-orbitals and
George Soros mutual funds  explains
Gorgeous Sorority pussy mutual fun /pleasure 

Sorce ..Jay Sorce ..S orbital italian code

Sort merge .. collate  LU (Luther) & sugar molecules

SOUL equation of  ground soil

The Evolving Universe of Caltech language schemes
SC = Sub-conscious GROUP MIND of

SC = Southern California millions of people

S, P orbitals  and shell electrons
Orbital ....
s,p orbitals and Taylor Polynomial interface sites  ........... injection of  math life into atoms

Spencer ..Herbert Spencer

Split-brain (2 hemispheres)
and split bra ,..female breasts (2 hemispheres)

of thought  implanted into male brain language

Gavin Long brain ....
Longitudinal fissure and
longing and desire LINK to earth will/effort ideas of
longitude, Latitude, and altitude
Playboy center-fold picture implants
into the the male skull and its
longitudinal fissure / 2 hemispheres of thought with pussy THOUGHT CONTROL for
Gavin Long's brain  in Baton Rouge ...with
Baton twirling is a blood arteries software .... art ....
involving the manipulation of a metal rod
(or a metabolism penis rod  OR
a meta-language eye rod/cone optical language) 
and the performer's body to a ..... Individual sports · Circus skills · Twirling · Cheerleading.


Spiro Agnew
Spokane High School ... Thus Spoke  
Spring & Springfield

Square root of minus 1

Stack ... Joe Stack & Stack computer

Star Buck 

Stargate SG-1

Star Trek, Deep Space Nine, Star Wars 

Starry Night .... Ken Starr  brain software & Van Gogh laws of the F,E,D ionosphere layers

Starr ..... Ken Starr and Bart Starr football code Bart (blood arteries  software programming of the human body PROTEIN MACHINE  by sports methods)

Start codon .... Start  wars in AUG

States of Mind

STEM .... EM TV and radio wave implants
into human LAB children bio-electron body
Orson Welles 1938  VS STEM education
Nearly 38 million Kidde brain fire signal 

Steven CHU .. energy and CHU CHU Trains
.... Choo Choo trains .... equation
SchooL .....  S + choo train/educate ..L

Stevens Building ..... CBSI school in 1970 and
SYS1. Catalog   for  Department  of Energy and
its  Sartre existential specialist Steven CHU

Steven Weinberg
Stock market & Nylons
Stomach ..  Customer Control (CICS)

Stomach ate ----> equation --> State of Mind

Stone ..... Doric atomic columns, Partheon 

Stone Temple Pilot ..150 dead

Stoney ....... George Johnstone Stoney 
Streams of Consciousness / Joan Rivers
Bernoulli equation for data stream flow ....
nouns, verbs, ideas, concepts  as fluids ...
language fluid flows to run society .....
......nou  ll  i -->
 proper noun/noun ... parallel existences  .....
interfaces & human interceptors

String theory ... single threading 

String theory .....  Loomis Street 
7-Eleven (11) stores and
string theory 11 dimensions of existence
and / or expression 

Sub-continent of India

Sub-routine driver  & Return Codes July 16

Suez Canal  wars 


Sun Wars ...SUN versus earth human people BS

(a) By writing the argument of the cosine function 
Solution …..
Sol –> Solar system / 

SUN battle on  EARTH surface on in Waco Texas …..

the argument/fight/ conflict played out with

Cos –> cosine agents …… the Cossacks

Sun-light, photon mapping , solar system
Sun YAT Sen  ... 

Sun Prairie

Superposition  zombie state ..... Dirac super position in the horizontal plane  LAYER  ... his atomic BODY layer as an interceptor ..... in the  underground geological layer ..... the Clay  ...C layer .... Coffin communications layer

Supersymmetry BOWLS and Toilet bowls

Supreme Courts  and Bobby Riggs tennis court


SUV ..SUper-symmetry Variables
A man inside a black   SUV 
A man inside a black   SU  
A man inside a black FSU  Valuable player ...Dirac codesa banquet hall located in the 11900 block of South Loomis Street

 hall located in the 11900 block ....

West Pullman parking lot

 hall located in the 11900 block hall located in the 11900 block
 hall located in the 11900 block
 hall located in the 11900 block  .. Pullman area   ....11 .......................11.........................11............

Swastika of Nazi .... North america farm equipment ... McCormick harvest equipment
Sweden dish codes 

Syed Rizwan Farook  .... system education
Symbols & Symbols army 
SLA .. Patty Hearst -->
PH litmus test for PHD dicks and penis HEAD of the departments

Symmetry .....  Syracuse University 


Syria and Peter Kessig (Pk bio-chemistry)

Syracuse University symmetry failure

System Z

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