Tachyon particle & its language .... particle military software
Taco Bell ..... transactional analysis
Tale of 2 Cities
- Data 355 - Feynaman, dirac, cassius clay schrodinger ..and Tale of Two levels .....
above ground ( ab + bove ..... Pabst farms with Holstein bovine dairy milk cows and the Protein THOUGHT molecule food PLATFORM that humans exist upon AND- below ground (Saul Bellow) language life of the CLAY coffin communications layer
- Data 625 - never ending cycle ..dirac waco
Talk BS treaty ....
.......... Mouth talk ... talk/ blabber LIMIT treaty .....
.......... Mouth talk ... talk/ blabber LIMIT treaty .....
Strategic Arms Limits (or writing bullshit and ads)
LIMIT telephone Talks/ Treaty (SALT & Pepper shakers) I and II
- XXXXX Food -05 - mark zucker sugar
- Science 19 - Tower of Babble and sub-continent INDIA shape Light 6000 years
- Menstruation Z73 Iron 38 and iron 27 - Sam hengel Iron-54 menstruation blood DEMO
Taliesin &
WORK Data 579 - dirac earth electron language routes taliesin wisconsin Wright Anasazi Cliffs clifford lane Zin circuit to Africa..David Livingstonei
Tamir Rice
- Evemt 79 - Tamir Rice
- Farm 70 - Tamir Rice mirror codes
- ZZZ-65 Data 277 - music death lyrics Jamie's cryin , las Vegas, norberg face mirror,, Tamir rice mirror
- ZZZ-65 Data 294 - tamir rice song ... look into mirror ..song..survival in the city
- ZZZ-65 Data 285 - Anne Rice matrices book ..code signore ..sign orbit earth .... to Quebec to LuBec ECB event control block ....brain barBECue burnout by QueBEC word instruction errors.
- Food 45 - Food wars, digestive systems ... Van Gogh ..potatoes and rice wars
- Evemt 79 - Tamir Rice
- Event 11 - Dr. Sam Sheppard and Bayes theorm
- Science 57 - Transactional analysis of T A = Tymine Adenine
- ZZZ-65 Data 294 - tamir rice song ... look into mirror ..song..survival in the city
Tammi LaFave and DelaField
Tangent ..math battles
- Next 371 - Darwin ... Hematolguy blood, Powatomic Casino Potassium route to Bethesda BET casino at highway 19 K , McDonal's ARCHES binomial probability ,parallel Perdenicular, data pipelines, Hamlin sensors, Iron Mountain i/o port, 7-11 stores, magentic field, sept 11 manifolds battle Tanzania embassy
4 Marines killed in Chattanooga ,Tennessee
................s 11 --> September 114 Marines killed in Chattanooga ,Tennessee
4 Marines killed in ........tan --> Tangent math wars
1998 U.S. Embassies in Africa Bombings Fast Facts - CNN.com
www.cnn.com/2013/10/06/.../africa-embassy-bombings-fast-facts/CNN... (CNN)Here's a look at the 1998 bombings of U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania which killed 224 people. ... August 7, 1998 - Almost simultaneously, bombs .
Tanzania ...tangent math battle
- Next 371 - Darwin ... Hematolguy blood, Powatomic Casino Potassium route to Bethesda BET casino at highway 19 K , McDonal's ARCHES binomial probability ,parallel Perdenicular, data pipelines, Hamlin sensors, Iron Mountain i/o port, 7-11 stores, magentic field, sept 11 manifolds battle Tanzania embassy
- Next 371 - Darwin ... Hematolguy blood, Powatomic Casino Potassium route to Bethesda BET casino at highway 19 K , McDonal's ARCHES binomial probability ,parallel Perdenicular, data pipelines, Hamlin sensors, Iron Mountain i/o port, 7-11 stores, magentic field, sept 11 manifolds battle Tanzania embassy
4 Marines killed in Chattanooga ,Tennessee
................s 11 --> September 114 Marines killed in Chattanooga ,Tennessee
4 Marines killed in ........tan --> Tangent math wars
1998 U.S. Embassies in Africa Bombings Fast Facts - CNN.com
www.cnn.com/2013/10/06/.../africa-embassy-bombings-fast-facts/CNN... (CNN)Here's a look at the 1998 bombings of U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania which killed 224 people. ... August 7, 1998 - Almost simultaneously, bombs .
Tarrytown ( T array of Time & ThoughT) and
Times Square (T2 ..... )
surface area of TIME spent thinking
& ThoughT (T2) failure
Times Square (T2 ..... )
surface area of TIME spent thinking
& ThoughT (T2) failure
- Next 374 - Boston Evans atomic nucleaus TRIAL, Evansville Wyoming Taylor Polynomials battle, Iowa Evangelist, and Boston ruuner sin wav vibrations of MASS of Masdsachusetts sent to Wisconsin sin ECHO analysis ...Todd Callies ...IBM TOD ...Time of day clock ...DD (Data defnition)
Call subroutine Lies of Leige Belgium Europe ...
false and phony thinkers people in the 2011 SKU11 ordered attack
Tax system and Taxadermy
- Farm 74 - Gloria Totzke earth accounting and casulaty insurance murders
- WORK Data 286 - record locking .... Taxidermist - definition of taxidermist
- ZZZ-65 Data 241 - Periodic table ordered Waxahachie, ... mit shooting of sean collier, super colider , janet reno elctric chairs and Sparks, anwar sadat, grateful dead evan field house Boston eveans track and field
Taylor Polynomials, Taylor Sports bar, and Taylor Swift
- Next 374 - Boston Evans atomic nucleaus TRIAL, Evansville Wyoming Taylor Polynomials battle, Iowa Evangelist, and Boston ruuner sin wav vibrations of MASS of Masdsachusetts sent to Wisconsin sin ECHO analysis
- Farm 07 - Sun Yat Sen ..Chin digestive language SYMBOLS , vertical tillage Time Todd and Taylor Sports bar in Evansville Wyoming
TB --> Tuberculois Computer diseaese
Terabyle ...tera BITE eat ....storage /memory
Terabyle ...tera BITE eat ....storage /memory
Tuberculosis (TB) is a
disease caused by
.....ease / lazy thinking bacteria called
Mycobacterium tuberculosis.....................um .tube..cul os Is
........rectum colon tube
--> cul + os + is --> cull/clean up the bull-shit
disease caused by
.....ease / lazy thinking bacteria called
Mycobacterium tuberculosis.....................um .tube..cul os Is
........rectum colon tube
--> cul + os + is --> cull/clean up the bull-shit
per OS/JCl is = Information systems
Teeth and dental laws --> Walter Palmer Impedance
dance in Z = Zimbabwe and ............. Z = Zimba west coast Hollywood
-->Efrem Zimbalist Jr
dance in Z = Zimbabwe and ............. Z = Zimba west coast Hollywood
-->Efrem Zimbalist Jr
Telescopes ....... John T. Scopes
- Evemt 79 - Tamir Rice
- Event 58 - code Boris ..... and Borneo battle at Orange Show Road in San bernadino
- Event 18 - John T Scopes ....Who is John Galt
Television shows and .... murder
..........CREATE garden show Creates garden death
..........CREATE red-head Creates James Holmes
.......... Victory Garden murder at Garden Fresh foods and at First Kindergarden ..... Kindergarten
..........CREATE garden show Creates garden death
..........CREATE red-head Creates James Holmes
.......... Victory Garden murder at Garden Fresh foods and at First Kindergarden ..... Kindergarten
- Food 85 - Potato chip circuits and karen Simek food war casualty create garden
- XXXXXX Farm 41 - food wars,,Victory garden TV attacks ..the death victory
- Food 66 - water VS hunman BS ... water john hinckley explains watergate .... Jack Parr show attempted murder VIA television instructions to molecule to attack REALITY figurehead agent ..REA ..Reagan
- XXXX DONE Event 96 - eye cone battles, Burlington Vermont, East Albany 200 cone street, 32-year-old Ronnie Holmes arrested
- Event 56 - Citgo ... Waukesha eight year sentence Agent Orange / Jerica Cotton and textile cotton langaugh
- Mullins - Z92 Data 45 - ice-berg models with milk THOUGHT protein probes VIA ice-cream cones and optics television EM-field commands and instructions
broadcast into the human bio-electron BODY and BRAIN
......... the EM-attack waves - Science 90 - Mental WORD codes
- Science 20 - Jerry Lewis and Lewis DOT s6tructures (TV DOT screen)
- Next 328 - PBS show CREATE red-headed woman creates / TV programs James Holmes , Sam Hengel atomic projection,
- Data 315 - TV show I love lucy rna
- Parallel and batteries in Parallel
NAACP History
AA copper plated History
- Data 310 - Chat shooting taolk chattanooga Medgar Evers and black and white TV electronics
- Data 642 - news ...communicadle disease
- Data 263 - ken Burns and the Watertown . Lincoln school brain burn-out and Webster school brain fires
- ZZZ-60 Data 429 - Jerry lewis dot structures TV dot screens hindu dot
Television air waves ... air-strikes by
EM idiot broadcast instructions
EM idiot broadcast instructions
Television attacks on eye cones and rods
Hillary Rod Clinton DEMO of EM brains
Dennis Rodham Basketball attacks
Teller .. Edward Teller
Temperature 37 Celsius
Hillary Rod Clinton DEMO of EM brains
Dennis Rodham Basketball attacks
- eye cone battles,
Burlington Vermont,
East Albany 200 cone street, 32-year-old Ronnie Holmes arrestedTraffic cone dispute: Construction worker's punch kills man, D.C. ..
- Mullins eye cone wars Event 96 - eye cone battles, Burlington Vermont, East Albany 200 cone street, 32-year-old Ronnie Holmes arrested
Teller .. Edward Teller
Temperature 37 Celsius
Temper ..metal feelings
Temple ..brain temple
Tennis and Bobby Riggs
Tensing and Tensor space
- Next 382 - Cin cin waves of Cincinati , Ray Tensing Satyendra Nath Bose ....... India North America (IndiaNA) and OhiO
- Next 370 - l g wade.... Cincinnati .land brain waves. Ray tensing , DuBose sample space,Virginia Tech 37 Celsius thermodynamic WAR ... EARTH battle site at 37 degrees latitude coordinates 2011 Tucson GRAVITY FIELD ...war .
- Next 302 - samuel dubose, BEC, Ray Tensing ,,,big ten university wisconSIN, Dali Lama and Tenzin and Zinjan Boiise Cascade , William Clinton & Jefferson Airplane
- XXXXX Farm 18 - AB blood types and fonts ...... Pabst farms Holstein and Horse reality VS bedroom schemes
- Event 81 - Windows Ten screen shot with Tensing in Cincinnati
- Next 382 - Cin cin waves of Cincinati , Ray Tensing Satyendra Nath Bose ....... India North America (IndiaNA) and OhiO
- Next 370 - l g wade.... Cincinnati .land brain waves. Ray tensing , DuBose sample space,Virginia Tech 37 Celsius thermodynamic WAR ... EARTH battle site at 37 degrees latitude coordinates 2011 Tucson GRAVITY FIELD ...war .
- Data 616 - Oe = Oreder entry ...orietation expressions
BALD .... BAL version D skull ....
2013 LAX shooting --> Load Address X
The Terminator ,,,,,,,, with
Support by 3270 terminal types with
BALD .... BAL version D skull ....
BAL software .... system internals missing from inside his brain
Tesla claimed the device,
properly modified (atomic proton ... property laws with Mark D. Totzke (MDT)) ,
could be used to map underground
deposits of oil OR
coffin deposits
educated atomic orbital databases
deposits of oil OR
coffin deposits
educated atomic orbital databases
TenZin Gyatso (TSO equation) with Big
Ten university .... violations ZBIG Brzezinski by
Richard Davidson,
University of Wiscon.sin sin function data entry
of people walking & their Buddhist & Jewish
bio-radio neurotransmitter SOFTWARE programs attacks upon the entropy equation TSO
resu;ting in the
Bose-Eintsein-Condensate shootings of
HinDU Bose agent DuBose in by
Big Ten Wiscon.SIN--> Ray Ten.Sin.g ...
Sin Sin nati OhiO battle with Windows TEN|
Cin. Cin.nati OhiO
Ten university .... violations ZBIG Brzezinski by
Richard Davidson,
University of Wiscon.sin sin function data entry
of people walking & their Buddhist & Jewish
bio-radio neurotransmitter SOFTWARE programs attacks upon the entropy equation TSO
resu;ting in the
Bose-Eintsein-Condensate shootings of
HinDU Bose agent DuBose in by
Big Ten Wiscon.SIN--> Ray Ten.Sin.g ...
Sin Sin nati OhiO battle with Windows TEN|
Cin. Cin.nati OhiO
Tenzin ....
TenZin Gyatso & Richard Davidson neuron attack
Ten sin G --> the sin brain wave attack on
Tensing from the Cin CiN wave of CinCinnati underground BOOK of the DEAD used by
Golda Meir of Milwaukee
WisconSIN wave signaling sin ........
and the Sinai Peninsula sin wave region of the
Netherworld of
Netanyahu / Jewish Israel and BRAIN TEMPLE
secret languages .....
using the Signal Freud ice-berg model with
Tonya Harding ... solid EARTH bio-hardware interceptor
Jump to Skating career - Harding trained as a figure skater throughout her youth with coach Diane Rawlinson. In the mid-1980s, she began working her ...Vn
TenZin Gyatso & Richard Davidson neuron attack
Ten sin G --> the sin brain wave attack on
Tensing from the Cin CiN wave of CinCinnati underground BOOK of the DEAD used by
Golda Meir of Milwaukee
WisconSIN wave signaling sin ........
and the Sinai Peninsula sin wave region of the
Netherworld of
Netanyahu / Jewish Israel and BRAIN TEMPLE
secret languages .....
using the Signal Freud ice-berg model with
Tonya Harding ... solid EARTH bio-hardware interceptor
.... hockey net and ice-skating
Net. TONYA.hu VS
.Net. TONYA.hu ...... - Wikipedia
- Food 87 - Z44 Group 122 TACO Bell and chocollate tenzin Muezzin
- Next 302 - samuel dubose, BEC, Ray Tensing ,,,big ten university wisconSIN, Dali Lama and Tenzin and Zinjan Boiise Cascade , William Clinton & Jefferson Airplane
Tet ....... OCTET ...Tet offensive ..Octagon House
and Bethesda/Tetz Farms at Watertown
Tetz farms
- XXXXXX Food 19 - Bethesda LU Homes demo of the Flushing ... 1964 World's Fair dump analysis with Governor Scott toilet Paper TREE of Knowledge
- Food 07 - .... bethesda LU 20 cows amino frame of refernce
- Bethesda and Language / proper noun routing codesFe = Feeble minded ...human protein education site at
TETZ dairy MILK farms with
Bethesda LU Home at Watertown, WisconsinElsie the Cow .....
Elsie Rockerfeller explains Watertown MILK codeswithSenator Proxmire language and proper nouns /concepts ,
Borden Marketing Mascot - America Comes Alive
code names --> Elsie Rockerfeller
codes --> Elsie + Rock + Feller
Elsie the cow (milk protein pointer) to Bessie the COW language project
Rock---> Rock River Waterown Wisconsin ,,,, geology/rocks/stones and the
Rolling Stones Rock and Roll music
Feller --> probability theory TEXTBOOK ......
Texas A& M
Texas Tower ..... Charles Whitman
UT --> University of Texas defective SOFTWARE
UT --> Utoya death of children with defective
educaton nonsense
UT --> Utoya death of children with defective
educaton nonsense
Texas Rangers with Chuck Norris
Tex ..... Walker, Texas Ranger (TV Series 1993–2001) VS
.............skin walker subroutines of nonsense and un-reality
Tex ..... Walker, Texas Ranger (TV Series 1993–2001) VS
.............skin walker subroutines of nonsense and un-reality
Textbook SYMBOL & CONCEPT range /influence
of Chuck Norris --> Nor Logic -->
Norris Hall battle ....
Norris Hall battle ....
Norway battles at Oslo/Utoya ...
Norberg & Kunish Milwaukee Police ...
Texas shootings ... entropy school battles
entropy VS trophy .... athletic trophy and
varsiety alphabet letters to control the
human PROTEIN MACHINE language letters
...thus attacking the conscious abstract
mind alphabets
TSO --> Texas Shit O = Hole education schemes
Texas shootings (school shootings)
entropy VS trophy .... athletic trophy and
varsiety alphabet letters to control the
human PROTEIN MACHINE language letters
...thus attacking the conscious abstract
mind alphabets
TSO --> Texas Shit O = Hole education schemes
Texas shootings (school shootings)
- enthalpy .... Delta H 0 --> Mekong Delta battles
in the HOT thermodynamic jungles of Vietnam
with Fort Hood soldiers in year 1970 and the
cover-up by the BEDROOM community females and husbands
Textbook battles in Texas high schools,etc
Textile ...twill
The Next Generation of prison ...Star Trek
Three Little Pigs ..... 3 --> Pi --> Piss ..... urination nation ............... 3 children problem of the arms, elbow treaty
Thermodynamic Wars .... see TIRE fire and Webster fire
- Next 370 - l g wade.... Cincinnati .land brain waves. Ray tensing , DuBose sample space,Virginia Tech 37 Celsius thermodynamic WAR ... EARTH battle site at 37 degrees latitude coordinates 2011 Tucson GRAVITY FIELD ...war .
- Data 528 - lava lamp thermodynamics
- Black-body radiation
Third Reich
Third Reich of organic chemistry molecule expression .....
Thomas Jefferson
Thomas Robert Malthus
Thorne .... Kip S Thorne and Logan X-men
Thus Spoke Zarathustra & Ring Cycle ...
Sara Lee Corporation and
UST = United States Tobacco.....
consisting of 8 spoke-ring complexes sandwiched between nuclear and cytoplasmic ring structures that
Thyroid Gland agents ......
Thy ......
Men Believed They Could Commit The
Vitamin D deficiency
Third Reich of organic chemistry molecule expression .....
experiment in social chemistry: An Overview
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
Thomas Robert Malthus
- XXXXX Food -05 - mark zucker sugar
- WORK Data 251 - Beer Summit the Thomas Robert Malthus movie ..Maltese Falcon
Thorne .... Kip S Thorne and Logan X-men
Thought Control
(TC 43 and DNA 43 --> 64 double word)
Thus Spoke Zarathustra & Ring Cycle ...
Sara Lee Corporation and
UST = United States Tobacco.....
consisting of 8 spoke-ring complexes sandwiched between nuclear and cytoplasmic ring structures that
Nucleus-Cytosol Transport at University of Wisconsin
Nucleus-Cytosol Transport ...
consisting of 8 spoke-ring
as expressed by
Fredrich Nietzsche and Richard Wagner....
....... Rich & Rich -->
Reactive interface (site) for CH .....
consisting of 8 spoke-ring
as expressed by
Fredrich Nietzsche and Richard Wagner....
....... Rich & Rich -->
Reactive interface (site) for CH .....
Thyroid Gland agents ......
Thy ......
Two Weal..thy
Men Believed They Could Commit The
Perfect ........ Nature's gland military actions against BS society
and university bragging errors .....
with human figureheads and human representative
playing out a Shakespeare drama in physical reality ...
Vitamin D deficiency
...... minD deficiency of BS languages and music/arts
brain programming schemes at Universities in Chicago
and the rise of thyroid disease .....
thyroid educational institution disease.
Myth (myoglobin THOUGHT proteins) or (Korea) reality?
Sep 23, 2016 - Is battling thyroid disease with vitamin D a smart way to go? .
Tiger Woods & Tigrus River
Time , Timbuktu and Sandro Botticelli hour glass
- WORK BOOK ... Book of the Dead ..... the modern version of the coffin DATABASE cycle ... Sinai Yassar Arafat Lake Okeechobee James Rollins is a pen name of James Paul Czajkowski Jeremy Wand Time buffer Timbuktu IMS field name zz Schrodinger dirac dead alive buckingham Fountain fountainhead georgia o'keeffe
- It stretches from West 143rd Street in Harlem
Manhattan Project information thoroughfare .....
every 143 years PER .. Program Event Recording - WORK Data 423 - empire state bldg and 5th avenue ..5th state
- Data 67 - Time Wars..Clock Work Orange movie battle at Orange Show Road
- Data 53 - Sandro Botticelli article codes Sand Time hour glass
- ZZZ-60 Data 416 - lumber 2 by 4 and 24 hour clock and 8 1/2 by 11 school page size and Fellini 8 1/2 movie .... attack by fetus /baby volume
- Farm 85 - sun yat sen chinese language vertical ..vertical tillage frarms Atomic clock Evansville man Todd Time of day ...maria callas dadatbase
- Farm 39 - Botany green Pigment with kathy Perry TOD clock
- Farm 04 - Green Bay packers football messages ... 43rd President Bush
- Food 30 -Sugar THOUGHT molecule code CHOFIN ..CHO+ FIN --> OCH coffin Oak Hill Cemetery ... Tarrytown Time array
- Event 65 - murder of Joe Stack ..erase 20 (amino acids ) ..Aish School and Sandy Hook
..................per – Time After Time Lyrics for IBM system 370
- Event 65 - murder of Joe Stack ..erase 20 (amino acids ) ..Aish School and Sandy Hook IBM TOD
- XXXXXX Science 97 - Samuel DuBose killed in rap music raptor wars ..TIME RAP of DNA prime integer 43 and IBM 143 years and year 1843 Nathaniel Hawthorne cell railroad and year 1943 Geopolitical New Man by Saliva DOOR interceptor Salvador Dali
- Science 43 - new events and furniture atoms TIME Bal time
- Science 17 - Watrertown mass boat to loongboat key and watertown wisconsin the irons isotope calander days 28 30 31 32 (year 1632 and 1932 new deal)
- Data 222 - peru pier oddone 143 years
- WORK Data 386 - janet reno - sparks , Waco siege April 19, 1993 + 20 amino years Watertown April 19, 2013 ..... Timbuktu also spelled Tinbuktu, Timbuctoo and Timbuktoo Timbukto .....
Waco siege April 19, 1993
.......................................+ 20 primary amino acids
.........Watertown April 19, 2013 Boston 26 mile atomic number race ..........
amino acid 20 years and 20 blocks in Watertown ...implies 20 TIME data blocks (20 century data blocks (100 years)
and (20 cent J.C. Penny blocks of 1 year)
with LINK
to molecule movies of
movies of 20th Century studios ..... with the H2O water molecule / amino acid ... moleucle INTERNET continuum per Claude mo.NET - Next 376 - clifford lane air plane crash anasazi ..shot dead by French army after killing two people at Marseille ...2017 Las Vegas sin node shooting ...24/7 hours of DNA clock ...2 = double-helix ....4 DNA molecule ...nitrogen 7 protons
- Next 374 - Boston Evans atomic nucleaus TRIAL, Evansville Wyoming Taylor Polynomials battle, Iowa Evangelist, and Boston ruuner sin wav vibrations of MASS of Masdsachusetts sent to Wisconsin sin ECHO analysis ...Todd Callies ...IBM TOD ...Time of day clock ...DD (Data defnition)
Call subroutine Lies of Leige Belgium Europe ...
false and phony thinkers people in the 2011 SKU11 ordered attack - WORK Data 346 - sammy sosa ... frank zappa ... IBM BAL baltimore
- Data 329 - spnais language fbi janet reno carmen ortbit zibg
- Land .... atomic PROJECT.. time schedule
....................mic michael
...............atomic Land/soil .... s-orbital at
berry road /west Road, watertownSlain Nevada teacher Michael Landsberry
hailed in year 2013 - CNN.com
www.cnn.com/2013/10/22/.../nevada-school-shooting-landsberry/CNN. Almost everyone on the playground sprinted away from the ... Slain Nevada teacher
- WORK Data 324 - Janet reno sparks nevda shape wave
- Next 306 - Charles law at emanuel chucrh, Selma selction map, Virginia Tech 2 hours, Deriek Crouse (DC electrons circuit) Virginia tech two hours apart
- Book 228B - Frankenstein book ... secret codes translated ......Leopold Bloom creates the Leopold & Loeb data generating ..... tragic signaling event of the University of Chicago sub-conscious mind .. integrity failure ....
Time Transfixed
- I recollect
--> I reco collect -->
--> Iron structure (railroad car, automobile, iron office building) ..... is a data record ....
collection site .....THE ROYAL TRAIN hauled
by a Royal Scot, LMS locomotive ..... - the 26 iron protons collect
26 alphabet letter data from
human BLOOD iron hemoglobin data carriers ... Time Transfixed ...... data emerges from the Carl Jung and Belgian surrealist
Rene Magritte
IRON atom collective GROUP MIND- Wikipedia
TimothyMcVeigh(t) = 8
- Next 312 - John Hinckley Jack Parr and em waves ....Sikh em shooting, oklahoma City ,,Carmen ortiz organic moleulces
- Data 219 -dreyfus fuse/brain elctron fuc ..collective group mind fus carbon
- Pier Oddone - Z92 - Data 15 - Salvador Dali, Gala, Computer Earth Galapagos PAGE OS/JCL data base Maria with Pier and SYS1 Catalina, Spain catalog
Tire fire and Tyrosine ... sine --> sin earth waves .. ........................... Wisconsin earth
........ Tyre Lebannon LINK to
........ Tire Fire & Lebanon Watertown Wisconsin
........ Tyre Lebannon LINK to
........ Tire Fire & Lebanon Watertown Wisconsin
- DNA 18 - Tyrosine, Tamir Rice and Tyre Lebaonnon and Tire/Tyre fire by Lebannon / Watertown Wisconsin
- Event 91 - Watertown rubber tire fire .... Shield of Lies book
- Event 60 - Star Trek ... Vulcan wars 9600 block of W. Goodrich Ave. and Watertown rubber TIRE Fire
- Event 60 - Star Trek ... Vulcan wars 9600 block of W. Goodrich Ave. and Watertown rubber TIRE Fire
- Event 24 - Watertown Tire Fire
- Data 73 - Star Trek Vulcan ...... Vulcanizatiom process and carbon black
- Science 220 - Township of Shields . mullins dary and Watertown Tire fie
- Farm 62 - Tyrosine ..Wisconsin farm land sin living earth DNA
- Event 91 - Watertown rubber tire fire .... Shield of Lies book
- Event 24 - Watertown Tire Fire electron volt battle
Tire .... Goodrich tires battle ......Vulcan Building military site for vulcanization of rubber process Watertown and the Watertown rubber tire fire
Titanic boat and the Tsarnev boat
- Event 06 - Mayor Barret explains Icebergs, North Pole policeman Norberg and the Titanic and the Tsarnaev Boat / Columbus
- Data 14 - Titanic vertical iron .... Salvador dali and the Discovery of America by Tsarnaev as Christopher Columbus
- Event 06 - Mayor Barret explains Icebergs, North Pole policeman Norberg and the Titanic and the Tsarnaev Boat / Columbus RMS Titanic iron vehicle and parallel Tsarnev iron car
- Science 13 - Cicero Ill crypt / coffin of Cataline Garcia opens the Salvador Dali data set of Catalina Spain
Tobacco & Chewbacca
Toby .... Paige Racque Topology dog
..... and super-symmetry football TOILET bowl
- Z57 Data 555 - star wars Virginia tobacco plants Constitution project .chewbacca nicotine molecule actylcholine ace hardware Governor wallace Solomon & Berg
- WORK Data 558 - Ricahrd speck andf the spectrum VS Art institute of chicago blood langauge leis and schems
- Z57 Data 555 - star wars Virginia tobacco plants Constitution project .chewbacca nicotine molecule actylcholine ace hardware Governor wallace Solomon & Berg
- WORK Beer Summit size Z74 Science 802 - from Z41 group 119 - inverteed beer summit .... F ace book ..... acetylcholine neurotransmitter system
Toby .... Paige Racque Topology dog
- WORK Gibbs (size 249 ) Z59 Data 670 and farm 97 - gibbs dirac Georgia Giibs toplogy Sports Illustrated Swimsuit 2018 | SI.com Sp orts --> S, P electron orbits Illustrated ... Paige Raque sits with her Topology byte dog Toby ....... the Peach / impeachment onion President Nixon .... Georgia Peaches elect Jimmy Carter
- ZZZ-65 Data 286 - Sherlock Holmes movies Secret Weapons ,,Paige Raque .. ,4 iron hemoglobin library of .Columbine BIND failure Webster dictionary Oceania Junior Seau
- Data 468 - Paige Raque and the Queen
..... and super-symmetry football TOILET bowl
- XXXXXX Food 19 - Bethesda LU Homes demo of the Flushing ... 1964 World's Fair dump analysis with Governor Scott toilet Paper TREE of Knowledge
- Event 98 - Flying Carpets and Besharzzar feat r
- Data 622 - huey long lngitudinal fissye ....
- 1935 that their toilet paper was “Splinter-Free!”
- Data 504 - Biology language
Toll House Cookies .... death toll ... Edgewater
Tolstoy .....
...... Leo Tolstoy and Tolstoy, South Dakota
...... Leo Tolstoy and Tolstoy, South Dakota
Tom Delay
Tom M. Apostol & tol ... Tostoy SD pst office
Tom Paris
Tongue ... mouth wars
- ZZZ-60 Data 405 - gulf of tonkin tongue wars
- Data 508 - Gulf of tonque battle
- Data 420 - tongue talk wars
- ZZZ-60 Data 405 - gulf of tonkin tongue wars
Topology & Highway T / Horseshoe Road
- ZZZ-6- Data 480 - topology sun praie hausdorf georgia okeefe
- WORK Gibbs (size 249 ) Z59 Data 670 and farm 97 - gibbs dirac Georgia Giibs toplogy Sports Illustrated Swimsuit 2018 | SI.com Sp orts --> S, P electron orbits Illustrated ... Paige Raque sits with her Topology byte dog Toby ....... the Peach / impeachment onion President Nixon .... Georgia Peaches elect Jimmy Carter Toby -- Tokyo Topology byte f
rom 1964 World's Fair with Brookyn Toby and Isabella ..year 1492 trace
- Data 468 - Paige Raque and the Queen
- Data 428 - topology of mind seventh seal movie and seven bridges and seven warrfs
- code –> Roelli Cheese Haus
……………………………se Haus
……………………………see Hausdorff space - WORK Chemistry Wade - Z51 EM 05 - chemistry ordered attack Wade Michael Page Signal Recognition Particle: ...Jamie Kirk (Hahn) ..... cosine agents Cossacks ... Roelli cheese Roe vs. Wade ...... Hausdorff space .... IBM z Enterprise System ..... janesville Jakubowski Bethesda Lutheran ... Wells Fargo ... DNA start codons AUG ..... MINDDRO Wisconsin acquaculture Lahey – Floating point numbers ...... Mother-In-Law Behaviors …….heroIn Law Behaviors ..emily dickerson casino fight ho-chunck emily post octagon house
- Farm 44 - Emma Trefz Toplogy with Georgia O'Keeffe ...Sun Yat-sen
- Farm 01- Dirac s-orbital soil, farm iron plow, Fountain of youth Okeechobee
- T --> Tallahassee data route to County Road Tin the Wisconsin sin wave function regionSo --> Soil/ clay ... c layer / coffin communications layerGreek symbol omega
.... pointer to Horseshoe Road
Totzke, Taxes and axes , and Taxidermists
Totzke ...... Tesla claimed the device,
properly modified (atomic proton ... property laws with Mark D. Totzke (MDT)) ,
properly modified (atomic proton ... property laws with Mark D. Totzke (MDT)) ,
could be used to map underground
deposits of oil OR
coffin deposits of
educated atomic orbital databases
deposits of oil OR
coffin deposits of
educated atomic orbital databases
- WORK Data 286 - record locking .... Taxidermist - definition of taxidermist SOC --> South Carolina human computer war zone .... Vang rice lake ... GL (General Ledger) Gloria Totzke .... March's Advanced Organic acetylcholine
- Event 87 - Mark Totzke explains mirror axis
- Event 32 - Mark D. Totzke ... drive from Seattle to Wisconsin .... write an "IBM end of file mark D Totzke"
- Data 91 - Borneo and Grand 16 theater shooting and molecule AXE and AXE murders
- Science 298 - Gloria Totzke ..... Murdered By Solar System Sun --> Son ..... Using An
- Science 204 - Modified data tag ..MDT Totzkey
- Science 200 - Gloria Totzke and the St. Jihn;s AC ...The *Magic Number* 1/137
- Totzke - Occams razor
- Farm 74 - Gloria Totzke earth accounting and casulaty insurance murders
- ZZZ-65 Data 265 - darwin evolution Zoellick answered ... Evo was tricked out with a new turbo engine,... Totzke .... Quadracci death
- ZZZ-65 Data 282 - Leo ..nucleotide asrology ..... Mark Totzke cotton shirt handcuffs .... automotive ..Bra CUP drivers.. DEATH atomic data cycle .cremation URN ret.URN code
- Farm 31 - Solar System photon mapping and Totzke and Quadracci and Edward Edwards
- XXXXX Farm 23 - Botany shoots military actions ( Mark Totzke .. IBM end of file Mark)
- Event 87 - Mark Totzke explains mirror axis
- Event 32 - Mark D. Totzke ... drive from Seattle to Wisconsin .... write an "IBM end of file mark D Totzke" ..END of File and the Drive
- Event 27 - Lando and Orlando Pulse nightclub
- Event 13 - Star Wars Lando .... Philando, Orlando Pulse nightclub shooting, Rolando Las Vegas Axiom of Choice
- Book 228B - Frankenstein book ... secret codes translated ......Leopold Bloom creates the Leopold & Loeb data generating ..... tragic signaling event of the University of Chicago sub-conscious mind .. integrity failure
- Data 676 - last will and testament and schopenhauer will of karl and herb
- Data 608 - book of thew dead
- WORK Data 286 - record locking .... Taxidermist - definition of taxidermist
- ZZZ-65 Data 282 - Leo ..nucleotide asrology ..... Mark Totzke cotton shirt handcuffs .... automotive ..Bra CUP drivers.. DEATH atomic data cycle .cremation URN ret.URN code
Tour de France
Towers .. mile high
- Data 322 - Evans book evan boston etc .... Roy Rodger and gravity ... Six-gun showdown at Mile HIgh ..... with
G = Universal Grave invitational and
Gun = group United nations BS
IRON railroad tracks of COMPUTER EARTH
- ZZZ59 Data 613- train derailment philadelphia .train tracks..atomic tracks of AMTRAK ...cloud chamber robert gates ... logic gates Defense Secretary Rene Magritte .... police officer Sgt. James Crowley, inverness scotland .... China Dinnerware rene Magritte train chimmney
- WORK Data 654 - AMtrak train derailment ... IBM count key data (CKD) track .. Hilberts 23 problems math book written by Alfred North Whitehead written by .... red & White blood cells
- ZZZ59 Data 613- train derailment philadelphia .train tracks..atomic tracks of AMTRAK ...cloud chamber robert gates ... logic gates Defense Secretary Rene Magritte .... police officer Sgt. James Crowley, inverness scotland .... China Dinnerware rene Magritte train chimmney
Tractor ... Massey -Ferguson iron
Trafalgar ..... modern version
Zoellick ... travis --> Tra + vis
--> Traveling vision interceptor agent ....
of Davies scholarship optical failure
(Data + view + society project) failure ....
Trafalgar BATTLE in southeast Wisconsin
Tra+ Fal + gar -->
Travis & iron Farm tractors ....
Falk iron gear explosion LU 6.2 ,,,,
Garden fresh foods murder LINk to
first kinder-garten &
first law of thermodynamics of
kin.....Kinetic energy being reformatted
by Nature's Intellect into usable energy
packages resulting
in the the periodic atomic table
Zoellick ... travis --> Tra + vis
--> Traveling vision interceptor agent ....
of Davies scholarship optical failure
(Data + view + society project) failure ....
Trafalgar BATTLE in southeast Wisconsin
Tra+ Fal + gar -->
Travis & iron Farm tractors ....
Falk iron gear explosion LU 6.2 ,,,,
Garden fresh foods murder LINk to
first kinder-garten &
first law of thermodynamics of
kin.....Kinetic energy being reformatted
by Nature's Intellect into usable energy
packages resulting
in the the periodic atomic table
- Data 345 - Unconscious Nelso battle of Traflgar biochemsoitry
- WORK Data 689 - dave nelson ...Lehninger Principles of WAR Biochemistry molecules Nelson (N= Nitrogen elements of DNA
Traffic circles &
DNA control circle ...
communications HUB at Hubbleton Wisconsin
with ..2 H2O cities (Water10wn & Water100
.,,,, 2HO2 hydrogen peroxide SOFTWARE sites to
DNA control circle ...
communications HUB at Hubbleton Wisconsin
with ..2 H2O cities (Water10wn & Water100
.,,,, 2HO2 hydrogen peroxide SOFTWARE sites to
cure families & society of bragging BS
Vicious circle principle - Wikipedia
Train .... Locomotive
Train ......railroad and train/educate
Train ......railroad and train/educate
hauled by a Royal Scot, LMS locomotive. The privilege of driving the King and the Queen is not confined to any one man, but is shared by a number of veteran drivers.
Royal Scot, LMS locomotive
Royal Scot, LMS ..... motive - WORK Data 539 - carnegie ...car.iron railroiad car as a containmner human data sets dunferline .mmagnetic line scotland
- GOOD WORK Data 260 - - NEuroN Rail Pass ..... molecular railroads ,,,, inside the brain Euro Rail Pass Port Richmond ...Life Lock DEMO of locked germanwings cocpit doors ....football pas John Dos Pass Passos ..... Pablo Pass Picasso
Transactional Analysis
- Science 57 - Transactional analysis of T A = Tymine Adenine
- GOOD WORK Data 260 - - NEuroN Rail Pass ..... molecular railroads ,,,, inside the brain Euro Rail Pass Port Richmond ...Life Lock DEMO of locked germanwings cocpit doors ....football pas John Dos Pass Passos ..... Pablo Pass Picasso
- Science 292 - BMO-Harris .... Super PAC transcational anaysis of BMO-Tom harris Bank
- ZZZ59 Data 634 - columbine, myoglobin protein library, transactional analysis erric harris
- Food 87 - Z44 Group 122 TACO Bell and chocollate
- Data 74 - Waukesha coma and Police Captain LU , Nilsestuen attack on agriculture
- XXXXXX Farm 27 - the Emma Trefz ..Fez farm function
- Food 45 - Food wars, digestive systems ... Van Gogh ..potatoes and rice wars
- Event 20 - Lance Armstrong and the Armstrong Baby Kidnapping with Agatha Christie
- Science 57 - Transactional analysis of T A = Tymine Adenine
- Science 40 - printing press problems and pregnancy codesb
- Next 376 - clifford lane air plane crash anasazi ..shot dead by French army after killing two people at Marseille ...2017 Las Vegas sin node shooting ..Ricahard speck
- Next 326 - Gravity war suez netw gingrigh ,Mark kelly NASA gravity Safeway store, Charles Whitman and Whitman chocollate sampler , Julius Burton and atomic Jacob collins,. c-130 Hercules plane , Feynman fermat theorem , Richard speck, columbine High school eric harris and BMO-Harris Bank school problems
- Book 228B - Frankenstein book ... secret codes translated ......Leopold Bloom creates the Leopold & Loeb data generating ..... tragic signaling event of the University of Chicago sub-conscious mind .. integrity failure
- WORK Data 652 - BEC code book of queBEC .... Bank of Montreal ---> BMO Harris bank ... Transaction analysis (TA) reality carriers and Parent. Adult, Child (PAC) political action committee code PAC ...Paul dirAC
- ZZZ59 Data 634 - columbine, myoglobin protein library, transactional analysis erric harris ERIC HARRIS TA and BMO-Harris Bank TA
- ZZZ59 Data 607 - BMO harris bank and atm atmosphsere terminolas of lung interaction
- Data 546 - ta and pac political science
- Data 510 - beckett
- WORK Data 271 - Jerry March insurance .....he E1 and E2 elimination Reactions Friedel–Crafts reaction .... Carbocation Rearrangements - Sharon TA Tate .... acetylcholine neuroscience TA transactions for STOCK market shares for
insider trading ..... inside BRAIN electron THOUGHT circuits - Data 447 - infrared and obama
Transcendental functions ... entire functions
- Science 02 - Gay LussacLAW, Charles law, Boston CP SNOW storm, infrared, thermodynamics
- Data 230 - unufied theory spnadau bosnia Jefferson's First Inauguration, March 4, 1801 4-H club jefferson
Transfer impedance’ ZT
‘transfer imped /stop dance’ ZT
‘transfer impedance’ ZT –> Zoellick, Travis and his body/brain bio-electronics
Bethesda Lutheran Communities BS thinkers to
Close Watertown Intermediate … 
bethesdalutherancommunities.org/…/bethesda-lutheran-communities-to-close-waterto…Jun 19, 2013 – Watertown, Wisconsin – The Bethesda Intermediate Care Facility, 700 … living at the Watertown ICF have transitioned to their new homes.
have transitioned / transfer to their new homes
(Houses of DEATH) per Garlin Case .......
(Houses of DEATH) per Garlin Case .......
Portage Torture ..torture systems and
Bethesda brain torture BS - NBC15.com
- A woman's statements to police in a high-profile torture case may be ... last June of Tammie Garlin and the abuse and torture of Garlin's son, ...
Sep 29, 2011 - Appeals court upholds conviction in Portage torture case ... Clark also said she rode around in a car with Garlin's body in the trunk and she w.nbc15.com/home/headlines/10584887.html
The Garlin case refers to the three adults and one juvenile charged in the June 4, 2007, murder of Tammie Garlin and the earlier physical abuse of Garlin's 11-year-old son. Garlin's 15-year-old daughter is alleged to have been a willing participant in her mother's murder and the abuse of her brother. The case drew attention to deficiencies in the U.S. state of Florida's
child-protection system.................prote ..in --> Human protein MACHINE system and
the education of Bethedsa feeble minded dairy farm workers VIA the
SI Hayakawa ..Bessie the Cow model ..... thus education of the
Feeble minded PROTEIN molecules VIA
........................... ROTE (repeated) farm work exercises with a purpose
in life (supplying their own food, milking cows, and vegetables,etc)
thru their self-efforts under the gui.DANCE of older farmer adult supervisors
child-protection system.................prote ..in --> Human protein MACHINE system and
the education of Bethedsa feeble minded dairy farm workers VIA the
SI Hayakawa ..Bessie the Cow model ..... thus education of the
Feeble minded PROTEIN molecules VIA
........................... ROTE (repeated) farm work exercises with a purpose
in life (supplying their own food, milking cows, and vegetables,etc)
thru their self-efforts under the gui.DANCE of older farmer adult supervisors
May 9, 2008
murder of Tammie Garlin and the earlier physical abuse of
Garlin's SKU11 software number 11 --.> 11-year-old
Garlin's SKU11 software number 11 --.> 11-year-old
murder of Tammie Garlin
murder of Tammie Gar lin
murder of Tammie Guard line ..line backer NEXT
set-up of Tammi LaFave.................... by Favre football and the grid-iron line Green Bay Packers (1992–2007) - Brett Lorenzo Favre is a former Am(atomic mass)
American football quarterback who spent the majority of his career with the ...n
Mar 18, 2009 - Tammi LaFave faces up to 50 years at sentencing Monday
in her rigged information TRIAL by the
biased Brett Favre judge and jury GREEN BAY protein machine
THOUGHT CONTROL over the sports fans per Mind analysis of Mindoro in
La Crosse County (cross-correlation earth social systems site) , Wisconsin, .
Police say LaFave and her boyfriend, Travis Zoellick, 20, of Watertown, met Haroon Khan on Milwaukee's east side Oct. 1 ...
in her rigged information TRIAL by the
biased Brett Favre judge and jury GREEN BAY protein machine
THOUGHT CONTROL over the sports fans per Mind analysis of Mindoro in
La Crosse County (cross-correlation earth social systems site) , Wisconsin, .
Police say LaFave and her boyfriend, Travis Zoellick, 20, of Watertown, met Haroon Khan on Milwaukee's east side Oct. 1 ...
Transfer functions and block diagrams
Yves Saint Laurent (designer)
Yves Saint Laurent (control systems designer ..code name Ys )
Find the transfer function in Watertown Massachusetts between the input U(s) and the output Y(s
Translator code ..... Tesla & Asimov
The Transport of Molecules
The Transport of Molecules
The Tran.sport of sport basketball player Molecules
VIA airplanes to other cities for
basketball games (gametes contests)
VIA airplanes to other cities for
basketball games (gametes contests)
Traveling subroutines
Travis air force base
Tree ..... Vang and Decision Trees
Tree diagrams
TSA (CICS battles at airports)
Tsar code ..Tsarnaev electron volts .... sunlight
Tsarnaev electron volts (ev) VS General Dynamics Electric Boat.....
Boat battles .. Navy iron boats (Collective Mind) and anchor (Sandy Hook) and
water (Tsarnaev ev (electron Volts) ..the boat in Watertown Mass .... atomic mass in Masssachusetts)
and Tsarnaev (electron volts) agent VS General Dynamics Electric Boat (bull-shit and the Navy BEDROOM semen/seamen)
TSO ....Time Sharing Option
Tree diagrams
- XXXXX Farm 23 - Botany shoots military actions
- Event 12 - Star Wars ..Obi-wan-kenobi --. attack nairobi Kenya and wan -- Rwanada and Jermemy wand
- Science 77 - Mayor Bartlett Pear on Orchard Street withg Diana Orchard murder trial
- WORK Data 286 - record locking .... Taxidermist - definition of taxidermist
Trench Warfare (pussy trench biology)
Scotland Yard & London Fog trench coat
language of textiles and fetus brain society
language of textiles and fetus brain society
- Next 350 - Maxwell Judge Maxwell motor cycle wojiech Tribeca BEC algorithms Nikola Tesla ..book roots ... polynomila plymerase chain reaction
- Food 84 - Miller Auto parts ..integration and haus dorf space Marble quarry quantum array sort sugar molecule Hausfrau ....BEC and Tribeca
- Z50 - Probate paper BMO Harris, Tribecca banker, Watertown, Quebec , Georgia O'Keeffe, Jim Dell , Zin and Vin earth circuits
- WORK Data 477 - motorcycle wojciech .... echo/ mirror subroutine driver BEC .... Tribe of BEC (TriBECa) Zbigbiew Brzezinski
- Next 350 - Maxwell Judge Maxwell motor cycle wojiech Tribeca BEC algorithms Nikola Tesla ..book roots ... polynomila plymerase chain reaction
- Data 329 - spnais language fbi janet reno carmen ortbit zibg
- Data 510 - beckett
- ZZZ-65 Data 285 - Anne Rice matrices book ..code signore ..sign orbit earth .... to Quebec to LuBec ECB event control block ....brain barBECue burnout by QueBEC word instruction errors.
Tribeca & Rebecca --> .Re + BEC CA-->
..Records BEC Canada (Quebec) ...
...Records BEC TriBEC.a (Tribe BEC america)
..Records BEC Canada (Quebec) ...
...Records BEC TriBEC.a (Tribe BEC america)
Trigger levels (CICS) and
.......................... Schmitt trigger inverters
.......................... Schmitt trigger inverters
- WORK Data 236 - CO2 cycle lungs .... barometric pressure.... tree trunk william strunk atmosphere pressure and digestive system ...chocolate chips ... Virginia Tech Shootings ... trigger inverters .... Consumption of memory (disease) ..... The Declaration of Independence, 1776 -
- Data 322 - Evans book evan boston etc Roy Rodgers and Trigger with Lucinda Roy
- WORK Data 236 - CO2 cycle lungs .... barometric pressure.... tree trunk william strunk atmosphere pressure and digestive system ...chocolate chips ... Virginia Tech Shootings ... trigger inverters .... Consumption of memory (disease) ..... The Declaration of Independence, 1776 -
Trigger levels (neurons firing ..... brain bullet bulletins)
- XXXXX Food 63 - Stomach G I Joe digestive system food wars
- Food 61 - Maria callas ad portland digestive system umpqua college Webster war
Trinity nuclear test ..repeated at Sept 11, 2001
Trinity Place and Trinity church .. breeder reactor
Trinity Place and Trinity church .. breeder reactor
Triple S store ..math integral
Tropic of Cancer
- XXXXXXX Farm 63 - corn field wars
- Food 81 - Kelloggs con Flakes corn fields and grain mills henry mill capricorn wars and corn field ixonia
- WORK Data 691 - geograph8u tropic of cancer war sam hengel ..green bay packers chlorophyll IBM Bal packers, septum brain battle sept 11 brain burnout Watertown massachusetts and Wisconsin ought put out brain fires
- Z57 Data 549 - corn linux and ixonia corn data field time hack kelly drew and bernie cornfield tropic capricorn
Trumpet (music and chin)
The Murder Of Jefferson county Wisconsin people
- Food 67 - hcl and hillary and wronskian equations
- XXXX Food 38 - Chin and mouth codes ..newspaper
- Science 43 - new events and furniture atoms TIME
True / false ,....
The Murder Of Jefferson county Wisconsin people
True bender ....... Rue ..rueben ... Borchardt
Truth tables .... True & False
- Food 87 - Z44 Group 122 TACO Bell and chocollate Truth Graves Wakefield
- Food 52 - ciccs stomach hcl hillary clinton and neurons of nero wolfe
- Science 19 - Tower of Babble and sub-continent INDIA shape Light 6000 years
- Data 621 - far horisons sand circuits and herb field layer --> herrbert & data fields
Truth Page .... Ruth page dance center with
Z = impedance ..... Zimbabwe Cecil the lion
- Science 86 - Ruth Page center ... Dance Loop signal ..Paige Raque
- Science 70 - Jim's Cheese Page of Principia Mathematica
Jan 27, 2013 - (0), STRUCTURE, 116, TSA. (0), CHARACTER, 16, TSA_PREFIX. (0), HALFWORD, 2,TSA_LENGTH, control block length. (2), CHARACTER ...
Tsar code ..Tsarnaev electron volts .... sunlight
- Science 17 - Watrertown mass boat to loongboat key and watertown wisconsin
- Science 13 - Cicero Ill crypt / coffin of Cataline Garcia opens the Salvador Dali data set of Catalina Spain
- Data 653 - news boston tsarnaev'
- Data 576 - orangutan battles GUT theory lax shoting las vegas
- Data 270 - Boston boat longboat key ........ SW Houston apartment complex, .... Killing of 8 Ohio family
Tsarnaev electron volts (ev) VS General Dynamics Electric Boat.....
Boat battles .. Navy iron boats (Collective Mind) and anchor (Sandy Hook) and
water (Tsarnaev ev (electron Volts) ..the boat in Watertown Mass .... atomic mass in Masssachusetts)
and Tsarnaev (electron volts) agent VS General Dynamics Electric Boat (bull-shit and the Navy BEDROOM semen/seamen)
- Event 06 - Mayor Barret explains Icebergs, North Pole policeman Norberg and the Titanic and the Tsarnaev Boat / Columbus
- Next 374 - Boston Evans atomic nucleaus TRIAL, Evansville Wyoming Taylor Polynomials battle, Iowa Evangelist, and Boston ruuner sin wav vibrations of MASS of Masdsachusetts sent to Wisconsin sin ECHO analysis
TSO ....Time Sharing Option
- Science 56 - Stephen Hawking intoxicated .... the Porters Gin true story
- Science 48 - Cuba and TSO Gyatso and cryptology Alice
Theater ........ actualization into
physical reality events
physical reality events
Turbulance ,
Turbans, Turkey, Turkish restaurant
Turbans, Turkey, Turkish restaurant
- Science 74 - Science 28 - Sikh Temple turbans and turbulence
- Science 221 - Turkey and ergofdic theory battles
- Science 215 - Burkina Faso (fa + so --> Farm Soil under attack from BS) attack Turkish restaurant known as Aziz Istanbul.
- Science 74 - Science 28 - Sikh Temple turbans and turbulence
- Science 49 - news articles atomic codes
Turkey ergodic theory
Tut ...King TUT
- ZZZ-65 Data 216 - little egyt anwar cairo o carbon dioxide of carbondale Illinis King TUT vs instiTUTions,
- ZZZ-65 Data 216 - little egyt anwar cairo o carbon dioxide of carbondale Illinis King TUT vs instiTUTions,
- Data 221 - carbon 12 tribes
- Data 219 -dreyfus fuse/brain elctron fuc ..collective group mind fus carbon
Twin Peaks and female body nipples while
she lies in bed on her back in feedback
message system position .....
message system position .....
a (Penis sperm) shootout erupted
at a Twin Peaks (female breasts)
at a Twin Peaks (female breasts)
- Data 693 - nipple cones and Twin peaks amino acid chains
- Data 577 - waco texas lone pair elctrons and desire of elctron
- making the work a never-ending cycle.[
never-ending cycle.
never-ending cycle.
...................... cycle WARS2015 Waco ..... wa + co --> wave continuum shootout
Twist danace ...County road T wisconsin
Two Towers attack ...see Manhattan attack t
- Next 326 - Gravity war suez netw gingrigh ,Mark kelly NASA gravity Safeway store, Charles Whitman and Whitman chocollate sampler , Julius Burton and atomic Jacob collins,. c-130 Hercules plane , Feynman fermat theorem , Richard speck, columbine High school eric harris and BMO-Harris Bank school problems
- Data 618 - heavy flow wings battle at 2-leggs ,,,2-towers
- Data 600 - two Towers
- Pilot stage ...The S-11 Executive Committee
(S-1 + tensor space/time --> 1 add 10 --> 11)
recommends that the project move to the air plane pilot plant stage
and build one or two piles (Two Tower piles )
to produce pluto cartoon DATA messageair plane pilot plant stage - Data 293 - song kill 2 birds with 1 stone
- ZZZ-65 Data 206 valence at cole hall , valentine day, IRON LADY, menstruation electron density are you dense question,? magnetic tape density
Valence-Shell Electron-Pair Repulsion Theory (VSEPR)
--> VS + SEP + PR -->
Vector Space (ordered attack)
Sept 11,2001 .... Processing region wars
Two Chief World System battle year 1924 ...
Prohibition year 1924 ,,... year 1616 / 1632
Prohibition year 1924 ,,... year 1616 / 1632
These Two Wealthy Men (book Two Chief World systems VS MR. thinker 2 testicles arrogance in Chicago) Believed They Could Commit The Perfect
By the time Leopold and Loeb reunited
post-college (Emily POST Em field
bio-radio post office of brain stem and
Carl Jung collective group mind
neuroscience social science
signaling systems), they began to live by this ... the wheel and Loeb in the backseat, Franks sat up front in the passenger seat. ... and hid his body in a drain that ran alongside the
Pennsylvania Railroad tracks (Penn State university ERRORS in penis education and BS explanations ..... Lock and Key enzyme MODEL with Jerry Sandusky ...... White Sands project of New Mexico and the Faraday Far Horizons resort in Sarasota and Sarasota High School PSSC physics, algebra, etc in 1959, 1960 ..... Karl GutheJansky ..sky/high office ...
Jerry Sandusky and Monica SKY Lewinsky with the Galileo astronomy laws of Ken Starr)- WORK Data 335 - Leopols loeb Jekyll and Hyde Park
Two Cultures
The city of Königsberg in Prussia (now Kaliningrad, Russia) was set on both sides of the Pregel River,
included two large islands
which were connected to each other,
or to the two mainland portions of the city, by seven bridges
Tyrosine and Tyrannosaurus (Dinosaur SD)
....... software attacks San Bernar.dino
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