Facebook & Faces of America (parabola Face curve)
- Science 171 - Face book battle in Milwaukee
- Food 36 - Reese candy bar and Clasen cholocate facory ... Bank Robbery
- WORK Data 331 - Litmus test and Ph ..phillipine wars and Inceon korea
- ZZZ59 Data 613- train derailment philadelphia .train tracks..atomic tracks of AMTRAK ...cloud chamber robert gates ... logic gates Defense Secretary Rene Magritte .... police officer Sgt. James Crowley, inverness scotland .... China Dinnerware rene Magritte train chimmney
Every elliptic curve over Q is modular. This was proved for semi-stable elliptic curves in 1994 by Wiles, with help from Taylor
Face the Nation .....
with Milwaukee Police Norberg ,,,
Parabola curve of face .....
parabola wars of the quadratic equation in Milwaukee
Norberg and Kunish face
Facebook &
Faces of America (parabola Face curve)
- Science 24 - avon cosemetics and face codes Marshal Field data fields
- ZZZ59 Data 658 - muilwaukee ace badger guns acetylcholine neurons ..Ray Tensing ...emily post phosphate hate crimes
Falcon Heights ..... Millennium falcon /
Sunlight light optics battle in BS Minnesota
The modified YT-1300 Corellian light freighter
--> Jeronimo Yanez --> YT cor -->
Yanez Thought control core
Falk iron gear ... gas bus ...... gas bust .. gas explosion
CLUES ...... Man(manuscript) accused of shooting tourists in Las Vegas bus (gas bus) gets public .
Rolando Cardenas, iron- 55, and Star Wars Lando and the Milleninum Falcon --> fal + con --> Falk Wisconsin
- Event 13 - Star Wars Lando .... Philando, Orlando Pulse nightclub shooting, Rolando Las Vegas
- Data 344 - schniit triggers wisconsin dairy code word --> Pipestone County 4-H leaders
--> pipe & 4-H --> data pipelines and methane / natural gas
Falk iron gear and the Falklands
- Science 95 - Jules Verne and the Mysterious Islands --> Falkland Islands and Fslk Iron gear factory island
- WORK Data 209 - x-wing algebra solo madison sun prairie brian Solomon Elena Berg Z sin j ........ Solo Z .....wisconSIN j = janesville IRON FIST
Falkland Islands
- Science 95 - Jules Verne and the Mysterious Islands --> Falkland Islands and Fslk Iron gear factory island
- Data 300- Jefferson airplane music and crash site .......
Emilio E. Falco - Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
Fallopian Tube battles
- Event 12 - Star Wars ..Obi-wan-kenobi --. attack nairobi Kenya and wan -- Rwanada and Jermemy wand
- Science 69 - Love Canal trial .... biology wars ..Fallopian tubes
- Next 305 - michael brown age 18 fermilab longboat key omha Nairobi Obi wan Ken obi
- Food 26 - Clasen chocolate 12 hour molecule code
- Watergate .. Edgewater Z90 Science 03 - Water molecule continuum, Edgewater , Tsarnaev boat and Longboat Key , Zachery Zaborek
- Event 77 - Hawking Black Hole discovered at BP site in Gulf of Mexico
- Event 20 - Lance Armstrong and the Armstrong Baby Kidnapping with Agatha Christie
- Science 50 - news optic signal code Sawiris
- WORK Data 439 - Rembrandt belshazzar and wily brandt and watertown far horizons Zimbabwe impedance
- Science 35 - Faraday and the Far Horizon resort
- Science 17 - Watrertown mass boat to loongboat key and watertown wisconsin
- XXXXX DONE Science 03 - Water molecule continuum, Edgewater , Tsarnaev boat and Longboat Key , Zachery Zaborek
- WORK Data 342 - news sinbad .... sin waves underground .. dirac cincinnati ..Lecho Walesa Lecho Kaczynski ..... Derailment AMTRAK 238 atomic passenger and underground railroad
- Data 362 - British Hannah graham RAF
- Next 305 - michael brown age 18 fermilab longboat key omha Nairobi Obi wan Ken obi .......... Boston marathon race
and boston harbor iron meta boats
with 26 atomic iron letters alphabet
by the the defective
SOFTWARE BS& Bragging of
human hemoglobin runner 26 miles attack on atomic number 26 of ferrous/iron metal - Data 621 - far horisons sand circuits and herb field layer --> herrbert & data fields ,,Faraday sand electrons of the Far Horizons and BIG FOOT ( Longboat Key as a
shoe / foot-print of Nature &
Thor NORSE software walks the social sciences of EARTH ..... and Longboat Key as a long Viking Boat) .............. ( a THOR thorough analysis) of Far Horizons owners, guests, and workers on the Faraday silicon dioxide electron platform ....
of White Sand beach / island sand ....as 2-legs walking inject THEIR social & economic data heritage ..... into the COMPUTER EARTH sand circuits for Sara (System area) ....
Sarasota analysis with LINK to Carl Sagan book CONTACT and White Sands New Mexico government facilities and radio telescopes working on MESSAGE processing using the General Carter Ham hamming code LINK to
,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Carter H --> Hotel Carter on 43rd Street of the Manhattan Project) - Data 528 - lava lamp thermodynamics
Faraday ....the Farm 120 acres equation .... arm ac .... armature alternating cycles of the EARTH electric motor and its 24 hour rotation on its axis with iron core and the earth surface Phelps Dodge copper ore mine
- Science 35 - Faraday and the Far Horizon resort
- Next 369 - hawking grand design, garvity Gabby gifffors faraday copper at San Bernadino and Faraday West (Cole Hall) , lethal injection , Nixon algebra, Standard model. Boyles Law
- Food 20 - IBM bAL and the BIG MAC macro with Ray KROC --> ROC ...Faraday Farook equation
- Event 71 - Song lyrics and CAUSE and EFFECT ...The boy's are back in town again Been hangin' down at Dino's..... San Bernardino Faraday and farook chess player with caryl Chessman
- Next 369 - hawking grand design, garvity Gabby gifffors faraday copper at San Bernadino and Faraday West (Cole Hall) , lethal injection , Nixon algebra, Standard model. Boyles Law
Farm 120 acres equation .... arm ac .... armature alternating cycles of the Far ... Faraday EARTH electric motor and its 24 hour rotation on its axis with iron core and the earth surface Phelps Dodge copper ore mine
Farmer's Avenue and Ash Avenue
........,,Matt Anderson & Thomas Anderson PIO
- Food 20 - IBM bAL and the BIG MAC macro with Ray KROC --> ROC ...Faraday FarM equation
Farmer's Avenue and Ash Avenue
........,,Matt Anderson & Thomas Anderson PIO
Farook ......
Campbell and Farrell bio-chemistry textbook
Syed Rizwan Farook and Tashfeen Malik?
Farrah Faecett .....
White House Plumbers and secrets ... Farah Faucett Majors
Fashion runways
Faucett/ Fawcett publications ..watergate news with
Pine Lake water molecules of Quadracci
Fawcett ... atomic woman evans
- Science 54- Waukesha astronomy Star of David and water facuett
- Data 212 - water and john hinckley and water body fall 39 feet at penn state
- Farrah Fawcett is a true Hollywood success story. A native of Texas, she was the daughter of Pauline Alice (Evans),
Faust --> austria --> australia ....
.... the Bourne Ultimatum to MelBourne
- Farm 09 - Germination and Solar light, Solzhenitsyn, Hamer and Sickele, oats , yellow straw
- Food 14 - HCL and Hillaru Clinton and the FBI burrito
- Data 355 - Feynaman, dirac, cassius clay schrodinger
- Next 330 - Phillipine year 1900 (Spanish-American war) Richard Speck gravity 66 / 67 year later , Badger guns janet reno & reno raines Carment ortiz sp orbitals ..Zbigniew complex numbers Eisenhower
- Quarrel / quantum and
Quantico ...... Quantum time codeTime Entanglement Raises Quantum Mysteries | Quanta Magazine
https://www.quantamagazine.org/20160119-time-entanglement/Jan 19, 2016 - Quantum Weirdness Now a Matter of Time.Bizarre quantum bonds connect distinct moments in time, suggesting that quantum links — not space-time — constitute the fundamental structure of the universe. ... In the spatial version of a classic entanglement experiment, two particles
FBI optics and
Two cones (2 adult female breasts / bra cone)
Two arrested in Cone street murder - | WBTV Charlotte
Two arrests were made this morning for the murder of Terry Mack that happened late Thursday night on Cone street in east Albany. ...
Jump to FBI Director (2013–2017) - James Brien Comey Jr is an American lawyer who was the 7th Director of the
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) of furniture equations
Bureau, in the United States, a chest of drawers; in Europe a writing desk, usually with a hinged writing flap that rests at a sloping angle when closed and, when opened, reveals a tier of pigeonholes, small drawers, and sometimes a small cupboard. ..
Featherless bipeds...... chicken brains
- XXXXXX Farm 87 - Matt Anderson and animal fram
- XXXXX Food 29 - Beer summit codes ...Dextrose .
- Event 90 - Verpine attack at Pine lake .... ..Verpine and Versace ..Vector space design errors Obama oxygen
- Science 70 - Jim's Cheese
- Science 49 - news articles atomic codes
- Data 358 - featherless bipeds attack sept 11
- Data 336 - Piitsburg and Route 29
- Data 611 - syracuse syria and town of genesee
Fe = February
Feb = Feeble minded ... arrogant snob Females
Feb = Feeble minded ... arrogant snob Females
The Waco siege was a siege of a compound belonging to the religious group Branch Davidians by American federal and Texas state law enforcement and US military
between February 28 (Iron-54 and 28 neutrons
between February 28 (Iron-54 and 28 neutrons
and Janet Reno 28 day menstruation cycle) and April 19, 1993
Fee-fi-fo-fum ...fumble GRIND IRON
at Highway 26 fumble/ destruction
Feeble Minded Dairy Farm,
I smell the blood of an Englishman (language),
Be he alive, or be he dead
I'll grind his bones to make my bread.[1]
Though the
RH blood factor pulse beat
RHyme is tetrametric,
it follows no consistent metrical foot (football feet & data entry)
at Highway 26 fumble/ destruction
Feeble Minded Dairy Farm,
I smell the blood of an Englishman (language),
Be he alive, or be he dead
I'll grind his bones to make my bread.[1]
Though the
RH blood factor pulse beat
RHyme is tetrametric,
it follows no consistent metrical foot (football feet & data entry)
Federal government STUCTURE per
Nikola Tesla article ..
the excluded middle
(earth geography surface REALITY thinkers)
.... FED I/o area IO.nosphere
....... Fed (middle layer of EARTH farm soil/agriculture ...the
FEED /food systems layer of human everyday life)
Federal .....
....der + er ... al -->
dermatology/geography skin ...earth underground alphabet & languages
....der + er ... al -->
dermatology/geography skin ...earth underground alphabet & languages
of coffin DATABASES
....... Underground coffin layer
Felix Frankfurter and hot dogs/ weiners
- Farm new post 100 - plow and earth rotation Zvi and gavin Long ,, hot dogs franks
- Food 44 ...new vienna sausage /hots and Frankfurthers .... Felix frankfurter and Hillary clinton
- Food 86 - Trial of Oscar meyer beef franks with Norbert Wiener
- Food 70 - las vegas digewestin gas wars and umpqua digestive wars and hillary hot dogs Supreme Cout frankfurter
- Data 518 - c p snow and edward snow
Feedback control loops
- Farm 78 - Black soil and shoot system
- Menstruation Z90 Science 38 - Boston 26 mile race Iron 26 blood menstruation DEMO and Watertown 20 BLOCK area a
- Event 14 - Karen Simek / Stalbaum ... Garden of Eden with Edens expressway EARTH expression VIA Garden Fresh foods
- Science 85 - Emily Post EM-Field system of year 1922
- Science 67 - Bethesda LU Home attacked by the PLAGUE people and math derivatives /slope
- Science 58 - IBM CICS CEMT inquiry to CEMETERY space and Hannah Graham
- XXXX DONE Science 38 - Boston 26 mile race Iron 26 blood menstruation DEMO and Watertown 20 BLOCK area ......
An unprecedented manhunt for Dzhokhar Tsarnaev ensued on April 19, with thousands of law enforcementofficers searching a 20-block area of Watertown;[10] residents of Watertown and surrounding communities were asked to stay indoors, and the transportation system and most businesses and public places closed
- WORK Data 386 - janet reno - sparks , Waco siege April 19, 1993 + 20 amino years Watertown April 19, 2013 20 amino years
- Data 645 - john lock states of nature
- ZZZ59 Data 643 - sba commands in newspaper boston bombing ..set buffer address in sin function continuum of Business, em waves, and toillet paper oscillations / sin waves ..Gettysburg address dynamite festival valence commands ..... ,molecule racemization race issues
- Data 611 - syracuse syria and town of genesee
- WORK Data 273 - Chicago 5 lkilled in fetmiLAB symbol machine battles ..... bout 4:55 p.m., About 4 ...... 55 About 4 iron atoms ...... 55 atomic mass average hemoglobin, ..... the 4400 block of West Washington Boulevard, the 44 .... data block of carbon dioxide molecule CO2 output data ...... 26 March 1944 ..... 2:55 a.m., a 19-year-old man IRON code feedback
- Kathryn Stalbaum (size 227) - Z81 Genes 01 - Town of Genesee agent Stalbaum generates CONTROL LOOP
Feedback of 2 events
Atomic ........... and...... ...........sin function
......michigan ..Land ..wisconsin
Atomic ........... and...... ...........sin function
......michigan ..Land ..wisconsin
Jun 6, 2016 – It appears that Deputy Mark Elferdink is responsible for the death of … in the backyardof their McAllister Road residence in Emmett Township ...
in the backyard of their McAllister Road residence in Emmett Township ...
in the back (feedback signal about )
in the backyard
in the backyard in the backyard
in the backyard of their McAllister Road residence in Emmett Township ...
in the back (feedback signal about )
in the backyard
in the backyard in the backyard
in the back --> feedback to Emmett
Emmett Township, Wisconsin …….
EM……………………………….. sin wave WAR region
Emmett Township, Wisconsin …….
EM……………………………….. sin wave WAR region
Feedback of 2 events
Marysville Pilchuck High School organic chemistry
The Columbine High School massacre was a school shooting that occurred on April 20, 1999, ... The perpetrators, senior students Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold,
Dylan Klebold,.... DieBold brave /bold electron circuits DIE
Dylan Klebold,.... DieBold brave /bold electron circuits DIE
Dylan Klebold,
Dylan next -->--> Dylann Roof --> proof
Dylann Roof and the Emanuel Nine church shootings
Feedback of 2 events
Marysville Pilchuck High School organic chemistry
..... molecule wars
Fryberg and Fry Street
Andrew Fryberg, a cousin of Jaylen Fryberg,
An drew Fry --> atomic number
drew (the data generating event)
Fryberg, a cousin
Fryberg, a cousin
Fryberg, a cousin EVENT of
Larpenteur Avenue and Fry Street
An drew Fry --> atomic number
drew (the data generating event)
Fryberg, a cousin
Fryberg, a cousin
Fryberg, a cousin EVENT of
Larpenteur Avenue and Fry Street
Philando Castile death: Fate of police officer now in jury's hands - CNN
Jun 12, 2017 - Philando Castile was calm and polite when an officer pulled him over for a broken taillight,
Feedback of 4 intertwined events
per STRING theory
per STRING theory
1) Blood Vessels attacked by
EM field sine wave attacks of
television, radio, & internet wireless
broadcasts of BS data & instructions
EM field sine wave attacks of
television, radio, & internet wireless
broadcasts of BS data & instructions
approved by the State of Wiscon>SIN
child welfare ... approves of the SIN
child welfare ... approves of the SIN
wave murder of James Vessell
and the university and
newspaper cover-up lies and
schemes of the TV industry ..
James Clerk Maxwell DEATH of
James Blood Vessell, jr
newspaper cover-up lies and
schemes of the TV industry ..
James Clerk Maxwell DEATH of
James Blood Vessell, jr
2) the Blood vessel death of Haroon Khan
2) the Blood vessel death of Haroon Khan
at the EM field ... battle site at EMMET
Township Wisconsin
Township Wisconsin
3) Emmet Township MIchigan shooting by
BATTLE CREEK ( codes ....
Emmet Battle Creek --> pointer to Oak Creek) ...........
3) Emmet Township MIchigan shooting by
BATTLE CREEK ( codes ....
Emmet Battle Creek --> pointer to Oak Creek) ...........
Jun 5, 2016 - EMMETT TOWNSHIP, Mich. — Police are investigating the shooting deaths of a married couple, including a deputy with the Calhoun County .......
EMMETT TOWNSHIP, Mich. — Police are investigating the shooting deaths of a married couple, including a deputy with the Calhoun County Sheriff Department.
Police Chief Mike Olson said the bodies of a man and a woman were found in the back yard of a house in the first block of McAlister Road in Emmett Township, southwest of Battle Creek.
AND4) Emmet Township Michigan shooting by
BATTLE CREEK ( codes ....
Emmet Battle Creek --> pointer to Oak Creek)
Aug 5, 2012 - Scenes From Shooting at Sikh Temple in Wisconsin AUG. ... John Edwards , the police chief in Oak Creek, said at a news conference that
Wisconsin Sikh temple shooting
............sin ... khz em (KHZ bio-radio neurons)
On August 5, 2012, a mass shooting took place at the gurdwara (Sikh temple) in Oak Creek, Wisconsin, where 40-year-old
Land Grant ... water Wade ... Atomic Page
L.G Wade (organic chemistry TEXT & water)
.......Wade atoMic
...................... Michael Page fatally shot six .....
with Texas Textbook equations of
Waco ..cosine battle and Wiscon.SIN
Waco + Wade--> Wa(co+ de ) ....
work area code per
Lake atoMic
Lake .....Michigan / Oak Creek
Land Grant ... water Wade ... Atomic Page
L.G Wade (organic chemistry TEXT & water)
.......Wade atoMic
...................... Michael Page fatally shot six .....
with Texas Textbook equations of
Waco ..cosine battle and Wiscon.SIN
Waco + Wade--> Wa(co+ de ) ....
work area code per
Lake atoMic
Lake .....Michigan / Oak Creek
Incident · Victims · Perpetrator · Reactions
Feedback of 3 intertwined TRAGIC events
per STRING theory ....
the Bethedsa Lutheran Home, fed government, the Green Bay chlorophyll photosynthesis TEAM,
university and school schemes ......
deliberate destruction of the working
Bethesda dairy farm education and philosophy
system for feeble minded people system
started in year 1904
per STRING theory ....
the Bethedsa Lutheran Home, fed government, the Green Bay chlorophyll photosynthesis TEAM,
university and school schemes ......
deliberate destruction of the working
Bethesda dairy farm education and philosophy
system for feeble minded people system
started in year 1904
Transfer impedance’ ZT
‘transfer imped /stop dance’ ZT
‘transfer impedance’ ZT –> Zoellick, Travis and his body/brain bio-electronics
Bethesda Lutheran Communities BS thinkers to
Close Watertown Intermediate … 
bethesdalutherancommunities.org/…/bethesda-lutheran-communities-to-close-waterto…Jun 19, 2013 – Watertown, Wisconsin – The Bethesda Intermediate Care Facility, 700 … living at the Watertown ICF have transitioned to their new homes.
have transitioned / transfer to their new homes
(Houses of DEATH) per Garlin Case .......
(Houses of DEATH) per Garlin Case .......
Portage Torture ..torture systems and
Bethesda brain torture BS - NBC15.com
- A woman's statements to police in a high-profile torture case may be ... last June of Tammie Garlin and the abuse and torture of Garlin's son, ...
Sep 29, 2011 - Appeals court upholds conviction in Portage torture case ... Clark also said she rode around in a car with Garlin's body in the trunk and she w.nbc15.com/home/headlines/10584887.html
The Garlin case refers to the three adults and one juvenile charged in the June 4, 2007, murder of Tammie Garlin and the earlier physical abuse of Garlin's 11-year-old son. Garlin's 15-year-old daughter is alleged to have been a willing participant in her mother's murder and the abuse of her brother. The case drew attention to deficiencies in the U.S. state of Florida's
child-protection system.................prote ..in --> Human protein MACHINE system and
the education of Bethedsa feeble minded dairy farm workers VIA the
SI Hayakawa ..Bessie the Cow model ..... thus education of the
Feeble minded PROTEIN molecules VIA
........................... ROTE (repeated) farm work exercises with a purpose
in life (supplying their own food, milking cows, and vegetables,etc)
thru their self-efforts under the gui.DANCE of older farmer adult supervisors
child-protection system.................prote ..in --> Human protein MACHINE system and
the education of Bethedsa feeble minded dairy farm workers VIA the
SI Hayakawa ..Bessie the Cow model ..... thus education of the
Feeble minded PROTEIN molecules VIA
........................... ROTE (repeated) farm work exercises with a purpose
in life (supplying their own food, milking cows, and vegetables,etc)
thru their self-efforts under the gui.DANCE of older farmer adult supervisors
May 9, 2008
murder of Tammie Garlin and the earlier physical abuse of
Garlin's SKU11 software number 11 --.> 11-year-old
Garlin's SKU11 software number 11 --.> 11-year-old
murder of Tammie Garlin
murder of Tammie Gar lin
murder of Tammie Guard line ..line backer NEXT
set-up of Tammi LaFave.................... by Favre football and the grid-iron line Green Bay Packers (1992–2007) - Brett Lorenzo Favre is a former Am(atomic mass)
American football quarterback who spent the majority of his career with the ...n
Mar 18, 2009 - Tammi LaFave faces up to 50 years at sentencing Monday
in her rigged information TRIAL by the
biased Brett Favre judge and jury GREEN BAY protein machine
THOUGHT CONTROL over the sports fans per Mind analysis of Mindoro in
La Crosse County (cross-correlation earth social systems site) , Wisconsin, .
Police say LaFave and her boyfriend, Travis Zoellick, 20, of Watertown, met Haroon Khan on Milwaukee's east side Oct. 1 ...
in her rigged information TRIAL by the
biased Brett Favre judge and jury GREEN BAY protein machine
THOUGHT CONTROL over the sports fans per Mind analysis of Mindoro in
La Crosse County (cross-correlation earth social systems site) , Wisconsin, .
Police say LaFave and her boyfriend, Travis Zoellick, 20, of Watertown, met Haroon Khan on Milwaukee's east side Oct. 1 ...
Feedback of 3 events .Holmes
1) Two arrested in Cone street murder - | WBTV Charlotte
Two arrests were made this morning for the murder of Terry Mack that happened late Thursday night on Cone street in east Albany. ...32-year-old Ronnie Holmes and
39-year-old Michael Woods were charged with murder and arrested by
2) James Holmes
3) 3700 E Homes Street in Cudahy with Wade Michael Page book
David Copperfield and the Federal government ....
Hindu ,,,, Du ...DuPage country/ Chicago Fermilab failure
in Louis De Broglie Duality and the the SiKH Temple shooting
Hindu ,,,, Du ...DuPage country/ Chicago Fermilab failure
in Louis De Broglie Duality and the the SiKH Temple shooting
4) Dr. Samuel Holmes Sheppard year 1954 Bay Village/ Cleveland
Feedback of 7 events .. orange
1)Agent Orange ,,,Vietnam
2)Clockwork Orange ..Time movie
3) But Desmond Joseph, 41....
The Naked Ape - Wikipedia
started tossing aside orange traffic cones blocking the way.
Man dies after altercation in
construction zone in Northeast
4) Traffic cone dispute .conehead TV show
Traffic cone dispute ....Century 16 theater shooting in Colorado ....
optical STATE of MIND --> Color .. orange cone HEAD of James Holmes
5)San Bernadino shooting near Orange Show Road by
Michael Faraday agent Farook,
6)Orlando Pulse nigthclub shooting at Orange Avenue by
age 29 copper electron PULSE .. Alternating cycle agent Omar Mir Seddique,
also known as Omar Mateen ...... an electri.CITY CITY security guard for
Nature's systems
7) East Orange, New Jersey Edna Blair 1947 and the Faraday
white sands /earth electron circuits Far Horizons resort
on Longboat Key Sarasota ...1959
Feedback of 2 intertwined events
per STRING theory .....
blood/brain barrier
per STRING theory .....
blood/brain barrier
1) Samuel O. Hengel ...... Boy Scout droid
..... murdered ..- EH Extra 
Dec 3, 2010 - Samuel O. Hengel found peace on Tuesday, Nov. 30, 2010 ...
He has been raised
in I/ O Port of Porterfield, Wis.
He has been raised
in I/ O Port of Porterfield, Wis.
A barricade outside
2) Wisconsin blood/brain barrier software wars
with Milwaukee Mayor Barrett and Milwaukee artists
and radio/TV/print ERRORS
Feedback of 4 events.... West
2017 New York City attack on bicycle riders West ...
Hudson River Park's bike path alongside West Street
(and West Street Watertown Pepsi and Vulcan Buildings)
2) West Road mall shooting Omaha
3) West Gate mall shooting Nairibi Kenya
3) West Gate mall shooting Nairibi Kenya
4) West Side highway motorcycle Wojciech Braszczok
Fellini ... movie projector ... 8 1/2
- Event 95 - Sam hengl and Eric Harris math and atomic projectors
- Event 78 - Fellini at Penn State
- Event 25 - Mayor Barrett and the 8 fold way of the 8th month ...August
- Science 06 - Sistine Chapel battle in SC = South Carolina SC = Sub-Conscious
- Maxwell explains brain radio wars Z51 Em20 - EM 20 - radio wars bio-radio
Feller ...... probability
Ferdinand ..... Ferrous oxide ARCH DUKE
- WORK Data 435 - columbus year 1492 uranium 92 assassination of ARCH DUKE Ferrous iron atomic metal representative Ferdinand in 1914 ....18-year-old student named Gavrilo Princip Mother Road route 66 Gravity/ Gabby
- Event 70 - Grand 16 theater ... Richard Speck ... Born to Raise Hell max Born ...Motel 6 ..james holmes
Ferguson, Missouri .... tractors and Michael Brown
Fermat's Theorem and Jake Gerard &
Kathryn --> Yn --> K. Janeway and K. Stalbaum
and the GM fact .... factory battlefield in Janesville
.... villains .. villians regions attack
Norh Pole magnetic field interaction site
with iron metal (external)
and iron blood (internal) .... the
IBM assembly line as a line of assembler code
in the EARTH program per
Boise Cascade Office Products (BCOP)
truth programs with
.ruth in Purchasing Department with
F&J special orders
PGM = OE19156P for iron-56 .... and
P = 26 proton atomic English
alphabet 26 letters ...LINK to Isaac Asimov
.........Bethesda Highway 26 and the
Foundation series of year
1904 frame of reference years ( 1897 to 1907)
... 4 DNA nucleotides and 20 amino acid milk cows
..year 1904 Leopold Bloom .. flowers bloom with G.B.Lewis beekeeping supplies in Watertown
AND year 1904
Signal Freud and
Carl Jung see /look optical data set with
Jung Seeds .... vegetable seeds ..garden route to
kinder garden ..to kindergar.TEN in the Solar System EM-field expression systems ....
led sunlight /photon mapping region
in Sun Prairie .... Wiscon.SIN wave region
Kathryn --> Yn --> K. Janeway and K. Stalbaum
and the GM fact .... factory battlefield in Janesville
.... villains .. villians regions attack
Norh Pole magnetic field interaction site
with iron metal (external)
and iron blood (internal) .... the
IBM assembly line as a line of assembler code
in the EARTH program per
Boise Cascade Office Products (BCOP)
truth programs with
.ruth in Purchasing Department with
F&J special orders
PGM = OE19156P for iron-56 .... and
P = 26 proton atomic English
alphabet 26 letters ...LINK to Isaac Asimov
.........Bethesda Highway 26 and the
Foundation series of year
1904 frame of reference years ( 1897 to 1907)
... 4 DNA nucleotides and 20 amino acid milk cows
..year 1904 Leopold Bloom .. flowers bloom with G.B.Lewis beekeeping supplies in Watertown
AND year 1904
Signal Freud and
Carl Jung see /look optical data set with
Jung Seeds .... vegetable seeds ..garden route to
kinder garden ..to kindergar.TEN in the Solar System EM-field expression systems ....
led sunlight /photon mapping region
in Sun Prairie .... Wiscon.SIN wave region
- Data 69 - articles death TOO ..TOLL House cookies fermat algebra roots
- Next 326 - Gravity war suez netw gingrigh ,Mark kelly NASA gravity Safeway store, Charles Whitman and Whitman chocollate sampler , Julius Burton and atomic Jacob collins,. c-130 Hercules plane , Feynman fermat theorem , Richard speck, columbine High school eric harris and BMO-Harris Bank school problems
- WORK Data 375 (long insert) - Gravity - Suez six day war, Gabby giffords, jake gerard , Route 66 Richard Speck, Columbine , June 11 Execution of McVeight(t) causes execution of Sept 11 Z29 Group 25 ...... May 6, 2008 - About 1:30 a.m., Gerard and a friend had been kicked out of a party in the
Atlas Bus Sales .... a commercial building at 2828 S. 16th St. ...Fermath's at.Las Last theorem on at loctaion ... at such and such location on Fer = Fermat's Ferrous oxide earth surface of iron metal objects (iron metal automobiles or Office buildings ith iron beams of Iron bridges such as the I-35W bridges in St.Paul (Dirac) regon) ... iron objects as Lewis DOT structures\ - Next 326 - Gravity war suez netw gingrigh ,Mark kelly NASA gravity Safeway store, Charles Whitman and Whitman chocollate sampler , Julius Burton and atomic Jacob collins,. c-130 Hercules plane , Feynman fermat theorem , Richard speck, columbine High school eric harris and BMO-Harris Bank school problems
- Data 287 ... blood pam dirac anderson n integration
- ZZZ-65 Data 281 - Solomon wrote ..... ..... hans solo and solomon orangic chemsitry su praire ena berg Sunni Islam Origins, fermat
Fermi ..... and the Laura Fermi address
- WORK Data 347 - casino las vegas sino node wars ... Wisconsin ,,, Northern DeKalb (Node) Plano 64-year-old Stephen Paddock of Mes --> messages for
Stephan Hawking and Route 64 Pier - Data 343 - mole avodarodr News - michael brown
- ZZZ-65 Data 226 - carbonation Warren Buffet coke deep space nine pier oddone nose co2 omaha and boston pops co2 babtle
- WORK Data 332 - Blood 38th parallel fermilab defect software
- FermiLAB, Pine Street, Batavia Illinois .....
approves the murder cover-up at Pine Lake , Chenequa, Wisconsin
- Book 228B - Frankenstein book ... secret codes translated ......Leopold Bloom creates the Leopold & Loeb data generating ..... tragic signaling event of the University of Chicago sub-conscious mind .. integrity failure
- Data 609 - wilson meats and willson hall penis meas
- Data 506 - argonne gin codes
- WORK Data 435 - columbus year 1492 uranium 92 assassination of ARCH DUKE Ferrous iron atomic metal representative Ferdinand in 1914 ....18-year-old student named Gavrilo Princip Mother Road route 66 Gravity/ Gabby
- Data 501- addres code of eleanor mcgregor
- Thomas Anderson, PIO sends a message to agent
PIO --> Pi + O --> Pier Oddone - WORK Data 272 - GUT battles at Grand 16 theater and FSU London attack Bertrand Russell GUT problems and SurGUT Russia ...Arizona Casa Grande shooting leaves 4 people dead ...at a duplex ..... the EARTH atmosphere and its duplex molecules ....... nitrogen and oxygen ..... Farmers Avenue and Ash Avenue Farmers Avenue ... FA --> FFA DEATH subroutines and the murder/cover-up of farmer Matt Anderson , Herb Johnson, Karl zinser ..Officers found four bodies in the residence --> message to 4-H club analysis team
Fermi ..... and the Laura Fermi address
FermILAB March 26, 1944 ....
Fer ..... Ferrous/ iron 26 alphabet goes to CH region of Chicago with Jerry March organic chemistry
Fer ..... Ferrous/ iron 26 alphabet goes to CH region of Chicago with Jerry March organic chemistry
FermiLAB ...Fer .. fermentation of brain thoughts
- XXXXX Food 57 - Vatican and cns of soda water
- XXXX DONE Food 17 - Warren Buffet explains the BIG MAC macro molecule PROTEIN platform upon which exist human protein machines ,,...Ferguson Missouri
- Event 74 - Fermilan 38th parallel and Blood ..sherlock holmees Red-Headed league
- WORK Beer Summit (size 281 ) Z74 Science 812 ,,,,, Z37 n47b beer summit .... Principia Mathematica to *56 ...... why are question marks upside down at the Boston Marathon trial? ... John D. Wiley and his comic strip parallel ..... John Duncan Wiley (born March 23, 1942 in Evansville, Indiana).... Ziggy by Tom Wilson .... Wilson Meats (Penis meat market in Batavia / Chicago) Foods/Fools ... Corp. Sells Corp Se CorpSe --> tells .. Paul Dirac atomic COFFIN database
- FermiLAB ..... Wilson Meats parallel ... Wilson penis meats and (female meat) prime rib
- XXXXXX Event 21 - Michael Brown protens Ferguson / fermilab .
- Science 80 - Austin Powers ..human action figures Joe Stack Austin and batman action figures
- Science 58 - IBM CICS CEMT inquiry to CEMETERY space and Hannah Graham FermiLAB coffee
- Science 49 - news articles atomic codes two buildings attack
- WORK Data 332 - Blood 38th parallel fermilab defect software
FermiLAB and Fe blood software defects and
the Bataan death march of Jerry March molecules
in Lu = Logical Unit zone (LuZon) Batavia
FermiLAB Pine street
for evergreen tree ....
optical Pine cone SOFTWARE.. with Paul Dirac
and the atomic Bristol cone pine tree
Ferrocity ..... ROC city .. military tools
--> Knife
Canfield Drive -
the Bataan death march of Jerry March molecules
in Lu = Logical Unit zone (LuZon) Batavia
- WORK Data 273 - Chicago 5 lkilled in fetmiLAB symbol machine battles ..... bout 4:55 p.m., About 4 ...... 55 About 4 iron atoms ...... 55 atomic mass average hemoglobin, ..... the 4400 block of West Washington Boulevard, the 44 .... data block of carbon dioxide molecule CO2 output data ...... 26 March 1944 ..... 2:55 a.m., a 19-year-old man
- Science 231 - the battan Death March at batvaia Illinois ...and bataclam Paris parallel
- ZZZ-65 Data 203 - Federal government liver SOFTWARE problems Fermilab liver and livermnore
- Event 13 - Star Wars Lando .... Philando, Orlando Pulse nightclub shooting, Rolando Las Vegas ..fermilab Magnetic field / ferrous iron ,,,,transfer RNA death sentence
- Data 287 ... blood pam dirac anderson n integration
near 38th and Locust | ...fermiLAB 38th parallel
Shooting on N 16TH ST / W LOCUST ST ...Base 16 hexadecimal
20-Year-Old Shot and Killed Near 57th and Locust - CBS 58
20 amino acids / 20 20 optics failure at BS social and baby overflow policy
from University of Chicago at 57th Street ...... Milk protein molecule police with copper atomic mass 63 city of electricity in Chicago south side social and law school nonsense errors
FermiLAB Pine street
the 200 block of Cone Street
--> route to Pine Street ...
--> route to Pine Street ...
for evergreen tree ....
optical Pine cone SOFTWARE.. with Paul Dirac
and the atomic Bristol cone pine tree
The term bristlecone pine
...........................cone pi = 3.14159
covers three species of pine tree....What are the 3 types of cones in our eyes atBristol university , England AND
......tolstoy South Dakota with Emma Trefz and
...........................cone pi = 3.14159
covers three species of pine tree....What are the 3 types of cones in our eyes atBristol university
......tolstoy South Dakota with Emma Trefz and
Pine Cone restaurant at Johnson Creek Wisconsin
and Pine Lake death /Harry Quadracci printers and publisher,?
and Pine Lake death /Harry Quadracci printers and publisher,?
Ferrocity ..... ROC city .. military tools
--> Knife
- Burlington police ... 4-wheeled automobile iron ferrous metal and the atomic city of fe = ferrous ferrocity --> Fe= military tool --> knife --->:
One arrest after knife fight in Ferro,CITY .... City Hall Park . - Mullins eye cone wars Event 96 - eye cone battles, Burlington Vermont, East Albany 200 cone street, 32-year-old Ronnie Holmes arrested
Ferrous/ iron 26 alphabet
Fertile Crescent
Fetus .pregnancy wars .... War Buffet of Omaha
(Field effect transistor) attack on earth farm
Fields .... farm fields /black soil attacked by
fetus/baby over-flow and real estate BEDROOMS
(Field effect transistor) attack on earth farm
Fields .... farm fields /black soil attacked by
fetus/baby over-flow and real estate BEDROOMS
.... thus
Michael Brown (brown shit representative)
was shot dead by
was shot dead by
white (white sperm agent) ...
biology police officer Darren Wilson is becoming ...
biology police officer Darren Wilson is becoming ...
Canfield Drive -
Canfield Drive -
Can field Drivers ---> FET --> Fetus subroutine drivers
Feynman ... path integrals and Cleveland 137
- Z57 Data 574 - webster dictionary shooting ... Region of Convergence copper 0 to 62 address ... 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue ,,shinning path of Darwin with Feynman path integrals
- Farm 09 - Germination and Solar light, Solzhenitsyn, Hamer and Sickele, oats , yellow straw
- WORK Landau feynman 137 number .... Landau Pole Problem ..... The Kabbalah Method: from Diamond Reynolds Z79 03 Diamond Reynolds 03
- XXXXXX Farm 30 - Botany code Nicholas and photosynthesis and Sugar/ zucker
- XXXX DONE Food 17 - Warren Buffet explains the BIG MAC macro molecule PROTEIN platform upon which exist human protein machines
- Event 71 - Song lyrics and CAUSE and EFFECT ...The boy's are back in town again Been hangin' down at Dino's..... San Bernardino
- Next 387 - Ezra Pound weight and walking data entry, John Keats year 1818, and Dodge county 18 teenagers FIGHT feedbck control loop ...ages 13 and 17 --> 137
- Next 376 - clifford lane air plane crash anasazi ..shot dead by French army after killing two people at Marseille ...2017 Las Vegas sin node shooting
- Next 366 - battle of water100 paksitan standard model haroon khan blood pulse Pulse nightclub age 29, Route 29, Pittsburg copper
- Data 355 - Feynaman, dirac, cassius clay schrodinger
- Laura Fermi ...and 137
- ZZZ59 Data 651 - Karl Marx and uranium address space and rx priciple KLM ..... Laura Fermi | Atomic social science Laura Bush Plains, Georgia and Jimmy Carter
- Data 287 ... blood pam dirac anderson n integration Path integrals of Fermat's earth SKY magnetic field line LINK to earth surface Fe = Feynman iron / iron motor vehicles..... much like the 1935 movies of
- downtown CITY ... electric street cars and buses overhead wires and
vertical poles connecting the two
Fez .... functions of ez .... Fez Morocco
Fidel Castro & ..... mental Castoration
Boston Fidelity mutual fun Funds &
Bedroom female leg .. Bay /entrance and the
Bay of Pigs ...human output of
the 3 Little Pigs story with
Pi = 3.14159 Pier Oddone
Fidel Castro
Fidel Castro
Fidel Castro ..... Friedel–Crafts reaction
Flat iron building ....
(flat World Trade Center) .....
Flat bed FORD song with Betty Ford ....
Flat woman center of pussy bedroom
Chicago ....... blood arteries instruction
of the September LABOR day Coyote art fair .....
artists order attacks Manhattan on Sept 11, 2001
result --> Flat iron buildings PARALLEL
existences and words & concepts
Rating: 5 - 8 votes
- XXXXXX Farm 27 - the Emma Trefz ..Fez farm function
- Food 20 - IBM bAL and the BIG MAC macro with Ray KROC --> ROC
Fidel Castro & ..... mental Castoration
Boston Fidelity mutual fun Funds &
Bedroom female leg .. Bay /entrance and the
Bay of Pigs ...human output of
the 3 Little Pigs story with
Pi = 3.14159 Pier Oddone
Fidel Castro
Fidel Castro
Fidel Castro ..... Friedel–Crafts reaction
Field Museum
Field and Stream Magazine
Fiancial ...Japanese Yen
Financial & coffin systems
Field (Herb Fields and the Colony Beach Club)
- Data 621 - far horisons sand circuits and herb field layer --> herrbert & data fields Herb Fields .... Herbert Spencer DATA Fields
agents--> the next Herb Fields --> Herbert Zinser and IBM assembler, fortran, COBOL, and PL1 computer language data fields /instruction fields LINK
to Wisconsin farm (data fields) by Marshal and Watertown base 16 Hexadecimal Highway 16LINK
to Chicago.
Marshall Fields (data fields DEPART as output via merchandise and the sales receipt) from the retail department stores VIA
the tailless human female married (wedding ring) shopper WHO has a Borneo GUT identity crises ......
and needs the EARTH LAB specimen language label .... ring tailed monkey .... equation ---->
wedding ring/ring .... retail item .... money key receipt
Field and Stream Magazine
- XXXXXX DONE Science 71 - Iron-54 death of Marilyn Reese Sheppard
- Data 680 - wo jima soil earth diet of worms fiar soli
- Data 621 - far horisons sand circuits and herb field layer --> herrbert & data fields
Field's cookies ... Mrs. (data) Fields
Fiancial ...Japanese Yen
Fifth Avenue .. BEC 5th State of expression
Finish Line
Finnegan's Wake and
Finland knife attacks ..... coffin fin finland
Finland knife attacks ..... coffin fin finland
- WORK Data 617 - James Clerk Maxwell .... Clerk james joyce finnegan wake cycle structure .... .coffin cycle ww2 and motorcycle cycle coffins ... Boston finish finish wakes
- WORK Data 571 - slaves ocde--> system layers, Cinema Cin earth map and Finnegans Wake instructions start war 1939 coffin wake funeral process
- WORK Data 427 - crypt and coffin secrets.... cryptology .. Levi Coffin Finnegans wake edgewater
- Event 61 - Finland knife attack pointer 18 to Watertown knife attcak and Devon Avenue
- Z57 Data 537 - bitcoin coffin money and land language levels Finnegans Wake .....nega Sin wave negative ......... underground existential dimension
- Event 61 - Finland knife attack pointer 18 to Watertown knife attcak and Devon Avenue
Levitation VIA Levi Coffin ,..... gives
..........................................fin- WORK Data 427 - crypt and coffin secrets.... cryptology .. Levi Coffin Finnegans wake edgewater
- Data 355 - Feynaman, dirac, cassius clay schrodinger
- WORK Data 665 - dirac and bit coin coffin money
which blends standard English lexical items
and (I/O port) portmanteau words ........experimental style ....... in other wordswhich blends standard English lexical items in Lexington Kentucky brain language
and portmanteau words giving postmortemfor 49 people ...and their
- Data 625 - never ending cycle ..dirac waco .... The book discusses, in
an unorthodox fashion, the Earwicker family
( the EAR people of Wicker Park area in north side Chicago), - Heaviside ....
Oliver Heaviside's Cover-up Method of James Joyce
- WORK Data 617 - James Clerk Maxwell .... Clerk james joyce finnegan wake cycle structure .... .coffin cycle ww2 and motorcycle cycle coffins ... Boston finish finish wakes
- WORK Data 571 - slaves ocde--> system layers, Cinema Cin earth map and Finnegans Wake instructions start war 1939 coffin wake funeral process
- Z57 Data 537 - bitcoin coffin money and land language levels Finnegans Wake .....nega Sin wave negative ......... underground existential dimension
- Data 625 - never ending cycle ..dirac waco .... The book discusses, in
First Days of Spring
- XXXXXXX Event 76 - Dollar bill Barbie Doll .... The First Days of Spring
- Science 47 - First day of Spring and Hooks Law and George Stoney
- Data 363 - Boston Justice department brain waves comair ky jelly
- Data 479 - geography language messages about biology
- ZZZ 59 677 - atomic number battles .... Sam Hengel latitude longitude .... blood jungbulth .... first day spring ED witten ... Mullins Troy Mil --> Trou ounce of gold ... Milwaukee golda meir
- by Edward Wittenby E .............. tenbytE .............. ten ---> bio-computerSouthern California (SC) and theSub-conscious (SC) collective GROUP MIND meeting
in the spring ....
sub-conscious THOUGHTS may
spring UP to a level of conscious
University of Southern California in the spring of 1995.
Fish, anchovies, and herring
Flat iron building ....
(flat World Trade Center) .....
Flat bed FORD song with Betty Ford ....
Flat woman center of pussy bedroom
Chicago ....... blood arteries instruction
of the September LABOR day Coyote art fair .....
artists order attacks Manhattan on Sept 11, 2001
result --> Flat iron buildings PARALLEL
existences and words & concepts
Flat Iron Artists Association - Home | Facebook
https://www.facebook.com › Places › Chicago, Illinois › Arts & Entertainment
- WORK Data 352 - Waco cosine waves cycles ..... dirac coffin and worm data segments
- Data 600 - two Towers
Flat (music) and apartment flats generate music
using bedroom springs that oscillate with
MR. penis instrument and his female
fiddle device
using bedroom springs that oscillate with
MR. penis instrument and his female
fiddle device
Florida State University .. Russell Square attack
- WORK Data 272 - GUT battles at Grand 16 theater and FSU London attack Bertrand Russell GUT problems and SurGUT Russia ...Arizona Casa Grande shooting leaves 4 people dead ...at a duplex ..... the EARTH atmosphere and its duplex molecules ....... nitrogen and oxygen ..... Farmers Avenue and Ash Avenue Farmers Avenue ... FA --> FFA DEATH subroutines and the murder/cover-up of farmer Matt Anderson , Herb Johnson, Karl zinser ..Officers found four bodies in the residence --> message to 4-H club analysis team
- A man inside a black SUV
A man inside a black SU
A man inside a black FSU Valuable player ...Dirac codesa banquet hall located in the 11900 block of South Loomis Streethall located in the 11900 block ....West Pullman parking lot
hall located in the 11900 block hall located in the 11900 blockhall located in the 11900 blockhall located in the 11900 block .. Pullman area ....11 .......................11.........................11............- Book 228B - Frankenstein book ... secret codes translated ......Leopold Bloom creates the Leopold & Loeb data generating ..... tragic signaling event of the University of Chicago sub-conscious mind .. integrity failure
- ZZZ-65 Data 256 - Fourfo;e roots of Reason ...K L M N quantun ...Karl Marx ..Karl Z. triple s store integral quadarcci math
- Data 479 - geography language messages about biology ......
Georgia iron balls for road gang work prisoners,
the Florida state penis shape and
Cuba .... Cunt baby equations
Floor 32 ..... Octagon House and
Flor.ida ..... O exponent 2 --> Flo2rida .....
floor / foundation state of existence for human bull-shits and nonsense bragging of individuals
Flying Carpet
Food wars ..cole slaw / blackberry ..blackbury jam
..rice wars ...
flour &bread VS
sperm flow, urination nation & bread breed pussy
- Food 45 - Food wars, digestive systems ... Van Gogh ..potatoes and rice wars
- Food 33 - The Origin of Graham Crackers...... The Origin of Katharine Graham ORFICE EditOR ,
- Food 13 - Dessert storm
Rice - Recipes --> Vietnam and Laos rice fields and
the community set-up of the war
and the pre-planned death of American soldiers
Football /grid-iron and blood iron 100 yards
Zoellick ...Travis
................ Tra--> Trapezoid interceptor agent
COMPUTER EARTH systems and agent assignments
human eye(ball) of Zoellick (IBM bio-optical system Z family)
the hemoglobin 4 iron atoms b(100)d 100 yards grid iron
Tammi LaFave and DelaField
Brett Favre and the foot(ball) FIELD and MIS of Mississippi
COMPUTER EARTH systems and agent assignments
human eye(ball) of Zoellick (IBM bio-optical system Z family)
the hemoglobin 4 iron atoms b(100)d 100 yards grid iron
Tammi LaFave and DelaField
Brett Favre and the foot(ball) FIELD and MIS of Mississippi
- XXXXXXX Evenr 31 - Karen Simek news
- Science 57 - Transactional analysis of T A = Tymine Adenine ..Football T-formation for year 1955 plane geometry high school textbook T account method of proof style for Euclidean geometry
Football pass
forward pass and
John Dos Pass Passos (autism output message author) and
Pablo Pass Picasso (blood arteries OUTPUT artist)
For Whom the Bell Tolls ..story /script Bell Tower shooting
Ford de Mexico ,,,,,
What is Deco –... De + co ... Art Deco Society of New York
Force equation
- Next 368 - boston botyles law Standard model , pier oddone, brain EURO dollar exchnage rates, logarithm life, university oc CHI compare halfword)
- Next 326 - Gravity war suez netw gingrigh ,Mark kelly NASA gravity Safeway store, Charles Whitman and Whitman chocollate sampler , Julius Burton and atomic Jacob collins,. c-130 Hercules plane , Feynman fermat theorem , Richard speck, columbine High school eric harris and BMO-Harris Bank school problems
- Data 280 - News Maxwell Street and Spinoza
Ford de Mexico ,,,,,
What is Deco –... De + co ... Art Deco Society of New York
what is code ......co + de
Ford Pinto
Formaldehyde death .... CH2O at Virginia Tech
Fort Campbell .... Nature's systems ..... VIA
brand name Campbell's soup ...
chicken noodle soup molecule
MILITARY site for Mary K. Campbell
Fort Campbell .... Nature's systems ..... VIA
brand name Campbell's soup ...
chicken noodle soup molecule
MILITARY site for Mary K. Campbell
Fort Hood
Fortan .... military fort hierarchy problems
Fort Atkinson Wisconsin
Fort Campbell Bio-chemistry
Fort Lewis Dot structures
Fort (Lab) Hood
Fort DIX appendix
F orbits of ionosphere (large size) LINK
the orbital names s, p, d, and
f orbital describe --->
s = Sarasota High School
pd = Paul Dirac
f = FSU Tallahassee electron
configuration with the destruction of
Kellum Hall .... K-shell Quantum hall site
resulting in the FSU creation of murders
of Detective Kelly at
Pittsburg/Stanton Heights,etc
- Food 84 - Miller Auto parts ..integration and haus dorf space Marble quarry quantum array and fort hood orthogonal
- enthalpy .... Delta H 0 --> Mekong Delta battles
in the HOT thermodynamic jungles of Vietnam
with Fort Hood soldiers in year 1970 and the
cover-up by the BEDROOM community females and husbands - AND TSO -->
Texas shootings (school shootings) - XXXXX Food 63 - Stomach G I Joe digestive system food wars
- Data 215 - george bush umpaqua digestive system
- XXXXXx Food 50 - Digestive system and lungs
- Sciencee 60 - General Cone...eye optical battle at Fort Hood Solar system READ book Center
- Science 41 - Army myoglobin protein military molecule (BEC military site)
- WORK Data 364 - Ice-skate Frued brain radio Orson well 1938 neurotransmitter
Fortan .... military fort hierarchy problems
Fort Atkinson Wisconsin
Fort Campbell Bio-chemistry
Fort Lewis Dot structures
Fort (Lab) Hood
Fort DIX appendix
F orbits of ionosphere (large size) LINK
the orbital names s, p, d, and
f orbital describe --->
s = Sarasota High School
pd = Paul Dirac
f = FSU Tallahassee electron
configuration with the destruction of
Kellum Hall .... K-shell Quantum hall site
resulting in the FSU creation of murders
of Detective Kelly at
Pittsburg/Stanton Heights,etc
the suspect as Louis Fortier, 36.
the suspect as Louis Fortier, 36. System 360
the suspect as .......... Fort tier --> ier --. hierarchy
Fortran .... Greyhound (data) Bus Station
Chicago (Fortran) DO LOOP processor
Chicago (Fortran) DO LOOP processor
Fountain of You ...Youth .. ponder ..Ponce De Leon
Fountain Head with year 1943 book Ayn Rand and Lake Okeechobee and Salvador Dali year 1943
Four-fold roots of reason .....
Sign Of Four and
4 by 4 Dirac matrices of
4 iron atoms in hemogobin blood THOUGHT software
Sign Of Four and
4 by 4 Dirac matrices of
4 iron atoms in hemogobin blood THOUGHT software
- ZZZ-65 Data 256 - Fourfo;e roots of Reason ...K L M N quantun ...Karl Marx ..Karl Z. triple s store integral quadarcci math
- Science 26 - Mayor Barrett and anthropology wars in Bbaylon
- ZZZ-65 Data 256 - Fourfo;e roots of Reason ...K L M N quantun ...Karl Marx ..Karl Z. triple s store integral quadarcci math
France A Cordova ...National Science Foundation ....... murder & cover-up systems .... French Alps crash
Frankenstein castle
Frankfurther .... Felix Frankfurter
- WORK Data 335 - Leopols loeb Jekyll and Hyde Park Thomas Robert Malthus ....year 1924 .....
Robert Bobby Franks .....
mic.robe robert and
nuc.leo.tide with Leopold & Loeb
time wave of the 24 hour clock in year 1924
Frank Lloyd Wright
Frank Sinatra
- Next 350 - Maxwell Judge Maxwell motor cycle wojiech Tribeca BEC algorithms Nikola Tesla ..book roots ... polynomila plymerase chain reaction
- Frank Sinatra - Science 801 - Frank sinatra from z38 sikh temple emily hilsher zero poles singularities
- Data 327 - Battle of Water100 wisconsin Sin waves
Key signature with
Frank Sinatra/ Tony Rome movies
in Miami and Key Westeesn- Wikipedia
In musical notation, a key signature is a set of sharp (♯), flat (♭), and rarely, natural ...
Frank Zappa
Freddie Gray &
Freddie Mac is a government-owned corporation that buys mortgages and packages them into mortgage-backed securities.
French Army and the
Charles De Gaulle / Karl Henry Zinser understanding and wisdom ..... the French Foreign Legion
WORD of HONOR battle .......
at main Saint-Charles station -->
..... St.Charles (Darwin) /FermiLab Chicago
..... 2244 West Charleston Chicago
..... 919 Charles (Darwin, Dickens, De Gaulle)
- Next 376 - clifford lane air plane crash anasazi ..shot dead by French army after killing two people at Marseille ...2017 Las Vegas sin node shooting ..... the main train station (education station) in the southern French city of Marseille on Sunday (Sunlight intellectual base 16 Hex;'AF") afternoon before sol (solar system) soldiers ....... On Sunday night, Islamic State’s news agency, Amaq ...am + aq--> atomic mass aqua water molecule continuum of Claude Monet water lilies
- Data 348- clifford lane anasasi and france blood knife French army ,,,,,,,city of Marseille --> city of Marketing & sales LANGUAGE and optical picture TV and Print errors CREATE Nature's brain response VIA construction of crime as signaling databases
French ..... Dreyfus --> fuse &
the French Ohm's law of resistance to fetus BS
French ... Chirac
French Fry ... agent Stephen Fry / data entry .... feedback loop back to the source.... Idaho potato farm soil
French police code --> chip
French Salad dressing
Frontier Orbitals & Louis Fortier battles with
Louis de Broglie
Functions math
Busy Bee .... Polish-American restuarant on the
Farm ...
Farm and Food BOTTOM of list
Food battle at Westgate Mall in Nairobi
Frequency errors ... subset letters Free
- Science 89 - frequent travelers .. frequency freaks
- Science 42 - new events .... numeric Schmidt inverter DIP-14 Diplomat
Louis de Broglie
- XXXXX Food 44 - Van Gogh ear .. ..earth
- XXXX DONE Event 96 - eye cone battles, Burlington Vermont, East Albany 200 cone street, 32-year-old Ronnie Holmes arrested
- Science 07 - Music ..Irving Berlin attacks Berlin ... string theory music
Fryberg ... Jaylen Fryberg
Functions math
Find the transfer function in Watertown Massachusetts between the input U(s) and the output Y(s
Fundamental Theorem
Armitage Avenue (Chicago) .... the armature of the
movable pole shoe ..... STARTING MOTOR with the
Busy Bee .... Polish-American restuarant on the
EARRTH straight mathematical LINE ...... Damen Avenue
for the fun.DAMEN.tal theorem of Algebra whose polynomial ROOTS exist on
Damen Avenue (as the x-axis)
Farm and Food BOTTOM of list
- Farm 96 - secret farm codes math exponents
- WORK Data 211 - farm soil rootworm probelms kill haryy quadracci ... pabst farms a Jane Fyksen crops editor ..Jane's fighting ships
- Farm 93 - corn and jim dell
- WORK Data 211 - farm soil rootworm probelms kill haryy quadracci ... pabst farms a Jane Fyksen crops editor ..Jane's fighting ships
- Farm 92 - pabst farms math
- Farm 94 - rex stout and TREE of KNowledge output agent botany
- Farm 91 - CO2 farm cycle
- Farm 89 - Amish school moleucle education
- Farm 88 - Watertown 20 block area LINK tp 20 amino and B100D ...120 acres cares
- Farm 86 - corn field Ixonia
- Farm 85 - sun yat sen chinese language vertical ..vertical tillage frarms
- Farm 84 - Wisconsin SIN wave ac acres of siol germination wars
- Farm 83 - Bessie the Cow probability BET of Betthesda BES site for Quebec ... BEC and BMO_Harris at H20 site
- Farm 82 - farm soil and underground clay ... cassius clay
- Farm 80 - Bitcoin ..coffins Wisconsin FARM soil , Dirac dirt directory of acres of ac daya nihght explains Bitcoin
- Farm 79 - Sunlight and diamonds
- Farm 78 - Black soil and shoot system
- Farm 74 - Gloria Totzke earth accounting and casulaty insurance murders
- Farm 72 - Proteins and botany Germination
- Farm 70 - Tamir Rice mirror codes
- Farm 68 - the Botany ROSE flower ..Rosen-Einstein communications bridge
- Farm 67 - farm alnd wars ...Lando Calrissian and the soil caste system
- Farm 66 - laws of the Land ...120 acre farm size and blood pressure 120 and ac motoe 120
- Farm 65 - Pabst farms math
- Farm 64 - twenty milk cows at Bethesda
- Farm 62 - Tyrosine ..Wisconsin farm land sin living earth DNA
- Farm 61 - Vincent van Gogh earth message
- Farm 60 - Rice lake, black farm soil, dirac matrices, Nature's version of DATCP TC (Tele-Communications Portocol)
- Farm 58 - Farm land LIES of the Township of Shields
- Farm 55 - Queen Victoria and Sun YAT Sen
- Farm 54 - Gang of 4 and the 4-H Club
- Farm 53 - Bethesda LU murder system ..... bio-computer program used to murder Mstt Anderson
- Farm 52 - Karen Simek, iron-54 Kindergarten, Bethesda and basic DOWN to EARTH education
- Farm 50 - Matt Anderson and Sterling Hall
- Farm 47 - Honey Bee ...Busy bee on Dam Avenue to Beaver Dam and G B Lewis
- Farm 46 - Botany, Photon mapping, and soil black hole for seeds Emma Trefz and Tolstoy
- Farm 44 - Emma Trefz Toplogy with Georgia O'Keeffe ...Sun Yat-sen
- Farm 42 - Botany germination battle at German night club
- Farm 39 - Botany green Pigment with kathy Perry
- Farm 38 - lumber and the food wars ..kitchen cabinet wars
- Farm 32 - Wachovia bank ...Solar System em.BANK.ment codes
- Farm 31 - Solar System photon mapping and Totzke and Quadracci and Edward Edwards
- Farm 29- earth evergreen tree wars
- Farm 27 - Sub-continent India protein machines ..India Sub-consioucsc
- Farm 26 - BSE diseae and the accidental murder of FFA of Matt Anderson
- Farm 25 - green leaf BOTANY messages
- Farm 22 - germination and represntatives of Germany
- Farm 22 - Virginia Tech photosynthesisX
- Farm 15 - tree bud
- Farm 14 - Earth atmosphere and Nitrogen Cycle
- Farm 13 - black soil wormholes Dirac matrices, Rice Lake cellulose tree LU stand, Green Bay photosynthesis
- Farm 11 - Ground code ,, ouch / pain ...Groucho Marx and the Earth BLACK soil pain at Blacksburg Virginia
- Farm 10 - Black forest trees, lumber, Giant Sequoia tree trunk,,, data storage cylinders, Our Lady of Flowers data flow
- Farm 06 - Pier protein docking, Bethesda dairy farm, Mullins cones
- Farm 09 - Germination and Solar light, Solzhenitsyn, Hamer and Sickele, oats , yellow straw
- Farm 08 - Conde, SD and President Carter & Hotel carter , Black Dirt , Edward Edwards
- Farm 07 - Sun Yat Sen ..Chin digestive language SYMBOLS , vertical tillage Time Todd
- Farm 06 - Pier protein docking, Bethesda dairy farm, Mullins cones
- Farm 05 - corn kernel Linux system ..Computer earth and Jim Dell
- Farm 04 - Green Bay packers football messages
- Farm 03- Emma Trefz and Sun Yat Sen explain
- Farm 02 - botany plant shoot system & black soil ... Shirley Temple Zeroes and Poles
- Farm 01- Dirac s-orbital soil, farm iron plow, Fountain of youth Okeechobee
- Data 657 - hate crimes ...H ate crimes
- Food 43 - chocolate chip cookie ruth graves speaks from the grave
- Food 75 - hamilton burger ...hamburger
- Food 87 - Z44 Group 122 TACO Bell and chocollate
- Food 86 - Trial of Oscar meyer beef franks with Norbert Wiener
- Food 85 - Potato chip circuits and karen Simek food war casualty
- Food 84 - Miller Auto parts ..integration and haus dorf space Marble quarry quantum array
- Food 83 - Mylan Labs and Sherlock homes offensive in Homs Syria
- Food 82 - Paul Serno explains that dino suares ate rotten vegation / cabbage ..Saurerktraut
- Food 81 - Kelloggs con Flakes corn fields and grain mills henry mill capricorn wars and corn field ixonia
- Food 80 - vietnam rice and emmet till
- Food 79 - french fry codes
- Food 78 - las vegas gastronomy ..... The Culinary Institute of America
- Food 77 - Mylan......a protein machine organization ..song lyric
- Food 73 - milk hershey milk chocolate and the milk dump
- Food 72 - meathead archie bunker beef protein milk aaand Bethesda
- Food 71 - leomanade sugar axiom of choice
- Food 70 - las vegas digewestin gas wars and umpqua digestive wars and hillary hot dogs Supreme Cout frankfurter
- Food 67 - hcl and hillary and wronskian equations
- Food 66 - water VS hunman BS ... water john hinckley explains watergate
- Food 64- rice wars and weddng rices
- Food 61 - Maria callas ad portland digestive system umpqua college Webster war
- Food 60 - pier oddone explains anchovies and german HERR hering and Irish fish
- Food 53 - french police subset code ...chip ... the electron chip cookie police
- Food 52 - ciccs stomach hcl hillary clinton and neurons of nero wolfe
- Food 49 - sock-eyed- salmon ..SOC system on a chip
- Food 46 - chipotle restaurant explains FOOD moleuclar integgarted circuit chips
- Food 45 - Food wars, digestive systems ... Van Gogh ..potatoes and rice wars
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- Food 40 - Walgreens Lu = logiical unit counter ...Lunch counter EARTH systems of green chlorophyll pigment
- Food 39 - HCL digestive system and LUNG
- Food 37 - Deepak Chopra agent codes ..... pak Cho ...... .... package CHO sugar molecules
- Food 36 - Reese candy bar and Clasen cholocate facory ... Bank Robbery
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- Food 33 - The Origin of Graham Crackers...... The Origin of Katharine Graham ORFICE EditOR ,
- Food 32 - ham sandwich .. molecule printed circuit layers
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- Food 28 - sugar, TWIN = Zucker .. the Twinkies Base 2 = Two = Twin function
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manuscript Four Fold Roots of Reason
Un ................ ..unFolded Graphic arts of bllod arteries of the Humanoid ..who drew (Kelly Drew of the N..ixon region of FIX--> Ixonia the diagram/map of the
Westgate Mall shopping center --...
.......................BLOG ping battle site .... diagram/picture words --> How the attack unfolded - Alliance of Sherlock homes/Baker street ,then the Second stage of rocket science
Arthur Schopenhauer (Four fold roots &
roots of wheat/oats plant) and
Henry Miller (grain mills and grain flow ...... creates momentum in grain molecules .... thus flour atoms/molecules input into Henry Miller creates BRAIN activity and flour information ... flo --> flow ...literature ..geography book on the Tropic of Cancer of
geological social life in Paris) &
literature with yellow Sunshine,
blonde wheat & straw at harvest time
in August & Arthur Flour expression agents Arthur (grain Mill) Miller and Hollywood blond Marilyn Monroe ....... giving the SYMBOL & CONCEPT Machine recipe ......
Dec 5, 2013 - Rather than kneading homemade dough at the mixing stage, it is more beneficial ... The Four-Fold Technique: The Key to Great Homemade Dough ... Reprinted with permission from Baking By Hand: Make the Best Artisanal .
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