Monday, November 12, 2018

C ..... directory .......

C = 180,000  base velocity + 6000 city traveling upon the base carrier wave  ..per Sister Carrier wave book of
Wisconsin ....
............ sin wave function region  .... book by
Theory adore Dreiser .... Dress (address of reader)  is + ser
 --> is = Wisconsin .....  (Karl Henry) Zinser 

C-130 Hercules plane 
One C-130 Hercules project  plan 
One C   H        cules plan  -->  Carbon Hydrogen molecules plane  LANDS at
Carbon 12 ...... 12th Street Watertown
 Wisconsin...... and the
 Archie Loeb 12 tribes .... iron JUNK Yard and Zionist cemetery ,,,,, VS

Zion  Illinois   $435 million dollars ..  
pussy power and the
Margaret Mead atomic signal ..... NUMBERS  signal
 for TV  show Numbers and BS numbers....

Z-plane at the West Road / Clifford Lane
air plane crash ..... Karl Henry Zinser .....
Z-plan earth with
Nietzsche ......
,,,,,,z school earth  ( z atomic nimbers, etc) ..the extension of  the my alphabet ...
 myoglobin PROTEINs  ...n.o.p  .....  u.v,w, x, y ...missing letter Z per Maurice Wilkens DNA and 
Xena Warrior Princess Television from  New Z  land .... Zinser farm parallel to  Australia/ New Zealand) ....
Xena  .....
enable  F(X) algebra  and basic calculus functions and their
social/ political/medical -->
calcutta  calculus
.............   calculus(t) .......  with the
Holy Cow of India
milk protein machine platform .......
Satyendra nath  Bose  .... lust and yen for panties

and the  Jap + panties (Japanese) 
YEN /desire currency ... money of yen


Cable disease

Acadia     Quebec and  
Acadiana Louisiana
Carl  Jung -->
Ca .. Jun ... Canjun  Louisiana 

Cajun     Cusine

Cajun  ....... sin e -> sin earth waves ..... 

jungle warfare
jung .. warfare

In computer science, a call stack is a stack data structure that stores information about the active subroutines of a computer program. This kind of stack is also ...
oxygen Base 16 hexadecimal ......
bio-computer woman) having large

BASE 2 binary breasts as Oxygen Molecule

information display  device

Calvinism and determination  circuits


Camel hump  and  Camel cigarette molecule


Cancer and the
creation of breast cancer 


Carbon, Carbocation, carbon planes, 
Catholics, branched chain hydrocarbons 

Carbon and  BANK lobby atomic  marble stone

Emission and absorption of radiation of DATA FIELDs from
bank lobby ...atomic  marble walls ..... to/ from /between ......
 2-legged.... Z-axis standing -...  human carbon 12 life forms   ....
using the 12    tri.BES  of  IS.rael .....
data conversation protocol  (proton columns & human protein columns)
of  BES DATA (Bose-Einstein Statistics) with IS(Info System RAEL)  &
...... IBM VSAM  ESDA (entry sequence data)  transfer activity on
EDSA  calendar days ....Tu.ESDA.y .... Wedn.ESDA.y  --> y & y -->

why  2  k communication channels  --> ESDA earth processing site
in the  water molecule continuum of H2O at
Water100 / Watertown Wisconsin ... with the
Holy Cow milk protein extension  .... the
Holstein milk dairy cow ... PROTEIN MACHINE social engineering ...da --> military data ......  molecule military
Holster Gun  (and feeble minded farm workers
as human PROTEIN MACHINE) ...

Beth.ESDA    LU (Logical Unit processing site ) Lutheran Home .....

Test Z (TETZ)     

dairy farm 

Carbon dioxide (CO2)  mass 44 
Sartre exit  ....  nose exit CO2

No Exit is a 1944 existentialist  play about the CO2 data cycle

and the June 1944 DEATHS at Normany ....
.....................................................No exit for the soldiers deliberately placed in a TRAP  to be killed  
in World War 2   .... . per Mother community ....
Fetus brain instructions


Carbondale and Cairo

Canton Ohio ...... Dante is lost in Canto 1
...... of the Inferno --> infer  Logic ...node-->   at sin wave function NODE  ..project plan node--> Plano Texas and Plano Illinos 

Carl Sagan 

Carmen Ortiz .... carbon orbitals
Carnegie ......  Andrew Carnegie

Carter  ..... Hotel Carter & President Carter
.................. General Carter Ham 
Cascade electronics 
Casino and sin waves

Casualty insurance


Cecil the Lion 

Celsius ----> 37 degrees temperature  ......
................   thermodynamic WARS

Cell nucleus

Central Nervous System  .... abstract processor
Central Processing Unit 

Center of Mass experiment
Kroc center ..... Ray Kroc .. ROC .... 

1 Dead, 6 Shot In West Pullman Drive-By - World News .... WEST
and the West Side Highway motorcycle event  in new York 

Centrifugal force ... Van Gogh and others

Charles de Gaulle

Charles Law (see Boston  Charles River  /  Boyle's Law battle) 
Charles Schultz .. peanuts

Charlie Rose

Chat /talk ... Chattanoonga Tennessse shootings ,,,,,
Mother Ma  big mouth killed 4 ma(marine)

Mouth talk  ... talk/ blabber LIMIT treaty .....

Che Gueverra
authentically crafted Latin American-style cheese. ..
authentically crafted ........n Ame ................  che.........

Che Guevara ... a human information display of OUTPUT messages

from the milk protein THOUGHT molecule continuum
that exists
on the EARTH land geography surface 
Cheech --> echo  .... chong VIA  C  Hong Kong 


Chemistry and Motel 6

Cher music  &

Chicago Loop

Chin ..mouth ... talk ..mental region


Chips, wood chips,  potato chips , French police &
,,,,,,,,, California Highway Patrol ...CHIPS 

Chocolate...12 hour shift code
......... sugar molecule software   ....  shift gears

........  sugar CHO  mirror --> OCH  ..Oak Hill Cemetery

Choke choke

Christmas Carols and Charleston South
Carolina music .....  slay rides/ cars carry guns for
slay rides/ sleigh rides ...........
......................eight rides with 8 data orbital bits of
O = Oxygen agent in
O = Oklahoma ..... Timothy McVeight

Christopher Columbus ... year 1492 

Chromosome .... 23 pairs

Chrylser Building

Church's Theorem

CICS & CSA .... Common System area (Boston)

Cicero Illinois  and Cicero ancient author

Cigarettes ..Parliament / Marlboro /Vantage /
Camel / LSMFT 

Cincinnati , OhiO --> COO
--> CO2 war zones of LUNG output
and  soda water code ....System area
Sara.sota  Florida ... flow orders/ideas
Sara.soda --> td aa --> Transient data area. 

Cincinnati and Cin waves 


Cinnamom ..Cin + nam ---> Viet.Nam war and 
Cin --> Cincinnati  ..... Levi Coffin ..levitation

Circle Campus
..... Dante's hell .... nine circles of hell & torment

Circuit pins ..168 pins

Circulation ....  Herbert Spencer
Internal blood language  and
external newspaper blood shooting stories
Citizen Kane

CITY attacks upon 
Nature's systems  
Fond du Lac  SIN function --> attack
Cin waves of Cin Cin Nati , OhiO

Fond du Lac --->Lac Gene expression
-------> Lac La Belle( Village),  Wisconsin

-------> Lac La Belle( Lake) .................sin waves-------> Lac La Belle( Village)  ato.Mic ... Mic.higan
Genetics City of Fond Du Lac ...
Jane Fonda explains the
Fond Du Lac ... Lac repressor attack on 

Kathryn Stalbaum (genetics Town of Genesee)  &
Tammi LaFave, 21, of Delafield -->
De + La + field --->
code ...  Land acres (Lac connection)

Civilization war signs
Clarence Darrow ..Clarify sentence data array row
Clasen chocolate 12 hours 

Claude Monet ..


Clay ..... Communications layers

Cleveland 137 bullets 

by M Göckeler - ‎1998 - ‎Cited by 80 - ‎Related articles
May 11, 1998 - A detailed study of the relation between bare and renormalized quantities reveals that the Landau pole lies in a region of parameter space ...
CLI instruction

Clifford Lane  .. plane crash 
Clinical Trial .....  Clinton

Coffins, Crypts,  and Bit-coin financial systems

Cold --> word --> copper 1d 

Cole Hall  ..... Cole slaw ... social law

Colin Powell & Powell's bookstore


Columbus year 1492 

Coma and Tacoma ......  TA coma

Comair crash ..  Lexicon dictionary
Chrysler BLDG and 
Grand Central Terminal
(IBM Grand CPU & Computer Earth Terminal
for GUT theory)

the intersection of 42nd Street and Lexington Avenue
......intersection of base 4 exponent 2 = Base 16 ......

attempting to take off from Blue Grass Airport in Fayette County, Kentucky, 4 miles west of the
central business district of the City of Lexington .....
Lafayette Grand 16 Theater shooting 

Comic books 
Storm is a fictional superhero appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. Thecharacter was created by writer Len Wein and artist Dave ...
Team affiliations‎: ‎X-Men‎; ‎Avengers‎; ‎Fantastic ...
Created by‎: ‎Len Wein‎; ‎Dave Cockrum
First appearance‎: ‎Giant-Size X-Men #1 (May 1...
Notable aliases‎: ‎Ororo Iquadi T'Challa

Communicable disease
... consumption disease
Complex numbers & Functions F(Z) of Emma Trefz
,,,,,,,  Eisenhower  &  Emil Von Reznicek ... Re(z)

,,,,,,,, Dz  Dzhokhar  Tsarnaev ..... Emma Trefz and the Farm F(Z) .... derivative of calculus of complex number life of Eisenhower and Zbigniew Brzezinski

Composition class  .... Snyder Hall and Wisconsin shooting of Trevor Casper by Steven Snyder --->
 Wausau robbery and the connected composition ...
Trevor .....Tree vector battle/war casualty  of Everest Metro police department casualty 

Computer database --> See Maria database

Computer bug ..
Human computer bug ---> Humbug

Condenser .... ich liebe dich
Watertown ............LieBig condenser
...............................Z....Big --> Zbigniew ...

water DATA molecule condenser 

Condoleezza Rice  ... rice and Dole Pineapple 
Cone ..... eye cone ... optical software VTOC battles
Cone --> Conner Lu Lucas

Connections failure ... 
Connections CUT at Sandy Hook
(Sand/ silicon dioxide electron systems errors
by human bio-electron penis and the
female bio-electron FETUS copy machine)

James Burke connections

The Galapagos  Islands os/jcl Is  Land  --> connect to
............DuPage /chicago VIA human
interface agent Pier Oddone ....


Indonesia  and the Galpagos/ Lima Peru Indonesia ...............Galatic.......... .map

.... done  --> Route to FermiLAB  .....
 DR. Odd done and the
Max Born neo-cortex
........Borneo and
the organic molecule  software...
.......orang -->the o   rang / telephone
,,,,,,,oranGUTan .. GUT theory conflicts

3) Calcutta India  sub-continent LINK to
...........cut  .... TA =Transactional analysis
connect.cut ....
Sandy Hook  elementary BS school failure
Bridgeport communications bridge Failure
New Haven. beer summit/ale YALE failure
Greenwich (TIME) failure
New London .... line 0 thru n failure

Connect the people 
.......  we energies TRICKS
We connect the people 
We connect the people with Hollywood fantasy
and music BS songs and dances   
Sandy Hook BS school .....
connect penis to pussy

Conrad Hilton .. Chicago


Coordinates and 37   degrees Celsius

Copper  ...
29,000 black bears in Wisconsin .....
................................................. sin function region

newspaper --> 29,000 black bears  and
triple (3 copper  wires with black insulation coating)

Ex-cop-turned-private eye Tony Rome (Frank Sinatra) needs work
extrapolation copper and human eye circuits ...sin wave

exponents  copper algebra..... 4ac (alternating cycles)

Copper,  China 62 mile traffic jam , 0 to 62 address
.............. space battle at ROC region Rochester/ Webster
Bra sizes - what do double D, double E   mean to engineering students?


Cosine waves,
cousins,  and Cossacks 

Cossack --> SSA ...segment search arguments  of the Waco ............ Cossack motorcycle dead
GENERATE ........ssa...............cycles for
IBM COMPUTER EARTH processing ......
Cos s ac ack  --> Cost accounting systems acknowledgement  of Twin Peaks (2)  to
Dirac  and the..............Tall Twin peaks of Sept 11> acres Rose ...Tall .... Tallahassee and
the Roselawn IBM CEMT inquire at the
quantum cemetery 

Cotton languages and clothes

Coulombs  16 and 19

Counterintelligence ..... lunch counters

Cousin  ..... equations

Coyote Art Fair and flat iron BUILDING ....
the BS project of BUILDING the Sept 11, 2001
flat iron  in Manhattan building 

McCoy ..... 
Dr. McCoy & Coyote ART Fair ..blood software manipulation PROJECTS to destroy and
then pour new cement / basement semen
sc  = schemes ..
sc = school arrogance
sc = sub-conscious TEACHER errors approved 

CP violations and TCP ... DATCP

Cradle of Civilization

Cranium  ..Ichabod Crane 

Create TV ... television DEATH shows ....  
..........CREATE garden show Creates garden death
..........CREATE red-head  Creates  James Holmes

Culinary  Institute with Charles G. Cullin  ....
Cull / clean-up BS people with Linear Algebra

Curly Top movie

Cycle wars ..... 
bicycles ( NYC & Stalbaum) &
motorcycle (Waco & Wojciech)
breeding cycles
fashion cycles etc

electric motor cycles
equipment MODEL change cycles

CZECH  ..... Czecho ....
Car/  carbon -hydrogen gasoline  /
iron motor vehicle car ..... Carl Peters 
.... Ch = K   38th parallel / Karl Z echo

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