Monday, November 12, 2018

H .... directory

Hair theorem  of Baton Rouge

Ham Sandwich .... printed circuit board

Hamburger and Hamilton Burger

Hammer & Sickle political science ... 1935 McCormick harvester for oats and wheat grains

Harmonic waves
Harmonic oscillator

Haroon Khan  murder/cover-up by
Har ..Harvard University blood schemes with the
sc = sub-conscious & Heme languages rackets at

sc = schools such as water molecule

Harry Ca ...Caul 
Harry Ca ..Carey .. secret life Cu = Copper Cubs
and the night lights at
WR = West Road &
WRigley (data and electrical) Field
Harry Ca ...Caul is a  UL surveillance expert 
Harry CarayHarry Caray, American sportscaster who gained national prominence for his telecasts ofChicago Cubs baseball games on Chicago-based ...

Harry S Truman
Harry Potter

Harvard University errors ....... Hamas terrorist 

Hate & phosphate

Hausdorf  space 

Hausfrau  ..... Der Hausfrau magazine of the earth geography  skin .... land dermatology with haus


Headless Horsemen

Heap .....  computer heap in Austin ...
............. Stacked deck ....  Female computer
 Heaviside .... 

Oliver Heaviside's Cover-up Method

Heavy Flow Wings / Heaviside Cover-up


....Heme blood code ...
  Theme and blog sit themes for
human bio-computers

Hemoglobin  ..iron 

Henry Inductance & Prince Henry & Magellan

Henry Kissinger

Hepatalogy  and (iron taxi cab collects
human passenger iron 
.........liver data and
....delivers  data stream--> EARTH magnetic field
code ..analysis of the
co --> Country and its social fetus errors
....... CAB Calloway Rh factors of
Rhythm/blood pulse

Hercule  Poirot

Hierarchy Problem / echelon
.......... address 9430 Research Boulevard with 
............ Jacqueline Lee Bou  vier (Bou lee vier)
secret code  
Dallas with Jacqueline Lee Oswald ...
boulevard / information street of bull-shit
explanations about the assassination


Henry  Bello codes H B

Henry Kissinger

Henry's Law &
Henry  Louis Gates

Hertzian waves & iron Hertz automobiles fleet

Herzegovina ....... 
Principle Quantum expression region in the  Gavrilo
Princip assassin ..sin wave nation of positive/negative 

Principality of Montenegro was
...................................ene + negro.... ..
.......... energy  negative growth ( fetus volume errors)

Hexadecimal Highway 16  ..... Base 16
Hidden Reality

High School shootings 
Highway 26  .... Wisconsin DEAD 26,000 
Highway 26  .... South Carolina Interstate 

Hilbert .... David Hilbert and 23 problems


Hirohito ..Japan

Hoffman elimination &
Judge Hoffman ( 8 to the Chicago Seven) &

elimination of Jimmy Hoffa .. man / humanoid

Hole Municipality 2017: Best of Hole  & Hollerith punched card battle 

Holiness molecule ....
acetylcholine ... code words .....
...........cho + hol --> chosen one & holiness
Godzin Particle project,
the Godzin project
with communication bridge(Br) z earth ...,
Holy Name Cathedral in Chicago,

Cardinal Rational numbers & Z integers
..... Ratzinger ....... 
book Kzin,
Zinser + Wisconsin + Jan (Zsinj) ....

Zsinj served under his mother
(Mother Earth & Meta Staerker Zinser)
until the end of
Clone Wars 
(eye cone language  & rod software wars)
and the birth of the ... The younger 
Zsinj was officially named the first Warlord
(war = Work area of the
First Law of  Thermodynamics)
of the Empire

Hollerith punch card ....  Mayor Barrett Hollers and
gets punched 


Honey Bee --> see bee-keeping

Hooke's Law  revenge for the Love Canal
rigged money scheme attack on Hooker Chemical
Horizontal coffins
Host system

Hot dogs, weiners, franks 

Hubbard ...L. Ron    Hubbard .... EARTH
.................electron Hubble Telescope at
Hubble(ton)  sin wave region Wiscon.SIN
I/O Port at nearby Portland

Hubbleton  & Nikola Tesla vibrations
a Communications HUB for
Wisconsin Sin waves ...Hubble astronomy
Project plan O -->  

Plano--> no ->node... Northern death OR
.....................................Northern decision
.................................... Northern designs

Huey Long & Gavin Long

Human action figures and
......... Batman action figures

Computer bug ..
Human computer bug ---> Humbug

Hume  .. David Hume
Humphrey Bogart


Hydro-Chloric acid,  stomach and
Hillary Clinton

Hydrocarbons and Church Ch battles

Hypothesis  testing

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