200 Motels movie
Mad Cow disease ... Madison Wisconsin cowards....... ...................... ease/lazy attack of real estate on Bethesda
Madison ..system 370 codes
Magnetic, Magellan, Maggie Daley ,
Magnetic tape
- XXXXX Farm 23 - Botany shoots military actions
- Data 419 - ring cycle vin
- WORK Data 448 - string theory data looms Loomis street battle Carnegie and Daley SR year 1955 iron 55 and -Maggie Daley
- Magnetic /centrifugal force .... Chicago magnificent mile Z73 Iron 01
- WORK Data 544- andrew carnegie weaver cottage and Maggie Daley pittsburg/chicago chicago Loomis street string theory fabric battle
- WORK Data 448 - string theory data looms Loomis street battle Carnegie and Daley SR year 1955 iron 55 and -Maggie Daley
- Data 99-001 .. last feline ...... EARTH iron core ,,,bedrock ... the vertical column ...... column information continuum between the coffin bed (underground ..clay layer several feet)
- Data 237 - Norbert and kunish syblos hannah graham
- Science 247 - Magellan, Da Vinci Sistine Chapel .. Columbus sets sail - Aug 03, 1492 start codon
- WORK Beer Summit (size ) Z74 - Science 804 z44 group 122 beer summit .... Henry Logic Gates ..... inverness crow ...Benjamin Netanyahu -...... Carmen Ortiz ..... Michael Brown . Canfield Drive -.... Canfield Drive in Massey - Ferguson ...farm accidents, farmer heart attacks,...... Travis Zoellick, Haroon Khan .... Bush Differential Analyzer...... Umpqua college Iraqi forces enter Mosul University
- Next 371 - Darwin ... Hematolguy blood, Powatomic Casino Potassium route to Bethesda BET casino at highway 19 K , McDonal's ARCHES binomial probability ,parallel Perdenicular, data pipelines, Hamlin sensors, Iron Mountain i/o port, 7-11 stores, magentic field, sept 11 manifolds battle Tanzania embassy
- ZZZ-65 Data 235 - turing machines and platform shoes, Earth magnetic tape, 1984 cho born ... junior seau DNA july 4
- ZZZ-65 Data 206 valence at cole hall , valentine day, IRON LADY, menstruation electron density are you dense question,? magnetic tape density
- Event 63 - Joe Rosethal and Iwo Jima ...and the Umpqua college ..... Roseburg Oregon battle..... Earth magnum opus ...magnetic numbers open (data space of Bob Hope ... open command) us = USA
- Science 05 - Philip Morris (PM) math cigarettes Music harm waves attack GermanWings air plane, song Heartbreaker,
- Next 371 - Darwin ... Hematolguy blood, Powatomic Casino Potassium route to Bethesda BET casino at highway 19 K , McDonal's ARCHES binomial probability ,parallel Perdenicular, data pipelines, Hamlin sensors, Iron Mountain i/o port, 7-11 stores, magentic field, sept 11 manifolds battle Tanzania embassy
- Professor bio-computer
...READ WRITE HEAD - Next 370 - l g wade.... Cincinnati .land brain waves. Ray tensing , DuBose sample space,Virginia Tech 37 Celsius thermodynamic WAR ... EARTH battle site at 37 degrees latitude coordinates 2011 Tucson GRAVITY FIELD ...war . ....Norris Hall magnetic parameter Nor H
- Next 326 - Gravity war suez netw gingrigh ,Mark kelly NASA gravity Safeway store, Charles Whitman and Whitman chocollate sampler , Julius Burton and atomic Jacob collins,. c-130 Hercules plane , Feynman fermat theorem , Richard speck, columbine High school eric harris and BMO-Harris Bank school problems
- Data 616 - Oe = Oreder entry ...orietation expressions
- Henry Inductance & Prince Henry & Magellan
- Data 590 - zz .....bitcoin and Ric Bessin and bessie the protein machine THOUGHTS of Wiscnsin waves ......
Fe = Ferrous oxide iron agent with iron blood ...
Fe= Ferdinand Mage ll Magellan - Andrew Carnegie (AC = Alternating cycle) with
.....................negie --> negative half of wave- WORK Data 544- andrew carnegie weaver cottage and Maggie Daley pittsburg/chicago chicago Loomis street string theory fabric battle
- WORK Data 539 - carnegie ...car.iron railroiad car as a containmner human data sets dunferline .mmagnetic line scotland
- WORK Data 532 - senator proxmire switch . Elsie Rockerfeller / Elsie the Cow, Borden Marketing Mascot and Diana Prince
- senator proxmire switch .
Elsie Rockerfeller explains /
Elsie the Cow, Borden
Marketing Mascot
- Data 590 - zz .....bitcoin and Ric Bessin and bessie the protein machine THOUGHTS of Wiscnsin waves ......
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and
ether physics .....
Berlin attacker Anis Amri 'fled to Italy via Netherlands
Magnificent Mile
code --> magnificent stone-head -->
the rock/stone/marble/granite atoms of the
BUSINESS buildings located in Chicago on the .....
the rock/stone/marble/granite atoms of the
BUSINESS buildings located in Chicago on the .....
The Magnificent Mile - North Michigan Avenue, Chicago
Magritte ... surrealism
- WORK Data 646 - rene margritte I-35W Bridge ... bridge/lion ....Walter Palmer cecil lion .... Palmer House art institute chicago lions
- ZZZ59 Data 613- train derailment philadelphia .train tracks..atomic tracks of AMTRAK ...cloud chamber robert gates ... logic gates Defense Secretary Rene Magritte .... police officer Sgt. James Crowley, inverness scotland .... China Dinnerware rene Magritte train chimmney
- Event 90 - Verpine attack at Pine lake .... ..Verpine and Versace ..Vector space design errors Obama oxygen
- Data 685 - malcolm mcgregor and rx karl marx
- Data 501- addres code of eleanor mcgregor
Malthusian catastrophe
............ Beer Summit failure
............. Richard (Population Law) Pop.law.ski
....... Bos..ton ..... population pressure on EARTH ton &
Boston population explosion CREATES the
Boston April 215, 2013 explosion
- XXXXX Food -05 - mark zucker sugar
- Science 80 - Austin Powers ..human action figures Joe Stack Austin
Manifold attack of mathematical-physics and Schopenhauer ..
manhattan folds on Sept 11,2001
" Four Fold Roots" .... four airplanes attack
manhattan folds on Sept 11,2001
" Four Fold Roots" .... four airplanes attack
- Next 371 - Darwin ... Hematolguy blood, Powatomic Casino Potassium route to Bethesda BET casino at highway 19 K , McDonal's ARCHES binomial probability ,parallel Perdenicular, data pipelines, Hamlin sensors, Iron Mountain i/o port, 7-11 stores, magentic field, sept 11 manifolds battle Tanzania embassy
- Next 305 - michael brown age 18 fermilab longboat key omha Nairobi Obi wan Ken obi .....
manuscript Four Fold Roots of Reason
Un ................ ..unFolded Graphic arts of bllod arteries of the Humanoid ..who drew (Kelly Drew of the N..ixon region of FIX--> Ixonia the diagram/map of the
Westgate Mall shopping center --...
.......................BLOG ping battle site .... diagram/picture words --> How the attack unfolded
- WORK Data 417 - battery park ordered attack .... Manhattan Project air plane pilot plant stage Collective unconscious of a football stadium
MOTOR NEURON ordered Bombing
- WORK Data 375 (long insert) - Gravity - Suez six day war, Gabby giffords, jake gerard , Route 66 Richard Speck, Columbine , June 11 Execution of McVeight(t) causes execution of Sept 11 Z29 Group 25
- WORK Data 417 - battery park ordered attack .... Manhattan Project air plane pilot plant stage Collective unconscious of a football stadium
- Next 376 - clifford lane air plane crash anasazi ..shot dead by French army after killing two people at Marseille ...2017 Las Vegas sin node shooting ..Ricahard speck the 4th of July .... DNA 4 molecules order attack VS the BS citizen /fed government of the United States
- Next 371 - Darwin ... Hematolguy blood, Powatomic Casino Potassium route to Bethesda BET casino at highway 19 K , McDonal's ARCHES binomial probability ,parallel Perdenicular, data pipelines, Hamlin sensors, Iron Mountain i/o port, 7-11 stores, magentic field, sept 11 manifolds battle Tanzania embassy S-1 committee pilot stage ...
S-11 committee airplane pilots on Septemeber 11, 2001 - Leptons ...... Lept into the sky onSepton day of Sept 11, 2001 in theFermion attack on the diseased Ferrous/iron of the World Trade Center .....
contaminated by TV/radio EM nonsense waves and
contaminated by human blood iron IDIOT software- Next 367 - myoglobin muscles blood . tau & restaurant particles, Harron Khan Water100 and Pakistan Standard MODEL, murder of Travis Z in World War Z , anwar Sadat, Peter Kassig and 18 Syria pilots, iron 26 Highway 26 Emmet ,20 acres + B00d = 120 , Pulse age 29 security guard, Route 29
- Next 326 - Gravity war suez netw gingrigh ,Mark kelly NASA gravity Safeway store, Charles Whitman and Whitman chocollate sampler , Julius Burton and atomic Jacob collins,. c-130 Hercules plane , Feynman fermat theorem , Richard speck, columbine High school eric harris and BMO-Harris Bank school problems
Data 310 - Chat shooting taolk chattanooga .............. 4 Marines killed in Chattanooga ,Tennessee
- Data 310 - Chat shooting taolk chattanooga
- Data 293 - song kill 2 birds with 1 stone
Manhattan Project sub-routine driver Held in
Deadly Manhattan
data byTe error
............. Terror Attack Pleads Not Guilty - The ...https://www.Tenytimes.com/2017/11/28/nyregion/terror-attack-bike-path-new-york.htmlNov 28, 2017 - The man accused of driving a pickup truck down a crowded Manhattan bike path2017 New York City attack on bicycle riders - Wikipedia
cyclists and runners for about one mile (1.6 kilometers) of the Hudson River Park's bike path alongside West Street from - Bethesda, Matt Anderson reincarnation and carnation milk --- Z89 Event 19 - Matt Anderson reincarnation .
Margaret Mead
- Food 60 - pier oddone explains anchovies and german HERR hering and Irish fish
- ZZZ59 Data 651 - Karl Marx and uranium address space and rx priciple KLM ..... Laura Fermi | Atomic social science Laura Bush Plains, Georgia and Jimmy Carter
- Bethesda 20 cows code .... Z57 ..Data 538 - bethesda lu home 20 cows and 20 amino and 20/20 eyes
Marble, Mecca Kaaba BLACK CUBE -->
- marble atoms Woolworth bldg and Goya Colossus Pink Floyd song Z71 Marble 10
- WORK Data 409 - secret language proto-elamite writing on the stone ---> geology stone/ rock atom / electron DATABASE ...gravity pull gravestones ..Route 29 gonzales
- Data 428 - topology of mind seventh seal movie and seven bridges and seven warrfs
- Mecca - Marble/granite mass of the Kaaba BACK CUBE - Z71 marble 40
- WorK Data 535 - marble building data collection and gravity ...metamorphic rock ...metabolism (living atom rock)....Eclipse Lyrics: of pussy bio-math and advertisments for semen
- Marble 40 - Mecca the marble/granite mass of the Kaaba BLACK CUBE
- Food 84 - Miller Auto parts ..integration and haus dorf space Marble quarry quantum array .supreme court and its vermont marble quarry and Conrad Hilton chicago Rocky Balboa
- WORK Data 535 - marble building data collection and gravity ...metamorphic rock ...metabolism (living atom rock)....Eclipse Lyrics: of pussy bio-math and advertisments for semen
- Carbon and BANK lobby atomic marble stone
Emission and absorption of radiation of DATA FIELDs from
bank lobby ...atomic marble walls ..... to/ from /between ......
2-legged.... Z-axis standing -... human carbon 12 life forms ....
using the 12 tri.BES of IS.rael .....
data conversation protocol (proton columns & human protein columns)
of BES DATA (Bose-Einstein Statistics) with IS(Info System RAEL) &
...... IBM VSAM ESDA (entry sequence data) transfer activity on
EDSA calendar days ....Tu.ESDA.y .... Wedn.ESDA.y --> y & y -->why 2 k communication channels
Maria database &
MySQL databases ...... of
Pier (atomic docking pier for a
BOATLOAD of information)
Pier Maria (galactic data LEVEL communication pier/port) ....PierMaria Oddone ....
need Darwin's .... Santa Cruz Island .....
Peru/American human representative
Pier Maria ..... Chicago Navy Pier
Maria --> Marina Santa Cruz Lavado ..
Hawaii ... Hawking code Lava -->
Lava-Simplex company in year 1974 on
Ashland Avenue North of North Avenue
.... connected to the
Linear Programming:
Simplex Method at Chicago Circle Campus
Jun 19, 2006 - Linear Programming: Simplex Method. The Linear Programming Problem. Here is the initial problem that we had. a-....PierMaria Oddone ....
....PierMaria O --> open mouth of Maria Callas
Nov 5, 2000 - The tempestuous love affair between Maria Callas and Aristotle Onassis
. PierMaria Oddone ...... fe = fermilab Maria
Poland Lech Kaczyńskiand his ...wi fe Maria,
and the
Fe = FermiLAB ferrous oxide /blood language
Fe = Female and her FETUS production errors
approve the Avogadros number /mole murder at Smolensk of death of 96 people ..... with the approval of Penn State University females and their lies about
the chemistry/bio-chemistry MOLE Station data generating events by the
LOCK &KEY enzyme model using
Jerry March advanced organic chemistry ....
molecular social chemistry .....
human action figures with LOCKER ROOM ....
Jerry Sandusky ...... sand + sky LINK to
Carl Sagan book CONTACT
White Sands project MESSAGE of message components ....
GUT (Grand Unified Theory) with
Karl Guthe Jansky .... Karol Józef Wojtyła
On 10 April 2010, a Tupolev Tu-154 aircraft of the Polish Air Force crashed near the city of Smolensk, Russia, killing all 96 people on board. Among the victims were the President of Poland Lech Kaczyńskiand his wife Maria, the former President of Poland in exile Ryszard Kaczorowski, the chief of the Polish General Staff and other senior Polish military officers, the president of the National Bank of Poland, Polish Government officials, 18 members of the Polish Parliament, senior members of the Polish clergy and relatives of victims of the Katyn massacre.
Marionette Theater
Mark My words (My = Myoglobin proteins)
- XXXX DONE Event 96 - eye cone battles, Burlington Vermont, East Albany 200 cone street, 32-year-old Ronnie Holmes arrested
- Next 326 - Gravity war suez netw gingrigh ,Mark kelly NASA gravity Safeway store, Charles Whitman and Whitman chocollate sampler , Julius Burton and atomic Jacob collins,. c-130 Hercules plane , Feynman fermat theorem , Richard speck, columbine High school eric harris and BMO-Harris Bank school problems ..Mark kelly and NASA communication problems
Mark Totzke
Detective Hamish, Big Mac Hamburger,
Betty Quadracci & Bethesda Lutheran Home farm for feeble minded --> Hamish Macbeth and
Mark my WORDS ..... agent Mark D. Totzke
Conner Lucas, 28,
is suspected of stabbing two men Tuesday evening
Mark Adams is in serious condition
- XXXXX Farm 23 - Botany shoots military actions ( Mark Totzke .. IBM end of file Mark)
- Farm 03- Emma Trefz and Sun Yat Sen explain
- Food 52 - ciccs stomach hcl hillary clinton and neurons of nero wolfe
Maria Callas ---> Call the Maria Database existing on
the ATLANTIC OCEAN of iron metal ship of ATOMS that store data records ..... using her alliance with ...
Aristotle Socrates Onassis,
commonly called Ari (Arizona arise with gravity Gabby Giffords)
or Aristo Onassis,
was a Greek shipping magnate LINKED to GREEK sorority house pussy girls
was a Greek...hipping
......................BLOG Ping ..... magnetic field ..magnate ......
who amassed the world's largest privately owned
shipping fleet
.......ping fleet in HG WELLS invisible man ..Village of I PING
.... was one of the world's richest and
most famous men .....
moisture & semen ...
thus the Star Wars moisture farms (pussy house) .... devoted to the production of water (wet pussy ... sy --> system)
the ATLANTIC OCEAN of iron metal ship of ATOMS that store data records ..... using her alliance with ...
Aristotle Socrates Onassis,
commonly called Ari (Arizona arise with gravity Gabby Giffords)
or Aristo Onassis,
was a Greek shipping magnate LINKED to GREEK sorority house pussy girls
was a Greek...hipping
......................BLOG Ping ..... magnetic field ..magnate ......
who amassed the world's largest privately owned
shipping fleet
.......ping fleet in HG WELLS invisible man ..Village of I PING
.... was one of the world's richest and
most famous men .....
moisture & semen ...
thus the Star Wars moisture farms (pussy house) .... devoted to the production of water (wet pussy ... sy --> system)
- Farm 85 - sun yat sen chinese language vertical ..vertical tillage frarms Evansville man Todd Callies
- Farm 38 - lumber and the food wars ..kitchen cabinet wars
- Food 61 - Maria callas ad portland digestive system umpqua college Webster war
- WORK Data 342 - news sinbad .... sin waves underground .. dirac cincinnati ..Lecho Walesa Lecho Kaczynski ..... Derailment AMTRAK 238 atomic passenger and underground railroad
Marlboro cigarette and eye cone
Marshall Fields and retail stores
Mary Shelly and the
Marysville Pilchuck high school battle
- Event 94 - Marshal fields military store .. data fields store and Sam hengel
- Event 69 - John Galt, Zinjan, Jawaharial Nehru, wedding ring plus tail of retail store equals ring-tailed monkey
- Data 90 - Marshal Field store data fields and FermiLAB dance codes
- NEXT 365 - chicago Greyhound bus station .... fortran loop marshal field....marshall wisconsin ... Chicago ice skate rink / sub-conscious . Orson Welles 1938 neurons
- XXXX DONE Food 17 - Warren Buffet explains the BIG MAC macro molecule PROTEIN platform upon which exist human protein machines
- Event 94 - Marshal fields military store .. data fields store and Sam hengel
- XXXXX DONE Science 03 - Water molecule continuum, Edgewater , Tsarnaev boat and Longboat Key , Zachery Zaborek
- WORK Data 375 (long insert) - Gravity - Suez six day war, Gabby giffords, jake gerard , Route 66 Richard Speck, Columbine , June 11 Execution of McVeight(t) causes execution of Sept 11 Z29 Group 25
Marshall (data) Field retail department store on State Street (State of the Union) in the C = Chicago carbon social/economic chemistry expression platform region
- XXXXXX DONE Event 19 - Matt Anderson accuicdental murder and his reincarnation ...Carnation Milk and Bethesda LU dairy farm ....... .................We are met on a great battle-field (now the year 2018 Batavia physics BS battle ... data field) of that (Alan Sokal Science & ne = neutron Neuroscience ) war.
We have come to dedicate a portion of that field ( a portion of Marshall Fields store and the Sun-Times newspaper) , as a final resting place for those who here gave their lives that that nation (dertermi.NAION and carbo.NATION ) might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this. But, in a larger sense (with large Congressman Sensenbrener bio-sensor), we can not dedicate - Science 24 - avon cosemetics and face codes Marshal Field data fields
Martin Luther &
Martin Luther King .. Dream (Carl Jung) or
Mid Sum Knight's Dream of a
binomial probability distribution curve
Martin Luther King .. Dream (Carl Jung) or
Mid Sum Knight's Dream of a
binomial probability distribution curve
- WORK Data 342 - news sinbad .... sin waves underground .. dirac cincinnati ..Lecho Walesa Lecho Kaczynski ..... Derailment AMTRAK 238 atomic passenger and underground railroad
- WORK Data 317 - John Dalton and DR. martin Luther King maxwell
- Data 231 - franz kafka literature mid summer night dream Hannah Graham john locke door
Mary Shelly and the
Marysville Pilchuck high school battle
Marysville Pilchuck High school
Maslow Hierarchy on neutrons (ne) and
Plano Texas (electron data systems) -->
atomic social science needs
Maslow Hierarchy on neutrons (ne) and
Plano Texas (electron data systems) -->
atomic social science needs
Mass .... atomic mass thoughts
Center of Mass experiment
Kroc center ..... Ray Kroc .. ROC ....
Center of Mass experiment
Kroc center ..... Ray Kroc .. ROC ....
1 Dead, 6 Shot In West Pullman Drive-By - World News .... WEST
and the West Side Highway motorcycle event in new York
and the West Side Highway motorcycle event in new York
Mass & sin functions .... Equations
Parallel existential Images and proper nound ....
show Dzhokhar Tsarnaev message on Watertown boat -
Watertown Massachusetts ..... set theory laws of atomic mass
................... Mass .....set ... 2 or more relationships
Watertown Wisconsin ..sin wave function region
Math and algebra
X-wing --> math military functions F(x) ....
X-wing --> math military functions F(x) ....
- Data 355 - Feynaman, dirac, cassius clay schrodinger ..algebra coffin equation by base 16 Hex/curse Highway 16 --> co + ff + in --> corn (data) field .... curse of Hex'FF' = 255 = High-values ..... individuals Tim Hack and Kelly Drew with ax2 + Bx + C = O (Oconomowc) ...........................COFFIN equation of ................................Chen.equa
Math Logic
Math Proof ... Dylan Roof
Matrices and array
- Data 276 - Joel W Robbins math logic
- Data 224 - cia colletcive group mind software problems carbon moleuclar children joe stack
- WORK Watergate .... Z90 ----- Science 04 - Water molecule continuum Generation Data Sets, G.V. Loganathan OC7 Oklahoma bombing .. Hannah Graham .an 18-year-old second-year Whitewater scandal Hydroelctric Protocol droid Layers of Earth's Atmosphere mos
RA-7 protocol droid
RA-7 protocol droid at University of Wisconsin
Mathematical Logic: A First Course -
Joel W. Robbin agent identification code ......
RA-7 protocol droid ...... first-order logic and
first-order Recursive Arithmetic(RA).
Math Proof ... Dylan Roof
- Z57 Data 534 - system of chip (SOC) south carolina Dylann roof ..sikh temple brain KHZ
- Data 224 - cia colletcive group mind software problems carbon moleuclar children joe stack
Matrices and array
- Farm 60 - Rice lake, black farm soil, dirac matrices, Nature's version of DATCP TC (Tele-Communications Portocol)
- Data 266 - Rosemary's Baby ..quantum language and Bay Village
- Farm 13 - black soil wormholes Dirac matrices, Rice Lake cellulose tree LU stand, Green Bay photosynthesis
- Data 453 - IBM bal and Poletti spin doctor code of cycles of motorcycles
- Food 64- rice wars and weddng rice
- ZZZ-65 Data 203 - Federal government liver SOFTWARE problems Fermilab liver and livermnore linear algebra Holstein & einstein
- Science 31 - Pine Lake ..Ne ..Neurotransmitter war casualty Quadrraci Nixon square matices of Aug 4 + 4 year 1974 .... Dirac 4 by 4 matrices upgraded to CUBES (4 by 4 by 4) --> 64 elements (Double Word) upon the underlying Hemann Weyl (decimal 10 = ten ) tensor space giving 64 + 10 --> year year 74 announcement of SIGNS .....
NixoN resigns .... resi ..... Calculus of residues LINKS to Calcutta calculus of Satyendra Nath Bose ... project due ..
Purdue University - Indiana's Land Grant University .....
Hindu earth ..du e ........
.......due University - India na (north america) Landau ...Solar System Grant to the the human University BS people - Data 334 - Eisenhower endoctrine gland new england Nixon
- Data 304 - Lutz Lu longboat key water mol;eucle navy anchor Dirac matrices
- Book 228B - Frankenstein book ... secret codes translated ......Leopold Bloom creates the Leopold & Loeb data generating ..... tragic signaling event of the University of Chicago sub-conscious mind .. integrity failure
- ZZZ-65 Data 285 - Anne Rice matrices book ..code signore ..sign orbit earth .... to Quebec to LuBec ECB event control block ....brain barBECue burnout by QueBEC word instruction errors.
Matt Anderson
- WORK Data 272 - GUT battles at Grand 16 theater and FSU London attack Bertrand Russell GUT problems and SurGUT Russia ...Arizona Casa Grande shooting leaves 4 people dead ...at a duplex ..... the EARTH atmosphere and its duplex molecules ....... nitrogen and oxygen ..... Farmers Avenue and Ash Avenue Farmers Avenue ... FA --> FFA DEATH subroutines and the murder/cover-up of farmer Matt Anderson , Herb Johnson, Karl zinser ..Officers found four bodies in the residence --> message to 4-H club analysis team Farmers Avenue and Ash AvenueFarmers Avenue ... FA --> FFA DEATH subroutines
and the murder/cover-up of farmer Matt Anderson - Farm 50 - Matt Anderson and Sterling Hall
- Farm 26 - BSE diseae and the accidental murder of FFA of Matt Anderson
- XXXXXX Farm 87 - Matt Anderson and animal fram
- Bethesda, Matt Anderson reincarnation and carnation milk --- Z89 Event 19 - Matt Anderson reincarnation .
- Pier Oddone - Z92 - Data 15 - Salvador Dali, Gala, Computer Earth Galapagos PAGE OS/JCL data base Maria with Pier and SYS1 Catalina, Spain catalog
- XXXXXX Farm 77 - joe stack and hay stack ...haykawa language stacks and atomic hatahway shirts
- XXXXXX Farm 76 - fram iron-56 equipment links to year 1924 Leopold and Loeb VIA Archie Loeb metals
- XXXXX Farm 18 - AB blood types and fonts ...... Pabst farms Holstein and Horse reality VS bedroom schemes
- XXXXXX DONE Event 19 - Matt Anderson accuicdental murder and his reincarnation ...Carnation Milk and Bethesda LU dairy farm
- Data 336 - Piitsburg and Route 29
Max Born
- ZZZ-60 Data 457 - Max born ..borneo and orgen distetsive flowchart umpqua college
- Farm 91 - CO2 farm cycle ..... code name ..Osborne .... Borneo
- Event 70 - Grand 16 theater ... Richard Speck ... Born to Raise Hell max Born ...Motel 6 ..james holmes (Borneo and Born to Raise Hell)
- XXXXXX DONE Event 09- Richard Speck optics and Mullins da .. data dairy cones missing Bethesda Fe = Ferrous DATABASE
- Data 671 - max born
- Data 657 - hate crimes
- Mulins eye cones Z89 ... Event 09- Richard Speck optics
- ZZZ-60 Data 457 - Max born ..borneo and orgen distetsive flowchart umpqua college
Maxwell equations --> and Judge Maxwell
- Maxwell explains brain radio wars Z51 Em20 - EM 20 - radio wars bio-radio
- WORK Maxwell explains impedace equations radio head Robert F Kennedy WEbester Page Information for Senate Pages Colin Powell bookstore Columbine ... Emanuel African .. SMALL version Z51 Em20 - EM 20 - radio wars bio-radio
- Next 350 - Maxwell Judge Maxwell motor cycle wojiech Tribeca BEC algorithms Nikola Tesla ..book roots ... polynomila plymerase chain reaction
- XXXXXX Farm 87 - Matt Anderson and animal fram
- XXXX DONE Science 44 - new codes ..brain and new eye cone software WAR ..... Maxwell Demons Demonstrate
- Next 350 - Maxwell Judge Maxwell motor cycle wojiech Tribeca BEC algorithms Nikola Tesla ..book roots ... polynomila plymerase chain reaction
- Data 557 - scotland science Maxwell and scotyard yard brain cells
Ex-NYPD detective gets 2 years in rigged Maxwell trial ......
West Side Highway biker assault ...
Aug 5, 2015 -
State Supreme Court
Judge Maxwell ...... and his EM Field life .... extension agent Judge Maxwell Wiley said revenge, pure and simple, was on Braszczok's mind when he delivered two roundhouse kicks to the SUV. "He did his part to terrorize them and damage property," Wiley said as he sentenced the 34-year-old. After seeing Lien run over Edwin Mieses in his ...
Maxwell optics and diamonds .....
- abc7ny.com/news/former-nypd-detective-gets-2-years-in-west...biker.../904068/
State Supreme Court
Judge Maxwell ...... and his EM Field life .... extension agent Judge Maxwell Wiley said revenge, pure and simple, was on Braszczok's mind when he delivered two roundhouse kicks to the SUV. "He did his part to terrorize them and damage property," Wiley said as he sentenced the 34-year-old. After seeing Lien run over Edwin Mieses in his ... - Maxwell optics and diamonds .....
Mayo Clinic .... mayo & mayonnaise
- Farm 89 - Amish school moleucle education
- XXXXX Food 63 - Stomach G I Joe digestive system food wars
- Food 22 - Mayo sandwich clinc and Bush's baked Beans
- Science 14 - Boyle's law in Boston -with Susan Boyle
- Bethesda, (Good 333) Honey bee , Karen Simek Z51 Milk 02 - Bethesda & Lutheran church attack
Mayor Barrett .. han --> hand hierarchy of words
- Event 06 - Mayor Barret explains Icebergs, North Pole policeman Norberg and the Titanic and the Tsarnaev Boat / Columbus
- Science 64 - Mayor barrett explains probability absorbing barriers
- Next 333 - k-channel korean war Mayor Barrett age 55 Augst (8thmonth) iron 55.8 signal. Police chief jung young bloods , 38th parallel Korea Korzybski and Chicago
- Farm 06 - Pier protein docking, Bethesda dairy farm, Mullins cones
- XXXXXX Farm 71 - Heirachy problem .... massey-Ferguson farm tractor r and Mike Weirhert(z)
- XXX DONE Food 35 - mayor barllett pear and Diane Orachrd apple teacher
- Event 25 - Mayor Barrett and the 8 fold way of the 8th month ...August
- Event 14 - Karen Simek / Stalbaum ... Garden of Eden with Edens expressway EARTH expression VIA Garden Fresh foods
- Event 06 - Mayor Barret explains Icebergs, North Pole policeman Norberg and the Titanic and the Tsarnaev Boat / Columbus
- Science 77 - Mayor Bartlett Pear on Orchard Street withg Diana Orchard murder trial
- Science 64 - Mayor barrett explains probability absorbing barriers
- Science 26 - Mayor Barrett and anthropology wars in Bbaylon
- Science 05 - Philip Morris (PM) math cigarettes Music harm waves attack GermanWings air plane, song Heartbreaker,..... FAA Insight by JDA . Mayor barrier to MIlwaukee region babies/ cocks ..
asolutions.aero/blog/secondary-cockpit-barriers/Mar 21, 2016 - A bill (the Saracini Aviation Safety Act of 2013) instructing the FAA to direct that the airlines (television air waves news people talk oxygen air lines of words out of their mouth ...... news in Milwaukee) airlines install secondary cockpit barriers has been ..... install secondary cockpit barriers ...... the creation of the data generating EVENT in West Alice .
- Data 338 - musics and neurons Donald Trump LINK to Xi space of math topology mirror IX (Ixonia earth land language ...cornfield 1980) .... Chinese (symbolism and representation theory .... Chin mouth food ..official Xi Jin Ping ..IOWA (input /output water molecule continuum and the BLOG ping link to the HG Wells ..... molecule water wells Village of Iping .. I blog ping ..... the Dvorchak family equation ......
Dv ..orcha .. k -->
Dv (apple & pear .. orchard ... thinK ) ..... assigned .... programmable human bio-computer agent ..... school teachers and apples teaching assisstant ........
D orcha -->
Diane orchard Borchardt and her rigged information murder trial in Thomas Jefferson courtroom in Jefferson, Wisconsin
.... Star Trek
(Sun Prairie STAR newspaper and Water100 TREK bicycle company ) and their son..... sun / solar system son --> soil / ground of
Planet Earth .... sonGary --> G ary --> - G = Gravity grammar & ground earth array ..
- Gary -->
Larry (land & light & language array) -->
Maryland--> Land of Lincoln and
Darryl Wilson ... data array Land of the Dary .... Holstein dairy milk cow .....
and milk protein THOUGHT molecules .... thus the set-up of Diane Borchard and her rigged trial NEWS in the Wall Street Journal ..... the COMPUTER EARTH link of ART LINK LETTER and high school varsity sports ..athletic LETTER of their protein BODY thoughts .... attack on the conscious / serious thinking English alphabet WORD definitions used by some INTELLECTUALS --> chin/mouth of the district attorney (Chinese) --> set agent Dvorchak life on a new trajectory in STATE prison .... in the Botany orchard wars with MIlwaukee Mayor Barrett on Orchard Street in West Alice/Allis with Anthony Peters code .....
insect walking ant --> evolution --> honey bee and polli.NATION of apple, pear, peach orchard trees Nature's systems and NATIONs ...... VS
the human poll / survey nonsense nation - Next 333 - k-channel korean war Mayor Barrett age 55 Augst (8thmonth) iron 55.8 signal. Police chief jung young bloods , 38th parallel Korea Korzybski and Chicago
- WORK Data 279 - The quantum Boxer Protocol of 7 September 1901 explained by Erwin Schrodinger and Paul Dirac coffin box proton protocol Mayor Barrett age 55 boxer at the Wiscon.SIN state fair ....
.................................. Sino-Japanese war ............................Milwaukee ca.SINO .....
Imperial Army of China and
the Boxers for 55 days .... B 55 --> Barrett 55.
Mayor Daley .... subset letter code ... May Day
- Event 72 - song lyrics ...Travis Zoellick and others
- Next 376 - clifford lane air plane crash anasazi ..shot dead by French army after killing two people at Marseille ...2017 Las Vegas sin node shooting ..Ricahard speck ...... 1968 convention
- Data 536 - language and paul dirac coffin database Jane Byrne
- Data 227 - CO2 codes Farm CO country at H2O ... pabst farms fortan chicgao lop quad equation
- Data 460 - Ricadrad Wagner and richard daley
- WORK Data 448 - string theory data looms Loomis street battle Carnegie and Daley SR year 1955 iron 55 and -Maggie Daley
Mayor Jane Byrne
Mayor Ron Krueger .......
............ron--> 20 neutrons and 19 electrons
of K = potassium with French word
--> Rue /street ...... his failure to be
.....True german ... ge = geography person
............ron--> 20 neutrons and 19 electrons
of K = potassium with French word
--> Rue /street ...... his failure to be
.....True german ... ge = geography person
- ZZZ-65 Data 267 - Resolution of singularities in Wis.con.sin ... sin zin ..suez function of Zeus Maurice Wilkens Rice Lake Mau Mau
- Farm 11 - Ground code ,, ouch / pain ...Groucho Marx and the Earth BLACK soil pain at Blacksburg Virginia
- XXXXX Farm 90 - MIckey mantle earth .
- Food 64- rice wars and weddng rice
- Event 03 - Sandy Hook shooting John T Scopes
- WORK Data 325 - Anwar sadat , Vsam California,... maurice wilkens ... Vietnam rice fiekls ... vang rice lake .... dirac matrices
McCaskey .... Chicago football and caskets
- Farm 68 - the Botany ROSE flower ..Rosen-Einstein communications bridge
- Data 615 - ray tensingg cincinnatin injection of data ..Open Casket ....open data set ....
Scotch whiskey cask (LINK to the DEAD databases of Maxwell EM systems or Carnegie iron/ magnetic sytems )
IrIsh whiskey cask (Link Iris/eyes/optical software of Irish eyes of DuBlin .. of the HinDu double blind arrogant idiots ....
Nature's statistical experiment ) or the
Samuel BARCLAY Beckett Irish novelist
whiskey BLEND of words/concepts known as Barclays Blended Scotch Whisky
McCormick place chicago
- Food 84 - Miller Auto parts ..integration and haus dorf space Marble quarry quantum array .supreme court and its vermont marble quarry and Conrad Hilton chicago Rocky Balboa and Balboa ..boa snake .. IBM SNAKE ..McCormick
McCoy ..... Dr. McCoy & Coyote ART Fair ..blood software manipulation
sc = schemes ..
sc = school arrogance
sc = sub-conscious TEACHER errors approved
McVeigh(t) .... rigged TRIAL and eexecution
McVeigh(t) = 8
sc = schemes ..
sc = school arrogance
sc = sub-conscious TEACHER errors approved
McVeigh(t) .... rigged TRIAL and eexecution
McVeigh(t) = 8
McDonald's Arches ... binomial probability distrbution
Bell-shaped curve ..
Liberty Bell ..... Benjamin Franklin
McDonald's 2 archs .... probability distribution
Bell-shaped curve ..
Liberty Bell ..... Benjamin Franklin
McDonald's 2 archs .... probability distribution
- Next 371 - Darwin ... Hematolguy blood, Powatomic Casino Potassium route to Bethesda BET casino at highway 19 K , McDonal's ARCHES binomial probability ,parallel Perdenicular, data pipelines, Hamlin sensors, Iron Mountain i/o port, 7-11 stores, magentic field, sept 11 manifolds battle Tanzania embassy
- Food 02 - digestive system mcdonald arches
McDonald's corps .... of humans with
brain dead corpse ... corporation ..... Head/ skull /
Carl Jung collective Mind move to the
3-stooges world of harpoons and attacks .....
brain dead corpse ... corporation ..... Head/ skull /
Carl Jung collective Mind move to the
3-stooges world of harpoons and attacks .....
Harpo Productions is a U.S.-based multimedia production company founded by Oprah Winfrey ... The site would be home to the new global headquarters of McDonald's. The land where the production studio formerly sat once housed the 2nd ...
Meat .... Meathead and Archie Bunker
Human MEAT packing house ....
the slaughter house wars VS real estate
SLA laughter .... Bedroom joke industry .... with
human vagina / VULCAN breeder reactor methods
the slaughter house wars VS real estate
SLA laughter .... Bedroom joke industry .... with
human vagina / VULCAN breeder reactor methods
with Dr.Spock ... Star Trek baby doctor trick of
Benjamin Spock families
Benjamin Spock families
There are mass casualties after a shooting at Pulse nightclub in Orlando. ... wolf” gunman opened fire while more than 300 people were packed
fire while more than 300 people were packed- WORK Data 204 - organic chemistry, Hans Solo, and pulse nightclub omar mateen 29 copper military electrons on June 12 (120 volts code) atoms Hans Solo and Lando Calrissan .... Orlando shooting age 29 electron Omar Mir Seddique Mateen ... Omar Mirror que ..guebec BEC
- Data 474 - meathead archie bunker
Mechanic battle Jake Gerard ..
Key G gravity and music note G
Key G gravity and music note G
Medicare Part A and B ... blood types A & B bio-math
parts ...
.........calculus integration by parts at
Miller auto parts in Watertown Wisconsin with
year 1957 at Central Nervous System RD site
at Central High School and
...Tom M Apostol Calculus textbook
,,,TOM Map post tol ...........
..atomic map
EM-field post office of EM = Emily Post year 1922
book on human brain business SIN waves brain of the
st.EM electro-magnetic field social behavior
IBM os/jcl for systems 370 and human
bio-computer system....37.0 Celsius degrees
temperature +
nuc.LEO.tides of Leo Tolstoy and the Solar System language link to Tolstoy South Dakota with
Emma Trefz who married Rolli Groth .....
EM-field map + Botany tree + F(z) .....
to Rolli( and Hilmer) Groth .....
Ground Thoughts and rolling hills and valleys of
EM field waves and earth geography land
rolling hills and valleys
parts ...
.........calculus integration by parts at
Miller auto parts in Watertown Wisconsin with
year 1957 at Central Nervous System RD site
at Central High School and
...Tom M Apostol Calculus textbook
,,,TOM Map post tol ...........
..atomic map
EM-field post office of EM = Emily Post year 1922
book on human brain business SIN waves brain of the
st.EM electro-magnetic field social behavior
IBM os/jcl for systems 370 and human
bio-computer system....37.0 Celsius degrees
temperature +
nuc.LEO.tides of Leo Tolstoy and the Solar System language link to Tolstoy South Dakota with
Emma Trefz who married Rolli Groth .....
EM-field map + Botany tree + F(z) .....
to Rolli( and Hilmer) Groth .....
Ground Thoughts and rolling hills and valleys of
EM field waves and earth geography land
rolling hills and valleys
Medgar Evers
Mendel ..genetics to MEND the Amendments
Mendeleev .. Dmitri Mendeleev .... atom society to
Mend / fix the Amendments & BS problem
Mend / fix the Amendments & BS problem
- ZZZ-65 Data 223 - Protein machine wars,,,, beef protein machine electron volt arguments symbolized by evita peron argetina ..... Salvador Dalí - Dmitry Mendeleev – string theory Multi-Threaded Application vs. Single Threaded Application
- ZZZ-65 Data 240 - Solar system governemtn, of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn .... Russia , evans , carmen ortis, Dmitri Mendeleev , san bernadino, carl saga earth orbits peru columbia atomic columns, sp orbitals,
- In the East Coast --> Milwaukee --> Sarasota data generating path
--> Jack Kahn, SR and JR ....
people convergence site / society DATA shop (luxury resort)
you will find jewelry (the Kahn family ... Russian Jewish heritage and
their grandfathers textile language fortune ,
a large variety of cards
(the Scarsdale New York Mend family code for Dmitri Mendelevee periodic table dimensions of atomic expression, thoughts, and feelings
and Mendel's genetics LINK to
Nelson Mandel SOUTH AFRICA earth electron soil/ ground and underground printed circuits that resurface by the EARTH Wisconsin Dells geological layers of atomic rock
(Nature's printed circuit board layers of human society at the summer people site)with nearby University of Wisconsin bio-chemistry ....
secret intellectual supremacy society with EARTH LAB specimen
named David Nelson
(in the university communications ..THOUGHT CONTROL prison camp), Russian nesting dolls,music,candles,incense, and Paul Dirac ..ac ... quantum accessories .....
to name just a few.
Menstruation -->
- Data 287 ... blood pam dirac anderson n integration
- Data 229 - columbus and ferrous oxde ferdidnand queen Is
- Menstruation Z90 Science 38 - Boston 26 mile race Iron 26 blood menstruation DEMO and Watertown 20 BLOCK area a
- Menstruation - Z90 Science 71 - Iron-54 death of Marilyn Reese Sheppard
- Menstruation Z73 Iron 38 and iron 27 - Sam hengel Iron-54 menstruation blood DEMO
- Z57 Data 502- sam hengel tropu 1054 ..iron-54 and 28 neutron menstruation
- DNA 63 - iron nails and blood iron jesus code Sept 11, 2001
- Farm 52 - Karen Simek, iron-54 Kindergarten, Bethesda and basic DOWN to EARTH education
- Z57 Data 502- sam hengel tropu 1054 ..iron-54 and 28 neutron menstruation
- ZZZ-65 Data 228 - The GM product from Earth iron core communication / expression site .... iron Highway 26 a janesville and jane wilde hawking ford mexico columbus 1492 hemoglobin menstruation dublin double blind
- ZZZ-65 Data 206 valence at cole hall , valentine day, IRON LADY, menstruation electron density are you dense question,? magnetic tape density
- XXXXXX DONE Science 71 - Iron-54 death of Marilyn Reese Sheppard
- Event 12 - Star Wars ..Obi-wan-kenobi --. attack nairobi Kenya and wan -- Rwanada and Jermemy wand ......
Nguyen Cao Ky | South Vietnamese leader of Ky-jelly .......
pussy lubrication leader as explained by
Penis gonads --> Pen gon .... Pentagon thinkersand Washington DC BEDROOM pregnancy .....
political science ... arrogance ERRORS - XXXX DONE Science 38 - Boston 26 mile race Iron 26 blood menstruation DEMO and Watertown 20 BLOCK area
- WORK Data 383 - Janet Reno IRON-54 menstruation 28 neutron war on Feb 28
- Next 333 - k-channel korean war Mayor Barrett age 55 Augst (8thmonth) iron 55.8 signal. Police chief jung young bloods , 38th parallel Korea Korzybski and Chicago
- Data 684 - joe tiller
- Data 618 - heavy flow wings battle at 2-leggs ,,,2-towers
- Specialists OB/GYNSpecialists OB/GYNSpecialists OB --> Obi-Wan Kenobi
Mental region (chin)
- XXXXX Food 44 - Van Gogh ear .. ..earth
- Sciience 92 - Catholic church carbon atoms
- Science 90 - Mental WORD codes
- Science 15 - mouth and mental region ... chin claims
Mesabi and iron metal flow
- Science 07 - Music ..Irving Berlin attacks Berlin ... string theory music
- Data 618 - heavy flow wings battle at 2-leggs ,,,2-towers
- WORK Data 435 - columbus year 1492 uranium 92 assassination of ARCH DUKE Ferrous iron atomic metal representative Ferdinand in 1914 ....18-year-old student named Gavrilo Princip Mother Road route 66 Gravity/ Gabby
- Diamond Reynolds Z79 03 Diamond Reynolds 03 - Hindu cate system philado and diamond reyonls
Mesopotamia .......
Malignant Mesothelioma &
rigged laws on asbestos with BEST BUY brain electron THOUGHT circuits for lawyers and their
and overflow IDIOT baby leg ..legal violations
rigged laws on asbestos with BEST BUY brain electron THOUGHT circuits for lawyers and their
and overflow IDIOT baby leg ..legal violations
Messenger RNA
- XXXXX Event 05 - Bataclan battle for control of Bstavia Illinios region
- Science 17 - Watrertown mass boat to loongboat key and watertown wisconsin
- Science 02 - Gay LussacLAW, Charles law, Boston CP SNOW storm, infrared, thermodynamics
- ZZZ-65 Data 240 - Solar system governemtn, of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn .... Russia , evans , carmen ortis, Dmitri Mendeleev , san bernadino, carl saga earth orbits peru columbia atomic columns, sp orbitals,
- Farm 93 - corn and jim dell
- Computer bug ..
Gregor Samsa traveling software
Human computer bug ---> Humbug
Methane & 4-H Club
- Data 344 - schniit triggers wisconsin dairy code word --> Pipestone County 4-H leaders
--> pipe & 4-H --> data pipelines and methane / natural gas
Mexico prison escape
Nikola Tesla's Earthquake Machine
Aug 23, 2010 - Vibrations that
were detectable 100 feet away were produced,
Nikola Tesla's Earthquake Machine
| Alan's Mysterious World
were detectable 100 feet away were produced,
June 15, 1896 ..... (June 15 18)
The Battle of Waterloo was fought on
Sunday, 18 June 1815 (June 18 15)
near Waterloo in Belgium, part of the United Kingdom of the Netherlands ......
ether lands ... ether physics .... ether communications signals over 80 years apart
Vibrations that
were detectable 100 feet away .....
.....red/read red ...B100D cell detectors
- ZZZ59 - Data 663 - echo catch the echo lech walesa solids dirac ultra cold atoms ... Wojciech Braszczok, poles shoes ..greek atomic stone columns Doric I/o ionic parthenon integration by parts living-stone mexico escape
- XXXXXX DONE Science 78 - FermiLAB and Lev Landau layers of atomic land s-orbital soil
- Science 42 - new events .... numeric Schmidt inverter DIP-14 Diplomat
- ZZZ59 - Data 663 - echo catch the echo lech walesa solids dirac ultra cold atoms ... Wojciech Braszczok, poles shoes ..greek atomic stone columns Doric I/o ionic parthenon integration by parts living-stone mexico escape
- Route 29 Soil Z90 -- Science 78 - FermiLAB and Lev Landau layers of atomic land s-orbital soil
- A black hole is therefore bounded by a well-defined surface or edge known as the “event horizon”, within which nothing can be seen and nothing can escape, because the necessary escape velocity would equal or exceed the speed of light (a physical impossibility). |because the necessary escape velocityBECause the necessary escape .......city
BEC & Cause and Effect ......29 escape Mexico Prison
...........................................................................copper VIA a EARTH soil /ground
....... vertical black hole and a
........ horizontal 120 foot tunnel (120 volts AC ,,,
quantum LINK to Paul DirAC at Roselawn Cemetery FSU
Tallahassee ...............ul.......AC --> Underwriter Labs explains the Underground Language labs of Nikola Tesla earth vibrations - WORK Data 291 - Music..step to thhe edge floor 32 mandalay hotel event horizon
- WORK Data 284 - July 29 death of Quadracci. Cudahy / SiKH Temple brain waves r
Mia Farrow and Farady arrows/vectors
Michael Brown
- WORK Data 630 - brownian motion wilson halll michael brown (292 pounds) --> pointer to 2 occurrances of 92 uranium
- Event 57 - coffee equation ... Dan Brown and atomic Michael Brown ..John's Brown body
- WORK Beer Summit (size ) Z74 - Science 804 z44 group 122 beer summit .... Henry Logic Gates ..... inverness crow ...Benjamin Netanyahu -...... Carmen Ortiz ..... Michael Brown . Canfield Drive -.... Canfield Drive in Massey - Ferguson ...farm accidents, farmer heart attacks,...... Travis Zoellick, Haroon Khan .... Bush Differential Analyzer...... Umpqua college Iraqi forces enter Mosul University
- Next 305 - michael brown age 18 fermilab longboat key omha Nairobi Obi wan Ken obi
- XXXX DONE Food 17 - Warren Buffet explains the BIG MAC macro molecule PROTEIN platform upon which exist human protein machines
- Event 57 - coffee equation ... Dan Brown and atomic Michael Brown ..John's Brown body+
- XXXXXX Event 21 - Michael Brown protens
- Science 02 - Gay LussacLAW, Charles law, Boston CP SNOW storm, infrared, thermodynamics
- Data 343 - mole avodarodr News -
- Next 305 - michael brown age 18 fermilab longboat key omha Nairobi Obi wan Ken obi
- WORK Data 630 - brownian motion wilson halll michael brown (292 pounds) --> pointer to 2 occurrances of 92 uranium
- Data 609 - wilson meats and willson hall penis meas
Michaels quarry (quantum array message output site
underground SECRET languages that control surface thoughts ...
SECRET languages intercepted by
quantum language EARTH surface agents near
atomic I/O port at Portland Wisconsin
Michelle Obama (agent for Mother Goose) to visit water in Watertown, Wisconsin school to promote water ..
Mrs. water bags and getting Goosed by her husband's penis
and Fall River grain seed (seed Fallopian tubes)
with Beaver Dam (pussy beaver direct access method)
Mickey Mantle -->
- ickey Mantle Z73 ron 13 - Geology iron core MODELS ... Dante Inferno and Mickey Mantle and Jules verne
- Food 84 - Miller Auto parts ..integration and haus dorf space Marble quarry quantum array sort sugar molecule Hausfrau ....statue of frau haudorff space and internal endorphins ...mickey mantle
- Farm 67 - farm alnd wars ...Lando Calrissian and the soil caste system
- XXXXX Farm 90 - MIckey mantle earth
Microbes .. microbiology ..... rob code
..... Fort Hood Microbe leader Robe Gates
..... Fort Hood Microbe leader Robe Gates
- Science 108 - Earth LAB .... Catholic church microbes /robes
- XXXXXX DONE Event 09- Richard Speck optics and Mullins da .. data dairy cones missing Bethesda Fe = Ferrous DATABASE ....
- Data 314 - I love lucy sikh temple em emmet
- Mulins eye cones Z89 ... Event 09- Richard Speck optics
- .Data 559 - mictrobes penathe
- WORK Data 470 - beekeeeping and blog ping ..Beaver Dam and microbes /judicial robes
Midsummer Nights Dream
- XXXXX Food 08 - President's kitchen cabinet
- Next 333 - k-channel korean war Mayor Barrett age 55 Augst (8thmonth) iron 55.8 signal. Police chief jung young bloods , 38th parallel Korea Korzybski and Chicago
- Data 231 - franz kafka literature mid summer night dream Hannah Graham john locke door
Mies van der Rohe of Chicago
Ludwig Mies van der Rohe (1886-1969), a German-born architect and educator, is widely acknowledged as one of the 20th century's greatest architects.
Mike Ditka .....
...BanDIT ..... Bandwidth criminal bandits
working at TV and Radio stations
Mike Ditka | Pro Football Hall of Fame Official Site
atoMic ..... Proton Football VIA humanoid action figures-
Military .... Nature's botany military
.............pistil weapon --> pistol --> Tol --> Tolstoy
.............pistil weapon --> pistol --> Tol --> Tolstoy
- Farm 78 - Black soil and shoot system ..Botany shoots
- Farm 46 - Botany, Photon mapping, and soil black hole for seeds Emma Trefz and Tolstoy ..Botany pistil,,,pistol
- Farm 42 - Botany germination battle at German night club
- Farm 29- earth evergreen tree wars
- Farm 22 - Virginia Tech photosynthesisX
- Farm 15 - tree bud
- Farm 02 - botany plant shoot system & black soil ... Shirley Temple Zeroes and Poles
- XXXXXXX Farm 63 - corn field wars
- XXXXX Farm 23 - Botany shoots military actions
- Food 80 - vietnam rice and emmet till
- Event 77 - Hawking Black Hole discovered at BP site in Gulf of Mexico
Milk protein COW
.... Italian cheese protein FOOD platform upon
which Italian humans live upon ...
Italy ..... Born Luigina Lollobrigida in Subiaco, Italy
,she is one of four daughters of a
furniture manufacturer .....
hairs .... (Nature's fur ... furniture manufacture)
dairy cow hairs and leather --> her .. herd -->
dairy cow extension-->
Italian leather furniture for the Carl Jung
..... Italian .... Subiaco, Italy .... atomic/ molecular Galileo ...
Orbital ..........sub-conscious collective group mind
explained by .........
Milko Skofic
Milk oS --> IBM Os/jcl system 370 .......
Nature's MILK main frame (Protein Machine) with
humans using system 370 at
body temperature ...... 37.0 Celsius
.... Italian cheese protein FOOD platform upon
which Italian humans live upon ...
Italy ..... Born Luigina Lollobrigida in Subiaco, Italy
,she is one of four daughters of a
furniture manufacturer .....
hairs .... (Nature's fur ... furniture manufacture)
dairy cow hairs and leather --> her .. herd -->
dairy cow extension-->
Italian leather furniture for the Carl Jung
..... Italian .... Subiaco, Italy .... atomic/ molecular Galileo ...
Orbital ..........sub-conscious collective group mind
explained by .........
Years active: 1946–1997
Spouse(s): Milko Skofic (1949–71; divorced)
Children: Andrea Milko Skofic
Milko Skofic
Milk oS --> IBM Os/jcl system 370 .......
Nature's MILK main frame (Protein Machine) with
humans using system 370 at
body temperature ...... 37.0 Celsius
milk ..... parallel
code --> ment by paramilitary --> mental states
by parallel mil (milk Protein molecule )
military ( Nature's military molecules)
by parallel mil (milk Protein molecule )
military ( Nature's military molecules)
Milk wars ..
Milk ...mil ..Militia ... Rembrandt ..Night Watch
Milk dump ....
Milk Snatcher
Milk Snatcher
Milk Snatcher ..... and Snake Key A'strike code name ........ West Road & Highway A ....
Hillmer and Rolli Groth ice cream and proteins
Milk ...mil ..Militia ... Rembrandt ..Night Watch
Milk dump ....
Milk Snatcher
Milk Snatcher
Milk Snatcher ..... and Snake Key A'strike code name ........ West Road & Highway A ....
Hillmer and Rolli Groth ice cream and proteins
- XXXX DONE Food 24 - Ray Kroc ...K ROC ..... and Region of Convergence of the Big Mac
- Bethesda Z 51 amish amino wars Milk 14 - Milk proteins platform war Bethesda
- XXXXXX Food 19 - Bethesda LU Homes demo of the Flushing ... 1964 World's Fair dump analysis with Governor Scott toilet Paper TREE of Knowledge
- Data 440 - Battle of Blood at Watert100 wisconsin and cozy d Mcneal
Idi Amin - Military Leader,
- Food 02 - digestive system mcdonald arches
archives.chicagotribune.com/1964/.../pabst-farm-to-auction-holstein-her...The world famous herd of.
Pabst Holstein cow (Phc education level) cattle
..abstract processors for Schopenhauer WORLD/ EARTH is WILLl/ effort/ determination ....
will/dertermination/effort of Intellectual molecules be auctioned Monday at so human pussy heads and PhD social economic professors move up in the world of cowards with MOO MOO Moot court per George Orwell Animal Farm book on milk PROTEIN MACHINESOctober 10, 1964 - PABST FARM / Nature's systems
October 10, 1964 - P ABST FARM ..base 16 by highway 16
October 10, 1964 - Processor ...... ABSTRACT algbera FARM
- WORK Data 332 - Blood 38th parallel fermilab defect software Holstein
- Mullins - Z92 Data 45 - ice-berg models with milk THOUGHT protein probes VIA ice-cream cones and optics
Milwaukee & G.B. Lewis ...wis .. wisconsin
.... bee-keeping ...Alice & Lewis Carroll and
April, May orchards / polli.NATION
..........Mayor Barrett (Bartlett Pear) visits West
Alice/Allis .... Orchard Street meeting with
bee-keeping agent HON --> Honey .... agent ...
social anthropology..... Ant.Hony Peters .....
Botany pair pear trial with Hon --> Honorable Judge and the EARTH government ......
BOTANY cotton plant ........
Double-Helix living language code .... Anthony
Anthony J. Peters, 20, his arraignment Sept. 14, said
Anthony D. Cotton, Peters' attorney.
As many as three doctors .....
specializing in 3-D data generating signaling events ....
doctors will evaluate Peters after he enters his
plea, attorney Cotton said.
Cotton said .... Peters --> CP .
In particle physics, CP violation is a violation of CP-symmetry ): the combination of C-symmetry ..... types of fundamental interactions. Because of the CPT symmetry, a violation of the CP-symmetry is equivalent to a violation of the T symmetry.
Cotton said .... Peters was a
victim of the
.... time wars (T) of Max Planck Interstate TIME Highway I-43
victim of the
.... time wars (T) of Max Planck Interstate TIME Highway I-43
with I = Integer 10 and exponent -43 ---> giving CLUE --> CPT
Aug 9, 2000 - Charge, Parity, and Time Reversal (CPT) Symmetry .... If CPT symmetry is to be preserved, the CP violation must be compensated by a violation
As many as three doctors .....
specializing in 3-D data generating signaling events ....
doctors will evaluate Peters after he enters his
plea, attorney Cotton said ... in the context of
A luxurious must have. This fine 100% Egyptian cotton dress shirt by Joseph Abboud is a wardrobe basic, with a flattering solid hue, woven herringbone pattern, ...
molecular space .....
mo ... Cotton ....... Premium Dress Shirt
molecular space .....
mo ... Cotton ....... Premium Dress Shirt
movies ...otto Ludwig Premi --> Preminger
by Joseph Abboud is a wardrobe basic,
by Joseph Abboud is a wardrobe basic,
by Joseph Abboud is a war robe basic (basic judical robe CLUES) ,
with a flattering solid hue, woven herringbone pattern, ...
with a flattering solid hue, woven herringbone pattern, ...
Battle of Huế explained by optical software Judge Hue
and Jenkins time series .... spectral analysis
The Battle of Huế – also called the Siege of Huế – was one of the longest and bloodiest battles of the Vietnam War. Between 30 January and 3 March 1968, .
Milwaukee ..... Milos ... Mil + Os/jcl
bio-computer software program ....
Slobodan Milošević ...... BH wars / Norberg
...... BH wars repeat themselves in the
.. Mil --> Milk protein Machine wars +
Mill .....grain mills of wheat flour and oats oath
Millennium falcon equation
Carnation milk ...... car NATION milk relationship ....
Hilmer Groth iron car/truck/ vehicle with 4 wheels
hauls dairy cow milk produced by the Holstein mlk cow
with 4 wheels /legs/hoofs
- Event 23 - Lando and Philando
- XXXXXX DONE Event 19 - Matt Anderson accuicdental murder and his reincarnation ...Carnation Milk and Bethesda LU dairy farm
- Data Z57 - milk dump , che Gueverra, and Cuds ,
Milky Way candy bar
Millennium Falcon
Miller Auto Parts
- Food 84 - Miller Auto parts ..integration and haus dorf space Marble quarry quantum array
Miller Auto Parts
Miller Auto Parts
The Disintegration of (atomic stone,lumber, glass buildings that accumulate data /Ideas for residents or customers)
The Disintegration of the Persistence of Memory, 1954 by Salvador Dali
The Disintegration of Miller Auto Parts building /business
The Disintegration of Bethesda Lutheran Home/ Tetz farms
The Disintegration of Mullins Dairy ice cream cones ... optic cone wars
The Disintegration of
The Disintegration of Watertown (H20) = 18 Daily Times
The Disintegration of
The Disintegration of
The Disintegration of
Miller Auto Parts ... Nature's EARTH system site for .....
integration by parts
(of various concepts and human information databases VIAhuman bio-optical-computers and
human protein self-educated INTELLECTUAL muscle)
The Disintegration of brain STEMS at Lincoln elementary school
by the Wisconsin .....
........................ sin wave EM field ... .......STEM attack policyThe Disintegration of the Persistence of Memory, 1954 by Salvador Dali
Milwaukee &
Milwaukee Road railroad train
Milwaukee Road railroad train
- Science Z70 - Jim Dell, Conde SD , Wisconsin Dells earth language Polish codes BMO -Harris Bank
- Farm 70 - Tamir Rice mirror codes .... Milwaukee I-43 gun battle of 143 neutrons
- GOOD WORK Data 260 - - NEuroN Rail Pass ..... molecular railroads ,,,, inside the brain Euro Rail Pass Port Richmond ...Life Lock DEMO of locked germanwings cocpit doors ....football pas John Dos Pass Passos ..... Pablo Pass Picasso
Mind Switch newspaper article
& TV station 58 switch crap
& TV station 58 switch crap
Mind has no firewall ..parameters
Mindoro farmers uproot Bt Corn plantation and the
DeKalb corn battle at NIL University in DeKalb
Mindoro farmers uproot Bt Corn plantation and the
DeKalb corn battle at NIL University in DeKalb
- Science 66 - Pentagon Parameters magazine approved attack at Cole Hall
MOTOR NEURON ordered Bombing
- Science 02 - Gay LussacLAW, Charles law, Boston CP SNOW storm, infrared, thermodynamics
- WORK Data 364 - Ice-skate Frued brain radio Orson well 1938 neurotransmitter
- Data 361 - Grateful Dead muisc ...DeKalb and Boston
- Z50 - Wisconsin supreme court insert
- GOOD Next 356 - webster new york ..brain burnout . daninel parameter parameters.. gene autry movies sam hegel
- Data 688 - osama computer
- WORK Data 682 - Newspaper editorial news on electron orbitals ..Z-axis nation Bt-Corn Thought control GMO Corn The Joe Rosen ....... Einstein Rosen bridge .. Iwo Jima - Feb 19, 1945 Surrealism, beyond Dalí code words --> 100 pound pole rose ...... BT Corn Mind/brain farms and the Harvest of
the minds (and assets VIA death ) of ....
..... MI bank region of Wisconsin
Herb Johnson and
Karl Zinser
Mindoro farmers uproot Bt Corn plantationBT corn ( BTC ...MRS. BITCH systems that destroyed Bethesha Lutheran Home and ST. Coletta's Holstein dairy farm systems farm systems)
BT corn ( BTCo) ......
BitCoin financial systems of atomic
orBIT (data bits) in coffin (DATABASES)BT CORN ...atomic corn orbitals .....
: IS treason WORTH THE RISK? | SCQhttps://www.scq.ubc.ca/bt-corn-is-it-worth-the-risk/
May 30, 2006 - Bt corn,
a genetically modified organism (GMO),
has been both the poster-child and thorn-in-the-side of the plant biotechnology industry from the late 1990's to present. There are several versions of this transgenic crop that each have a gene from an insect pathogen,Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt), which ...Orion Magazine | The Monarch and the Bt Corn Controversy
https://orionmagazine.org › Articles › Feature
- Orson Welles 1938 VS STEM educationNearly 38 million Kidde brain fire signal
Mir Seddique, Omar Mateen's Father: 5 Fast Facts
Mirror......queue BEC ............................5th state of expression
Mirror......queue BEC ............................5th state of expression
- ZZZ-65 Data 294 - tamir rice song ... look into mirror ..song..survival in the city
- WORK Chemistry Wade - Z51 EM 05 - chemistry ordered attack Wade Michael Page Signal Recognition Particle: ...Jamie Kirk (Hahn) ..... cosine agents Cossacks ... Roelli cheese Roe vs. Wade ...... Hausdorff space .... IBM z Enterprise System ..... janesville Jakubowski Bethesda Lutheran ... Wells Fargo ... DNA start codons AUG ..... MINDDRO Wisconsin acquaculture Lahey – Floating point numbers ...... Mother-In-Law Behaviors …….heroIn Law Behaviors ..emily dickerson casino fight ho-chunck emily post octagon house
- WORK Data 477 - motorcycle wojciech .... echo/ mirror subroutine driver BEC .... Tribe of BEC (TriBECa) Zbigbiew Brzezinski
- Farm 68 - the Botany ROSE flower ..Rosen-Einstein communications bridge ..Rose Kennedy Boston eye/iris IRISH lace...laplace function mirror
- Food 83 - Mylan Labs and Sherlock homes offensive in Homs Syria
- XXXXX Food 76 - keebler crackers
- Event 87 - Mark Totzke explains mirror axis
- Evemt 79 - Tamir Rice
- Event 72 - song lyrics ...Travis Zoellick and others Hotel California song lyric Mirrors
- WORK Data 430 - soc south carilna Okene in Nigeria's central Kogi State. ..oscillscope of oshkosh six day war .... author homas Gifford homas ---> Homs ...... 1967 Arab–Israeli War, ...... six Syrian MiG carbon 6 plane fighters. ..
- Event 65 - murder of Joe Stack ..erase 20 (amino acids ) ..Aish School and Sandy Hook
- WORK Data 646 - rene margritte I-35W Bridge ... bridge/lion ....Walter Palmer cecil lion .... Palmer House art institute chicago lions
- Data 611 - syracuse syria and town of genesee
- WORK Data 566 - Homs, Syria and sherlock holmes super= sysmmetry wars with real eatate bedroom homes
- ZZZ-65 Data 294 - tamir rice song ... look into mirror ..song..survival in the city
- ZZZ-65 Data 294 - tamir rice song ... look into mirror ..song..survival in the city ....city cu -->
Cu = Cudell Recreation Center, Cleveland,
Cu = Cuyahoga County, Ohio, United States ...
Mirror to Cu = copper and
mirror to cud .... dairy cow chewing cud / milk protein
and hamburger protein WARS with Cuyahoga County...
..........................................hog /pig county ...... human pigs
per Nature's system view
Missouri SyNOD ..... MIS system node
Mississippi Nuns
MIT university and
Mitochondria collider ... Sean Collier
MIT university and
Mitochondria collider ... Sean Collier
- Science 13 - Cicero Ill crypt / coffin of Cataline Garcia opens the Salvador Dali data set of Catalina Spain
- WORK Data 385 - Janet reno - Waxahachie Superconducting ... Super Collider AND MIT Sean A Collier
- ZZZ-65 Data 241 - Periodic table ordered Waxahachie, ... mit shooting of sean collier, super colider , janet reno elctric chairs and Sparks, anwar sadat, grateful dead evan field house Boston eveans track and field
Molecule ..... Mo .... Mohammed
Money /cash .earth systems
Kyber Pass & Kashmir (money cash / mirror)
- Data 461 - phospahe hate
Assassination of Robert F. Kennedy in the sodium chloride SALT molecule TREATY violations
- Maxwell explains brain radio wars Z51 Em20 - EM 20 - radio wars bio-radio
- XXXXXX Farm 27 - the Emma Trefz ..Fez farm function
- XXXXX Food 76 - keebler crackers
- XXXXX Food 63 - Stomach G I Joe digestive system food wars ..HN molecule
- Food 32 - ham sandwich .. molecule printed circuit layers
- Food 20 - IBM bAL and the BIG MAC macro with Ray KROC --> ROC
- Food 01 - sugar molecule, Lemonade,and lemonade axiom of Choice (molecule collective)
- Event 70 - Grand 16 theater ... Richard Speck ... Born to Raise Hell max Born ...Motel 6 ..james holmes Motel 6 molecule telephone
- Event 69 - John Galt, Zinjan, Jawaharial Nehru, wedding ring plus tail of retail store equals ring-tailed monkey ... amino acid Molecule telescope
- Event 60 - Star Trek ... Vulcan wars 9600 block of W. Goodrich Ave. and Watertown rubber TIRE Fire
- Event 06 - Mayor Barret explains Icebergs, North Pole policeman Norberg and the Titanic and the Tsarnaev Boat / Columbus .....
TsaTNAev brings UP information from the molecular levels 18 to the EARTH surface .,,,visible display level ….. explicit proper noun … Watertown Massachusetts ….. code mass ..watertown molecule mass and information about the Titanic on code Map Riddle 18
………………………………ap ri ….l 18TsaTNAev Water codes – Apr 19, 2013
- Science 50 - news optic signal code Sawiris code moHam
Molecular cell biology battles
......... Amrish Puri as Mola Ram (molecular rampage):
p75 regulates Purkinje cell firing by modulating SK channel ... - NCBI
Molecular neuroscience battle -
Microbe casualty
......robe ....Robert Kennedy and judicial robes
Sikh temple shooting
Sikh temple shooting ..Temple of DOOM
......... Amrish Puri as Mola Ram (molecular rampage):
........ A Thuggee priest who performs rituals of human sacrifices
......... Amrish Puri
......... Amrish Puri
......... Amrish Puri..... Purkinje cell firing by modulating SK channe
Sikh temple shooting
Sikh temple shooting
Sikh temple shooting .... purge cell firing
p75 regulates Purkinje cell firing by modulating SK channel ... - NCBI

by J Tian - 2014 - Cited by 4 - Related articles
Sep 24, 2014 - p75 regulates Purkinje cell firing by modulating SK channel activity Microbe casualty
......robe ....Robert Kennedy and judicial robes
Moment generating function (William Feller &
Wi = Wisconsin Chancellor John Wiley)
Wi = Wisconsin Chancellor John Wiley)
Mark Totzke ...... “The ride home from Seattle was
the driving moment"
the driving moment"
Money /cash .earth systems
Kyber Pass & Kashmir (money cash / mirror)
Monica Lewinsky
- Farm new post 100 - plow and earth rotation Zvi and gavin Long
- XXXXX Farm 90 - MIckey mantle earth ..Sky & Telescope and Karl G. Jansky .... Karl Z. & Jan S. Hubbleton
- Food 87 - Z44 Group 122 TACO Bell and chocollate
- Science 18 - harmonic oscillator explained by Monica Lewinsky
- Data 363 - Boston Justice department brain waves comair ky jelly
- Data 518 - c p snow and edward snow
- Data 444 - monica sky and ionsphere and worrmghole dotrac ..bethesda earth federal governemnt
Monkey trial ..... human female Ring-tailed monkey
Monkey Temple .... Galtaji
Monkey Temple .... Galtaji
Monticello .... Mo cell --> Molecular cell biology
..........cello musics and signals with
Sandro Botticelli
Montgomery Wards ...
retail department store chain as
a Darwin synthetic amino acid/protein CHAIN (composed of locations, buildings, people,
merchandise languages of cotton patterns
and shoe style LEA.ther and its LEA.DERship.
the English language,etc )
that becomes
Carl Jung atomic/molecular collective GROUP MIND
that collects data from thousands of
human data carriers that enter the
store collective SITE
..........cello musics and signals with
Sandro Botticelli
Montgomery Wards ...
retail department store chain as
a Darwin synthetic amino acid/protein CHAIN (composed of locations, buildings, people,
merchandise languages of cotton patterns
and shoe style LEA.ther and its LEA.DERship.
the English language,etc )
that becomes
Carl Jung atomic/molecular collective GROUP MIND
that collects data from thousands of
human data carriers that enter the
store collective SITE
Morgan Roof
- WORK Data 464 - Paul DirAC .. AC florida ... atomic col families & agent Morgan Roof VS morgan Stanley brokerage and A.C. Flora High School in Columbia
- Data 418 - cher music explains tacher error chernoylbl
Morton Salt
Freddie Mac is a government-owned corporation that buys mortgages and packages them into mortgage-backed securities.....
- Freddie (BIG) Mac hamburger is
Nature's protein government-owned corporation that buys mortgages and Mort (Morton salt) packages and Salt treaty packaged deals of
sodium chloride (Na Cl) with the Demo / Democratic party .... North america Clinton family with stomach HCL agent Hillary CL Clinton them into mortgage-backed securities
MOS circuits and Mosque
Mother Goose & Watertown Goslings
Motorcycles and Motor neurons
Mount Everest VS Everest /Wausau police
- ZZZ59 Data 607 - BMO harris bank and atm atmosphsere terminolas of lung interaction
- Food 03- Sugar molecule government and human social administration
- Watergate .. Hinckley ....Z51 Circuit 22 - Nixon circuits watergate and hinckley
- Data 449 - Mos and mosque sand
- Event 68 - deeper Life shooting nigeria Mosque in New England Journal of Medicine, New England street in Chicago with the Sorce SOURCE code family and coDE DE Paul (Dirac) university & law school to Moscow .... Osco cow farmacy / coward pharmacy and 4-legged Holy Cow base ... milk PROTEIN MACHINES and Wr = West Road ..... Wrigley field baseball connection VIA Dan Sanft and his co-worker relatives in nuclear energy in Chicago
- Science 91 - Poles ....code words --> they hang between poles .... pole people
- Science 42 - new events .... numeric Schmidt inverter DIP-14 Diplomat
- Science 10 _ Nikola Tesla and Mt. Everst India sikh i
- XXXXXX DONE Science 04 - Water molecule continuum Generation Data Sets, G.V. Loganathan hydrology, Whitewater, Hydroelctric
- Book 228B - Frankenstein book ... secret codes translated ......Leopold Bloom creates the Leopold & Loeb data generating ..... tragic signaling event of the University of Chicago sub-conscious mind .. integrity failure
- ZZZ59 Data 607 - BMO harris bank and atm atmosphsere terminolas of lung interaction
- Z57 Data 568 - mos circuit Brian Solomon explains detailed requirements in Sunni jurisprudence in Sun Prairie Wisconsin
Mosul university MOS ...
Mother Goose & Goslings
I smell the blood of an Englishman,
Be he alive, or be he dead
I'll grind his bones to make my bread.[1]
Mother Goose & Goslings
I smell the blood of an Englishman,
Be he alive, or be he dead
I'll grind his bones to make my bread.[1]
Mother and Oceanside California / Junior Seau
Mother Goose & Watertown Goslings
Michelle Obama (agent for Mother Goose) to visit water in Watertown, Wisconsin school to promote water
Mount Everest VS Everest /Wausau police
Mount Everest (29,029 feet ) VS Mountain the 2996 BS people killed in NYC
EARTH Battle of atomic stone/iron mountains
and language ....
Mother Nature VS
and language ....
Mother Nature VS
human female Mother nonsense
The 8,848 m (29,029 ft) height given is officially recognised by Nepal and China, although Nepal plans a new survey. In 1856, Andrew Waugh announced Everest (then known as Peak XV) as 8,840 m(29,002 ft) high, after several years of calculations based on observations made by the Great Trigonometric Survey.
Mount Rainier
Strategic Arms Limits (or writing bullshit and ads)
Movable Pole shoes .... movable TYPE blogs
Movable type
Movie projector
Mouse .... Limousine ...
.................Lim + ous + Wisconsin earth
Limestone .....house ....Dells sin electron area
.................Lim + ous + Wisconsin earth
Limestone .....house ....Dells sin electron area
Mouth talk ... talk/ blabber LIMIT treaty .....
Strategic Arms Limits (or writing bullshit and ads)
LIMIT telephone Talks/ Treaty (SALT & Pepper shakers) I and II
- XXXXX Food -05 - mark zucker sugar
- Science 15 - mouth and mental region ... chin claims
Ruhollah Khomeini
and his KH (jaw) movement of mouh and KHZ bio-radio ..... bio-electronics and bio-radio ...- Data 589 - zz .... prince henrt the navigator inductance and earth magnetic field
- Data 508 - Gulf of tonque battle Tongue ..BS talk wars
- ZZZ-60 Data 405 - gulf of tonkin tongue wars
- Menstruation Z73 Iron 38 and iron 27 - Sam hengel Iron-54 menstruation blood DEMO
Movable Pole shoes .... movable TYPE blogs
Movable type
Movie projector
- Event 95 - Sam hengl and Eric Harris math and atomic projectors
- XXXXXX Event 08 - Sam Hengel movie projector
- Next 357 - Movie 200 motels ..molecule keys blood 200
- Next 328 - PBS show CREATE red-headed woman creates / TV programs James Holmes , Sam Hengel atomic projection,
- Data 318 - sam hengel atomic projection
- Data 450 - cotton language Cotton Premium THOUGHT molecule PROJECTIONS select
...otto Premi.nger and movie projector
Mr. Moto movies and Motor vehicles
- WORK Data 218 - MR> Moto ..... McVeigh(t) V8 combustion engine war and Boyle law in Boston ).... Columbus reaches the U.S. S. Cole in ADEN, Yemen ... Brave New World - Oct 12, 2000 with ...... Television and the brain EM wars .... Carmen Ortiz carbon ...... Texaco, Inc. v. Pennzoil Co. – Case Brief (cotton underwear briefs) - Lawnix
- Data 219 -dreyfus fuse/brain elctron fuc ..collective group mind fus carbon
MRS. Hudson collective think tank ..... and Sherlock Holmes
Manhattan Project sub-routine driver Held in
Deadly Manhattan
data byTe error
............. Terror Attack Pleads Not Guilty - The ...https://www.Tenytimes.com/2017/11/28/nyregion/terror-attack-bike-path-new-york.htmlNov 28, 2017 - The man accused of driving a pickup truck down a crowded Manhattan bike path2017 New York City attack on bicycle riders - Wikipedia
rented pickup truck into bicycle ..
cyclists and runners for about one mile (1.6 kilometers) of the Hudson River Park's bike path alongside West Street from- Bethesda, Matt Anderson reincarnation and carnation milk --- Z89 Event 19 - Matt Anderson reincarnation .
Mullins ice cream comes -->
Mumbai (Bombay .... code bomb away)
bombings .... mummy battles
- Science 106 - Karl Henry Zinser ,,,Muezzin ...... Rene Magritte DOORs BEC paige Raque
- Food 87 - Z44 Group 122 TACO Bell and chocollate tenzin Muezzin
- ZZZ59 Data 607 - BMO harris bank and atm atmosphsere terminolas of lung interaction
- Frank Sinatra - Science 801 - Frank sinatra from z38 sikh temple emily hilsher zero poles singularities
Mullins ice cream comes -->
- WORK Mullins (size 446 ) Adam Raney .... BDAM and Bethesda .... BESSIE the COW …. human BES protein agentsESDA optical interceptor agents Travis Zoellick, Adam Raney, and ..... traveling vision (optical cities) and Z poynting vector of the EM field at Emmet Township).... impedance(= ZT) terminating its circuit –> the termination/ murder of ZT –> Zoellick, Travis.... Mullen’s military milk protein THOUGHT molecules...... Bethesda Lutheran .... have transitioned to their new homes.
- WORK Mullins (size 471) The airstrikes on the opposition-held north town Khan zoellick and Raney short version Symbols Maps and Territories ..Z51 EM 05 -
- WORK Mullins (size 316) short version 1 top ..Z51 EM 05 -The airstrikes on the opposition-held north town Khan ... Electromagnetic waves (Z, t) agent killed … Zoellick, Travis .... Travis Zoellick equation sin wave war .... in the backyard of their McAllister Road residence in Emmett Township ...
- WORK Mullins short good Z51 EM 05 - sin wave war and Mullin's eye cones zoetis Zoey Brooks Jakubowski 161 page Janesville Bethesda Luheran .code --> .missing hubcap --> mis sin ground wave hubbleton capital
- Mullins Z51 - EM 08- Adam Raney and Travis Zoellick
- Mullins Z51 - EM 07 - sin wave and Mullins Rodney Dangerfield
- Mullins very long Z51 EM 05 - sin wave war and Mullin's eye cones
- Mullins Z89 Adam Raney eye rods and Travis Zoellick
- Mulins eye cones Z89 ... Event 09- Richard Speck optics
- Mullins eye cone wars Event 96 - eye cone battles, Burlington Vermont, East Albany 200 cone street, 32-year-old Ronnie Holmes arrested
- Mullins explains Z 90 ,,,, Science 44 - new codes ..brain and new eye cone software WAR
- Mullins explains Z90 Science 37 - eye optics battles, Legend of Sleepy Hallow, headless horseman
- Mullins - Z92 Data 45 - ice-berg models with milk THOUGHT protein probes VIA ice-cream cones and optics
- WORK Data 247 - Poynette High School basketball court ... Poynting vector MODEL Radford death .... Wisconsin Supreme Court David Prosser Jr. .... MR. Cho murdered by radio Choke technology ..... Garlin case in Portage Wisconsin Michael Sisk, 27, of Portage.... 2015 Lafayette shooting ..... Town of Emmett .... Mullen's Dairy Bar .... Stanley Van Wagner .... Feb --> implies Fe iron atom and month number 2 number 2 and number 9 --> 29 copper electrons used in electric motor
Mumbai (Bombay .... code bomb away)
bombings .... mummy battles
Murdock Publishing ... murder dockets
- Science 144 - Music .. wade Michale page and E STrrte band ..Turn the page
- Science 139 - White noise ... audio and optical
- DNA 60 - DNA music twist
- WORK Data 319 - pink floyd Music bethesda logical unit
- WORK Data 666 - irving berlin vin circuit and berlin muisc wars
- WORK Data 291 - Music..step to thhe edge floor 32 mandalay hotel event horizon
- Event 72 - song lyrics ...Travis Zoellick and others
- Event 71 - Song lyrics and CAUSE and EFFECT ...The boy's are back in town again Been hangin' down at Dino's..... San Bernardino
- Science 07 - Music ..Irving Berlin attacks Berlin ... string theory music
- Science 05 - Philip Morris (PM) math cigarettes Music harm waves attack GermanWings air plane, song Heartbreaker,
- Data 64 - Chopin piano music with Julia Childs CHOP on television
- Data 28 - Karen Simek and Soundarten Chris Cornell death
- Science 211 - music balster... I Heart radio attack at Pulse
- Next 353 - schrodinger explains catfish code...Cat Stevens music ---> Stevens Building ..Chicago LOOP Charles A. Stevens Building Waco wave continuum
- ZZZ-65 Data 292 - tone tempel epilot music ...death
- ZZZ-65 Data 277 - music death lyrics Jamie's cryin , las Vegas, norberg face mirror,, Tamir rice mirror
- ZZZ-65 Data 241 - Periodic table ordered Waxahachie, ... mit shooting of sean collier, super colider , janet reno elctric chairs and Sparks, anwar sadat, grateful dead evan field house Boston eveans track and field
- ZZZ-65 Data 203 - Federal government liver SOFTWARE problems Fermilab liver and livermnore ..Cab Calloway ..are you hep
- ZZZ-65 Data 294 - tamir rice song ... look into mirror ..song..survival in the city
- Farm 84 - Wisconsin SIN wave ac acres of siol germination wars Irving Berlin and blood artist Ryan Mendoza moves house to Germany
- XXXXX Farm 28 - Sun ra music, math, and the Solar System Sun
- Food 77 - Mylan......a protein machine organization ..song lyric
- Science 05 - Philip Morris (PM) math cigarettes Music harm waves attack GermanWings air plane, song Heartbreaker,
Mylan Labs &
My ---> Myoglobin proteins
My ---> Myanmar
My ---> Myoglobin proteins
My ---> Myanmar
My Lai Massacre
- DNA 90 - Mylan Labs, Dirac , saul Bellow .below underground Zachary Taylor Polynomial
- DNA 89 - Purto Rican puus amnd Mylan Labs
- Data 436 - mylan godzin karl Z
- DNA 44 - Mylan Labs Myoglobin proteins lan = local area network
- WORK Data 563 - mylan labs proteins and ether netherlands message
- WORK Data 259 - Myoglobin protein... My Lai massacre Socrates Richard Helms CIA right triangle
- Science 41 - Army myoglobin protein military molecule
- Science 117 - Demo of Democrat Shelley and myoglobin
- Next 367 - myoglobin muscles blood . tau & restaurant particles, Harron Khan Water100 and Pakistan Standard MODEL, murder of Travis Z in World War Z , anwar Sadat, Peter Kassig and 18 Syria pilots, iron 26 Highway 26 Emmet ,20 acres + B00d = 120 , Pulse age 29 security guard, Route 29
- Food 83 - Mylan Labs and Sherlock homes offensive in Homs Syria
- Food 77 - Mylan......a protein machine organization ..song lyric
- Food 16 - Myanmar proteins message and HCl Hillary Clinton
- Event 20 - Lance Armstrong and the Armstrong Baby Kidnapping with Agatha Christie
- Science 41 - Army myoglobin protein military molecule Mylan Labs
- Science 07 - Music ..Irving Berlin attacks Berlin ... string theory music ..
Berlin attacker Anis Amri 'fled to Italy via Netherlands ..ether biology of Mylan myoglobin HEADQUARTERS .... the Carl Jung human collective ..... protein machine THOUGHT molecules represented by human action figure ..... community
anis (anus + penis muscles) Amri Sikh Temple Killer Wade Michael Page ......... his organic molecule radicals Radicalized in Army (Arm + my ---> myoglobin protein muscles behavior VIA humanoid expression device) ...
- Data 300- Jefferson airplane music and crash site
- ZZZ 59 677 - atomic number battles .... Sam Hengel latitude longitude .... blood jungbulth .... first day spring ED witten ... Mullins Troy Mil --> Trou ounce of gold ... Milwaukee golda meir
- Data 668 - carbonation and labor preganacy
- ZZZ59 Data 634 - columbine, myoglobin protein library, transactional analysis erric harris
- WORK Data 563 - mylan labs proteins and ether netherlands message
MY SQL database wars
Mylan Labs &
My ---> Myoglobin proteins
My ---> Myanmar conflct
MY SQL database wars ,,,,,,
My ---> Myoglobin proteins
My ---> Myanmar conflct
My Lai Massacre
MY SQL database wars ,,,,,,
Myoglobin protein MURDER approved by
the farm industry, universities, religion,
and his friends
Marble ..... Math ...Milk .. bottom section
Below, the granite /marble rock ATOMS have mass and gravity field ......
that pulls/ collects data from the nearby 2-legged vertical standing humans .....
that is ..... COMPUTER EARTH geology and human data field containers.
There were three orders of columns:
Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian.
Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian.
After years of the stone ROCK process of collecting human thoughts .....
the columns become atomic life forms ..... themselves ...... an accumulation of
thousands of human databases and thought circuits.
- ZZZ59 - Data 663 - echo catch the echo lech walesa solids dirac ultra cold atoms ... Wojciech Braszczok, poles shoes ..greek atomic stone columns Doric I/o ionic parthenon integration by parts living-stone mexico escape
- WORK Data 246 - Vodka bottle represents a chucrh cathedra or Chrylsye Skyscraper...Wardencyffe Tower .. employee ploy ..... Lutheran LU Church–Missouri Synod (system node).. ......Peoria ...... atomic limestone/granite/marble....orbitals of atomic mass BUILDING collect dataduring the religious mass
..... data SESSION between Nature's
FIXED stone ROCK ...... ROC atomsand 2-legged humans .......
whose human mobility allows their bio-atoms
to go about andgenerate knowledge in labs and thru social activity, etc. - WORK Data 535 - marble building data collection and gravity ...metamorphic rock ...metabolism (living atom rock)....Eclipse Lyrics: of pussy bio-math and advertisments for semen
Marble 40 - Mecca the marble/granite mass of the Kaaba BLACK CUBE - Nikola Tesla (size 275) Sister Carrier ... Z90 science 76 Diana Shore..Shore ham woolworth atomic wardenclyffe .... Feb 22, 2017 - Designed by famed architect Cass Gilbert, the Woolworth Wardencylffe tower was noted for its ornate
(as an atomic neutron Neo-cortex equivalent LIFE of the atomic stone /rock/ iron/ glass building and its living language )
Neo-Gothic architecture (the building that GOT data records from human that are in the Woolworth atomic MARBLE lobby OR the year 1912 nationwide Woolworth store chain collects data from 1 million people each year and ROUTES the national Carl Jung collective database to NYC Manhattan Building at 233 Broadway ..... then the 233 Broadway ....
BROAD big picture / gestalt information HIGHWAY --> Pass DATABASES and RESULTS ....
Margaret Mead Manhattan project .... VIA John DOS Passos book ... Manhattan
Transfer of 233 Broadway to Uranium 235 and uranium 238 .....
.........FermiLAB citizen, community, Federal government failure
---> was modeled after the medeval cathedrals of Europe ropre / string theory oery
- Food 84 - Miller Auto parts ..integration and haus dorf space Marble quarry quantum array .supreme court and its vermont marble quarry and Conrad Hilton chicago Rocky Balboa
its granite/marble atomic mass gravity force
pulls / collects data
from the human data bio-containers
that converge to the
Carl Jung data collection input TERMINAL...hence the other name ..
Computer EARTH ......
Grand Central (I/O) Terminal
Math, algebra, cosine , quadratic, set theory
- ZZZ59 - Data 663 - echo catch the echo lech walesa solids dirac ultra cold atoms ... Wojciech Braszczok, poles shoes ..greek atomic stone columns Doric I/o ionic parthenon integration by parts living-stone mexico escape
- menorah mapping function
between two existences
( left VS right)
(east VS west)
(domain & range) - WORK Data 268 - Union of sets .... Chanukah menorah. ..DATCP ... CP violation Home .... Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, ........... ...noDe norther death northern death -- Sam Hengel
Math equation ---->
Rosemary Baby ...
algebra distributive law equation Baby....
Bayesian statistics and conditional probability
algebra distributive law equation Baby....
Bayesian statistics and conditional probability
mary = math array & matrices & linear algebra
Rose--> Rose-einstein-podolsky existential communications bridge
- Math 198 - miller auto parts and karl intheration bhy parts of henry miller, arthur miller
- Math 196 - oliver heavside cover-up
- Math 194 - union station set theory
- Math 190 - euler number and oiler waco 7 bridges of david Koresh-
- Math 189 - Feller opeators at Penn Sate
- Math 187 - weierstrauss theorem and 7 seven bridhges
- Math 184 - gynecology logarithms
- Math 182 - abc murder agathan christe TIE of math harry quadraci ...abc telesvion math murders
- Math 181 - joe stack stck comuter and heaps ...Time address 9430 research boulevard ..vard harvard error =
- Math 179 - integration blood matyh little rock
- Math 178 - quadratci dairy expo and chenequa murder and Russell Square
- Math 177 - Cosine wave ..waco texas and LAX shooting
- Math 176 - cosine - Cossacks intercept IBM IMS wormhole SSA
- Math 175 - Cosine wave - Waco simple
- Math 174 - harry Quadrac pine street
- Math 173 - math war casualty Harry Quadracci
- Math 171 - Tribecca, math frank sinatra mia farror polynomials
- Math 169 - news unioh of k sets ...1993 bombing world trade
- Math 168 - news... algevbra radicals and blood code and beakers
- Math 166 - china roman numeral 11 Xi ixonia china problems
- Math 165 - ixonia ...Xi of china math
- Math 164 - algebra Union of K sets potassium
- Math 162 - Bethesda intermediate value theorem and blood integrals
- Math 161 - Computer earth africa Livingstonbe and evil knieval snake river
- Math 160 - words math iron-54 bayesian bay villiage ..Mariyln Reese Bank of Reeseville,
- Math 158 - dentsl functions and teeth LAWS of chin limits ...Impedance
- Math 155 - waco cosine 90 degres
- Math 154 - arc-cosine and waco and the toilet arm
- Math 150 - algebra radicals
- Math 149 - chemsitry and inverted pages tables .. wade michael page and page raque
- Math 147 - polynomials miami amino acids of NAACP
- Math 144 - Circle Campus. ..... .circle as a Disk drive
- Math 143 - Plan lands on 12th Street Watertown
- Math 141 - Page size wars
- Math 140 - LUNG CO2 data exports @and Chine bio-computer structure ... lung oxygen and mind
- Math 138 - Bing Crosby explans Boston bombing by sound pressure waves
- Math 137 - IRON right triangle wars and death of jJunior Seau and NOSE criminals
- Math 135 - the Wisconsin approved murder ... Anderson Lutz seattle Totzke
- Math 133 - the Warren Buffet collective group Bershire LINK to son of sam ..Berkowitz
- Math 131- atlantic ocean salt bridge and Huey long longitude
- Math 129 - eight fold way ...octagon house attack Via McVeight V8 engine
- Math 127 - velocity oflgw news ..optical stses of mind
- Math 126 - riigged Dylann roof math trial
- Math 124 - brain computer.... .land city block LINK and MOSUL link ..earth elctronics
- Math 121 Rembrandt Fermat and Feynam math code 137 of Yamazaki 50 Year Old (2005 Release) $137,999.99
- Math 117 - Ruth Wakefield series of truth series sermum ..... rutherford and Ruth
- Math 115 - attack on Sir Francis Bacon
- Math 114 - Oxygen proxy votes
- Math 112 - Adam Raney ..ran VS footabll ran runners and TV adds
- Math 111 - Matisse math class and year 1944 battles
- Math 110 - Zoellick ...... Bethesda Lutheran Home cancells all dairy faram milk,protein services
- Math 109 - EM air waves murder of Travis Zoellick Longitudinal poynting vector
- Math 107 - Standard model wars
- Math 104 - newspaper MOLE code Avogadro ..Moleenbeek ..beeker
- Math 103 - Chicago Police (CP) study ..CP violations event and Mirror
- Math 102 - carbon six , zz complex math power series, Alice in Wisconsin
- Math 101 - square root of minus 1 ,,China math Xi JinPING .. C = Carbom ping
Math ....
Milk ....... bottom line
Twisted Sister ...DNA and milk THOUGHT protein messages on
self-awareness by milk proteins of their geometric structure
- Wikipedia
Twisted Sister was an American heavy metal band originally from
Ho-Ho-Kus, New Jersey, and later based in Long Island, New York
Ho-Ho-Kus, New Jersey, and later based in Long Island, New York
Holy Cow (sub-continent of India) and the
Holstein milk dairy cow of William Krause (Watertown Wisconsin year 1953
with Hilmer Groth milk truck route and neighbors Rolli and Emma Groth)
Holstein milk dairy cow of William Krause (Watertown Wisconsin year 1953
with Hilmer Groth milk truck route and neighbors Rolli and Emma Groth)
New Jersey milk dairy cow (Protein Platform of existence) and
New cotton Jersey clothes .....
New cotton Jersey clothes .....
later based in Long Island, New York with
Herb Z. (in Long Island city, Astoria, Queens 1964 ) and
Lpngboat Key & Sarasota High school Florida
Herb Z. (in Long Island city, Astoria, Queens 1964 ) and
Lpngboat Key & Sarasota High school Florida
- Food 73 - milk hershey milk chocolate and the milk dump ... Amish dairy farmer LINK to George Washington ...... Mount Vernon
- Milk 26 - Milk theory ...M-theory ..... mullines dairy muull ponder milk troy ounce of gold milwaukee
- Milk 25 - milk dna dump 43 codons = 64 ..route 64 fsaailauer
- Milk 24 - Milk wars kurds lactic acid milk dump ...proteins
- Milk 22 - milk battle..milwaukee and kindergarten karen simek
- Milk 21 - milk amish raw milk amish lancaster georgetown versace
- Milk 20 - Betseda protien rote and raw milk and sept 16 dump
- Milk 19 - Mirror code Moscow ..... M + OS + MOS + COW ...Milk Cow PROTEIN MOS circuit platform
- Milk 18 - Pabst farms, Gloria Totzke and bethsda
- Milk 18 - Myanmar displays ..myoglobin protein wars and the MILK protein battles at Bethesda, St.Coletta.s, and Pabst Fams
- Millk 17 - Milk proteins and VSAM KSDS
- Milk 16 - milk dump , Alice in Dairy Land / Looking Glass and Idi Amin ..idiot amino acids
- Milk 15 - Milk truck miltary proteins at 38th parallel
- Milk 13 - Karen Simek murder code DuLuth bag By HinDU Holy cow milk wars, Bethsda utheran Base agricultur e feeble minded..
- Milk 08 - the Daisy Armstrong case
- Milk 07 - Hershey milk chocolate as Nature's system MILITARY milk molecules
- Milk 06 - Bethesda and farming Lubitz, Lutz Ezra Pound
- Milk 04 - Doris Day milk protein body MODEL message & milk ABEND
- Milk 03- protein randy stairs grocery store
- Milk 01 - Plow and sub-continent India ... India milk containers
- Science 803 Z44 Group 122 polish z-plane and milk proteins PLATFORM
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