Monday, November 12, 2018

M .... directory -

200 Motels movie

Mad Cow disease  ...  Madison Wisconsin cowards.......  ...................... ease/lazy attack of real estate on Bethesda

Madison ..system 370 codes

Magnetic,   Magellan,     Maggie Daley ,
Magnetic   tape

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and
ether physics .....

Berlin attacker Anis Amri 'fled to Italy via Netherlands 

Magnificent Mile
code --> magnificent stone-head  --> 

the rock/stone/marble/granite  atoms  of the

BUSINESS buildings located in Chicago on the .....

The Magnificent Mile - North Michigan Avenue, Chicago

Malcom X ...Malcom McGregor

Malthusian catastrophe 
............ Beer Summit failure
............. Richard  (Population Law) 

....... Bos..ton ..... population pressure on EARTH ton  &
Boston population  explosion CREATES the
Boston April 215, 2013 explosion

Manifold attack  of mathematical-physics and Schopenhauer ..
manhattan folds on Sept 11,2001
 " Four Fold Roots" .... four airplanes attack

Manhattan project attack

Manila Phillipines

Margaret Mead

Marble, Mecca Kaaba BLACK CUBE --> 

Maria database &
MySQL databases ......  of
Pier (atomic docking pier for a
BOATLOAD of information)
Pier  Maria (galactic data LEVEL communication pier/port)  ....PierMaria Oddone ....
need Darwin's  ....  Santa Cruz Island .....
Peru/American human representative 

Pier Maria  ..... Chicago Navy Pier 
Maria --> Marina Santa Cruz Lavado ..
Hawaii ... Hawking code Lava -->
Lava-Simplex company in year 1974 on
Ashland Avenue North of North Avenue
.... connected to the 

Linear Programming: 

Simplex Method at Chicago Circle Campus  

Jun 19, 2006 - Linear Programming: Simplex Method. The Linear Programming Problem. Here is the initial problem that we had. a-

....PierMaria Oddone .... 

....PierMaria O --> open mouth of Maria Callas 

Nov 5, 2000 - The tempestuous love affair between Maria Callas and Aristotle Onassis

.   PierMaria Oddone ...... fe =  fermilab Maria
Poland Lech Kaczyńskiand his ...wi  fe Maria,
and the 

Fe = FermiLAB ferrous oxide /blood language
Fe = Female and her FETUS production  errors
 approve the Avogadros number /mole murder at Smolensk of death of 96 people ..... with the approval of Penn State University females and their lies about 

the chemistry/bio-chemistry MOLE Station data generating events by the
LOCK &KEY enzyme model  using
Jerry March advanced organic chemistry  ....
molecular social chemistry .....
 human action figures with  LOCKER ROOM ....
Jerry Sandusky ...... sand + sky  LINK to

Carl Sagan book CONTACT
White Sands project MESSAGE of  message components   .... 

GUT (Grand Unified Theory) with
Karl Guthe Jansky  .... Karol Józef Wojtyła

On 10 April 2010, a Tupolev Tu-154 aircraft of the Polish Air Force crashed near the city of Smolensk, Russia, killing all 96 people on board. Among the victims were the President of Poland Lech Kaczyńskiand his wife Maria, the former President of Poland in exile Ryszard Kaczorowski, the chief of the Polish General Staff and other senior Polish military officers, the president of the National Bank of PolandPolish Government officials, 18 members of the Polish Parliament, senior members of the Polish clergy and relatives of victims of the Katyn massacre.

Marionette  Theater 

Mark My words (My = Myoglobin proteins) 

Mark Totzke
Detective Hamish,  Big Mac Hamburger,
Betty Quadracci & Bethesda Lutheran Home farm for feeble minded  --> Hamish Macbeth and
Mark my WORDS ..... agent Mark D. Totzke

Conner Lucas, 28,
is suspected of stabbing two men Tuesday evening

Mark Adams is in serious condition


Maria Callas --->  Call the Maria Database existing on
the ATLANTIC OCEAN  of  iron metal ship of ATOMS that store data records ..... using her alliance with ...

Aristotle Socrates Onassis, 
commonly called Ari (Arizona arise with gravity Gabby Giffords)
 or Aristo Onassis, 

was a Greek shipping magnate  LINKED to GREEK sorority house pussy girls
was a Greek...hipping
......................BLOG Ping  ..... magnetic field ..magnate ......
who amassed the world's largest privately owned 

shipping fleet fleet in HG WELLS invisible man  ..Village of I PING 

.... was one of the world's richest and
 most  famous men .....
moisture     & semen ...
thus the Star Wars moisture farms (pussy house) .... 
devoted to the production of water (wet pussy ... sy --> system)

Marlboro cigarette and  eye cone 

Marshall Fields and retail  stores

Marshall (data) Field retail department store on State Street (State of the Union) in  the C = Chicago carbon social/economic chemistry expression platform region 

Marysville Pilchuck High school

Maslow Hierarchy  on neutrons (ne) and
Plano Texas (electron data systems) -->
atomic social science needs

Mass  ....  atomic mass thoughts
Center of Mass experiment
Kroc center ..... Ray Kroc .. ROC .... 

1 Dead, 6 Shot In West Pullman Drive-By - World News .... WEST
and the West Side Highway motorcycle event  in new York 

Mass & sin functions .... Equations

Watertown Massachusetts ..... set  theory laws of atomic mass
................... Mass  .....set ... 2 or more relationships

Watertown Wisconsin ..sin wave function region 

Math Logic

Math Proof  ... Dylan Roof

Matrices and array

Matt Anderson 

Maxwell equations --> and Judge Maxwell

Ex-NYPD detective gets 2 years in rigged Maxwell trial ......
West Side Highway biker assault ...

      Aug 5, 2015 - 

      State Supreme Court 
      Judge Maxwell ...... and his EM Field life .... extension agent  Judge Maxwell Wiley 
       said revenge, pure and simple, was on Braszczok's mind when he delivered two roundhouse kicks to the SUV. "He did his part to terrorize them and damage property," Wiley said as he sentenced the 34-year-old. After seeing Lien run over Edwin Mieses in his ...
    1. Maxwell optics and diamonds .....

    Mayor Barrett  .. han --> hand hierarchy of words
    • Data 338 - musics and neurons Donald Trump  LINK  to Xi space of math topology mirror IX (Ixonia  earth land language ...cornfield 1980) .... Chinese (symbolism and representation theory .... Chin mouth food  ..official Xi Jin Ping ..IOWA (input /output water molecule continuum and the BLOG ping link to the HG Wells ..... molecule water wells  Village of Iping .. I  blog ping .....   the Dvorchak family equation ......
      Dv ..orcha .. k -->
      Dv  (apple & pear .. orchard ... thinK )  ..... assigned .... programmable human  
      bio-computer  agent  .....  school teachers and apples teaching assisstant ........
      D orcha  -->
      Diane orchard Borchardt and her rigged information murder trial in Thomas Jefferson courtroom in Jefferson, Wisconsin
       .... Star Trek
       (Sun Prairie STAR newspaper and  Water100 TREK bicycle company ) and their 
      son..... sun / solar system son --> soil / ground of
      Planet Earth   .... son
      Gary --> G ary -->
    • G = Gravity grammar & ground earth array ..
    • Gary -->
      Larry (land & light & language array) -->
      Maryland--> Land of Lincoln and
      Darryl Wilson ... data array Land of the 
      Dary .... Holstein dairy milk cow .....
       and  milk protein THOUGHT molecules .... 
      thus the set-up of Diane Borchard and her rigged trial NEWS in the Wall Street Journal ..... the COMPUTER EARTH link of ART LINK LETTER and high school varsity sports  ..athletic LETTER of their protein BODY thoughts .... attack on the conscious / serious thinking English alphabet WORD definitions used by some INTELLECTUALS --> chin/mouth of the district attorney (Chinese) -->  set agent Dvorchak life on a new trajectory in STATE prison .... in the Botany orchard wars with MIlwaukee  Mayor Barrett on Orchard Street  in West Alice/Allis with Anthony Peters  code .....
      insect walking ant --> evolution --> honey bee and polli.NATION  of apple,  pear,  peach   orchard trees Nature's systems and  NATIONs ......  VS
      the human poll / survey nonsense nation 
    • Next 333 - k-channel korean war Mayor Barrett age 55 Augst (8thmonth) iron 55.8 signal. Police chief jung young bloods , 38th parallel Korea Korzybski and Chicago 
    • WORK Data 279 - The quantum Boxer Protocol of 7 September 1901 explained by Erwin Schrodinger and Paul Dirac coffin box proton protocol  Mayor Barrett age 55 boxer at the Wiscon.SIN state fair ....
      ..................................  Sino-Japanese war 
       ............................Milwaukee  ca.SINO .....
       Imperial Army of China and
      the Boxers for 55 days .... B 55 --> Barrett 55.

    Mayor Daley  .... subset  letter code ... May Day 

    Mayor Jane Byrne

    Mayor Ron Krueger .......
    ............ron--> 20 neutrons and 19 electrons
    of  K = potassium with French word
    --> Rue /street ...... his failure to be 

    .....True german ... ge = geography person

    Mau Mau subroutines  ..... Maurice   Wilkens

    McCaskey .... Chicago football and caskets 

    McCormick place chicago

    McCoy ..... Dr. McCoy & Coyote ART Fair ..blood software manipulation
    sc  = schemes ..
    sc = school arrogance
    sc = sub-conscious TEACHER errors approved 

    McDonald's Arches  ... binomial probability distrbution
    Bell-shaped curve ..
    Liberty Bell ..... Benjamin Franklin
    McDonald's 2 archs .... probability distribution

    1. Next 371 - Darwin ... Hematolguy blood, Powatomic Casino Potassium route to Bethesda BET casino at highway 19 K , McDonal's ARCHES binomial probability ,parallel Perdenicular, data pipelines, Hamlin sensors, Iron Mountain i/o port, 7-11 stores, magentic field, sept 11 manifolds battle Tanzania embassy
    2. Food 02 - digestive system mcdonald arches

    McDonald's corps .... of humans with
    brain  dead corpse ... corporation ..... Head/ skull /
    Carl Jung collective Mind move  to the
    3-stooges  world of harpoons and attacks .....
    Harpo Productions is a U.S.-based multimedia production company founded by Oprah Winfrey ... The site would be home to the new global headquarters of McDonald's. The land where the production studio formerly sat once housed the 2nd ...


    Meat .... Meathead and Archie Bunker 
    Human MEAT packing house ....
    PROTEIN MACHINE  wars  ....
    the slaughter  house wars VS real estate
    SLA laughter ....  Bedroom joke industry  .... with
    human vagina / VULCAN breeder reactor methods
    with Dr.Spock  ... Star Trek baby doctor trick of
    Benjamin Spock families
    There are mass casualties after a shooting at Pulse nightclub in Orlando. ... wolf” gunman opened fire while more than 300 people were packed
    fire while more than 300 people were packed

    Mechanic battle   Jake Gerard ..
    Key G gravity and music note G

    Medicare Part A and B ...  blood types A & B bio-math
    parts ...
    .........calculus  integration by parts at
    Miller auto parts in Watertown Wisconsin with
    year 1957 at Central Nervous System RD site
    at Central High School  and
    ...Tom M Apostol Calculus textbook
    ,,,TOM  Map post tol ...........
    ..atomic  map 

    EM-field post office of EM = Emily Post year 1922

    book on human brain business  SIN waves brain  of the
    st.EM electro-magnetic field social behavior 

    IBM os/jcl for systems 370 and human
    bio-computer system....37.0 Celsius degrees 

    temperature  +
    nuc.LEO.tides  of Leo Tolstoy and the Solar System language link to Tolstoy South  Dakota with
    Emma Trefz  who married Rolli Groth .....
    EM-field map + Botany tree + F(z) .....
    to Rolli( and Hilmer) Groth .....
    Ground Thoughts  and rolling hills and valleys of
    EM field waves and earth geography land
    rolling hills and valleys

    Mendel  ..genetics to MEND the Amendments

    Mendeleev .. Dmitri Mendeleev .... atom society to
    Mend / fix the Amendments & BS problem 

    Menstruation -->

    Mental region (chin)

    Mesabi and iron metal flow
    Malignant Mesothelioma &
    rigged laws on asbestos with BEST BUY brain electron THOUGHT circuits for lawyers and their
    and overflow IDIOT baby leg violations  

    Messenger RNA


    Mexico prison escape

    Nikola Tesla's Earthquake Machine
    | Alan's Mysterious World
    Aug 23, 2010 - Vibrations that
    were  detectable 100 feet away were produced,
    June 15, 1896 ..... (June 15 18)

    The Battle of Waterloo was fought on
    Sunday, 18 June 1815 (June 18 15)
    near Waterloo in Belgium, part of the United Kingdom of the Netherlands ......
    ether lands ... ether physics .... ether communications signals over 80 years apart

    Vibrations that
    were  detectable    100 feet away ..... red ...B100D cell detectors

    Mia Farrow and Farady arrows/vectors 

    Michael Brown 

    Michaels  quarry  (quantum array  message output site

    underground SECRET languages that control surface thoughts   ...

    SECRET languages intercepted by
    quantum language EARTH surface agents near

    atomic  I/O port at Portland Wisconsin  


    Midsummer Nights Dream 

    Mike  Ditka .....
    ...BanDIT   ..... Bandwidth criminal  bandits 
    working at TV and Radio stations

    Mike Ditka | Pro Football Hall of Fame Official Site

    Military .... Nature's botany military
    .............pistil  weapon -->  pistol --> Tol --> Tolstoy

    Milk protein COW
    ....  Italian cheese protein FOOD platform upon
    which Italian humans live upon  ...
    Italy ..... 
    Born Luigina Lollobrigida in Subiaco, Italy
    she is one of four daughters of a
    furniture manufacturer .....

    hairs ....  (Nature's fur ... furniture  manufacture)
    dairy cow hairs and leather --> her .. herd -->
     dairy cow extension-->

    Italian leather  furniture for the Carl Jung
    ..... Italian .... 
    Subiaco, Italy .... atomic/ molecular Galileo ...
    Orbital ..........sub-conscious collective group mind 

    explained by .........

    Years active‎: ‎1946–1997
    Spouse(s)‎: ‎Milko Skofic (1949–71; divorced)
    Children‎: ‎Andrea Milko Skofic

    Milko Skofic 
    Milk  oS --> IBM Os/jcl system 370 .......
    Nature's  MILK main frame  (Protein Machine) with
    humans using system 370 at
    body temperature ...... 37.0 Celsius 

    milk  ..... parallel
    code --> ment by paramilitary  --> mental states 
    by parallel mil (milk Protein molecule )
    military  ( Nature's  military molecules) 

    Milk wars .. 
    Milk ..Militia  ... Rembrandt ..Night Watch
    Milk dump ....
    Milk Snatcher

    Milk Snatcher 
    Milk Snatcher  ..... and Snake Key A'strike code name ........ West Road & Highway A ....
    Hillmer and Rolli Groth  ice cream and proteins 

    Milwaukee & G.B. Lewis ...wis .. wisconsin
    .... bee-keeping ...Alice & Lewis Carroll and

    April, May orchards / polli.NATION
    ..........Mayor Barrett (Bartlett Pear)  visits West
    Alice/Allis  .... Orchard Street meeting with

    bee-keeping agent HON --> Honey .... agent ...
    social anthropology..... Ant.Hony  Peters .....
    Botany pair pear trial with   Hon --> Honorable Judge  and the EARTH government ......
    BOTANY cotton plant ........
    Double-Helix living language code .... Anthony 

    Anthony J. Peters, 20,  his arraignment Sept. 14, said
    Anthony D. Cotton, Peters' attorney.
    As many as three doctors .....
    specializing in 3-D  data generating signaling events  ....
    doctors will evaluate Peters after he enters his
     plea, attorney Cotton said.

    Cotton said .... Peters --> CP .
    In particle physics, CP violation is a violation of CP-symmetry ): the combination of C-symmetry ..... types of fundamental interactions. Because of the CPT symmetry, a violation of the CP-symmetry is equivalent to a violation of the T symmetry.

    Cotton said .... Peters was a
    victim of the
    .... time wars (T)  of Max Planck Interstate TIME Highway I-43 
    with I = Integer 10 and exponent -43 ---> giving CLUE --> CPT 

    Aug 9, 2000 - Charge, Parity, and Time Reversal (CPT) Symmetry .... If CPT symmetry is to be preserved, the CP violation must be compensated by a violation

    As many as three doctors .....
    specializing in 3-D  data generating signaling events  ....
    doctors will evaluate Peters after he enters his
     plea, attorney Cotton said ... in the  context of 
    IBM ADDRESS space .

    A luxurious must have. This fine 100% Egyptian cotton dress shirt by Joseph Abboud is a wardrobe basic, with a flattering solid hue, woven herringbone pattern, ...

    molecular space .....
    mo ...     Cotton .......   Premium  Dress Shirt
    movies ...otto Ludwig Premi --> Preminger

    by Joseph Abboud is a wardrobe basic, 

    by Joseph Abboud is a wardrobe basic, 

    by Joseph Abboud is a war   robe basic (basic judical robe CLUES) , 
    with a flattering solid hue, woven herringbone pattern, ...

    Battle of Huế  explained by optical software Judge Hue 
    and Jenkins time series .... spectral analysis

    The Battle of Huế – also called the Siege of Huế – was one of the longest and bloodiest battles of the Vietnam War. Between 30 January and 3 March 1968, .

    Milwaukee ..... Milos ... Mil + Os/jcl
    bio-computer software program ....


    ...... BH wars repeat themselves in the

     .. Mil --> Milk protein Machine wars +
    Mill  .....grain mills of wheat flour and oats oath

    Millennium falcon equation 
    Carnation  milk ......   car NATION milk relationship ....
    Hilmer Groth  iron car/truck/ vehicle with  4 wheels

    hauls dairy cow milk produced by the Holstein mlk cow
    with 4 wheels /legs/hoofs

    Milky Way candy bar 

    Millennium Falcon

    Miller ..... authors

    Miller Auto Parts

    Milwaukee &
    Milwaukee Road railroad train

    Mind Switch newspaper article
     & TV station 58 switch crap

    Mind has no firewall ..parameters 
    Mindoro farmers uproot Bt Corn plantation 
     and the

    DeKalb corn battle at NIL University in DeKalb


    Mir Seddique, Omar Mateen's Father: 5 Fast Facts
    Mirror......queue BEC ............................5th state of expression

    Mobius strip traps Italian Mob

    Mole ...... chemistry

    Molecule  ..... Mo .... Mohammed

    Molecular cell biology battles 

    Sikh temple shooting

    Sikh temple shooting ..Temple of DOOM

    ......... Amrish Puri as Mola Ram (molecular rampage):
    ........ A 
    Thuggee priest who performs rituals of human sacrifices

    ......... Amrish Puri

    ......... Amrish Puri


    Sikh temple shooting

    Sikh temple shooting

    Sikh temple shooting .... purge cell firing

    p75 regulates Purkinje cell firing by modulating SK channel ... - NCBI
    by J Tian - ‎2014 - ‎Cited by 4 - ‎Related articles
    Sep 24, 2014 - p75 regulates Purkinje cell firing by modulating SK channel activity 
    Molecular neuroscience  battle -
    Microbe casualty
    ......robe ....Robert Kennedy  and judicial robes

    Moment generating function (William Feller &
    Wi = Wisconsin Chancellor John Wiley)
    Mark Totzke ...... “The ride home from Seattle was 
    the driving moment"

    Money /cash .earth systems
    Kyber Pass & Kashmir (money cash / mirror)

    Monica Lewinsky

    Monkey trial .....  human female Ring-tailed monkey
    Monkey Temple .... Galtaji
    Monticello  .... Mo cell --> Molecular cell biology
    ..........cello musics and signals with
    Sandro Botticelli 

    Montgomery Wards ...
    retail department  store chain  as
    a  Darwin  synthetic amino acid/protein CHAIN (composed of locations, buildings, people,
    merchandise languages of cotton patterns
    and shoe style LEA.ther and its LEA.DERship.
    the English language,etc ) 
    that becomes
    Carl Jung atomic/molecular collective GROUP MIND
    that collects data from thousands of
    human data carriers that enter the
    store collective SITE

    Morton Salt

    • Freddie Mac  is a government-owned corporation that buys mortgages and packages them into mortgage-backed securities.....

    • Freddie (BIG) Mac hamburger  is
      Nature's   protein government-owned corporation that buys mortgages and  Mort (Morton salt) packages and Salt treaty packaged deals of
      sodium chloride (Na Cl) with the Demo / Democratic party ....  North america Clinton family with stomach HCL agent Hillary CL Clinton
       them into mortgage-backed securities

    MOS circuits and  Mosque 

    Mount Everest (29,029 feet ) VS Mountain the  2996 BS people killed in NYC  
    EARTH Battle of atomic stone/iron mountains
    and language ....
    Mother Nature    VS   
    human female Mother nonsense

    The 8,848 m (29,029 ft) height given is officially recognised by Nepal and China, although Nepal plans a new survey. In 1856, Andrew Waugh announced Everest (then known as Peak XV) as 8,840 m(29,002 ft) high, after several years of calculations based on observations made by the Great Trigonometric Survey.

    Mount Rainier
    Mouse .... Limousine ...
    .................Lim + ous + Wisconsin earth
    Limestone ....Dells  sin electron area 

    Mouth talk  ... talk/ blabber LIMIT treaty .....

    Movable Pole shoes .... movable TYPE blogs

    Movable type 
    Movie projector

    Mr. Moto movies and Motor vehicles 

    MRS. Hudson collective think tank ..... and Sherlock Holmes


    Mumbai (Bombay .... code bomb away)  
    bombings .... mummy battles

    Murdock Publishing  ... murder dockets


    Mylan Labs & 
    My ---> Myoglobin proteins 
    My ---> Myanmar 

    My Lai Massacre 

    MY SQL database wars 

    Mylan Labs & 
    My ---> Myoglobin proteins 
    My ---> Myanmar conflct

    My Lai Massacre 

    MY SQL database wars ,,,,,,
    Myoglobin protein MURDER  approved by
    the farm industry, universities, religion,
    and his friends

    Marble ..... Math ...Milk .. bottom section

    Below, the granite /marble rock ATOMS have mass and gravity field ......
    that pulls/ collects data from the nearby 2-legged vertical standing  humans .....
    that is .....  COMPUTER EARTH geology and human data field containers.

    There were three orders of columns:
    Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian

    After years of the stone ROCK process of  collecting human thoughts .....
    the columns become  atomic  life forms ..... themselves ...... an accumulation of
    thousands of human databases and thought circuits.

  • Marble 39 - chiacgo office building DATA TRANSFER via jame joyce iris trick
  • Marble 38 - Stone Temple Piltot music crash Lubitz ... stone office blg atoms and theri signal music lyrics
  • Marble 37 - Rockford file explain Rocford Illinoi(e) granite grave stone noise
  • Marble 36 - Mecca marble ston and gravity data collection
  • Marble 35 - Conrad Hilton on Balboa street
  • Marble 34 - rock atoms ...the partheaon atomic data collection site in G + Gravity fiedl grammar
  • Marble 33 - data entry CPU ... and silver code ...CPU centrial station
  • Marble 32 - door county limestone
  • Marble 31 - quebec city stone hotel 
  • GOOD Marble 29 - BMO bank ... stone and limestone house
  • Marble 28 - Fireplace stonatom mantle LINKS l
  • Marble 27 - woolworth and rockerfeller bldg and earth roate and scan evry 24 hours
  • Marble 26 - surface area ATOMIC thought area
  • Marble 25 - stone bldg container and motor vehicle constinare
  • Marble 24 Marble statute ..Land of oz ... atomi tone and Harry Quadracci
  • Marble 23 - song I am a Rock and raise the dead
  • Marble 22 - the Ragged Mountains ..Edgar Allen poe ..order entry
  • Marble 21 - atomic Frankenstein Castle
  • Marble 20 - Woolworth Building marble atoms as a data colletice LIFE form ... Darwin species of office buildinga and Goya
  • Marble 19 - geology rock music codes
  • Marble 18 - limestone house data travel to wisconsin delll oshkosh
  • Marble 17 - Marshal fields chicago, Marshall Wisconsin amd stalbvaum and bec
  • Marble 16 polish stones /rocks with polish language Korzbyski = S oilsing code the van Goeg soil potatoes
  • Marble 15 - marble lobby data collection
  • Marble 14 - rocks marble atoms.... wailing wall receives paper data
  • Marble 13 - stone atoms Manhattan Central Public Library (CPU) and d-orbital doors
  • Marble 12 - stone atoms.. Central Public Library (CPU) eyes of George Johnstone Stoney(e)
  • Marble 11 - Surface area .FACEs via Dali and the Jewish Wailing Wall
  • GOOD Marble 10 - limestone house and Rockerfeller Center/ Happy Rockerfeller
  • GOOD Marble 10 - Woolworth bldg and Goya Colossus Pink Floyd
  • marble 09 - surface area DALI, Woolworth lobby WALL, Wall street journal, Wailing Wall. Pink Floyd
  • marble 08 - Woolworth bldg Tower , Virginia Woolf book, Nikola Tesla wireless Wardencylffe
  • Marble 07 - Lasalle Street marble
  • Marble 06 - Queen of Sheba and Frankenstein Castle atom shell code
  • Marble 05 - marble / metal surfaces and the Woolworth building explained
  • Marble 04 - horizontal air craft carriers and verticle Woolworth's skyscraper container
  • Marble 03 - Mary Shelley explains Frankenstein atomic castle, minus 1 phase, Dirac, Cassius Clay, Korzybski
  • Marble 02 - Woolworth marble and AmTrack cloud chamber tracks
  • Marble 01 - Rockerfeller Center Happy Rockerfeller
  • Science 104 - Marble/stone atomic social communications with DALI surface/ surrealism and Wailing Wall

  • Math equation ----> 
    Rosemary Baby ...
    algebra distributive law equation Baby....
    Bayesian statistics and conditional probability 
    mary = math array & matrices & linear algebra
    Rose--> Rose-einstein-podolsky existential communications bridge

    Math .... 

  • Math 95 - Alex Haley explains Nigeria nose hair roots
  • Math 94 - Disk tracks and Carl Anderson and Matt Anderson
  • Math 93 - Harry Quaractic
  • Math 91 - soybeams bush and corn cob agent Jacob Zuma .... Ixonia cornfield and Linuz corn kernel hosting systems
  • Math 90 - Zuma code of Africa
  • Math 88 - Trigger level CICS
  • Math 86 - Clovis New Mexico ..Clovis library shooting: clo + vision VERSUS Davies scholarship hips/buttocks errrors
  • Math 85 - Measha Wisconsin battle Mesa brains have Valence errors
  • Math 84 - Boston 26 mile computer track
  • Math 83 - Max Planck Time 43 wars reports and Scotland Yard battle of inch
  • Math 81 - Pabst farms Highway 16 To - Toplogy battle---> 1 killed, 6 injured in drive-by shooting in Toulouse, France
  • Math 80 - John von Neumann math battles in Florida
  • Math 79 - Axis of Evil
  • Math 78 - Wronskian differetial , triple integral, inverted page tables
  • Math 77 - amines and branched chain ..hydrocarbon organic molecules and Branch Davidian
  • Math 77 - Emanuel Church math/ calculus .... roof 1st derivative battle
  • Math 75 - Nixon and water Avogadros number
  • Math 73 - Page/Paige Raque inverted pagetable
  • Math 72 - Quadraccci
  • Math 71 - Quadraaci i and dave Nelson
  • Math 70 - Emile Borel Infinit Monkey Theorem trial of Scopes
  • Math 69 - Galilean axes
  • Math 67 - Presient Eisenhower cmplex math numbers with Zbigniew Brzezinski
  • Math 66 - Cosine function messages
  • Math 65 - President Xi complex math power series with Zbig and iXonia cornfield with Double E .. EE Edward Edwards
  • Math 63 - multiplication wars over fetus multipliers
  • Math 62 - X files and Mueller
  • Math 61 - Harry Quadracci and the A B C murders
  • Math 60 - corn kernel hosting system ...Ixonia cornfield and the Invisible man book Iping --> I ping --> Ixonia blg ping death
  • Math 58 - news codes.. Joan of Arc ..arc-cosine
  • Math 55 - President LBJ and theee earth magnetic field
  • Math 54 - atomic display VIA Tombs
  • Math 53 - proton football with math ...... Joe na.MATH
  • Math 51 - BAL WAR and FLU ...Flew airplane Lubitz
  • Math 50 - Borg-Warner automotive and Locutus of Borg .. Star Trek
  • Math 49 - Maxwell demons and Judge Maxwell Wiley / motorcycles
  • Math 47 - Isam and son of Sam
  • Mtah 46 - gravity and Gabby Giffords
  • Math 45 - Gettyesburg address
  • Math 43 - Yanez ez trial: Verdict reached in Philando Castile shooting
  • Math 42 - Milnor number battle in Milwaukee
  • Math 39 - Feedback message Boston back-packs to Grren bay packers Bayesian Packed decimal
  • Math 37 - Galileo Trial Oxygen 1516 and book 1919 K = Potassium October Karl OK
  • Math 34 - Cavendish Labs
  • Math 31- Basic assembler BIO-math and Interrupts and Wait states (KuWait) and CLI
  • Math 30 - operaton Iraqui Freedom IF logicC
  • Math 29 - Set buffer adress news ..SBA small business secrets
  • Math 27 - astronomy Tycho and Dirac ac acetycholine molecule telescopes
  • Math 25 - Waco motorcyle othogonal harley and cosine bio-math
  • Math 23 - 20 Packed decilam cigaretes for 20 amino acids
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  • Milk  ....... bottom line

    Twisted Sister ...DNA and milk THOUGHT protein messages on
    self-awareness  by milk proteins of their geometric structure
    - Wikipedia

    Twisted Sister was an American heavy metal band originally from
    Ho-Ho-Kus, New Jersey, and later based in Long Island, New York
    Holy Cow (sub-continent of India) and the
    Holstein milk dairy cow of William Krause (Watertown Wisconsin year 1953
    with Hilmer Groth milk truck route and neighbors Rolli and Emma Groth) 
    New Jersey milk dairy cow (Protein Platform of existence) and
    New cotton Jersey clothes .....
    later based in Long Island, New York with
    Herb Z. (in Long Island city, Astoria, Queens 1964 ) and
    Lpngboat Key & Sarasota High school  Florida 

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