Monday, November 12, 2018


Z-DNA  .....  vertical sin wives of skyscrapers buildings
and standing humans 

Z ... effort / determination / will power .... with the effort of 
Thomas J.effort  Jefferson  ...... Jefferson  and Fort Atkinson equation
...J   eff + fort  ---.> effort ..thinking and concepts

Z-Ideal ..... the set of integers (Z) forms a ring 
with ordinary addition and ..

Zakim and Boyer  ....  hepatology .... blood liver wars  with Boy Scouts TROOP 43 Watertown and Sam Hengel of the Iron Mountain iron-54  I/O port of Porterfield Troop 1054

Zappa  ..Frank Zappa Bal .....  Baltimore



Zeroes and Poles and Singularities

Zermelo's axion ---> zer(zinser)  and Mel's Garage
..............  OS /JCL

Zin   and muezzin

Zin ..
Zinderella, sinbad the sailor, cinderella

Zinser .. .Karl Zinser ..Kardashian  heist

.... IBM system Z series family ....
...........................Z ser --> Zinser family

Zinser  .......... 2300 block ..... 2338 N.Second Street

King & Hintz garage

Zinjan    ....

Boise Cascade Office Products Announces Acquisition to ...


Zin Circuits   Bender Z

Zinc fingers

Zinc.... galvanization
.........................z nation of
metal  war with  gavin Long
..... 6 cop, 3 killed--> copper 63 

FARMGARD 1/4 Mile 14-Gauge Galvanized Electric Fence Wire ...

Zoellick murdered by EM air wave attacks
.. television / radio air wave attacks ...EM attacks

Zoellick ...Travis 
................  Tra--> Trapezoid  interceptor agent

COMPUTER EARTH systems and agent assignments

human eye(ball) of Zoellick  (IBM bio-optical system Z family)
the  hemoglobin 4 iron atoms b(100)d  100 yards grid iron 

Tammi LaFave and DelaField 

Brett Favre and the foot(ball) FIELD and MIS of Mississippi

Zoellick  ....
Z  order entry parallel expression systems  ...
and Kathryn Stalbaum
trip to the Chicago LOOP to generate a
control systems LOOP database ... 

and the  Knife stab --->
( generates code  K ...  Stability analysis diagram/flowchart ) 

Zoellick  ... travis  --> Tra + vis
--> Traveling vision interceptor agent ....
of Davies scholarship optical failure
(Data + view + society project) failure ....
Trafalgar BATTLE in southeast Wisconsin 

Tra+ Fal + gar -->
Travis & iron Farm tractors  ....
Falk iron gear explosion LU 6.2 ,,,,

Garden fresh foods murder LINk to 
first kinder-garten &
first law of thermodynamics of
kin.....Kinetic energy being reformatted
by Nature's Intellect into usable energy
packages resulting
in the the periodic atomic table 

Zoellick equation ...... ll --> eleven parallels
Chenequa  Oconomowoc algebra DEATH

........equa   O
equation =  O .........

Below, Darwin bio-electron selection
of proper nouns ..

Emmet  Zoellick, Travis (EZT)  –> code –> E ( Z, t) 

Zoellick  ......
system Z & Zoey Brooks DATCP errors
Parallel battles ......
West Street and West Road  ..
West side story of the 
West side of  ferrous/iron 26 Highway 26

a banquet hall located in the 11900 block of South Loomis Street

 hall located in the 11900 block ....

West Pullman parking lot

 hall located in the 11900 block hall located in the 11900 block

Zoellick  piezoelectric ... American Zoetrope
Zoe + trop + earth 

Zoellick   Troop 43  earth ....Watertown Wisconsin

Zoey Brooks 

Zoned decimal wars .... real estate zoning of

(data record ..Buffer Pool) Poolside party becomes
'war zone ..zoned decimal  VS the real state zoning commission' as gunman shoots seven, is killed ...


ZZ top music